/** * @file client.c * * Sample client using the libbemenu. * Also usable as dmenu replacement. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static ptrdiff_t getLine(char **outLine, size_t *outAllocated, FILE *stream) { size_t len = 0, allocated; char *s, *buffer; assert(outLine != NULL); assert(outAllocated != NULL); if (stream == NULL || feof(stream) || ferror(stream)) return -1; allocated = *outAllocated; buffer = *outLine; if (buffer == NULL || allocated == 0) { if (!(buffer = calloc(1, (allocated = 1024) + 1))) return -1; } for (s = buffer;;) { if (fgets(s, allocated - (s - buffer), stream) == NULL) return -1; len = strlen(s); if (feof(stream)) break; if (len > 0 && s[len - 1] == '\n') break; if (len + 1 >= allocated - (s - buffer)) { void *tmp = realloc(buffer, 2 * allocated); if (!tmp) break; buffer = tmp; s = buffer + allocated - 1; memset(s, 0, allocated - (s - buffer)); allocated *= 2; } else { s += len; } } *outAllocated = allocated; *outLine = buffer; if (s[len - 1] == '\n') s[len - 1] = 0; return s - buffer + len; } static void readItemsToMenuFromStdin(bmMenu *menu) { ptrdiff_t len; size_t size; char *line = NULL; while ((len = getLine(&line, &size, stdin)) != -1) { bmItem *item = bmItemNew((len > 0 ? line : NULL)); if (!item) break; bmMenuAddItem(menu, item); } if (line) free(line); } /** * Main method * * This function gives and takes the life of our program. * * @param argc Number of arguments from command line * @param argv Pointer to array of the arguments * @return exit status of the program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc, (void)argv; bmMenu *menu = bmMenuNew(BM_DRAW_MODE_CURSES); if (!menu) return EXIT_FAILURE; bmMenuSetTitle(menu, "bemenu"); readItemsToMenuFromStdin(menu); bmKey key; unsigned int unicode; int status = 0; do { bmMenuRender(menu); key = bmMenuGetKey(menu, &unicode); } while ((status = bmMenuRunWithKey(menu, key, unicode)) == BM_RUN_RESULT_RUNNING); if (status == BM_RUN_RESULT_SELECTED) { bmItem *item = bmMenuGetSelectedItem(menu); printf("%s\n", bmItemGetText(item)); } bmMenuFree(menu); return (status == BM_RUN_RESULT_SELECTED ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); } /* vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 :*/