/** * @file curses.c */ #include "../internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ncurses.h likes to define stuff for us. * This unforunately mangles with our struct. */ #undef erase #undef refresh #undef mvprintw #undef move #undef init_pair #undef attroff #undef attron #undef getmaxx #undef getmaxy #undef timeout static struct curses { void *handle; WINDOW *stdscr; WINDOW* (*initscr)(void); int (*endwin)(void); int (*refresh)(void); int (*erase)(void); int (*get_wch)(wint_t *wch); int (*mvprintw)(int x, int y, const char *fmt, ...); int (*move)(int x, int y); int (*init_pair)(short color, short f, short b); int (*attroff)(int attrs); int (*attron)(int attrs); int (*start_color)(void); int (*getmaxx)(WINDOW *win); int (*getmaxy)(WINDOW *win); int (*keypad)(WINDOW *win, bool bf); int *ESCDELAY; } curses; static void _bmDrawCursesDrawLine(int pair, int y, const char *format, ...) { static int ncols = 0; static char *buffer = NULL; int new_ncols = curses.getmaxx(curses.stdscr); if (new_ncols <= 0) return; if (!buffer || new_ncols > ncols) { if (buffer) free(buffer); ncols = new_ncols; if (!(buffer = calloc(1, ncols + 1))) return; } va_list args; va_start(args, format); int tlen = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, args) + 1; if (tlen > ncols) tlen = ncols; va_end(args); va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(buffer, tlen, format, args); va_end(args); memset(buffer + tlen - 1, ' ', ncols - tlen + 1); if (pair > 0) curses.attron(COLOR_PAIR(pair)); curses.mvprintw(y, 0, buffer); if (pair > 0) curses.attroff(COLOR_PAIR(pair)); } static void _bmDrawCursesRender(const bmMenu *menu) { if (!curses.stdscr) { freopen("/dev/tty", "rw", stdin); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); if ((curses.stdscr = curses.initscr()) == NULL) return; *curses.ESCDELAY = 25; curses.keypad(curses.stdscr, true); curses.start_color(); curses.init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED); curses.init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); } const unsigned int lines = curses.getmaxy(curses.stdscr); curses.erase(); size_t titleLen = (menu->title ? strlen(menu->title) + 1 : 0); _bmDrawCursesDrawLine(0, 0, "%*s%s", titleLen, "", menu->filter); if (menu->title) { curses.attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); curses.mvprintw(0, 0, menu->title); curses.attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } unsigned int i, cl = 1; unsigned int itemsCount; bmItem **items = bmMenuGetFilteredItems(menu, &itemsCount); for (i = (menu->index / (lines - 1)) * (lines - 1); i < itemsCount && cl < lines; ++i) { int selected = (items[i] == bmMenuGetSelectedItem(menu)); _bmDrawCursesDrawLine((selected ? 2 : 0), cl++, "%s%s", (selected ? ">> " : " "), items[i]->text); } curses.move(0, titleLen + menu->cursesCursor); curses.refresh(); } static void _bmDrawCursesEndWin(void) { if (curses.refresh) curses.refresh(); if (curses.endwin) curses.endwin(); curses.stdscr = NULL; } static bmKey _bmDrawCursesGetKey(unsigned int *unicode) { assert(unicode != NULL); *unicode = 0; if (!curses.stdscr) return BM_KEY_NONE; curses.get_wch(unicode); switch (*unicode) { case 16: /* C-p */ case KEY_UP: return BM_KEY_UP; case 14: /* C-n */ case KEY_DOWN: return BM_KEY_DOWN; case 2: /* C-b */ case KEY_LEFT: return BM_KEY_LEFT; case 6: /* C-f */ case KEY_RIGHT: return BM_KEY_RIGHT; case 1: /* C-a */ case KEY_HOME: return BM_KEY_HOME; case 5: /* C-e */ case KEY_END: return BM_KEY_END; case KEY_PPAGE: return BM_KEY_PAGE_UP; case KEY_NPAGE: return BM_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; case 8: /* C-h */ case KEY_BACKSPACE: return BM_KEY_BACKSPACE; case 4: /* C-d */ case KEY_DC: return BM_KEY_DELETE; case 21: return BM_KEY_LINE_DELETE_LEFT; /* C-u */ case 11: return BM_KEY_LINE_DELETE_RIGHT; /* C-k */ case 23: return BM_KEY_WORD_DELETE; /* C-w */ case 9: return BM_KEY_TAB; /* Tab */ case 10: /* Return */ _bmDrawCursesEndWin(); return BM_KEY_RETURN; case 7: /* C-g */ case 27: /* Escape */ _bmDrawCursesEndWin(); return BM_KEY_ESCAPE; default: break; } return BM_KEY_UNICODE; } static void _bmDrawCursesFree(void) { _bmDrawCursesEndWin(); if (curses.handle) dlclose(curses.handle); memset(&curses, 0, sizeof(curses)); } int _bmDrawCursesInit(struct _bmRenderApi *api) { memset(&curses, 0, sizeof(curses)); /* FIXME: hardcoded and not cross-platform */ curses.handle = dlopen("/usr/lib/libncursesw.so.5", RTLD_LAZY); if (!curses.handle) return 0; #define bmLoadFunction(x) (curses.x = dlsym(curses.handle, #x)) if (!bmLoadFunction(initscr)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(endwin)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(refresh)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(get_wch)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(erase)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(mvprintw)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(move)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(init_pair)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(attroff)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(attron)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(start_color)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(getmaxx)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(getmaxy)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(keypad)) goto function_pointer_exception; if (!bmLoadFunction(ESCDELAY)) goto function_pointer_exception; #undef bmLoadFunction api->getKey = _bmDrawCursesGetKey; api->render = _bmDrawCursesRender; api->free = _bmDrawCursesFree; return 1; function_pointer_exception: _bmDrawCursesFree(); return 0; } /* vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 :*/