#define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include <wchar.h> /* wcswidth */ #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE #include "internal.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> /** * Portable strdup. * * @param string C "string" to copy. * @return Copy of the given C "string". */ char* bm_strdup(const char *string) { assert(string); size_t len = strlen(string); if (len == 0) return NULL; void *copy = calloc(1, len + 1); if (copy == NULL) return NULL; return (char *)memcpy(copy, string, len); } /** * Small wrapper around realloc. * Resizes the buffer. * * @param in_out_buffer Reference to the input buffer that will be modified on succesful resize. * @param in_out_size Current buffer size, will be modified with new size on succesful resize. * @param nsize New size to resize the buffer to. * @return true for succesful resize, false for failure. */ bool bm_resize_buffer(char **in_out_buffer, size_t *in_out_size, size_t nsize) { assert(in_out_buffer && in_out_size); if (nsize == 0 || nsize <= *in_out_size) return false; void *tmp; if (!(tmp = realloc(*in_out_buffer, nsize))) return false; *in_out_buffer = tmp; *in_out_size = nsize; return true; } /** * Formatted printf that returns allocated char array. * * @param fmt Format as C "string". * @return Copy of the formatted C "string". */ char* bm_dprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { assert(fmt); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args) + 1; va_end(args); char *buffer; if (!(buffer = calloc(1, len))) return NULL; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buffer, len, fmt, args); va_end(args); return buffer; } /** * Formatted printf that reuses and grows buffer when neccessary. * * @param in_out_buffer Reference to buffer that holds the new formatted text. * @param in_out_len Reference to the length of current buffer and outs as resized length. * @param fmt Format as C "string". * @param va_list Argument list. * @return true if successful, false if failure. */ bool bm_vrprintf(char **in_out_buffer, size_t *in_out_len, const char *fmt, va_list args) { assert(in_out_buffer && in_out_len && fmt); va_list copy; va_copy(copy, args); size_t len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args) + 1; if ((!*in_out_buffer || *in_out_len < len) && !bm_resize_buffer(in_out_buffer, in_out_len, len)) return false; vsnprintf(*in_out_buffer, len, fmt, copy); va_end(copy); return true; } /** * Replaces next token in string with '\0' and returns position for the replaced token. * * @param string C "string" where token will be replaced. * @param out_next Reference to position of next delimiter, or 0 if none. * @return Position of the replaced token. */ size_t bm_strip_token(char *string, const char *token, size_t *out_next) { size_t len = strcspn(string, token); if (out_next) *out_next = len + (string[len] != 0); string[len] = 0; return len; } /** * Portable case-insensitive strcmp. * * @param hay C "string" to match against. * @param needle C "string" to match. * @return Less than, equal to or greater than zero if hay is lexicographically less than, equal to or greater than needle. */ int bm_strupcmp(const char *hay, const char *needle) { return bm_strnupcmp(hay, needle, strlen(hay)); } /** * Portable case-insensitive strncmp. * * @param hay C "string" to match against. * @param needle C "string" to match. * @return Less than, equal to or greater than zero if hay is lexicographically less than, equal to or greater than needle. */ int bm_strnupcmp(const char *hay, const char *needle, size_t len) { const unsigned char *p1 = (const unsigned char*)hay; const unsigned char *p2 = (const unsigned char*)needle; unsigned char a = 0, b = 0; for (size_t i = 0; len > 0; --len, ++i) if ((a = toupper(*p1++)) != (b = toupper(*p2++))) return a - b; return a - b; } /** * Portable case-insensitive strstr. * * @param hay C "string" to substring against. * @param needle C "string" to substring. */ char* bm_strupstr(const char *hay, const char *needle) { size_t r = 0, p = 0, len, len2; if ((len = strlen(hay)) < (len2 = strlen(needle))) return NULL; if (!bm_strnupcmp(hay, needle, len2)) return (char*)hay; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (p == len2) return (char*)hay + r; if (toupper(hay[i]) == toupper(needle[p++])) { if (!r) r = i; } else { if (r) i = r; r = p = 0; } } return (p == len2 ? (char*)hay + r : NULL); } /** * Determite columns needed to display UTF8 string. * * @param string C "string" to determite. * @return Number of columns, or -1 on failure. */ int32_t bm_utf8_string_screen_width(const char *string) { assert(string); char *mstr; if (!(mstr = bm_strdup(string))) return strlen(string); char *s; for (s = mstr; *s; ++s) if (*s == '\t') *s = ' '; int num_char = mbstowcs(NULL, mstr, 0) + 1; wchar_t *wstring = malloc((num_char + 1) * sizeof (wstring[0])); if (mbstowcs(wstring, mstr, num_char) == (size_t)(-1)) { free(wstring); int len = strlen(mstr); free(mstr); return len; } int32_t length = wcswidth(wstring, num_char); free(wstring); free(mstr); return length; } /** * Figure out how many bytes to shift to next UTF8 rune. * * @param string C "string" which contains the runes. * @param start Offset where to figure out next rune. (cursor) * @return Number of bytes to next UTF8 rune. */ size_t bm_utf8_rune_next(const char *string, size_t start) { assert(string); size_t len = strlen(string), i = start; if (len == 0 || len <= i || !*string) return 0; while (++i < len && (string[i] & 0xc0) == 0x80); return i - start; } /** * Figure out how many bytes to shift to previous UTF8 rune. * * @param string C "string" which contains the runes. * @param start Offset where to figure out previous rune. (cursor) * @return Number of bytes to previous UTF8 rune. */ size_t bm_utf8_rune_prev(const char *string, size_t start) { assert(string); size_t len = strlen(string), i = start; if (i == 0 || len < start || !*string) return 0; while (--i > 0 && (string[i] & 0xc0) == 0x80); return start - i; } /** * Figure out how many columns are needed to display UTF8 rune. * * @param rune Buffer which contains the rune. * @param u8len Byte length of the rune. * @return Number of columns, or -1 on failure. */ size_t bm_utf8_rune_width(const char *rune, uint32_t u8len) { assert(rune); char mb[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; memcpy(mb, rune, (u8len > 4 ? 4 : u8len)); return bm_utf8_string_screen_width(mb); } /** * Remove previous UTF8 rune from buffer. * * @param string Null terminated C "string". * @param start Start offset where to delete from. (cursor) * @param out_rune_width Reference to size_t, return number of columns for removed rune, or -1 on failure. * @return Number of bytes removed from buffer. */ size_t bm_utf8_rune_remove(char *string, size_t start, size_t *out_rune_width) { assert(string); if (out_rune_width) *out_rune_width = 0; size_t len = strlen(string), oldStart = start; if (len == 0 || len < start || !*string) return 0; start -= bm_utf8_rune_prev(string, start); if (out_rune_width) *out_rune_width = bm_utf8_rune_width(string + start, oldStart - start); memmove(string + start, string + oldStart, len - oldStart); string[len - (oldStart - start)] = 0; return (oldStart - start); } /** * Insert UTF8 rune to buffer. * * @param in_out_string Reference to buffer. * @param in_out_buf_size Reference to size of the buffer. * @param start Start offset where to insert to. (cursor) * @param rune Buffer to insert to string. * @param u8len Byte length of the rune. * @param out_rune_width Reference to size_t, return number of columns for inserted rune, or -1 on failure. * @return Number of bytes inserted to buffer. */ size_t bm_utf8_rune_insert(char **in_out_string, size_t *in_out_buf_size, size_t start, const char *rune, uint32_t u8len, size_t *out_rune_width) { assert(in_out_string); assert(in_out_buf_size); if (out_rune_width) *out_rune_width = 0; if (u8len == 1 && !isprint(*rune)) return 0; size_t len = (*in_out_string ? strlen(*in_out_string) : 0); if (!*in_out_string && !(*in_out_string = calloc(1, (*in_out_buf_size = u8len + 1)))) return 0; if (len + u8len >= *in_out_buf_size) { void *tmp; if (!(tmp = realloc(*in_out_string, (*in_out_buf_size * 2)))) { if (!(tmp = malloc((*in_out_buf_size * 2)))) return 0; memcpy(tmp, *in_out_string, *in_out_buf_size); free(*in_out_string); } memset(tmp + *in_out_buf_size, 0, *in_out_buf_size); *in_out_string = tmp; *in_out_buf_size *= 2; } char *str = *in_out_string + start; memmove(str + u8len, str, len - start); memcpy(str, rune, u8len); (*in_out_string)[len + u8len] = 0; if (out_rune_width) *out_rune_width = bm_utf8_rune_width(rune, u8len); return u8len; } /** * Insert unicode character to UTF8 buffer. * * @param in_out_string Reference to buffer. * @param in_out_buf_size Reference to size of the buffer. * @param start Start offset where to insert to. (cursor) * @param unicode Unicode character to insert. * @param out_rune_width Reference to size_t, return number of columns for inserted rune, or -1 on failure. * @return Number of bytes inserted to buffer. */ size_t bm_unicode_insert(char **in_out_string, size_t *in_out_buf_size, size_t start, uint32_t unicode, size_t *out_rune_width) { assert(in_out_string && in_out_buf_size); uint8_t u8len = ((unicode < 0x80) ? 1 : ((unicode < 0x800) ? 2 : ((unicode < 0x10000) ? 3 : 4))); char mb[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (u8len == 1) { mb[0] = unicode; } else { size_t j; for (j = u8len; j > 1; --j) mb[j - 1] = 0x80 | (0x3F & (unicode >> ((u8len - j) * 6))); mb[0] = (uint8_t)(~0) << (8 - u8len); mb[0] |= (unicode >> (u8len * 6 - 6)); } return bm_utf8_rune_insert(in_out_string, in_out_buf_size, start, mb, u8len, out_rune_width); } /* vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 :*/