path: root/omega/code_gen/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'omega/code_gen/src/')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/omega/code_gen/src/ b/omega/code_gen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f9286f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/code_gen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ generate pseudo string code
+ Notes:
+ There is no need to check illegal NULL parameter and throw invalid_argument
+ in other IR interface implementation. They are for debugging purpose.
+ intMod implements modular function that returns positve remainder no matter
+ lop is postive or nagative and rop is guranteed to be positive here.
+ History:
+ 04/17/96 - Lei Zhou - created
+ 08/31/09 add parenthesis to string operands, Chun Chen
+#include <code_gen/CG_stringBuilder.h>
+#include <code_gen/codegen_error.h>
+#include <basic/util.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+namespace {
+std::string SafeguardString(const std::string &s, char op) {
+ int len = s.length();
+ int paren_level = 0;
+ int num_plusminus = 0;
+ int num_mul = 0;
+ int num_div = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ switch (s[i]) {
+ case '(':
+ paren_level++;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ paren_level--;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ if (paren_level == 0)
+ num_plusminus++;
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ if (paren_level == 0)
+ num_mul++;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if (paren_level == 0)
+ num_div++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ bool need_paren = false;
+ switch (op) {
+ case '-':
+ if (num_plusminus > 0)
+ need_paren = true;
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ if (num_plusminus > 0 || num_div > 0)
+ need_paren = true;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if (num_plusminus > 0 || num_div > 0 || num_mul > 0)
+ need_paren = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (need_paren)
+ return "(" + s + ")";
+ else
+ return s;
+std::string GetIndentSpaces(int indent) {
+ std::string indentStr;
+ for (int i = 1; i < indent; i++) {
+ indentStr += " ";
+ }
+ return indentStr;
+// A shortcut to extract the string enclosed in the CG_outputRepr and delete
+// the original holder.
+std::string GetString(omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) {
+ std::string result = static_cast<omega::CG_stringRepr *>(repr)->GetString();
+ delete repr;
+ return result;
+namespace omega {
+// Class: CG_stringBuilder
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &vars,
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const {
+ std::string listStr = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
+ if (subs[i] == NULL)
+ listStr += "N/A";
+ else
+ listStr += GetString(subs[i]);
+ if (i < subs.size() - 1)
+ listStr += ",";
+ }
+ std::string stmtName = GetString(stmt);
+ std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(indentStr + stmtName + "(" + listStr + ");\n");
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateAssignment(int indent,
+ CG_outputRepr *lhs,
+ CG_outputRepr *rhs) const {
+ if (lhs == NULL || rhs == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing lhs or rhs in assignment");
+ std::string lhsStr = GetString(lhs);
+ std::string rhsStr = GetString(rhs);
+ std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(indentStr + lhsStr + "=" + rhsStr + ";\n");
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName,
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &list) const {
+ std::string listStr = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+ listStr += GetString(list[i]);
+ if ( i < list.size()-1)
+ listStr += ",";
+ }
+ return new CG_stringRepr(funcName + "(" + listStr + ")");
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateComment(int indent, const std::string &commentText) const {
+ if (commentText == std::string("")) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(indentStr + "// " + commentText + "\n");
+CG_stringRepr* CG_stringBuilder::CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
+ const std::string &commentText) const {
+ if (commentText == std::string("")) {
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *> (control);
+ }
+ std::string controlString = GetString(control);
+ return new CG_stringRepr("// " + commentText + "\n" + controlString);
+CG_outputRepr* CG_stringBuilder::CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &pragmaText) const {
+ // -- Not Implemented
+ return scopeStmt;
+CG_outputRepr* CG_stringBuilder::CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr* scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string& arrName, int hint) const {
+ // -- Not Implemented
+ return scopeStmt;
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr *guardList,
+ CG_outputRepr *true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr *false_stmtList) const {
+ if (guardList == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing if condition");
+ if (true_stmtList == NULL && false_stmtList == NULL) {
+ delete guardList;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ std::string guardListStr = GetString(guardList);
+ std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
+ std::string s;
+ if (true_stmtList != NULL && false_stmtList == NULL) {
+ s = indentStr + "if (" + guardListStr + ") {\n"
+ + GetString(true_stmtList)
+ + indentStr + "}\n";
+ }
+ else if (true_stmtList == NULL && false_stmtList != NULL) {
+ s = indentStr + "if !(" + guardListStr + ") {\n"
+ + GetString(false_stmtList)
+ + indentStr + "}\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = indentStr + "if (" + guardListStr + ") {\n"
+ + GetString(true_stmtList)
+ + indentStr + "}\n"
+ + indentStr + "else {\n"
+ + GetString(false_stmtList)
+ + indentStr + "}\n";
+ }
+ return new CG_stringRepr(s);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
+ CG_outputRepr *lower, CG_outputRepr *upper,
+ CG_outputRepr *step) const {
+ if (index == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop index");
+ if (lower == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop lower bound");
+ if (upper == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop upper bound");
+ if (step == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop step size");
+ std::string indexStr = GetString(index);
+ std::string lowerStr = GetString(lower);
+ std::string upperStr = GetString(upper);
+ std::string doStr = "for(" + indexStr + " = " + lowerStr + "; "
+ + indexStr + " <= " + upperStr + "; "
+ + indexStr;
+ std::string stepStr = GetString(step);
+ if (stepStr == to_string(1))
+ doStr += "++";
+ else
+ doStr += " += " + stepStr;
+ doStr += ")";
+ return new CG_stringRepr(doStr);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr *control,
+ CG_outputRepr *stmtList) const {
+ if (stmtList == NULL) {
+ delete control;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (control == NULL)
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(stmtList);
+ std::string ctrlStr = GetString(control);
+ std::string stmtStr = GetString(stmtList);
+ std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
+ std::string s = indentStr + ctrlStr + " {\n"
+ + stmtStr
+ + indentStr + "}\n";
+ return new CG_stringRepr(s);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateInt(int num) const {
+ std::string s = to_string(num);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(s);
+bool CG_stringBuilder::isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const {
+ char * cstr;
+ std::string s = GetString(op);
+ cstr = new char [s.size()+1];
+ strcpy (cstr, s.c_str());
+ int count = 0;
+ while(cstr[count] != '\n' && cstr[count] != '\0' )
+ if( !isdigit(cstr[count]))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const {
+ if (varName == std::string("")) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return new CG_stringRepr(varName);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL) {
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(lop);
+ }
+ else if (lop == NULL) {
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(rop);
+ }
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + "+" + ropStr);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL) {
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(lop);
+ }
+ else if (lop == NULL) {
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr("-" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '-'));
+ }
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + "-" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '-'));
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
+ delete rop;
+ delete lop;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(SafeguardString(lopStr, '*') + "*" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '*'));
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateDivide(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL)
+ throw codegen_error("integer division by zero");
+ else if (lop == NULL) {
+ delete rop;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(SafeguardString(lopStr, '/') + "/" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '/'));
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL)
+ throw codegen_error("integer division by zero");
+ else if (lop == NULL) {
+ delete rop;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr("intFloor(" + lopStr + "," + ropStr + ")");
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL)
+ throw codegen_error("integer modulo by zero");
+ else if (lop == NULL) {
+ delete rop;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr("intMod(" + lopStr + "," + ropStr + ")");
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIntegerCeil(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == 0)
+ throw codegen_error("integer ceiling by zero");
+ else if (lop == NULL) {
+ delete rop;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr("intCeil(" + lopStr + "," + ropStr + ")");
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL)
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(lop);
+ else if (lop == NULL)
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(rop);
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " && " + ropStr);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateGE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing operand in greater than equal comparison condition");
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " >= " + ropStr);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateLE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing operand in less than equal comparison condition");
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " <= " + ropStr);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
+ if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("missing operand in equal comparison condition");
+ std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
+ std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " == " + ropStr);
+CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1, CG_outputRepr *list2) const {
+ if (list2 == NULL) {
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(list1);
+ }
+ else if (list1 == NULL) {
+ return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(list2);
+ }
+ std::string list1Str = GetString(list1);
+ std::string list2Str = GetString(list2);
+ return new CG_stringRepr(list1Str + list2Str);