path: root/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Rel_map.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Rel_map.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Rel_map.h b/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Rel_map.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5641cb3..0000000
--- a/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Rel_map.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#if ! defined _Rel_map_h
-#define _Rel_map_h 1
-#include <omega/pres_gen.h>
-#include <omega/pres_var.h>
-namespace omega {
-// Mapping for relations
-// When a relation operation needs to re-arrange the variables,
-// it describes the re-arragement with a mapping, and then calls
-// align to re-arrange them.
-// In a mapping, map_in (map_out/map_set) gives the new type and
-// position of each of the old input (output/set) variables.
-// For variables being mapped to Input, Output, or Set variables,
-// the position is the new position in the tuple.
-// For variables being mapped to Exists_Var, Forall_Var, or
-// Wildcard_Var, the positions can be used to map multiple
-// variables to the same quantified variable, by providing
-// the same position. Each variable with a negative position
-// is given a unique quantified variable that is NOT listed
-// in the seen_exists_ids list.
-// I'm not sure what the positions mean for Global_Vars - perhaps
-// they are ignored?
-// Currently, align seems to support only mapping to Set, Input,
-// Output, and Exists vars.
-class Mapping {
- inline Mapping(int no_in, int no_out): n_input(no_in), n_output(no_out) {}
- inline Mapping(int no_set): n_input(no_set), n_output(0){}
- inline Mapping(const Mapping &m): n_input(m.n_input), n_output(m.n_output) {
- int i;
- for(i=1; i<=n_input; i++) map_in_kind[i] = m.map_in_kind[i];
- for(i=1; i<=n_input; i++) map_in_pos[i] = m.map_in_pos[i];
- for(i=1; i<=n_output;i++) map_out_kind[i] = m.map_out_kind[i];
- for(i=1; i<=n_output;i++) map_out_pos[i] = m.map_out_pos[i];
- }
- inline void set_map (Var_Kind in_kind, int pos, Var_Kind type, int map) {
- if(in_kind==Input_Var)
- set_map_in(pos,type,map);
- else if(in_kind==Set_Var)
- set_map_in(pos,type,map);
- else if(in_kind==Output_Var)
- set_map_out(pos,type,map);
- else
- assert(0);
- }
- inline void set_map_in (int pos, Var_Kind type, int map) {
- assert(pos>=1 && pos<=n_input);
- map_in_kind[pos] = type;
- map_in_pos[pos] = map;
- }
- inline void set_map_set (int pos, Var_Kind type, int map) {
- assert(pos>=1 && pos<=n_input);
- map_in_kind[pos] = type;
- map_in_pos[pos] = map;
- }
- inline void set_map_out(int pos, Var_Kind type, int map) {
- assert(pos>=1 && pos<=n_output);
- map_out_kind[pos] = type;
- map_out_pos[pos] = map;
- }
- inline Var_Kind get_map_in_kind(int pos) const {
- assert(pos>=1 && pos<=n_input);
- return map_in_kind[pos];
- }
- inline int get_map_in_pos(int pos) const {
- assert(pos>=1 && pos<=n_input);
- return map_in_pos[pos];
- }
- inline Var_Kind get_map_out_kind(int pos) const {
- assert(pos>=1 && pos<=n_output);
- return map_out_kind[pos];
- }
- inline int get_map_out_pos(int pos) const {
- assert(pos>=1 && pos<=n_output);
- return map_out_pos[pos];
- }
- inline int n_in() const { return n_input; }
- inline int n_out() const { return n_output; }
- // If a tuple as a whole becomes the new Input or Output tuple,
- // return the Tuple of they will become (Input, Output)
- // Return Unknown_Tuple otherwise
- inline Argument_Tuple get_tuple_fate(Argument_Tuple t, int prefix = -1) const {
- return t== Input_Tuple ? get_input_fate(prefix) :
- (t==Output_Tuple ? get_output_fate(prefix) : Unknown_Tuple); }
- inline Argument_Tuple get_set_fate(int prefix = -1) const {
- return get_input_fate(prefix); }
- inline Argument_Tuple get_input_fate(int prefix = -1) const {
- if (prefix < 0) prefix = n_input;
- assert(n_input >= prefix);
- if (n_input < prefix)
- return Unknown_Tuple;
- Var_Kind vf = map_in_kind[1];
- for (int i = 1; i<=prefix; i++)
- if (map_in_pos[i]!=i || map_in_kind[i]!=vf)
- return Unknown_Tuple;
- return vf == Input_Var ? Input_Tuple
- : vf == Set_Var ? Set_Tuple
- : vf == Output_Var ? Output_Tuple
- : Unknown_Tuple;
- }
- inline Argument_Tuple get_output_fate(int prefix = -1) const {
- if (prefix < 0) prefix = n_output;
- assert(n_output >= prefix);
- if (n_output < 1)
- return Unknown_Tuple;
- Var_Kind vf = map_out_kind[1];
- for (int i = 1; i<=prefix; i++)
- if (map_out_pos[i]!=i || map_out_kind[i]!=vf)
- return Unknown_Tuple;
- return vf == Input_Var ? Input_Tuple
- : vf == Set_Var ? Set_Tuple
- : vf == Output_Var ? Output_Tuple
- : Unknown_Tuple;
- }
- inline static Mapping Identity(int inp, int outp) {
- Mapping m(inp, outp); int i;
- for(i=1; i<=m.n_input; i++) m.set_map(Input_Var, i, Input_Var, i);
- for(i=1; i<=m.n_output;i++) m.set_map(Output_Var, i, Output_Var, i);
- return m;
- }
- inline static Mapping Identity(int setvars) {
- Mapping m(setvars); int i;
- for(i=1; i<=setvars; i++) m.set_map(Set_Var, i, Set_Var, i);
- return m;
- }
- int n_input;
- int n_output;
- Var_Kind map_in_kind[maxVars];
- int map_in_pos[maxVars];
- Var_Kind map_out_kind[maxVars];
- int map_out_pos[maxVars];
-} // namespace