path: root/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/pres_conj.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/pres_conj.h')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/pres_conj.h b/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/pres_conj.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea10a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/pres_conj.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+#if ! defined _pres_conj_h
+#define _pres_conj_h 1
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <omega/pres_decl.h>
+#include <omega/pres_logic.h>
+#include <omega/pres_cnstr.h>
+namespace omega {
+// Conjunct
+// About variables in Conjunct:
+// All varaibles appear in exactly one declaration.
+// All variables used in Conjunct are referenced in mappedVars.
+// Wildcard variables are referenced both in mappedVars and in myLocals,
+// since they are declared in the conjunct.
+// All other variables are declared at the levels above.
+// Column number is:
+// in forwardingAddress in Problem if variablesInitialized is set,
+// equal to position of Variable_ID in mappedVars list otherwise.
+class Conjunct : public F_Declaration {
+ Constraint_Iterator constraints();
+ Variable_ID_Tuple *variables();
+ EQ_Iterator EQs();
+ GEQ_Iterator GEQs();
+ inline int n_EQs() { return problem->nEQs; }
+ inline int n_GEQs() { return problem->nGEQs; }
+ void promise_that_ub_solutions_exist(Relation &R);
+ inline Node_Type node_type() {return Op_Conjunct;}
+ inline int is_true() {return problem->nEQs==0 && problem->nGEQs==0
+ && exact;}
+ void query_difference(Variable_ID v1, Variable_ID v2,
+ coef_t &lowerBound, coef_t &upperBound, bool &guaranteed);
+ void query_variable_bounds(Variable_ID v, coef_t &lowerBound, coef_t &upperBound);
+ coef_t query_variable_mod(Variable_ID v, coef_t factor);
+ bool query_variable_used(Variable_ID v);
+ int countNonzeros() const {
+ int numberNZs;
+ coef_t maxCoef, SumAbsCoef;
+ problem->difficulty(numberNZs,maxCoef,SumAbsCoef);
+ return numberNZs;
+ }
+ void difficulty(int &numberNZs, coef_t &maxCoef, coef_t &SumAbsCoef) const {
+ problem->difficulty(numberNZs,maxCoef,SumAbsCoef);
+ }
+ int query_guaranteed_leading_0s() {
+ count_leading_0s();
+ return guaranteed_leading_0s;
+ }
+ int query_possible_leading_0s() {
+ count_leading_0s();
+ return possible_leading_0s;
+ }
+ int query_leading_dir() {
+ count_leading_0s();
+ return leading_dir;
+ }
+ void calculate_dimensions(Relation &R, int &ndim_all, int &ndim_domain);
+ int max_ufs_arity_of_set();
+ int max_ufs_arity_of_in();
+ int max_ufs_arity_of_out();
+ int rank();
+ ~Conjunct();
+ bool is_unknown() const;
+ inline bool is_exact() const { return exact;}
+ inline bool is_inexact() const { return !exact;}
+ inline void make_inexact() { exact=false;}
+#if ! defined NDEBUG
+ void assert_leading_info();
+ void assert_leading_info() {}
+ void print(FILE *output_file);
+ void prefix_print(FILE *output_file, int debug = 1);
+ std::string print_to_string(int true_printed);
+ std::string print_EQ_to_string(eqn *e) { return problem->print_EQ_to_string(e); }
+ std::string print_GEQ_to_string(eqn *e) { return problem->print_GEQ_to_string(e); }
+ std::string print_EQ_to_string(int e)
+ { return problem->print_EQ_to_string(&(problem->EQs[e])); }
+ std::string print_GEQ_to_string(int e)
+ { return problem->print_GEQ_to_string(&(problem->GEQs[e])); }
+ std::string print_term_to_string(eqn *e) { return problem->print_term_to_string(e,1); }
+ std::string print_EQ_term_to_string(int e)
+ { return problem->print_term_to_string(&(problem->EQs[e]),1); }
+ std::string print_GEQ_term_to_string(int e)
+ { return problem->print_term_to_string(&(problem->GEQs[e]),1); }
+ std::string print_sub_to_string(int col) { return problem->print_sub_to_string(col); }
+ inline void interpret_unknown_as_true() { exact=true;}
+ friend Relation approx_closure(NOT_CONST Relation &r, int n);
+ virtual Conjunct *really_conjunct();
+ // create new constraints with all co-efficients 0
+ // These are public in F_And, use them from there.
+ EQ_Handle add_stride(int step, int preserves_level = 0);
+ EQ_Handle add_EQ(int preserves_level = 0);
+ GEQ_Handle add_GEQ(int preserves_level = 0);
+ EQ_Handle add_EQ(const Constraint_Handle &c, int preserves_level = 0);
+ GEQ_Handle add_GEQ(const Constraint_Handle &c, int preserves_level = 0);
+ friend class GEQ_Handle;
+ friend class EQ_Handle;
+ friend class Sub_Handle;
+ friend class Constraint_Handle;
+ friend class Constraint_Iterator;
+ friend class GEQ_Iterator;
+ friend class EQ_Iterator;
+ friend class Sub_Iterator;
+ friend class Constr_Vars_Iter;
+ bool can_add_child();
+ void remap();
+ void beautify();
+ DNF* DNFize();
+ int priority();
+ virtual Conjunct *find_available_conjunct();
+ void finalize();
+ friend class DNF;
+ Conjunct();
+ Conjunct(Conjunct &);
+ Conjunct(Formula *, Rel_Body *);
+ friend class Formula; // add_conjunct (a private function) creates Conjuncts
+ friend class F_Not;
+ friend class F_Or;
+ // class F_And; is a friend below
+ Variable_ID declare(Const_String s);
+ Variable_ID declare();
+ Variable_ID declare(Variable_ID v);
+ friend const char *get_var_name(unsigned int, void *);
+ void push_exists(Variable_ID_Tuple &S);
+ int get_column(Variable_ID);
+ int find_column(Variable_ID);
+ int map_to_column(Variable_ID);
+ void combine_columns();
+ void reorder();
+ void reorder_for_print(bool reverseOrder=false,
+ int first_pass_input=0,
+ int first_pass_output=0,
+ bool sort=false);
+ friend void remap_DNF_vars(Rel_Body *new_rel, Rel_Body *old_rel);
+ void localize_var(Variable_ID D);
+ // this creates variables in conjuncts for us:
+ friend int new_WC(Conjunct *nc, Problem *np);
+ void move_UFS_to_input();
+ void count_leading_0s();
+ void invalidate_leading_info(int changed = -1);
+ void enforce_leading_info(int guaranteed, int possible, int dir);
+ void reverse_leading_dir_info();
+ void rm_color_constrs();
+ inline int N_protected() { return problem->safeVars; }
+ void ordered_elimination(int symLen) { problem->ordered_elimination(symLen);}
+ void convertEQstoGEQs(bool excludeStrides);
+ int cost();
+ inline Formula* copy(Formula *parent, Rel_Body *reln)
+ { return copy_conj_diff_relation(parent,reln); }
+ Conjunct* copy_conj_diff_relation(Formula *parent, Rel_Body *reln);
+ inline Conjunct* copy_conj_same_relation()
+ { return copy_conj_diff_relation(&(parent()), relation()); }
+ friend void internal_copy_conjunct(Conjunct* to, Conjunct* fr);
+ friend void copy_constraint(Constraint_Handle H,
+ const Constraint_Handle initial);
+ // The core function of "evac.c" does lots of work with conjuncts:
+ friend bool check_subseq_n(Conjunct *c, Sequence<Variable_ID> &evac_from, Sequence<Variable_ID> &evac_to, int n_from, int n_to, int max_arity, int n, bool allow_offset);
+ friend void assert_subbed_syms(Conjunct *c);
+ friend bool check_affine(Conjunct *d, Sequence<Variable_ID> &evac_from, Sequence<Variable_ID> &evac_to, int n_from, int n_to, int max_arity);
+ friend evac study(Conjunct *C, Sequence<Variable_ID> &evac_from, Sequence<Variable_ID> &evac_to, int n_from, int n_to, int max_arity);
+ // The relational ops tend to do lots of demented things to Conjuncts:
+ friend class Rel_Body;
+ friend_rel_ops;
+ // F_And sometimes absorbs conjuncts
+ friend class F_And;
+ // Various DNFize functions also get a the problem:
+ friend DNF* conj_and_not_dnf(Conjunct *pos_conj, DNF *neg_conjs, bool weak);
+ friend class F_Exists;
+ // Substitutions are a wrapper around a low-level Problem operation
+ friend class Substitutions;
+ // private functions to call problem functions
+ int simplifyProblem();
+ int simplifyProblem(int verify, int subs, int redundantElimination);
+ int redSimplifyProblem(int effort, int computeGist);
+ friend int simplify_conj(Conjunct* conj, int ver_sim, int elim_red, int color);
+ friend DNF* negate_conj(Conjunct* conj);
+ friend Conjunct* merge_conjs(Conjunct* conj1, Conjunct* conj2,
+ Merge_Action action, Rel_Body *body = 0);
+ friend void copy_conj_header(Conjunct* to, Conjunct* fr);
+ // === at last, the data ===
+ Variable_ID_Tuple mappedVars;
+ int n_open_constraints;
+ bool cols_ordered;
+ bool simplified;
+ bool verified;
+ int guaranteed_leading_0s; // -1 if unknown
+ int possible_leading_0s; // -1 if unknown
+ int leading_dir; // 0 if unknown, else +/- 1
+ int leading_dir_valid_and_known();
+ bool exact;
+ short r_constrs; // are redundant constraints eliminated?
+ Problem *problem;
+ bool is_compressed();
+ void compress();
+ void uncompress();
+ friend class Comp_Problem;
+ Comp_Problem *comp_problem;
+/* === Misc. problem manipulation utilities === */
+const int CantBeNegated = INT_MAX-10;
+const int AvoidNegating = INT_MAX-11;
+void copy_column(Problem *tp, int to_col,
+ Problem *fp, int fr_col,
+ int start_EQ, int start_GEQ);
+void zero_column(Problem *tp, int to_col,
+ int start_EQ, int start_GEQ,
+ int no_EQs, int no_GEQs);
+} // namespace