From eb1ab91e1a12520d825cae60ee49655a0e8c4b94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tuowen Zhao <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 08:51:47 -0600
Subject: Node cleanup

 CMakeLists.txt                    |   4 +
 include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh  |  23 +++-
 include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh | 196 ++++------------------------
 include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh     |  13 --
 src/ast/node.cpp                  | 263 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/                  | 191 ++-------------------------
 src/printer/cfamily.cpp           |  11 +-
 src/printer/dump.cpp              |   1 -
 8 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 375 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/ast/node.cpp

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 284599f..5d6a26b 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ set(CORE_SRC
+        )
+        src/ast/node.cpp
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ add_executable(chill
+        ${AST_CHILL_SRC}
diff --git a/include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh b/include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh
index f336e14..4ec60aa 100644
--- a/include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh
+++ b/include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ enum CHILLAST_NODE_TYPE {
   //  CHILLAST_NODE_PARMVARDECL,   not used any more
   CHILLAST_NODE_RECORDDECL,     // struct or union (or class)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ enum CHILLAST_NODE_TYPE {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ enum CHILLAST_NODE_TYPE {
   CHILLAST_NODE_PREPROCESSING, // comments, #define, #include, whatever else works
   // CUDA specific
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ char *splitTypeInfo(char *underlyingtype);
 //! change "1024UL" to "1024"
 char *ulhack(char *brackets);
 //! remove __restrict__ , MODIFIES the argument!
 char *restricthack(char *typeinfo);
@@ -106,8 +107,10 @@ extern const char *ChillAST_Node_Names[];  // WARNING MUST BE KEPT IN SYNC WITH
 // fwd declarations
 //! the generic node, who specific types are derived from
 class chillAST_Node;
 //! empty node
 class chillAST_NULL;
 //! ast for an entire source file (translationunit)
 class chillAST_SourceFile;
@@ -120,15 +123,19 @@ class chillAST_FunctionDecl;
 //! structs and unions (and classes?)
 class chillAST_RecordDecl;
 class chillAST_MacroDefinition;
 //! A sequence of statements
 class chillAST_CompoundStmt;
 //! a For LOOP
 class chillAST_ForStmt;
 class chillAST_UnaryOperator;
 class chillAST_BinaryOperator;
 class chillAST_TernaryOperator;
 class chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr;
@@ -169,6 +176,7 @@ class chillAST_CudaFree;
 class chillAST_CudaMemcpy;
+// Not implemented
 class chillAST_CudaKernelCall;
 class chillAST_CudaSyncthreads;
@@ -180,20 +188,21 @@ typedef std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> chillAST_SymbolTable;
 typedef std::vector<chillAST_TypedefDecl *> chillAST_TypedefTable;
 chillAST_VarDecl *symbolTableFindName(chillAST_SymbolTable *table, const char *name);
 chillAST_VarDecl *symbolTableFindVariableNamed(chillAST_SymbolTable *table,
                                                const char *name);
-chillAST_TypedefDecl *typedefTableFindName(chillAST_TypedefTable *table, const char *name);
-void printSymbolTable(chillAST_SymbolTable *st);
-void printSymbolTableMoreInfo(chillAST_SymbolTable *st);
+chillAST_TypedefDecl *typedefTableFindName(chillAST_TypedefTable *table, const char *name);
 chillAST_Node *lessthanmacro(chillAST_Node *left, chillAST_Node *right);
 chillAST_SymbolTable *addSymbolToTable(chillAST_SymbolTable *st, chillAST_VarDecl *vd);
 chillAST_TypedefTable *addTypedefToTable(chillAST_TypedefTable *tt, chillAST_TypedefDecl *td);
 void chillindent(int i, FILE *fp);
 void insertNewDeclAtLocationOfOldIfNeeded(chillAST_VarDecl *newdecl, chillAST_VarDecl *olddecl);
 chillAST_DeclRefExpr *buildDeclRefExpr(chillAST_VarDecl *);
diff --git a/include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh b/include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh
index 511386d..3ea29d9 100644
--- a/include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh
+++ b/include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh
@@ -153,20 +153,17 @@ public:
   virtual void addTypedefToScope(chillAST_TypedefDecl *tdd);
-  chillAST_TypedefDecl *findTypeDecleration(const char *t);
-  chillAST_VarDecl *findVariableDecleration(const char *t);
+  //! Non recursive version that tries to find the declaration in this node
   chillAST_VarDecl *getVariableDeclaration(const char *vn);
+  //! Non recursive version that tries to find the declaration in this node
   chillAST_TypedefDecl *getTypeDeclaration(const char *tn);
-  virtual chillAST_VarDecl *findVariableNamed(const char *name); // recursive
-  chillAST_RecordDecl *findRecordDeclNamed(const char *name); // recursive
-  // void addDecl( chillAST_VarDecl *vd); // recursive, adds to first  symbol table it can find
+  //! Recursive version that will go to parent node if not finding in this
+  chillAST_VarDecl *findVariableDecleration(const char *t);
+  //! Recursive version that will go the parent node if not finding in this
+  chillAST_TypedefDecl *findTypeDecleration(const char *t);
   int getNumChildren() { return children.size(); };
@@ -181,72 +178,19 @@ public:
   void setMetaComment(const char *c) { metacomment = strdup(c); };
-  virtual void chillMergeChildInfo(chillAST_Node) {
-    // TODO if (par) par->add to definition for vardecl/typedecl
-    // TODO  if (par) par->getSourceFile()->addFunc(this); for FuncDecl
-    // TODO if (par) par->getSourceFile()->addMacro(this); For MacroDecl
-    // TODO if (parent) parent->addVariableToSymbolTable(this); // should percolate up until something has a symbol table
-  }
+  virtual void mergeChildInfo(chillAST_Node);
-  virtual void addChild(chillAST_Node *c) {
-    c->parent = this;
-    // check to see if it's already there
-    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
-      if (c == children[i]) {
-        CHILL_ERROR("addchild ALREADY THERE\n");
-        return; // already there
-      }
-    }
-    children.push_back(c);
-  };  // not usually useful
-  virtual void addChildren(const chillAST_NodeList &c) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) {
-      addChild(c[i]);
-    }
-  }
+  virtual void addChild(chillAST_Node *c);
-  virtual void insertChild(int i, chillAST_Node *node) {
-    //fprintf(stderr, "%s inserting child of type %s at location %d\n", getTypeString(), node->getTypeString(), i); 
-    node->parent = this;
-    children.insert(children.begin() + i, node);
-  };
+  virtual void addChildren(const chillAST_NodeList &c);
-  virtual void removeChild(int i) {
-    children.erase(children.begin() + i);
-  };
+  virtual void insertChild(int i, chillAST_Node *node);
-  int findChild(chillAST_Node *c) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
-      if (children[i] == c) return i;
-    }
-    return -1;
-  }
+  virtual void removeChild(int i);
-  virtual void replaceChild(chillAST_Node *old, chillAST_Node *newchild) {
-    CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("(%s) forgot to implement replaceChild() ... using generic\n", getTypeString());
-    CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%d children\n", children.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
-      if (children[i] == old) {
-        children[i] = newchild;
-        newchild->setParent(this);
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    CHILL_ERROR("%s %p generic replaceChild called with oldchild that was not a child\n",
-                getTypeString(), this);
-      fprintf(stderr, "printing\n");
-      print();
-      fprintf(stderr, "\nchild: ");
-      if (!old) fprintf(stderr, "oldchild NULL!\n");
-      old->print();
-      fprintf(stderr, "\nnew: ");
-      newchild->print();
-      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-    exit(-1);
-  };
+  int findChild(chillAST_Node *c);
+  virtual void replaceChild(chillAST_Node *old, chillAST_Node *newchild);
   //! Spread the loop across a bunch of cores that will each calculate its own loop variable.
@@ -262,12 +206,7 @@ public:
    * @param var
-  virtual void loseLoopWithLoopVar(char *var) {
-    std::vector<chillAST_Node *> dupe = children; // simple enough?
-    for (int i = 0; i < dupe.size(); i++) {  // recurse on all children
-      dupe[i]->loseLoopWithLoopVar(var);
-    }
-  }
+  virtual void loseLoopWithLoopVar(char *var);
   virtual int evalAsInt() {
     CHILL_ERROR("(%s) can't be evaluated as an integer??\n", getTypeString());
@@ -314,37 +253,13 @@ public:
   //! recursive walk parent links, looking for loops, and grabbing the declRefExpr in the loop init and cond.
-  virtual void gatherLoopIndeces(
-      std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &indeces) {
-    // you can quit when you get to certain nodes
-    CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s::gatherLoopIndeces()\n", getTypeString());
-    if (isSourceFile() || isFunctionDecl()) return; // end of the line
-    if (!parent) return; // should not happen, but be careful
-    // for most nodes, this just recurses upwards
-    parent->gatherLoopIndeces(indeces);
-  }
+  virtual void gatherLoopIndeces(std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &indeces);
   //! recursive walk parent links, looking for loops
-  chillAST_ForStmt *findContainingLoop() {
-    CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s::findContainingLoop()   ", getTypeString());
-    if (!parent) return NULL;
-    if (parent->isForStmt()) return (chillAST_ForStmt *) parent;
-    return parent->findContainingLoop(); // recurse upwards
-  }
+  chillAST_ForStmt *findContainingLoop();
   //! recursive walk parent links, avoiding loops
-  chillAST_Node *findContainingNonLoop() {
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s::findContainingNonLoop()   ", getTypeString());
-    if (!parent) return NULL;
-    if (parent->isCompoundStmt() && parent->getParent()->isForStmt())
-      return parent->getParent()->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
-    if (parent->isForStmt()) return parent->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
-    return (chillAST_Node *) parent; // return non-loop
-  }
+  chillAST_Node *findContainingNonLoop();
   // TODO gather loop init and cond (and if cond) like gatherloopindeces
@@ -415,87 +330,22 @@ public:
     fprintf(fp, "(%s) forgot to implement printName()\n", getTypeString());
   };// print CODE 
-  //! The AST's print version, for reason unknown and incorrect
-  virtual char *stringRep(int indent = 0) {
-    fflush(stdout);
-    // TODO chillindent(indent, fp);
-    CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement stringRep()\n", getTypeString());
-    exit(-1);
-  }
+  virtual void getTopLevelLoops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops);
-  virtual void getTopLevelLoops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) {
-    int n = children.size();
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-      if (children[i]->isForStmt()) {
-        loops.push_back(((chillAST_ForStmt *) (children[i])));
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  virtual void repairParentChild();
-  virtual void repairParentChild() {  // for nodes where all subnodes are children
-    int n = children.size();
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-      if (children[i]->parent != this) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "fixing child %s that didn't know its parent\n", children[i]->getTypeString());
-        children[i]->parent = this;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void
-  get_deep_loops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // this is probably broken - returns ALL loops under it
-    int n = children.size();
-    //fprintf(stderr, "get_deep_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n); 
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-      //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString()); 
-      children[i]->get_deep_loops(loops);
-    }
-    //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size()); 
-  }
+  virtual void get_deep_loops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops);
   // generic for chillAST_Node with children
-  virtual void find_deepest_loops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // returns DEEPEST nesting of loops
-    std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> deepest; // deepest below here
-    int n = children.size();
-    //fprintf(stderr, "find_deepest_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n); 
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-      std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> subloops;  // loops below here among a child of mine 
-      //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString()); 
-      children[i]->find_deepest_loops(subloops);
-      if (subloops.size() > deepest.size()) {
-        deepest = subloops;
-      }
-    }
-    // append deepest we see at this level to loops 
-    for (int i = 0; i < deepest.size(); i++) {
-      loops.push_back(deepest[i]);
-    }
-    //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size()); 
-  }
+  virtual void find_deepest_loops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops);
   void setParent(chillAST_Node *p) { parent = p; };
   chillAST_Node *getParent() { return parent; };
   //! This will be ideally replaced by call at to the top level
-  chillAST_SourceFile *getSourceFile() {
-    if (isSourceFile()) return ((chillAST_SourceFile *) this);
-    if (parent != NULL) return parent->getSourceFile();
-    CHILL_ERROR("UHOH, getSourceFile() called on node %p %s that does not have a parent and is not a source file\n",
-                this, this->getTypeString());
-    this->print();
-    exit(-1);
-  }
+  chillAST_SourceFile *getSourceFile();
   // TODO DOC
   virtual chillAST_Node *getEnclosingStatement(int level = 0);
diff --git a/include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh b/include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh
index 8e5cee0..4ff70c9 100644
--- a/include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh
+++ b/include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh
@@ -227,8 +227,6 @@ public:
   // required methods that I can't seem to get to inherit
-  char *stringRep(int indent = 0);
   chillAST_Node *constantFold();
   chillAST_Node *clone();
@@ -498,15 +496,10 @@ public:
   char *macroName;
-  char *rhsString;
   // parameters - these will be odd, in that they HAVE NO TYPE
   void setName(char *n) { macroName = strdup(n); /* probable memory leak */ };
-  void setRhsString(char *n) { rhsString = strdup(n); /* probable memory leak */ };
-  char *getRhsString() { return rhsString; }
   chillAST_MacroDefinition(const char *name, const char *rhs);
   void addChild(chillAST_Node *node); // special because inserts into BODY
@@ -808,8 +801,6 @@ public:
   // required methods that I can't seem to get to inherit
-  char *stringRep(int indent = 0);
   chillAST_Node *constantFold();
   chillAST_Node *clone();
@@ -879,8 +870,6 @@ public:
   void replaceChild(chillAST_Node *old, chillAST_Node *newchild); // will examine index
   // required methods that I can't seem to get to inherit
-  char *stringRep(int indent = 0);
   chillAST_Node *constantFold();
   chillAST_Node *clone();
@@ -941,8 +930,6 @@ public:
   bool operator==(const chillAST_MemberExpr &);
   // required methods that I can't seem to get to inherit
-  char *stringRep(int indent = 0);
   chillAST_Node *constantFold();
   chillAST_Node *clone();
diff --git a/src/ast/node.cpp b/src/ast/node.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea74159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ast/node.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// Created by ztuowen on 9/26/16.
+#include "chillAST.h"
+#include "printer/dump.h"
+#include "printer/cfamily.h"
+void chillAST_Node::mergeChildInfo(chillAST_Node) {
+  // TODO if (par) par->add to definition for vardecl/typedecl
+  // TODO  if (par) par->getSourceFile()->addFunc(this); for FuncDecl
+  // TODO if (par) par->getSourceFile()->addMacro(this); For MacroDecl
+  // TODO if (parent) parent->addVariableToSymbolTable(this); // should percolate up until something has a symbol table
+void chillAST_Node::addChild(chillAST_Node *c) {
+  c->parent = this;
+  // check to see if it's already there
+  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
+    if (c == children[i]) {
+      CHILL_ERROR("addchild ALREADY THERE\n");
+      return; // already there
+    }
+  }
+  children.push_back(c);
+};  // not usually useful
+void chillAST_Node::addChildren(const chillAST_NodeList &c) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) {
+    addChild(c[i]);
+  }
+void chillAST_Node::insertChild(int i, chillAST_Node *node) {
+  //fprintf(stderr, "%s inserting child of type %s at location %d\n", getTypeString(), node->getTypeString(), i);
+  node->parent = this;
+  children.insert(children.begin() + i, node);
+void chillAST_Node::removeChild(int i) {
+  children.erase(children.begin() + i);
+int chillAST_Node::findChild(chillAST_Node *c) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
+    if (children[i] == c) return i;
+  }
+  return -1;
+void chillAST_Node::replaceChild(chillAST_Node *old, chillAST_Node *newchild) {
+  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("(%s) forgot to implement replaceChild() ... using generic\n", getTypeString());
+  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%d children\n", children.size());
+  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
+    if (children[i] == old) {
+      children[i] = newchild;
+      newchild->setParent(this);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  CHILL_ERROR("%s %p generic replaceChild called with oldchild that was not a child\n",
+              getTypeString(), this);
+    fprintf(stderr, "printing\n");
+    print();
+    fprintf(stderr, "\nchild: ");
+    if (!old) fprintf(stderr, "oldchild NULL!\n");
+    old->print();
+    fprintf(stderr, "\nnew: ");
+    newchild->print();
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  exit(-1);
+void chillAST_Node::loseLoopWithLoopVar(char *var) {
+  std::vector<chillAST_Node *> dupe = children; // simple enough?
+  for (int i = 0; i < dupe.size(); i++) {  // recurse on all children
+    dupe[i]->loseLoopWithLoopVar(var);
+  }
+//! recursive walk parent links, looking for loops, and grabbing the declRefExpr in the loop init and cond.
+void chillAST_Node::gatherLoopIndeces(
+    std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &indeces) {
+  // you can quit when you get to certain nodes
+  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s::gatherLoopIndeces()\n", getTypeString());
+  if (isSourceFile() || isFunctionDecl()) return; // end of the line
+  if (!parent) return; // should not happen, but be careful
+  // for most nodes, this just recurses upwards
+  parent->gatherLoopIndeces(indeces);
+//! recursive walk parent links, looking for loops
+chillAST_ForStmt *chillAST_Node::findContainingLoop() {
+  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s::findContainingLoop()   ", getTypeString());
+  if (!parent) return NULL;
+  if (parent->isForStmt()) return (chillAST_ForStmt *) parent;
+  return parent->findContainingLoop(); // recurse upwards
+chillAST_Node *chillAST_Node::findContainingNonLoop() {
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s::findContainingNonLoop()   ", getTypeString());
+  if (!parent) return NULL;
+  if (parent->isCompoundStmt() && parent->getParent()->isForStmt())
+    return parent->getParent()->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
+  if (parent->isForStmt()) return parent->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
+  return (chillAST_Node *) parent; // return non-loop
+void chillAST_Node::getTopLevelLoops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) {
+  int n = children.size();
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    if (children[i]->isForStmt()) {
+      loops.push_back(((chillAST_ForStmt *) (children[i])));
+    }
+  }
+void chillAST_Node::repairParentChild() {  // for nodes where all subnodes are children
+  int n = children.size();
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    if (children[i]->parent != this) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "fixing child %s that didn't know its parent\n", children[i]->getTypeString());
+      children[i]->parent = this;
+    }
+  }
+void chillAST_Node::get_deep_loops(
+    std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // this is probably broken - returns ALL loops under it
+  int n = children.size();
+  //fprintf(stderr, "get_deep_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
+    children[i]->get_deep_loops(loops);
+  }
+  //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size());
+// generic for chillAST_Node with children
+void chillAST_Node::find_deepest_loops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // returns DEEPEST nesting of loops
+  std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> deepest; // deepest below here
+  int n = children.size();
+  //fprintf(stderr, "find_deepest_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> subloops;  // loops below here among a child of mine
+    //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
+    children[i]->find_deepest_loops(subloops);
+    if (subloops.size() > deepest.size()) {
+      deepest = subloops;
+    }
+  }
+  // append deepest we see at this level to loops
+  for (int i = 0; i < deepest.size(); i++) {
+    loops.push_back(deepest[i]);
+  }
+  //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size());
+chillAST_SourceFile *chillAST_Node::getSourceFile() {
+  if (isSourceFile()) return ((chillAST_SourceFile *) this);
+  if (parent != NULL) return parent->getSourceFile();
+  CHILL_ERROR("UHOH, getSourceFile() called on node %p %s that does not have a parent and is not a source file\n",
+              this, this->getTypeString());
+  this->print();
+  exit(-1);
+void chillAST_Node::addVariableToScope(chillAST_VarDecl *vd) {
+  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("addVariableToScope( %s )\n", vd->varname);
+  if (!symbolTable) return;
+  symbolTable = addSymbolToTable(symbolTable, vd);
+  vd->parent = this;
+void chillAST_Node::addTypedefToScope(chillAST_TypedefDecl *tdd) {
+  if (!typedefTable) return;
+  typedefTable = addTypedefToTable(typedefTable, tdd);
+  tdd->parent = this;
+chillAST_TypedefDecl *chillAST_Node::findTypeDecleration(const char *t) {
+  fprintf(stderr, " %s \n", t);
+  chillAST_TypedefDecl *td = getTypeDeclaration(t);
+  if (!td && parent) return parent->findTypeDecleration(t);
+  return td; // should not happen
+chillAST_VarDecl *chillAST_Node::findVariableDecleration(const char *t) {
+  fprintf(stderr, " %s \n", t);
+  chillAST_VarDecl *td = getVariableDeclaration(t);
+  if (!td && parent) return parent->findVariableDecleration(t);
+  return td; // should not happen
+chillAST_VarDecl *chillAST_Node::getVariableDeclaration(const char *t) {
+  chillAST_VarDecl *vd = symbolTableFindName(getSymbolTable(), t);
+  if (!vd) vd = getParameter(t);
+  return vd;
+chillAST_TypedefDecl *chillAST_Node::getTypeDeclaration(const char *t) {
+  return typedefTableFindName(getTypedefTable(), t);
+void chillAST_Node::addParameter(chillAST_VarDecl *vd) {
+  if (!parameters) {
+    CHILL_ERROR("Calling addParameter on construct without parameters");
+    exit(-1);
+  }
+  if (symbolTableFindName(getParameters(), vd->varname)) { // NOT recursive. just in FunctionDecl
+    CHILL_ERROR("parameter %s already exists?\n", vd->varname);
+    return;
+  }
+  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("setting %s isAParameter\n", vd->varname);
+  getParameters()->push_back(vd);
+  vd->isAParameter = true;
+  vd->setParent(this); // this is a combined list!
+chillAST_VarDecl *chillAST_Node::getParameter(const char *t) {
+  return symbolTableFindName(getParameters(), t);
+void chillAST_Node::dump(int indent, FILE *fp) {
+  if (fp == stderr) {
+    chill::printer::Dump d;
+    d.printErr("", this);
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  } else {
+    chill::printer::Dump d;
+    d.printOut("", this);
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+  }
+void chillAST_Node::print(int indent, FILE *fp) {
+  if (fp == stderr) {
+    chill::printer::CFamily d;
+    d.printErr("", this);
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  } else {
+    chill::printer::CFamily d;
+    d.printOut("", this);
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+  }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bee56df..7654ecf 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ const char *ChillAST_Node_Names[] = {
-bool streq(const char * a, const char * b) {
-  return !strcmp(a,b);
+bool streq(const char *a, const char *b) {
+  return !strcmp(a, b);
 //! Parse to the most basic type
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ char *parseUnderlyingType(const char *sometype) {
       while (*p != '[') --p;
     else break;
-  *(p+1) = '\0';
+  *(p + 1) = '\0';
   return underlying;
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ chillAST_VarDecl *variableDeclFindSubpart(chillAST_VarDecl *decl, const char *na
           CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("DIDN'T FIND a struct member named %s\n", varname);
         if (!subpart)
           return sp;
-        return variableDeclFindSubpart(sp,subpart);  // return the subpart??
+        return variableDeclFindSubpart(sp, subpart);  // return the subpart??
       } else {
         CHILL_ERROR("no recordDecl\n");
@@ -161,12 +161,11 @@ chillAST_VarDecl *symbolTableFindVariableNamed(chillAST_SymbolTable *table, cons
   if (!subpart)
     return vd;
-  return variableDeclFindSubpart(vd,subpart);
+  return variableDeclFindSubpart(vd, subpart);
 //! remove UL from numbers, MODIFIES the argument!
-char *ulhack(char *brackets)
+char *ulhack(char *brackets) {
   CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("ulhack( \"%s\"  -> \n", brackets);
   int len = strlen(brackets);
   for (int i = 0; i < len - 2; i++) {
@@ -183,8 +182,7 @@ char *ulhack(char *brackets)
 //! remove __restrict__ , MODIFIES the argument!
-char *restricthack(char *typeinfo)
+char *restricthack(char *typeinfo) {
   CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("restricthack( \"%s\"  -> \n", typeinfo);
   std::string r("__restrict__");
   std::string t(typeinfo);
@@ -244,52 +242,8 @@ bool isRestrict(const char *sometype) { // does not modify sometype
 void chillindent(int howfar, FILE *fp) { for (int i = 0; i < howfar; i++) fprintf(fp, "  "); }
-chillAST_VarDecl *chillAST_Node::findVariableNamed(const char *name) { // generic, recursive
-  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("nodetype %s  findVariableNamed( %s )\n", getTypeString(), name);
-  if (getSymbolTable()) { // look in my symbol table if I have one
-    CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s has a symbol table\n", getTypeString());
-    chillAST_VarDecl *vd = symbolTableFindVariableNamed(getSymbolTable(), name);
-    if (vd) {
-      CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("found it\n");
-      return vd; // found locally
-    }
-    CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s has a symbol table but couldn't find %s\n", getTypeString(), name);
-  }
-  if (!parent) {
-    CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s has no parent\n", getTypeString());
-    return NULL; // no more recursion available
-  }
-  // recurse upwards
-  //fprintf(stderr, "recursing from %s up to parent %p\n", getTypeString(), parent);
-  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("recursing from %s up to parent\n", getTypeString());
-  return parent->findVariableNamed(name);
-chillAST_RecordDecl *chillAST_Node::findRecordDeclNamed(const char *name) { // recursive
-  fprintf(stderr, "%s::findRecordDeclNamed( %s )\n", getTypeString(), name);
-  // look in children
-  int numchildren = children.size();
-  fprintf(stderr, "%d children\n", numchildren);
-  for (int i = 0; i < numchildren; i++) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "child %d  %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
-    if (children[i]->isRecordDecl()) {
-      chillAST_RecordDecl *RD = (chillAST_RecordDecl *) children[i];
-      fprintf(stderr, "it is a recordDecl named '%s' vs '%s'\n", RD->getName(), name);
-      if (!strcmp(RD->getName(), name)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "FOUND IT\n");
-        return RD;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (!parent) return NULL; // no more recursion available
-  // recurse upwards
-  return parent->findRecordDeclNamed(name);
 chillAST_SourceFile::chillAST_SourceFile(const char *filename) {
-  if(filename) SourceFileName = strdup(filename);
+  if (filename) SourceFileName = strdup(filename);
   else SourceFileName = strdup("No Source File");
   symbolTable = new chillAST_SymbolTable();
   typedefTable = new chillAST_TypedefTable();
@@ -683,7 +637,6 @@ chillAST_Node *chillAST_FunctionDecl::constantFold() {
 chillAST_MacroDefinition::chillAST_MacroDefinition(const char *mname = NULL, const char *rhs = NULL) {
   if (mname) macroName = strdup(mname); else macroName = strdup("UNDEFINEDMACRO");
-  if(rhs) rhsString = strdup(rhs); else rhsString = NULL;
   metacomment = NULL;
   parameters = new chillAST_SymbolTable();
   isFromSourceFile = true; // default
@@ -695,10 +648,10 @@ chillAST_Node *chillAST_MacroDefinition::clone() {
   CHILL_ERROR("cloning a macro makes no sense\n");
   return this;
-  chillAST_MacroDefinition *clo = new chillAST_MacroDefinition( macroName );
+  chillAST_MacroDefinition *clo = new chillAST_MacroDefinition(macroName);
-  for (int i=0; i<parameters->size(); i++) clo->addVariableToScope( (*parameters)[i] );
-  clo->setBody( body->clone() );
+  for (int i = 0; i < parameters->size(); i++) clo->addVariableToScope((*parameters)[i]);
+  clo->setBody(body->clone());
   return clo;
@@ -710,7 +663,6 @@ void chillAST_MacroDefinition::setBody(chillAST_Node *bod) {
   fprintf(stderr, "body is:\n");
   body->print(0, stderr);
   fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
-  rhsString = body->stringRep();
   bod->setParent(this);  // well, ...
@@ -1064,7 +1016,7 @@ bool chillAST_ForStmt::findLoopIndexesToReplace(chillAST_SymbolTable *symtab, bo
     // find vardecl for named preferred index.  it has to already exist
     fprintf(stderr, "RIGHT NOW, change all the references that this loop wants swapped out \n");
-    chillAST_VarDecl *newguy = findVariableNamed(vname); // recursive
+    chillAST_VarDecl *newguy = findVariableDecleration(vname); // recursive
     if (!newguy) {
       fprintf(stderr, "there was no variable named %s anywhere I could find\n", vname);
@@ -1378,11 +1330,6 @@ chillAST_IntegerLiteral *chillAST_BinaryOperator::evalAsIntegerLiteral() {
   return new chillAST_IntegerLiteral(evalAsInt()); // ??
-char *chillAST_BinaryOperator::stringRep(int indent) {
-  std::string s = string(lhs->stringRep()) + " " + op + " " + string(lhs->stringRep());
-  return strdup(s.c_str());
 class chillAST_Node *chillAST_BinaryOperator::constantFold() {
   //fprintf(stderr, "\nchillAST_BinaryOperator::constantFold()  ");
   //print(0,stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
@@ -1691,7 +1638,8 @@ void chillAST_TernaryOperator::gatherScalarRefs(std::vector<chillAST_DeclRefExpr
   rhs->gatherScalarRefs(refs, 0);
-chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr::chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr(chillAST_Node *bas, chillAST_Node *indx, bool writtento, void *unique) {
+chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr::chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr(chillAST_Node *bas, chillAST_Node *indx, bool writtento,
+                                                         void *unique) {
   base = index = NULL;
   basedecl = NULL; //fprintf(stderr, "setting basedecl NULL for ASE %p\n", this);
   imwrittento = writtento; // ??
@@ -1804,17 +1752,6 @@ void chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr::gatherIndeces(std::vector<chillAST_Node *> &in
-char *chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr::stringRep(int indent) {
-  fprintf(stderr, "chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr::stringRep\n");
-  char *blurb;
-  char *b = base->stringRep(0);
-  char *i = index->stringRep(0);
-  std::string s = string(b) + "[" + string(i) + "]";
-  fprintf(stderr, "ASE stringrep %s\n", s.c_str());
-  return strdup(s.c_str());
 chillAST_VarDecl *chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr::multibase() {
   //this should probably be a chillAST_Node function instead of having all these ifs
   return base->multibase();
@@ -2010,24 +1947,6 @@ chillAST_MemberExpr::chillAST_MemberExpr(chillAST_Node *bas, const char *mem, vo
 // TODO member can be another member expression, Right?
-char *chillAST_MemberExpr::stringRep(int indent) { // char pointer to what we'd print
-  fprintf(stderr, "*chillAST_MemberExpr::stringRep()\n");
-  if (base->isDeclRefExpr()) { //
-    chillAST_VarDecl *vd = (chillAST_VarDecl *) ((chillAST_DeclRefExpr *) base)->decl;
-    char *leak = (char *) malloc(128);
-    if (exptype == CHILLAST_MEMBER_EXP_ARROW) sprintf(leak, "%s->%s", vd->varname, member);
-    else sprintf(leak, "%s.%s", vd->varname, member);
-    printstring = leak;
-    return leak;
-  }
-  // else
-  // TODO
-  return strdup("chillAST_MemberExpr::getStringRep()hadanerror");
 class chillAST_Node *chillAST_MemberExpr::constantFold() {
   base = base->constantFold();
   //member = member->constantFold();
@@ -2197,10 +2116,6 @@ chillAST_DeclRefExpr *buildDeclRefExpr(chillAST_VarDecl *vd) {
   return dre;
-char *chillAST_DeclRefExpr::stringRep(int indent) {
-  return strdup(declarationName);
 class chillAST_Node *chillAST_DeclRefExpr::constantFold() {  // can never do anything?
   return this;
@@ -4092,81 +4007,3 @@ chillAST_Preprocessing::chillAST_Preprocessing(CHILLAST_PREPROCESSING_POSITION p
   blurb = strdup(text);
-void chillAST_Node::addVariableToScope(chillAST_VarDecl *vd) {
-  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("addVariableToScope( %s )\n", vd->varname);
-  if (!symbolTable) return;
-  symbolTable = addSymbolToTable(symbolTable, vd);
-  vd->parent = this;
-void chillAST_Node::addTypedefToScope(chillAST_TypedefDecl *tdd) {
-  if (!typedefTable) return;
-  typedefTable = addTypedefToTable(typedefTable, tdd);
-  tdd->parent = this;
-chillAST_TypedefDecl* chillAST_Node::findTypeDecleration(const char *t) {
-  fprintf(stderr, " %s \n", t);
-  chillAST_TypedefDecl* td = getTypeDeclaration(t);
-  if (!td && parent) return parent->findTypeDecleration(t);
-  return td; // should not happen
-chillAST_VarDecl* chillAST_Node::findVariableDecleration(const char *t) {
-  fprintf(stderr, " %s \n", t);
-  chillAST_VarDecl* td = getVariableDeclaration(t);
-  if (!td && parent) return parent->findVariableDecleration(t);
-  return td; // should not happen
-chillAST_VarDecl* chillAST_Node::getVariableDeclaration(const char *t) {
-  chillAST_VarDecl* vd = symbolTableFindName(getSymbolTable(),t);
-  if (!vd) vd = getParameter(t);
-  return vd;
-chillAST_TypedefDecl* chillAST_Node::getTypeDeclaration(const char *t){
-  return typedefTableFindName(getTypedefTable(),t);
-void chillAST_Node::addParameter(chillAST_VarDecl *vd) {
-  if (!parameters) {
-    CHILL_ERROR("Calling addParameter on construct without parameters");
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  if (symbolTableFindName(getParameters(), vd->varname)) { // NOT recursive. just in FunctionDecl
-    CHILL_ERROR("parameter %s already exists?\n", vd->varname);
-    return;
-  }
-  CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("setting %s isAParameter\n", vd->varname);
-  getParameters()->push_back(vd);
-  vd->isAParameter = true;
-  vd->setParent(this); // this is a combined list!
-chillAST_VarDecl* chillAST_Node::getParameter(const char *t) {
-  return symbolTableFindName(getParameters(),t);
-void chillAST_Node::dump(int indent, FILE *fp) {
-  if (fp == stderr) {
-    chill::printer::Dump d;
-    d.printErr("",this);
-    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  } else {
-    chill::printer::Dump d;
-    d.printOut("",this);
-    fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-  }
-void chillAST_Node::print(int indent, FILE *fp) {
-  if (fp == stderr) {
-    chill::printer::CFamily d;
-    d.printErr("",this);
-    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  } else {
-    chill::printer::CFamily d;
-    d.printOut("",this);
-    fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/printer/cfamily.cpp b/src/printer/cfamily.cpp
index e1e2b9a..299c81c 100644
--- a/src/printer/cfamily.cpp
+++ b/src/printer/cfamily.cpp
@@ -160,10 +160,13 @@ void CFamily::printS(std::string ident, chillAST_DeclRefExpr *n, std::ostream &o
 void CFamily::printS(std::string ident, chillAST_FloatingLiteral *n, std::ostream &o) {
-  // Althedigits contaminates the result
-  o << showpoint << n->value;
-  if (n->getPrecision() == 1)
-    o << "f";
+  if (n->allthedigits)
+    o<<n->allthedigits;
+  else {
+    o << showpoint << n->value;
+    if (n->getPrecision() == 1)
+      o << "f";
+  }
 void CFamily::printS(std::string ident, chillAST_ForStmt *n, std::ostream &o) {
diff --git a/src/printer/dump.cpp b/src/printer/dump.cpp
index 66bcc7e..a88f472 100644
--- a/src/printer/dump.cpp
+++ b/src/printer/dump.cpp
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ void Dump::printS(std::string ident, chillAST_MacroDefinition *n, std::ostream &
   o << n->macroName << " ";
   dumpVector(this, ident, n->getParameters(), o);
   print(ident, n->getBody(), o);
-  if (n->rhsString) o << " (aka " << n->rhsString << ") ";
 void Dump::printS(std::string ident, chillAST_Malloc *n, std::ostream &o) {
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2