From 18644419b50b2b14a24456e0fcdb210f231ee317 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tuowen Zhao <>
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 15:16:52 -0600
Subject: doc updated for code_gen

 .../codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h    | 116 +++---
 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h  |   6 +-
 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h |  80 +---
 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h    |   1 -
 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifBuilder.h |  88 ----
 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifRepr.h    |  36 --
 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h        |  12 +-
 omegalib/codegen/src/             | 456 +--------------------
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.h                 |  29 +-
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/BoolSet.h             |  18 +-
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Collection.h          |  12 +-
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/ConstString.h         |   1 -
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.c        | 219 ++++++++++
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.h        | 103 +++++
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.c       | 219 ----------
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.h       | 103 -----
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Iterator.h            |  48 ++-
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Link.h                |  17 +-
 omegalib/omega/include/basic/List.h                |   5 -
 omegalib/omega/include/omega/reach.h               |   8 +-
 omegalib/omega/src/                        |   6 +-
 omegalib/omegacalc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c   |   8 +-
 omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.l                    |   2 +-
 omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.ll                   |   2 +-
 omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.y                    |  16 +-
 omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.yy                   |  14 +-
 26 files changed, 496 insertions(+), 1129 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifBuilder.h
 delete mode 100644 omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifRepr.h
 create mode 100644 omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.c
 create mode 100644 omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.h
 delete mode 100644 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.c
 delete mode 100644 omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.h

(limited to 'omegalib')

diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h
index 2203235..19dc440 100644
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h
+++ b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h
@@ -29,76 +29,57 @@
 namespace omega {
+//! abstract base class of comiler IR code builder
 class CG_outputBuilder {
   CG_outputBuilder() {}
   virtual ~CG_outputBuilder() {}
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // substitute variables in stmt
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! substitute variables in stmt
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
                                                const std::vector<std::string> &vars,
                                                std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // assignment stmt generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! assignment stmt generation
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateAssignment(int indent, CG_outputRepr *lhs,
                                           CG_outputRepr *rhs) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // function invocation generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! function invocation generation
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName,
                                       std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &argList) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // comment generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! comment generation
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateComment(int indent,
                                        const std::string &commentText) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Attribute generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! Attribute generation
   virtual CG_outputRepr* CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr  *control,
                                            const std::string &commentText) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Pragma Attribute
-  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! Pragma Attribute
   virtual CG_outputRepr* CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &pragmaText) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Prefetch Attribute
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! Prefetch Attribute
   virtual CG_outputRepr* CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &arrName, int hint) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // generate if stmt, true/false stmt can be NULL but not the condition
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! generate if stmt, true/false stmt can be NULL but not the condition
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr *guardCondition,
                                   CG_outputRepr *true_stmtList,
                                   CG_outputRepr *false_stmtList) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // generate loop inductive variable (loop control structure)
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! generate loop inductive variable (loop control structure)
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
                                          CG_outputRepr *lower,
                                          CG_outputRepr *upper,
                                          CG_outputRepr *step) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // generate loop stmt from loop control and loop body, NULL parameter allowed
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! generate loop stmt from loop control and loop body, NULL parameter allowed
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr *control,
                                     CG_outputRepr *stmtList) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // copy operation, NULL parameter allowed. this function makes pointer
-  // handling uniform regardless NULL status
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! copy operation, NULL parameter allowed.
+  /*!
+   * this function makes pointer handling uniform regardless NULL status
+   */
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateCopy(CG_outputRepr *original) const {
     if (original == NULL)
       return NULL;
@@ -106,69 +87,72 @@ public:
       return original->clone();
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // basic integer number creation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! basic integer number creation
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateInt(int num) const = 0;
   virtual bool isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // basic identity/variable creation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! basic identity/variable creation
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // binary arithmetic operations, NULL parameter means 0,
-  // Note:
-  //   integer division truncation method undefined, only use when lop is known
-  //   to be multiple of rop, otherwise use integer floor instead
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! Addition operations, NULL parameter means 0,
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
+  //! Subtraction operations, NULL parameter means 0,
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
+  //! Multiplication operations, NULL parameter means 0,
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
+  //! Division operations, NULL parameter means 0,
+  /*!
+   * integer division truncation method undefined, only use when lop is known
+   * to be multiple of rop, otherwise use integer floor instead
+   */
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateDivide(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
     return CreateIntegerFloor(lop, rop);
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // integer arithmetic functions, NULL parameter means 0, second parameter
-  // must be postive (i.e. b > 0 below), otherwise function undefined
-  // Note:
-  //   ceil(a, b) = -floor(-a, b) or floor(a+b-1, b) or floor(a-1, b)+1
-  //   mod(a, b) = a-b*floor(a, b) 
-  //     where result must lie in range [0,b)
-  //   floor(a, b) = a/b if a >= 0
-  //                 (a-b+1)/b if a < 0
-  //     where native '/' operator behaves as 5/2 = 2, (-5)/2 = -2
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! integer floor functions, NULL parameter means 0
+  /*! 
+   * second parameter must be postive (i.e. b > 0 below), otherwise function undefined
+   * 
+   * floor(a, b)
+   * * = a/b if a >= 0
+   * * = (a-b+1)/b if a < 0
+   */
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
+  //! integer mod functions, NULL parameter means 0
+  /*! 
+   * second parameter must be postive (i.e. b > 0 below), otherwise function undefined
+   *
+   * mod(a, b) = a-b*floor(a, b) where result must lie in range [0,b)
+   */
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
     CG_outputRepr *lop2 = CreateCopy(lop);
     CG_outputRepr *rop2 = CreateCopy(rop);
     return CreateMinus(lop2, CreateTimes(rop2, CreateIntegerFloor(lop, rop)));
+  //! integer ceil functions, NULL parameter means 0
+  /*! 
+   * second parameter must be postive (i.e. b > 0 below), otherwise function undefined
+   *
+   * ceil(a, b) = -floor(-a, b) or floor(a+b-1, b) or floor(a-1, b)+1
+   */
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIntegerCeil(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
     return CreateMinus(NULL, CreateIntegerFloor(CreateMinus(NULL, lop), rop));
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // binary logical operation, NULL parameter means TRUE
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! binary logical operation, NULL parameter means TRUE
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // binary condition operations
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! binary conditional Greater than or equal to
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateGE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
     return CreateLE(rop, lop);
+  //! binary conditional Less than or equal to
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateLE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
+  //! binary conditional equal to
   virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // join stmts together, NULL parameter allowed
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! join stmts together, NULL parameter allowed
   virtual CG_outputRepr *StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1, CG_outputRepr *list2) const = 0;
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h
index 92f3d9f..0897007 100644
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h
+++ b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h
@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@ namespace omega {
 class CG_outputRepr {
   CG_outputRepr() {}
-  virtual ~CG_outputRepr() { /* shallow delete */ }
+  //! shallow delete
+  virtual ~CG_outputRepr() { }
   virtual CG_outputRepr *clone() const = 0;
-  virtual void clear() { /* delete actual IR code wrapped inside */ }
+  //! delete actual IR code wrapped inside
+  virtual void clear() { }
   virtual void dump() const {}
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h
index 93b708e..5dad663 100644
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h
+++ b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h
@@ -14,98 +14,60 @@ public:
   CG_roseBuilder(int isFortran, SgGlobal* global, SgGlobal* global_scope, SgSymbolTable* symtab1, SgSymbolTable* symtab2,  SgNode* root);
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // place holder generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // CG_outputRepr* CreatePlaceHolder(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
-  //                                         Tuple<CG_outputRepr*> &funcList,
-  //                                         Tuple<std::string> &loop_vars) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // substitute variables in stmt
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! substitute variables in stmt
    CG_outputRepr *CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
                                                const std::vector<std::string> &vars,
                                                std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // assignment generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! assignment generation
    CG_outputRepr* CreateAssignment(int indent, CG_outputRepr* lhs,
                                           CG_outputRepr* rhs) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // function invocation generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! function invocation generation
     CG_outputRepr* CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName,
     		std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &argList) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // comment generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! comment generation
    CG_outputRepr* CreateComment(int indent, const std::string &commentText) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Attribute generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! Attribute generation
     CG_outputRepr* CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr  *control,
                                           const std::string &commentText) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Pragma Attribute
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! Pragma Attribute
   CG_outputRepr* CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel,
                                           const std::string &pragmaText) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Prefetch Attribute
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! Prefetch Attribute
   CG_outputRepr* CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel,
                                           const std::string &arrName, int hint) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // if stmt gen operations
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! if stmt gen operations
    CG_outputRepr* CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr* guardCondition,
                                   CG_outputRepr* true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr* false_stmtList) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // inductive variable generation, to be used in CreateLoop as control
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! inductive variable generation, to be used in CreateLoop as control
    CG_outputRepr* CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr* index,
                                          CG_outputRepr* lower,
                                          CG_outputRepr* upper,
                                          CG_outputRepr* step) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // loop stmt generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! loop stmt generation
    CG_outputRepr* CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr* control,
                                     CG_outputRepr* stmtList) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // basic operations
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CG_outputRepr* CreateInt(int num ) const;
    bool isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const;
    CG_outputRepr* CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // binary arithmetic operations
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   //! binary arithmetic operations
    CG_outputRepr* CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
    CG_outputRepr* CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
    CG_outputRepr* CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
    CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
    CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // binary logical operations
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //! binary logical operations
    CG_outputRepr* CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
@@ -118,30 +80,14 @@ public:
   // stmt list gen operations
-  // CG_outputRepr*
-  //  CreateStmtList(CG_outputRepr *singleton = NULL) const;
-  // CG_outputRepr*
-  //  StmtListInsertLast(CG_outputRepr* list, CG_outputRepr* node) const;
     StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr* list1, CG_outputRepr* list2) const;
-   //CG_outputRepr* CreateDim3(const char* varName, int  arg1, int  arg2) const;
    CG_outputRepr* CreateDim3(const char* varName, CG_outputRepr* arg1, CG_outputRepr*  arg2, CG_outputRepr* arg3 = NULL) const;
    // Manu:: added for fortran support
    bool isInputFortran() const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // kernel generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // CG_outputRepr* CreateKernel(immed_list* iml) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Add a modifier to a type (for things like __global__)
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //type_node* ModifyType(type_node* base, const char* modifier) const;
   SgSymbolTable *symtab_;
   SgSymbolTable *symtab2_;
@@ -152,8 +98,6 @@ private:
 extern char *k_ocg_comment;
-  //bool substitute(SgExpression *in, SgVariableSymbol *sym, SgExpression *expr, SgNode* root, SgExpression* parent);  
-  //bool substitute(SgStatement *tn, SgVariableSymbol *sym, SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root, SgSymbolTable* symtab);  
 std::vector<SgVarRefExp *>substitute(SgNode *tnl, const SgVariableSymbol *sym, SgExpression *expr,SgNode* root) ;
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h
index 4861db7..28553e7 100644
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h
+++ b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ public:
   // Dump operations
   void Dump() const;
-  //void DumpToFile(FILE *fp = stderr) const;
   // only one of _tnl and _op would be active at any time, depending on
   // whether it is building a statement list or an expression tree
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifBuilder.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f57e3d..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CG_suifBuilder_h
-#define CG_suifBuilder_h
-#include <basic/Tuple.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_suifRepr.h>
-#include <string>
-namespace omega {
-class CG_suifBuilder: public CG_outputBuilder { 
-  //CG_suifBuilder(proc_symtab *symtab) {symtab_ = symtab;}
-  CG_suifBuilder(proc_symtab *symtab); 
-  //protonu--initializing code_gen stuff for cuda
-  //this looks like a flaw in my design	
-  //end--protonu
-  ~CG_suifBuilder() {}
-  CG_outputRepr* CreatePlaceHolder(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
-                                           Tuple<CG_outputRepr*> &funcList,
-                                           Tuple<std::string> &loop_vars) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateAssignment(int indent, CG_outputRepr* lhs,
-                                  CG_outputRepr* rhs) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateInvoke(const std::string &fname,
-                              Tuple<CG_outputRepr*> &argList) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateComment(int indent, const std::string &commentText) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
-                                          const std::string &commentText) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr* guardCondition,
-                          CG_outputRepr* true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr* false_stmtList) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr* index,
-                                 CG_outputRepr* lower,
-                                 CG_outputRepr* upper,
-                                 CG_outputRepr* step) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr* control,
-                            CG_outputRepr* stmtList) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateInt(int) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateIdent(const std::string &idStr) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerDivide(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateGE(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateLE(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
-  CG_outputRepr* StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr* list1, CG_outputRepr* list2) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // pragma generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  virtual CG_outputRepr* CreatePragma(int indent, const std::string &pragmaText) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // dim3 generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  virtual CG_outputRepr* CreateDim3(immed varName, immed arg1, immed arg2) const;
-  virtual CG_outputRepr* CreateDim3(immed varName, immed arg1, immed arg2, immed arg3) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // kernel generation
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  virtual CG_outputRepr* CreateKernel(immed_list* iml) const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Add a modifier to a type (for things like __global__)
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  type_node* ModifyType(type_node* base, const char* modifier) const;
-  proc_symtab *symtab_;
-extern char *k_ocg_comment;
-bool substitute(instruction *in, var_sym *sym, operand expr,
-                base_symtab *st=NULL);
-bool substitute(tree_node *tn, var_sym *sym, operand expr,
-                base_symtab *st=NULL);
-bool substitute(tree_node_list *tnl, var_sym *sym, operand expr,
-                base_symtab *st = NULL);
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifRepr.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifRepr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce7c6cd..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_suifRepr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CG_suifRepr_h
-#define CG_suifRepr_h
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
-#include <suif1.h>
-namespace omega {
-class CG_suifRepr : public CG_outputRepr {
-  friend class CG_suifBuilder;
-  CG_suifRepr();
-  CG_suifRepr(tree_node_list *tnl);
-  CG_suifRepr(operand op);
-  virtual ~CG_suifRepr();
-  virtual CG_outputRepr *clone();
-  virtual void clear();
-  tree_node_list* GetCode() const;
-  operand GetExpression() const;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Dump operations
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  virtual void Dump() const;
-  virtual void DumpToFile(FILE *fp = stderr) const;
-  // only one of _tnl and _op would be active at any time, depending on
-  // whether it is building a statement list or an expression tree
-  tree_node_list *tnl_;
-  operand op_;
-} // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h
index 469653d..cb63bfd 100755
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h
+++ b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h
@@ -15,10 +15,14 @@ public:
   static const int var_substitution_threshold;
-  std::vector<std::vector<Relation> > projected_IS_; // projected_IS_[level-1][new stmt#]
-  std::vector<Relation> xforms_;  // transformations[original stmt#]
-  Relation known_; // no need to generate code for constraints satisfied in known
-  std::vector<int> remap_; // map new stmt# to original stmt#
+  //! projected_IS_[level-1][new stmt#]
+  std::vector<std::vector<Relation> > projected_IS_;
+  //! transformations[original stmt#]
+  std::vector<Relation> xforms_;
+  //! no need to generate code for constraints satisfied in known
+  Relation known_;
+  //! map new stmt# to original stmt#
+  std::vector<int> remap_;
   CodeGen(const std::vector<Relation> &xforms, const std::vector<Relation> &IS, const Relation &known = Relation::Null(),
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/src/ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
index eb16830..7e12634 100644
--- a/omegalib/codegen/src/
+++ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
@@ -33,22 +33,6 @@ namespace omega {
 char *k_ocg_comment;
-// void __attribute__ ((constructor)) my_init(void) {
-//   ANNOTE(k_ocg_comment, "omega_comment", TRUE);
-// }
- const char *libcode_gen_ver_string = "";
- const char *libcode_gen_who_string = "";
- const char *libcode_gen_suif_string = "";
- void init_code_gen(int&, char* []) {
- ANNOTE(k_ocg_comment, "omega_comment", TRUE);
- }
- void exit_code_gen(void) {
- }
- */
 CG_roseBuilder::CG_roseBuilder(int is_fortran, SgGlobal* global, SgGlobal* firstScope,
 		SgSymbolTable* symtab, SgSymbolTable* symtab2, SgNode* root) :
 		isFortran(is_fortran), global_(global), global_scope(firstScope), symtab_(symtab), symtab2_(
@@ -77,8 +61,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
 	SgNode *tnl;
 	SgStatement* statement;
 	if (list != NULL) {
-		//statement  = *((*list).begin());
-		//tnl = isSgNode(statement);
 		delete stmt;
 		for (int i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
                   if (subs[i] == NULL)
@@ -92,8 +74,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
 				statement = (*it);
 				tnl = isSgNode(statement);
-				//    std::string master = tnl->unparseToString();
 				int j;
 				int not_in_symtab_;
@@ -109,15 +89,12 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
 					vs = symtab2_->find_variable(SgName(vars[i].c_str()));
 				if (vs != NULL) {
-					//std::string x =  vars[i].c_str() ;
-					//std::string y =  isSgNode(op)->unparseToString();
 					std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> array = substitute(tnl,
 							(const SgVariableSymbol*) vs, op, root_);
 					for (std::vector<SgVarRefExp *>::iterator it =
 							array.begin(); it != array.end(); it++) {
-						// std::string z = isSgNode(array[j])->unparseToString();
 						if (isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
 							if (strcmp(
@@ -125,9 +102,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
-								//   std::string z = isSgNode(array[j])->unparseToString();
-								// isSgBinaryOp(array[j]->get_parent())->replace_expression(array[j], op);
 						} else if (isSgExpression(op)) {
@@ -146,10 +120,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
-					/* std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> array2 = substitute (tnl,(const SgVariableSymbol*) vs, op, root_);
-					 if(array2.size() != 0)
-					 throw ir_error("variable replacement unsuccessful");
-					 */
@@ -166,7 +136,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
 	} else {
 		tnl = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(stmt)->tnl_;
-		//std::string master = tnl->unparseToString();
 		if (tnl == NULL)
 			throw ir_error("both list and tnl are null!!");
@@ -195,8 +164,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
 				vs = symtab2_->find_variable(SgName(vars[i].c_str()));
 			if (vs != NULL) {
-				//std::string x =  vars[i].c_str() ;
-				//std::string y =  isSgNode(op)->unparseToString();
 				std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> array = substitute(tnl, vs, op,
@@ -204,27 +171,17 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
 					if (strcmp(
 							vs->get_name().getString().c_str())) {
-						//     symtab2_->remove(vs);
-				/*   else if(not_in_symtab_ && isSgVarRefExp(isSgAddOp(op)->get_lhs_operand())){
-				 if(strcmp(isSgVarRefExp(isSgAddOp(op)->get_lhs_operand())->get_symbol()->get_name().getString().c_str(),\
-                     vs->get_name().getString().c_str())){  
-				 symtab2_->remove(vs);
-				 }
-				 }*/
-				//symtab2_->remove(vs);
 				for (std::vector<SgVarRefExp *>::iterator j = array.begin();
 						j != array.end(); j++) {
-					//   std::string z = isSgNode(array[j])->unparseToString();
 					if (isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
 						if (strcmp(
 								vs->get_name().getString().c_str())) {
-							//isSgBinaryOp(array[j]->get_parent())->replace_expression(array[j], op);
-							//     std::string z = isSgNode(array[j])->unparseToString();
 					} else if (isSgExpression(op)) {
@@ -240,78 +197,11 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
 							throw ir_error("unrecognized expression type");
-						/*   if(strcmp(isSgVarRefExp(isSgAddOp(op)->get_lhs_operand())->get_symbol()->get_name().getString().c_str(),\
-                     vs->get_name().getString().c_str() )){
-						 array[j]->set_symbol(isSgVarRefExp(isSgAddOp(op)->get_lhs_operand())->get_symbol());
-						 */
-				/*      std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> array2 = substitute (tnl,(const SgVariableSymbol*) vs, op, root_);
-				 if(array2.size() != 0)
-				 throw ir_error("variable replacement unsuccessful");
-				 */
-			/*    SgExpression* exp = NULL;
-			 if(stmt1 = isSgStatement(tnl)){
-			 if (SgExprStatement* expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(stmt1))
-			 exp = expr_stmt->get_expression();
-			 else if( block = isSgBasicBlock(tnl)){
-			 SgStatementPtrList& stmts = block->get_statements();
-			 SgExpression* exp2;
-			 for(int i =0; i < stmts.size(); i++){
-			 if(isSgExprStatement(stmts[i])){
-			 exp2 = isSgExprStatement(stmts[i])->get_expression();
-			 if(exp2 != NULL){
-			 if(isSgBinaryOp(exp2)) {
-			 substitute(isSgBinaryOp(exp2)->get_lhs_operand(), vs, op, root_, exp2);
-			 substitute(isSgBinaryOp(exp2)->get_rhs_operand(), vs, op, root_, exp2);
-			 }
-			 else if (isSgUnaryOp(exp2))
-			 substitute(isSgUnaryOp(exp2)->get_operand(), vs, op, root_, exp2);
-			 }//end if
-			 }//end   if
-			 }//end for
-			 }//end else
-			 else if(SgForStatement* for_stmt = isSgForStatement(tnl)){
-			 SgForStatement* temp = for_stmt;
-			 while(isSgForStatement(temp)){
-			 }
-			 }
-			 }//end if
-			 else
-			 exp = isSgExpression(tnl);
-			 if(exp != NULL){
-			 if(isSgBinaryOp(exp)) {
-			 substitute(isSgBinaryOp(exp)->get_lhs_operand(), vs, op, root_, exp);
-			 substitute(isSgBinaryOp(exp)->get_rhs_operand(), vs, op, root_, exp);
-			 }
-			 else if (isSgUnaryOp(exp))
-			 substitute(isSgUnaryOp(exp)->get_operand(), vs, op, root_, exp);
-			 }
-			 // if (op.is_instr())
-			 //   delete op.instr();
-			 }
-			 */
 		return new CG_roseRepr(tnl);
@@ -352,9 +242,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateAssignment(int, CG_outputRepr *lhs,
 CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInvoke(const std::string &fname,
 		std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &list) const {
-	// Manu:: debug
-//	std::cout << "--------- CreateInvoke --------- \n";
 	if (fname == std::string("max") || fname == std::string("min")) {
 		if (list.size() == 0) {
 			return NULL;
@@ -389,7 +276,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInvoke(const std::string &fname,
 					SgExpression *cond = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(CreateLE(new CG_roseRepr(op2), new CG_roseRepr(op1)))->op_;
 		            appendExpression(arg_list, cond);
 					ins = isSgExpression(buildFunctionCallExp(fName, retType, arg_list, global_));
-//					std::cout << "--------- CreateInvoke:: " << isSgNode(ins)->unparseToString().c_str() << "\n";
 			} else {
@@ -404,7 +290,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInvoke(const std::string &fname,
 					SgExpression *cond = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(CreateLE(new CG_roseRepr(op1), new CG_roseRepr(op2)))->op_;
 		            appendExpression(arg_list, cond);
 					ins = isSgExpression(buildFunctionCallExp(fName, retType, arg_list, global_));
-//					std::cout << "--------- CreateInvoke:: " << isSgNode(ins)->unparseToString().c_str() << "\n";
@@ -442,10 +327,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateComment(int,
 CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateIf(int, CG_outputRepr *guardList,
 		CG_outputRepr *true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr *false_stmtList) const {
-	// static int if_counter = 1;
-	// std::string s = std::string("omegaif_")+to_string(if_counter++);
-	//  SgLabelStatement* label =buildLabelStatement(SgName(const_cast<char *>(s.c_str())));
 	if (true_stmtList == NULL && false_stmtList == NULL) {
 		delete guardList;
 		return NULL;
@@ -517,11 +398,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateIf(int, CG_outputRepr *guardList,
 	SgIfStmt* ti = buildIfStmt(header, isSgStatement(then_part),
-//  label->set_scope(ti);//may have to be shifted to after symbol table insertion
-//  SgLabelSymbol* if_label = isSgLabelSymbol(label->get_symbol_from_symbol_table());
-//  symtab_->insert( SgName(const_cast<char *>(s.c_str()))    ,  isSgSymbol(if_label));
 	delete guardList;
 	delete true_stmtList;
 	delete false_stmtList;
@@ -551,10 +427,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
 	SgExpression* upper_bound = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(upper)->op_;
 	SgExpression* step_size = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(step)->op_;
-	/*  label_sym *contLabel = new label_sym("");
-	 label_sym *brkLabel = new label_sym("");  may not be required on rose?!
-	 */
 	SgStatement* for_init_stmt = buildAssignStatement(index_sym, lower_bound);
 	SgLessOrEqualOp* cond = buildLessOrEqualOp(index_sym, upper_bound);
 	SgExprStatement* test = buildExprStatement(cond);
@@ -570,7 +442,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
 	// Manu
 	if (isInputFortran()) {
-	//	std::cout << "CG_roseBuilder:: need to construct a fortran do statement\n";
         SgFortranDo * forStmt=new SgFortranDo(Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode());
@@ -578,7 +449,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
         return new CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(forStmt));
 	} else {
-//		std::cout << "CG_roseBuilder:: for statement is fine\n";
 		return new CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(for_stmt));
@@ -647,20 +517,11 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateLoop(int, CG_outputRepr *control,
 	if (isInputFortran()) {
 		tfd = isSgFortranDo(tnl);
-	// Manu:: debug
-/*	if (!tf) {
-		std::cout << "CreateLoop:: Not a for loop\n";
-		if (isSgFortranDo(tnl))
-			std::cout << "CreateLoop:: It is a fortran do loop\n";
-	}
 	SgStatementPtrList * body = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(stmtList)->list_;
 	if (body != NULL) {
 		if (!((*body).empty())) {
 			if ((*body).size() == 1) {
-				// if(isSgBasicBlock(*((*body).begin()))){
 				if (!isInputFortran()) {  // Manu:: added if-else for fortran support
@@ -670,14 +531,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateLoop(int, CG_outputRepr *control,
-				//  }
-				/*    else{
-				 SgBasicBlock* bb1 = buildBasicBlock();
-				 bb1->set_parent(tf);
-				 bb1->append_statement(*((*body).begin()));
-				 tf->set_loop_body(bb1);
-				 }*/
 			} else {
 				// Manu:: support for fortran label (do - continue)
 				SgName *sname = NULL;
@@ -904,9 +757,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr *lop,
 CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop,
 		CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
-	/*if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
-		return NULL;
-	}*/
 	if (rop == NULL)
 		return lop;
@@ -928,11 +778,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop,
 // binary relational operations
-/*CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateGE(CG_outputRepr *lop,
-		CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
-	return CreateLE(rop, lop);
 CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateLE(CG_outputRepr *lop,
 		CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
 	if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
@@ -972,44 +817,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr *lop,
 // stmt list gen operations
-/*CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateStmtList(CG_outputRepr *singleton) const {
-	if (singleton == NULL) {
-		return new CG_roseRepr(new SgStatementPtrList);
-	}
-	SgStatementPtrList *tnl = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(singleton)->list_;
-	SgNode* sgn = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(singleton)->tnl_;
-	if (tnl == NULL)
-		tnl = new SgStatementPtrList;
-	if (sgn == NULL) {
-		SgExpression* op = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(singleton)->op_;
-		if (op != NULL)
-			(*tnl).push_back(
-					buildExprStatement(
-							static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(singleton)->op_));
-	} else
-		(*tnl).push_back(isSgStatement(sgn));
-	delete singleton;
-	return new CG_roseRepr(tnl);
-//    tnl = isSgNode(buildBasicBlock(buildExprStatement(static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(singleton)->op_)));
-//  delete singleton;
-//  return new CG_roseRepr(tnl);
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListInsertLast(CG_outputRepr *list,
-		CG_outputRepr *node) const {
-	return StmtListAppend(list, node);
 CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
 		CG_outputRepr *list2) const {
@@ -1019,10 +826,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
 		return list2;
-	// SgStatement* parent;
-	//   SgStatement* stmt1;
-	//   SgStatement* stmt2;
 	SgStatementPtrList* new_list;
 	SgStatementPtrList* tnl1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list1)->list_;
@@ -1041,20 +844,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
 	if (tnl2 && two)
 		throw ir_error("error in stmtlistappend!!");
-//  SgNode* sg1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list1)->tnl_;
-//  if(SgStatement* stmt = isSgStatement(sg1))
-// (*tnl1).push_back(stmt); 
-//else if(isSgScopeStatement(sg1)){
-//     SgStatementPtrList scopeStmtPtrLst = isSgScopeStatement(sg1)->generateStatementList();
-//    for(SgStatementPtrList::iterator it1 = scopeStmtPtrLst.begin();it1 != scopeStmtPtrLst.end(); it1++)          
-//        (*tnl1).push_back(*it1);
 	if ((tnl1 == NULL) && (tnl2 == NULL)) {
 		if ((one != NULL) && (two != NULL)) {
@@ -1079,12 +868,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
 	} else {
 		if ((tnl2 != NULL) && (tnl1 == NULL)) {
-			/*  for(SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*tnl2).begin(); it != (*tnl2).end(); it++)
-			 {
-			 (*tnl1).push_back(*it);
-			 }
-			 */
 			if (one == NULL)
 				return list2;
 			else {
@@ -1096,7 +879,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
-				//delete list2;
 				return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(new_list));
 		} else if ((tnl1 != NULL) && (tnl2 == NULL)) {
@@ -1105,7 +887,6 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
 			else {
-				//  delete list1;
 				return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(tnl1));
@@ -1118,53 +899,10 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
-			// delete list2;
-			// delete list1;
 			return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(tnl1));
-//    SgNode* tnll2 =  static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list2)->tnl_;
-//   if(tnll2 != NULL){
-//     if(isSgStatement(tnll2)) 
-//      (*tnl1).push_back(isSgStatement(tnll2)); 
-//     else if(isSgScopeStatement(tnll2)){
-//        SgStatementPtrList scopeStmtPtrLst1 = isSgScopeStatement(tnll2)->generateStatementList();
-//        for(SgStatementPtrList::iterator it2 = scopeStmtPtrLst1.begin();it2 !=  scopeStmtPtrLst1.end(); it2++)          
-//        (*tnl1).push_back(*it2);
-//    }
-//    else{ 
-//    SgStatement*    stmt2 = isSgStatement(buildExprStatement(static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list2)->op_));
-//   (*tnl1).push_back(stmt2);
-//   }
-		//  stmt2 = isSgStatement(tnl2);
-//   std::string c = tnl1->unparseToString();    
-//   std::string d = isSgNode(stmt2)->unparseToString();    
-//  if(isSgForStatement(tnl1) || isSgBasicBlock(tnl1))
-//    isSgScopeStatement(tnl1)->append_statement(stmt2);
-//  else
-//  {
-		//      stmt1  = isSgStatement(tnl1);
-		// parent = isSgStatement(tnl1->get_parent());
-		//  if(isSgForStatement(tnl1->get_parent()) || isSgBasicBlock(tnl1->get_parent()))
-		//    isSgScopeStatement(tnl1->get_parent())->append_statement(stmt2);
-		//  else if (isSgStatement(tnl1->get_parent()))
-		//    isSgStatement(tnl1->get_parent())->insert_statement(stmt1, stmt2, false);
-// } 
-//  delete list2;
-//  return list1;
@@ -1172,14 +910,7 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
 CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateDim3(const char* varName, CG_outputRepr* arg1,
 		CG_outputRepr* arg2, CG_outputRepr* arg3) const {
-	//SgName type_name("dim3");
-	//SgClassSymbol * type_symbol = global_scope->lookup_class_symbol(type_name);
-	//	SgClassDeclaration * type_decl = isSgClassDeclaration(
-	//		type_symbol->get_declaration());
-	//SgVariableDeclaration * var_decl = buildVariableDeclaration(varName, type_symbol->get_type());
-	SgFunctionSymbol * ctor_symbol = global_scope->lookup_function_symbol(
+    SgFunctionSymbol * ctor_symbol = global_scope->lookup_function_symbol(
 	SgExprListExp * ctor_args;
@@ -1203,103 +934,11 @@ CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateDim3(const char* varName, CG_outputRepr* ar
 	SgStatementPtrList *tnl2 = new SgStatementPtrList;
-	//   (*tnl2).push_back(var_decl);
 	return new CG_roseRepr(tnl2);
-/*CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateDim3(const char* varName, int arg1,
-		int arg2) const {
-	SgName type_name("dim3");
-	SgClassSymbol * type_symbol = global_scope->lookup_class_symbol(type_name);
-	SgClassDeclaration * type_decl = isSgClassDeclaration(
-			type_symbol->get_declaration());
-	//SgVariableDeclaration * var_decl = buildVariableDeclaration(varName, type_symbol->get_type());
-	SgFunctionSymbol * ctor_symbol = global_scope->lookup_function_symbol(
-			SgName("dim3"));
-	SgExprListExp * ctor_args = buildExprListExp(buildIntVal(arg1),
-			buildIntVal(arg2));
-	SgFunctionCallExp * dim3_func_call = buildFunctionCallExp(
-			buildFunctionRefExp(ctor_symbol->get_declaration()), ctor_args);
-	char joined_str[20];
-	strcpy(joined_str, "dim3 ");
-	strcat(joined_str, varName);
-	SgExprStatement* decl = buildAssignStatement(
-			buildOpaqueVarRefExp(joined_str, isSgScopeStatement(root_)),
-			dim3_func_call);
-	SgStatementPtrList *tnl2 = new SgStatementPtrList;
-	//   (*tnl2).push_back(var_decl);
-	(*tnl2).push_back(decl);
-	return new CG_roseRepr(tnl2);
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateDim3(const char* varName, int arg1,
-		int arg2, int arg3) const {
-	SgName type_name("dim3");
-	SgClassSymbol * type_symbol = global_scope->lookup_class_symbol(type_name);
-	SgClassDeclaration * type_decl = isSgClassDeclaration(
-			type_symbol->get_declaration());
-	//SgVariableDeclaration * var_decl = buildVariableDeclaration(varName, type_symbol->get_type());
-	SgFunctionSymbol * ctor_symbol = global_scope->lookup_function_symbol(
-			SgName("dim3"));
-	SgExprListExp * ctor_args = buildExprListExp(buildIntVal(arg1),
-			buildIntVal(arg2), buildIntVal(arg3));
-	SgFunctionCallExp * dim3_func_call = buildFunctionCallExp(
-			buildFunctionRefExp(ctor_symbol->get_declaration()), ctor_args);
-	char joined_str[20];
-	strcpy(joined_str, "dim3 ");
-	strcat(joined_str, varName);
-	SgExprStatement* decl = buildAssignStatement(
-			buildOpaqueVarRefExp(joined_str, isSgScopeStatement(root_)),
-			dim3_func_call);
-	SgStatementPtrList *tnl2 = new SgStatementPtrList;
-	//   (*tnl2).push_back(var_decl);
-	(*tnl2).push_back(decl);
-	return new CG_roseRepr(tnl2);
-/*CG_outputRepr* CG_suifBuilder::CreateKernel(immed_list* iml) const {
- instruction *ins = new in_rrr(io_mrk);
- ins->append_annote(k_cuda_kernel, iml);
- tree_node_list *tnl = new tree_node_list;
- tnl->append(new tree_instr(ins));
- return new CG_suifRepr(tnl);
- }
- type_node* CG_suifBuilder::ModifyType(type_node* base, const char* modifier) const {
- modifier_type* result = new modifier_type(TYPE_NULL, base);
- immed_list *iml = new immed_list;
- iml->append(immed((char*)modifier));
- result->append_annote(k_cuda_modifier, iml);
- return result;
- }
- */
 std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
 		SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root) {
@@ -1367,13 +1006,6 @@ std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
 					std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
-			/*else if(isSgFortranDo(stmt)){
-			 SgFortranDo *tfortran =  isSgFortranDo(stmt);
-			 omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgStatement(tfortran->get_body()));
-			 std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
-			 delete r;
-			 std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
-			 }*/
 			else if (isSgVariableDeclaration(stmt)) {
 				if (SgExpression *init =
 						isSgVariableDeclaration(stmt)->get_variables().front()->get_initializer()) {
@@ -1386,9 +1018,6 @@ std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
 			} else if (isSgIfStmt(stmt)) {
 				SgIfStmt* tni = isSgIfStmt(stmt);
-				//tni->get_conditional()->set_parent(tni);
-				//tni->get_true_body()->set_parent(tni);
-				//tni->get_false_body()->set_parent(tni);
 				std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
 						isSgNode(tni->get_conditional()), sym, expr, root);
 				std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
@@ -1405,13 +1034,11 @@ std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
 						sym, expr, root);
 				std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
-			}    //end else if
-		}    //end if
+			}  
+		} 
 		else {
 			op = isSgExpression(in);
-			// std::string x = isSgNode(op)->unparseToString();
 			std::string y = sym->get_name().getString();
-//			std::cout << "------substitute else:: " <<  in->unparseToString().c_str() << ", " << y.c_str() << "\n";
 			if (isSgBinaryOp(op)) {
@@ -1425,9 +1052,6 @@ std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
 						isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_rhs_operand(), sym, expr, root);
 				std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
 			} else if (isSgUnaryOp(op)) {
-				//isSgUnaryOp(op)->get_operand()->set_parent(op);
-				//std::string x = isSgNode(op)->unparseToString();
-				//std::cout<<x<<std::endl;
 				std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
 						isSgUnaryOp(op)->get_operand(), sym, expr, root);
 				std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
@@ -1435,12 +1059,9 @@ std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
 				std::string z =
 				if (!strcmp(z.c_str(), y.c_str())) {
-					//isSgVarRefExp(op)->set_symbol(isSgVarRefExp(expr)->get_symbol());
-					//replaceVariableReferences(root, isSgVarRefExp(in)->get_symbol(), temp);
-					//r = true;
-				}        //end if
-			}        //end else if
+				}   
+			}    
 			else if (isSgCallExpression(op)) {
 				SgExprListExp* exprs = isSgCallExpression(op)->get_args();
 				SgExpressionPtrList &expr_list = exprs->get_expressions();
@@ -1463,71 +1084,10 @@ std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
-			//end else if
-			//else if(!isSgValueExp(op))
-			//	throw ir_error("unrecognized expression type");
-		}        //end else
-	}        //end if
-	/*  bool r = false;
-	 if (isSgVarRefExp(in) && (isSgVarRefExp(in)->get_symbol()  == sym)) {
-	 omega::CG_roseRepr *result = new omega::CG_roseRepr(expr);
-	 SgExpression* expr1 =  result->GetExpression();
-	 delete result;
-	 SgVariableSymbol* temp = isSgVarRefExp(expr1)->get_symbol();
-	 parent->replace_expression(in, expr1);
-	 replaceVariableReferences(root, isSgVarRefExp(in)->get_symbol(), temp);
-	 r = true;
-	 }
-	 else if(isSgBinaryOp(in)){
-	 substitute(isSgBinaryOp(in)->get_lhs_operand(), sym, expr, root, in);
-	 substitute(isSgBinaryOp(in)->get_rhs_operand(), sym, expr, root, in);
-	 }
-	 else if(isSgUnaryOp(in))
-	 substitute(isSgUnaryOp(in)->get_operand(), sym, expr, root, in);
-	 */
+		}  
+	}       
 	return arrays;
-/*bool substitute(SgStatement *tn, SgVariableSymbol *sym, SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root, SgSymbolTable* symtab) {
- if (tn == NULL)
- return false;
- bool r = false;
- if( tn != NULL){
- if(isSgExpression(tn)){
- r = substitute(isSgExpression(tn), sym, expr, root, isSgExpression(tn)) || r;
- }
- else {
- omega::CG_roseRepr *result = new omega::CG_roseRepr(expr);
- SgExpression* expr1 = result->GetExpression();
- tn->replace_expression(buildVarRefExp(sym), expr1);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tn->get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors(); i++)
- r = substitute(isSgStatement(tn->get_traversalSuccessorByIndex(i)), sym, expr, root, symtab) || r;
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- bool substitute(SgNode *tnl, SgVariableSymbol *sym, SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root, SgSymbolTable* symtab) {
- if (tnl == NULL)
- return false;
- bool r = false;
- for(int i=0; i < tnl->get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors(); i++){
- SgNode* tn = tnl->get_traversalSuccessorByIndex(i);
- r = substitute(isSgStatement(tn), sym, expr, root, symtab) || r;
- }
- return r;
- }
- */
 } // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.h
index 42285d0..3bd7143 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.h
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ virtual ~Bag();
 	Bag(const Bag<T>&);
 	Bag & operator=(const Bag<T>&);
-virtual	void operator |= (const Bag<T> & b); // add elements in b
+    //! add elements in b
+    virtual	void operator |= (const Bag<T> & b);
 	Iterator<T> *new_iterator();
 	bool empty() const;
 	void remove(T);
-virtual	void insert(T);
+    virtual	void insert(T);
 	void clear();
-virtual	bool contains(T) const;
+    virtual	bool contains(T) const;
 	int size() const;
 	T extract();
 // protected:  breaks g++ 261
@@ -31,10 +32,11 @@ virtual	bool contains(T) const;
 template<class T> class Ordered_Bag : public Bag<T> { 
-// virtual ~Ordered_Bag();
 	Ordered_Bag(const Ordered_Bag<T>& B) : Bag<T>(B) {}
 	void insert(T);
-virtual	void operator |= (const Ordered_Bag<T> & b); // add elements in b
+    //! add elements in b
+    virtual	void operator |= (const Ordered_Bag<T> & b);
+    //! add elements in b
 	void operator |= (const Bag<T> & b);
 	bool  contains(T) const;
         bool  operator == (const Ordered_Bag<T>&) const;
@@ -45,21 +47,26 @@ virtual	void operator |= (const Ordered_Bag<T> & b); // add elements in b
 template <class T> class Set : public Ordered_Bag <T> { 
-// virtual ~Set();
 	Set(const Set<T>& S) : Ordered_Bag<T>(S) {}
         bool  contains (const Set<T>& b) const;
         bool  contains (T t) const { return Ordered_Bag<T>::contains(t); }
 	// the above makes "standard" C++ happy
-virtual	void operator |= (const Set<T> & b); // add elements in b
+    //! add elements in b
+    virtual	void operator |= (const Set<T> & b);
+    //! add elements in b
 	void operator |= (const Ordered_Bag<T> & b);
+    //! add elements in b
 	void operator |= (const Bag<T> & b);
-        void operator -= (const Set<T> & b); // delete items also in b
-        void operator &= (const Set<T> & b); // delete items not in b
-        bool operator & (const Set<T> &) const; // check for elements in common
+    //! delete items also in b
+    void operator -= (const Set<T> & b);
+    //! delete items not in b
+    void operator &= (const Set<T> & b);
+    //! check for elements in common
+    bool operator & (const Set<T> &) const;
 } // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/BoolSet.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/BoolSet.h
index dc9ef83..a78af2e 100755
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/BoolSet.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/BoolSet.h
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
 #include <iterator>
 namespace omega {
+    //!  BoolSet class, used as a set of integers from 0 to n-1 where n is a very small integer.
 template<typename T = unsigned int>
 class BoolSet {
@@ -50,17 +51,20 @@ public:
   BoolSet<T> &operator|=(const BoolSet<T> &); 
   BoolSet<T> &operator&=(const BoolSet<T> &); 
   BoolSet<T> &operator-=(const BoolSet<T> &); 
-  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator|(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &);  // union
-  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator&(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &);  // intersection
-  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator-(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &);  // difference  
-  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator~(const BoolSet<TT> &);                       // complement
+  //! union
+  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator|(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &);
+  //! intersection
+  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator&(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &);
+  //! difference
+  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator-(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &);
+  //! complement
+  template<typename TT> friend BoolSet<TT> operator~(const BoolSet<TT> &);                 
   template<typename TT> friend bool operator==(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &); 
   template<typename TT> friend bool operator!=(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &); 
   template<typename TT> friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const BoolSet<TT> &);
   template<typename TT> friend bool operator<(const BoolSet<TT> &, const BoolSet<TT> &);
-// iterator related
   class iterator;
   class const_iterator;
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Collection.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Collection.h
index c7e4eef..80ddf48 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Collection.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Collection.h
@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ template<class T> class Iterator;
 template<class T> class Any_Iterator;
- * protocol for any kind of collection
- */
+//! protocol for any kind of collection
 template<class T> class Collection {
     virtual Iterator<T> *new_iterator() = 0;
@@ -20,21 +17,20 @@ public:
  * protocol for collections whose elements are ordered
  * by the way they are entered into the collection, and
  * whose elements can be accessed by "index"
  * note that the implementation need not be a linked list
 template<class T> class Sequence : public Collection<T> {
     virtual const T &operator[](int) const = 0;
     virtual       T &operator[](int)       = 0;
-    virtual int index(const T &) const = 0;  // Y in X --> X[X.index(Y)] == Y
+    /*! Y in X --> X[X.index(Y)] == Y */
+    virtual int index(const T &) const = 0;  };
 } // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/ConstString.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/ConstString.h
index 5149e55..f149c9d 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/ConstString.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/ConstString.h
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ namespace omega {
 // global, but if it and its size are static to Const_String,
 // the compiler still doesn't seem to like the definition,
 // or the declaration either for that matter.
 class ConstStringRep {
   const char *name;
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.c b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ede2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.c
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.h>
+namespace omega {
+template<class T, int d> void DynamicArray<T,d>::do_constr()
+    {
+//     assert(d > 0);
+// #endif
+    bounds = 0;
+    elements = 0;
+    partial = false;
+    }
+template<class T> void DynamicArray1<T>::do_construct(int d0)
+    {
+    this->bounds = new int[1];
+    this->bounds[0] = d0;
+    this->elements = new T [d0];
+    this->partial = false;
+    }
+template<class T> void DynamicArray2<T>::do_construct(int d0, int d1)
+    {
+    this->bounds = new int[2];
+    this->bounds[0] = d0;
+    this->bounds[1] = d1;
+    this->elements = new T [d0 * d1];
+    this->partial = false;
+    }
+template<class T> void DynamicArray3<T>::do_construct(int d0,int d1,int d2)
+    {
+    this->bounds = new int[3];
+    this->bounds[0] = d0;
+    this->bounds[1] = d1;
+    this->bounds[2] = d2;
+    this->elements = new T [d0 * d1 * d2];
+    this->partial = false;
+    }
+template<class T> void DynamicArray4<T>::do_construct(int d0,int d1,int d2,int d3)
+    {
+    this->bounds = new int[4];
+    this->bounds[0] = d0;
+    this->bounds[1] = d1;
+    this->bounds[2] = d2;
+    this->bounds[3] = d3;
+    this->elements = new T [d0 * d1 * d2 * d3];
+    this->partial = false;
+    }
+template<class T, int d> DynamicArray<T,d>::DynamicArray()
+    {
+    do_constr();
+    }
+template<class T> DynamicArray1<T>::DynamicArray1(const char *)
+    {
+    this->do_constr();
+    }
+template<class T> DynamicArray2<T>::DynamicArray2(const char *,const char *)
+    {
+    this->do_constr();
+    }
+template<class T> DynamicArray3<T>::DynamicArray3(const char *,const char *,const char *)
+    {
+    this->do_constr();
+    }
+template<class T> DynamicArray4<T>::DynamicArray4(const char *,const char *,const char *,const char *)
+    {
+    this->do_constr();
+    }
+template<class T> DynamicArray1<T>::DynamicArray1(int d0)
+    {
+    do_construct(d0);
+    } 
+template<class T> DynamicArray2<T>::DynamicArray2(int d0, int d1)
+    {
+    do_construct(d0, d1);
+    }
+template<class T> DynamicArray3<T>::DynamicArray3(int d0,int d1,int d2)
+    {
+    do_construct(d0, d1, d2);
+    }
+template<class T> DynamicArray4<T>::DynamicArray4(int d0,int d1,int d2,int d3)
+    {
+    do_construct(d0, d1, d2, d3);
+    }
+template<class T, int d> void DynamicArray<T,d>::do_destruct()
+    {
+    if (! partial)
+	{
+        delete [] bounds;
+        delete [] elements;
+	}
+    }
+template<class T, int d> DynamicArray<T,d>::~DynamicArray()
+    {
+    do_destruct();
+    }
+template<class T> void DynamicArray1<T>::resize(int d0)
+    {
+    assert(!this->partial);
+    this->do_destruct();
+    if (d0 == 0)
+        this->do_constr();
+    else
+        do_construct(d0);
+    } 
+template<class T> void DynamicArray2<T>::resize(int d0, int d1)
+    {
+    assert(!this->partial);
+    this->do_destruct();
+    if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0)
+        this->do_constr();
+    else
+        do_construct(d0, d1);
+    }
+template<class T> void DynamicArray3<T>::resize(int d0, int d1, int d2)
+    {
+    assert(!this->partial);
+    this->do_destruct();
+    if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0)
+        this->do_constr();
+    else
+        do_construct(d0, d1, d2);
+    }
+template<class T> void DynamicArray4<T>::resize(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3)
+    {
+    assert(!this->partial);
+    this->do_destruct();
+    if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0 && d3 == 0)
+        this->do_constr();
+    else
+        do_construct(d0, d1, d2, d3);
+    }
+template<class T> T& DynamicArray1<T>::operator[](int d0)
+    { 
+#if !defined (NDEBUG)
+    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
+    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
+    return this->elements[d0];
+    }
+template<class T>  DynamicArray1<T> DynamicArray2<T>::operator[](int d0)
+    { 
+#if !defined (NDEBUG)
+    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
+    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
+    DynamicArray1<T> result;
+    result.bounds = this->bounds+1;
+    result.elements = this->elements + this->bounds[1] * d0;
+    result.partial = true;
+    return result;
+    }
+template<class T>  DynamicArray2<T> DynamicArray3<T>::operator[](int d0)
+    { 
+#if !defined (NDEBUG)
+    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
+    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
+    DynamicArray2<T> result;
+    result.bounds = this->bounds+1;
+    result.elements = this->elements + this->bounds[1] * this->bounds[2] * d0;
+    result.partial = true;
+    return result;
+    } 
+template<class T>  DynamicArray3<T> DynamicArray4<T>::operator[](int d0)
+    { 
+#if !defined (NDEBUG)
+    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
+    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
+    DynamicArray3<T> result;
+    result.bounds = this->bounds+1;
+    result.elements = this->elements + this->bounds[1] * this->bounds[2] * this->bounds[3] * d0;
+    result.partial = true;
+    return result;
+    } 
+template<class T, int d> 
+    DynamicArray<T,d>::DynamicArray(DynamicArray<T,d> &D)
+    {
+    assert(D.elements != 0 && "Trying to copy an undefined array");
+    partial = true;
+    bounds = D.bounds;
+    elements = D.elements;
+    }
+} // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9bae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/DynamicArray.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#ifndef Already_Included_DynamicArray
+#define Already_Included_DynamicArray
+namespace omega {
+template <class T> class DynamicArray2;
+template <class T> class DynamicArray3;
+template <class T> class DynamicArray4;
+template <class T, int d> class DynamicArray
+    {
+    public:
+	DynamicArray(DynamicArray<T,d> &D);
+        ~DynamicArray();
+    protected:
+	DynamicArray();
+	bool partial;
+	int *bounds;
+	T *elements;
+	void do_constr();
+	void do_destruct();
+    };
+template <class T> class DynamicArray1 : public DynamicArray<T,1>
+    {
+    public:
+	DynamicArray1(const char *s0 = 0);
+	DynamicArray1(int d0);
+	void resize(int d0);
+        T& operator[](int d);
+	friend class DynamicArray2<T>;
+    private:
+	void do_construct(int d0);
+    };
+template <class T> class DynamicArray2 : public DynamicArray<T,2>
+    {
+    public:
+	DynamicArray2(const char *s0 = 0, const char *s1 = 0);
+	DynamicArray2(int d0, int d1);
+	void resize(int d0, int d1);
+  	DynamicArray1<T> operator[](int d);
+	friend class DynamicArray3<T>;
+    private:
+	void do_construct(int d0, int d1);
+    };
+template <class T> class DynamicArray3 : public DynamicArray<T,3>
+    {
+    public:
+	DynamicArray3(const char *s0 = 0, const char *s1 = 0, const char *s2 = 0);
+	DynamicArray3(int d0, int d1, int d2);
+	void resize(int d0, int d1, int d2);
+  	DynamicArray2<T> operator[](int d);
+	friend class DynamicArray4<T>;
+    private:
+	void do_construct(int d0, int d1, int d2);
+    };
+template <class T> class DynamicArray4 : public DynamicArray<T,4>
+    {
+    public:
+	DynamicArray4(const char *s0 = 0, const char *s1 = 0, const char *s2 = 0, const char *s3 = 0);
+	DynamicArray4(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3);
+	void resize(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3);
+  	DynamicArray3<T> operator[](int d);
+    private:
+	void do_construct(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3);
+    };
+} // namespace
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.c>
+#define instantiate_DynamicArray1(T)	template class DynamicArray1<T>; \
+					template class DynamicArray<T,1>;
+#define instantiate_DynamicArray2(T)	template class DynamicArray2<T>;  \
+					template class DynamicArray<T,2>; \
+					instantiate_DynamicArray1(T);
+#define instantiate_DynamicArray3(T)	template class DynamicArray3<T>;  \
+					template class DynamicArray<T,3>; \
+					instantiate_DynamicArray2(T);
+#define instantiate_DynamicArray4(T)	template class DynamicArray4<T>;  \
+					template class DynamicArray<T,4>; \
+					instantiate_DynamicArray3(T);
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.c b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0300fd8..0000000
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
-namespace omega {
-template<class T, int d> void Dynamic_Array<T,d>::do_constr()
-    {
-//     assert(d > 0);
-// #endif
-    bounds = 0;
-    elements = 0;
-    partial = false;
-    }
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array1<T>::do_construct(int d0)
-    {
-    this->bounds = new int[1];
-    this->bounds[0] = d0;
-    this->elements = new T [d0];
-    this->partial = false;
-    }
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array2<T>::do_construct(int d0, int d1)
-    {
-    this->bounds = new int[2];
-    this->bounds[0] = d0;
-    this->bounds[1] = d1;
-    this->elements = new T [d0 * d1];
-    this->partial = false;
-    }
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array3<T>::do_construct(int d0,int d1,int d2)
-    {
-    this->bounds = new int[3];
-    this->bounds[0] = d0;
-    this->bounds[1] = d1;
-    this->bounds[2] = d2;
-    this->elements = new T [d0 * d1 * d2];
-    this->partial = false;
-    }
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array4<T>::do_construct(int d0,int d1,int d2,int d3)
-    {
-    this->bounds = new int[4];
-    this->bounds[0] = d0;
-    this->bounds[1] = d1;
-    this->bounds[2] = d2;
-    this->bounds[3] = d3;
-    this->elements = new T [d0 * d1 * d2 * d3];
-    this->partial = false;
-    }
-template<class T, int d> Dynamic_Array<T,d>::Dynamic_Array()
-    {
-    do_constr();
-    }
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array1<T>::Dynamic_Array1(const char *)
-    {
-    this->do_constr();
-    }
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array2<T>::Dynamic_Array2(const char *,const char *)
-    {
-    this->do_constr();
-    }
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array3<T>::Dynamic_Array3(const char *,const char *,const char *)
-    {
-    this->do_constr();
-    }
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array4<T>::Dynamic_Array4(const char *,const char *,const char *,const char *)
-    {
-    this->do_constr();
-    }
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array1<T>::Dynamic_Array1(int d0)
-    {
-    do_construct(d0);
-    } 
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array2<T>::Dynamic_Array2(int d0, int d1)
-    {
-    do_construct(d0, d1);
-    }
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array3<T>::Dynamic_Array3(int d0,int d1,int d2)
-    {
-    do_construct(d0, d1, d2);
-    }
-template<class T> Dynamic_Array4<T>::Dynamic_Array4(int d0,int d1,int d2,int d3)
-    {
-    do_construct(d0, d1, d2, d3);
-    }
-template<class T, int d> void Dynamic_Array<T,d>::do_destruct()
-    {
-    if (! partial)
-	{
-        delete [] bounds;
-        delete [] elements;
-	}
-    }
-template<class T, int d> Dynamic_Array<T,d>::~Dynamic_Array()
-    {
-    do_destruct();
-    }
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array1<T>::resize(int d0)
-    {
-    assert(!this->partial);
-    this->do_destruct();
-    if (d0 == 0)
-        this->do_constr();
-    else
-        do_construct(d0);
-    } 
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array2<T>::resize(int d0, int d1)
-    {
-    assert(!this->partial);
-    this->do_destruct();
-    if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0)
-        this->do_constr();
-    else
-        do_construct(d0, d1);
-    }
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array3<T>::resize(int d0, int d1, int d2)
-    {
-    assert(!this->partial);
-    this->do_destruct();
-    if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0)
-        this->do_constr();
-    else
-        do_construct(d0, d1, d2);
-    }
-template<class T> void Dynamic_Array4<T>::resize(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3)
-    {
-    assert(!this->partial);
-    this->do_destruct();
-    if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0 && d3 == 0)
-        this->do_constr();
-    else
-        do_construct(d0, d1, d2, d3);
-    }
-template<class T> T& Dynamic_Array1<T>::operator[](int d0)
-    { 
-#if !defined (NDEBUG)
-    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
-    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
-    return this->elements[d0];
-    }
-template<class T>  Dynamic_Array1<T> Dynamic_Array2<T>::operator[](int d0)
-    { 
-#if !defined (NDEBUG)
-    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
-    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
-    Dynamic_Array1<T> result;
-    result.bounds = this->bounds+1;
-    result.elements = this->elements + this->bounds[1] * d0;
-    result.partial = true;
-    return result;
-    }
-template<class T>  Dynamic_Array2<T> Dynamic_Array3<T>::operator[](int d0)
-    { 
-#if !defined (NDEBUG)
-    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
-    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
-    Dynamic_Array2<T> result;
-    result.bounds = this->bounds+1;
-    result.elements = this->elements + this->bounds[1] * this->bounds[2] * d0;
-    result.partial = true;
-    return result;
-    } 
-template<class T>  Dynamic_Array3<T> Dynamic_Array4<T>::operator[](int d0)
-    { 
-#if !defined (NDEBUG)
-    assert(this->elements != 0 && "Trying to dereference undefined array");
-    assert(0 <= d0 && d0 < this->bounds[0] && "Array subscript out of bounds");
-    Dynamic_Array3<T> result;
-    result.bounds = this->bounds+1;
-    result.elements = this->elements + this->bounds[1] * this->bounds[2] * this->bounds[3] * d0;
-    result.partial = true;
-    return result;
-    } 
-template<class T, int d> 
-    Dynamic_Array<T,d>::Dynamic_Array(Dynamic_Array<T,d> &D)
-    {
-    assert(D.elements != 0 && "Trying to copy an undefined array");
-    partial = true;
-    bounds = D.bounds;
-    elements = D.elements;
-    }
-} // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c0bdf12..0000000
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Already_Included_Dynamic_Array
-#define Already_Included_Dynamic_Array
-namespace omega {
-template <class T> class Dynamic_Array2;
-template <class T> class Dynamic_Array3;
-template <class T> class Dynamic_Array4;
-template <class T, int d> class Dynamic_Array
-    {
-    public:
-	Dynamic_Array(Dynamic_Array<T,d> &D);
-        ~Dynamic_Array();
-    protected:
-	Dynamic_Array();
-	bool partial;
-	int *bounds;
-	T *elements;
-	void do_constr();
-	void do_destruct();
-    };
-template <class T> class Dynamic_Array1 : public Dynamic_Array<T,1>
-    {
-    public:
-	Dynamic_Array1(const char *s0 = 0);
-	Dynamic_Array1(int d0);
-	void resize(int d0);
-        T& operator[](int d);
-	friend class Dynamic_Array2<T>;
-    private:
-	void do_construct(int d0);
-    };
-template <class T> class Dynamic_Array2 : public Dynamic_Array<T,2>
-    {
-    public:
-	Dynamic_Array2(const char *s0 = 0, const char *s1 = 0);
-	Dynamic_Array2(int d0, int d1);
-	void resize(int d0, int d1);
-  	Dynamic_Array1<T> operator[](int d);
-	friend class Dynamic_Array3<T>;
-    private:
-	void do_construct(int d0, int d1);
-    };
-template <class T> class Dynamic_Array3 : public Dynamic_Array<T,3>
-    {
-    public:
-	Dynamic_Array3(const char *s0 = 0, const char *s1 = 0, const char *s2 = 0);
-	Dynamic_Array3(int d0, int d1, int d2);
-	void resize(int d0, int d1, int d2);
-  	Dynamic_Array2<T> operator[](int d);
-	friend class Dynamic_Array4<T>;
-    private:
-	void do_construct(int d0, int d1, int d2);
-    };
-template <class T> class Dynamic_Array4 : public Dynamic_Array<T,4>
-    {
-    public:
-	Dynamic_Array4(const char *s0 = 0, const char *s1 = 0, const char *s2 = 0, const char *s3 = 0);
-	Dynamic_Array4(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3);
-	void resize(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3);
-  	Dynamic_Array3<T> operator[](int d);
-    private:
-	void do_construct(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3);
-    };
-} // namespace
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.c>
-#define instantiate_Dynamic_Array1(T)	template class Dynamic_Array1<T>; \
-					template class Dynamic_Array<T,1>;
-#define instantiate_Dynamic_Array2(T)	template class Dynamic_Array2<T>;  \
-					template class Dynamic_Array<T,2>; \
-					instantiate_Dynamic_Array1(T);
-#define instantiate_Dynamic_Array3(T)	template class Dynamic_Array3<T>;  \
-					template class Dynamic_Array<T,3>; \
-					instantiate_Dynamic_Array2(T);
-#define instantiate_Dynamic_Array4(T)	template class Dynamic_Array4<T>;  \
-					template class Dynamic_Array<T,4>; \
-					instantiate_Dynamic_Array3(T);
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Iterator.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Iterator.h
index 8975d9e..f62874c 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Iterator.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Iterator.h
@@ -16,24 +16,24 @@ namespace omega {
 #define foreachSeparated(x,T,S,A,B) do {for (omega::Any_Iterator<T> __P_##x = (S).any_iterator();__P_##x;) {T & x = *__P_##x; A; __P_##x++; if (__P_##x) B;}} while (0)
- * Abstract base class Iterator<type>
+ * \brief Abstract base class Iterator<type>
+ * 
  * Supports two styles of iteration:
- *
+ * ~~~
  *    for ( ... initialize i (typically i = collection) ...  ; i ; i++ )
  *        operate_on(*i)
- *
+ * ~~~
  * or
- *
+ * ~~~
  *    for ( ... initialize i ... ; ; )
  *        operate_on(i.curr())
- *
+ * ~~~
  * For collections that are not "Sequence"s, the order in
  *  which the elements are returned may not be consistent.
 template<class T> class Iterator {
     virtual const T &  operator*() const = 0;
@@ -54,9 +54,8 @@ public:
-// A generator is like an iterator but it gives out values,
-// which may or may not exist in some writable collection
+//! A generator is like an iterator but it gives out values
+/*! Values may or may not exist in some writable collection */
 template<class T> class Generator {
     virtual       T    operator*() const = 0;
@@ -74,14 +73,13 @@ public:
-// Delegate to any kind of iterator (on the heap)
-// If created via a reference, become a copy of the iterator
-// If created via a pointer, manipulate that pointer and free *p when this dies
-// Mostly useful for Collection::iterator
-// Iterator::Iterator(Collection)
+//! Delegate to any kind of iterator (on the heap)
+ * * If created via a reference, become a copy of the iterator
+ * * If created via a pointer, manipulate that pointer and free *p when this dies
+ * 
+ * Mostly useful for Collection::iterator `Iterator::Iterator(Collection)`
+ */
 template<class T> class Any_Iterator : public Iterator<T> {
     Any_Iterator(Collection<T> &c);
@@ -101,13 +99,13 @@ public:
     Iterator<T> *new_copy() const	{ return new Any_Iterator<T>((*me).new_copy()); }
-    Any_Iterator(Iterator<T> *p)  // take over *p, *p MUST BE ON THE HEAP
-    { me = p; }
+    //! take over *p, *p MUST BE ON THE HEAP
+    Any_Iterator(Iterator<T> *p) { me = p; }
     friend class Collection<T>;
-#if 0  
-    // Couldn't make this work with g++258
-    friend Any_Iterator<T> Collection<T>::any_iterator();
+ *   // Couldn't make this work with g++258
+ *   friend Any_Iterator<T> Collection<T>::any_iterator();
+ */
     Iterator<T> *me;
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Link.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Link.h
index ede7a2b..bdf169c 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Link.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Link.h
@@ -16,20 +16,19 @@ namespace omega {
-   List_Element: one item in a list and the pointer to the next.
-   Each such object should be pointed to by either exactly one
-    other List_Element or by some other pointer(s), exactly one
-    of which will delete the List_Element.
-   ListElements should ONLY be allocated on the heap.
- */
 #if ListElementFreeList
   // g++ 2.5.8 does not allow static data in template classes, so...
   extern void *kludgy_List_Element_new(size_t size);
   extern void  kludgy_List_Element_delete(void *ptr, size_t size);
+ * \brief List_Element: one item in a list and the pointer to the next.
+ *
+ * Each such object should be pointed to by either exactly one
+ * other List_Element or by some other pointer(s), exactly one
+ * of which will delete the List_Element.
+ * ListElements should ONLY be allocated on the heap.
+ */
 template <class T> class List_Element {
 #if ListElementFreeList
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/List.h b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/List.h
index c6fc062..ee394d9 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/List.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/List.h
@@ -4,11 +4,6 @@
  *  Linked lists with an interface like a bit of libg++'s SLList class
-#if 0
-#include <basic/assert.h> /* List requires assert which needs Exit which */
-#endif                    /* needs List!  just include assert in List.c  */
 #include <stdio.h>  // for NULL
 #include <basic/Iterator.h>
 #include <basic/Collection.h>
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/omega/reach.h b/omegalib/omega/include/omega/reach.h
index ff4bf79..76d7dee 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/omega/reach.h
+++ b/omegalib/omega/include/omega/reach.h
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ class reachable_information {
 	Tuple<std::string> node_names;
 	Tuple<int> node_arity;
-	Dynamic_Array1<Relation> start_nodes;
-	Dynamic_Array2<Relation> transitions;
+	DynamicArray1<Relation> start_nodes;
+	DynamicArray2<Relation> transitions;
-Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *
+DynamicArray1<Relation> *
 Reachable_Nodes(reachable_information * reachable_info);
-Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *
+DynamicArray1<Relation> *
 I_Reachable_Nodes(reachable_information * reachable_info);
 } // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/src/ b/omegalib/omega/src/
index bde785c..6569edb 100644
--- a/omegalib/omega/src/
+++ b/omegalib/omega/src/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 #include <omega.h>
 #include <omega/Relations.h>
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.h>
 #include <omega/reach.h>
 namespace omega {
-typedef Dynamic_Array1<Relation> Rel_Array1;
-typedef Dynamic_Array2<Relation> Rel_Array2;
+typedef DynamicArray1<Relation> Rel_Array1;
+typedef DynamicArray2<Relation> Rel_Array2;
 // This is from parallelism.c, modified
diff --git a/omegalib/omegacalc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c b/omegalib/omegacalc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c
index ad6b979..b0f5227 100644
--- a/omegalib/omegacalc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c
+++ b/omegalib/omegacalc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include <basic/Tuple.h>
 #include <basic/Section.h>
 #include <basic/Exit.h>
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.h>
 #include <omega.h>
 #include <omega/AST.h>
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ instantiate_Map(EQ_Handle,Variable_ID);
 instantiate_Map(Const_String, Relation *);
-instantiate_Dynamic_Array1(Coef_Var_Decl *);
+instantiate_DynamicArray1(Coef_Var_Decl *);
 /* Stuff required by calculator: */
diff --git a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.l b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.l
index ac2b448..04933f4 100644
--- a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.l
+++ b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.l
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <omega_calc/AST.h>
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.h>
 using namespace omega;
 #include ""
diff --git a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.ll b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.ll
index 86de3a4..e095f24 100755
--- a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.ll
+++ b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.ll
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <omega_calc/AST.h>
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.h>
 #include ""
 #include <omega_calc/myflex.h>
diff --git a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.y b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.y
index 7369b94..d365797 100644
--- a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.y
+++ b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.y
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.h>
 #include <basic/Iterator.h>
 #include <code_gen/code_gen.h>
 #include <omega_calc/AST.h>
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ void flushScanBuffer();
   Relation * RELATION;
   tupleDescriptor * TUPLE_DESCRIPTOR;
   RelTuplePair * REL_TUPLE_PAIR;
-  Dynamic_Array2<Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_2D;
-  Dynamic_Array1<Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_1D;
+  DynamicArray2<Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_2D;
+  DynamicArray1<Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_1D;
   Tuple<std::string> *STRING_TUPLE;
   std::string *STRING_VALUE;
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ inputItem : ';' /*empty*/
           | reachable ';' {
-            Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &final = *$1;
+            DynamicArray1<Relation> &final = *$1;
             bool any_sat = false;
             int i,n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
             for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
@@ -1582,13 +1582,13 @@ exp : COEF {$$ = new Exp($1);}
 reachable : REACHABLE_FROM nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
-            Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+            DynamicArray1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
             $$ = final;
 reachable_of : REACHABLE_OF VAR IN nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
-               Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+               DynamicArray1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
                int index = reachable_info->node_names.index(std::string($2));
                if (index == 0) {
                  yyerror(std::string("no such node ") + to_string($2));
@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ nodeSpecificationList : OPEN_BRACE realNodeSpecificationList CLOSE_BRACE {
                         int i,j;
                         int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
                         Tuple<int> &arity = reachable_info->node_arity;
-                        Dynamic_Array2<Relation> &transitions = reachable_info->transitions;
+                        DynamicArray2<Relation> &transitions = reachable_info->transitions;
                         /* fixup unspecified transitions to be false */
                         /* find arity */
@@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ nodeSpecificationList : OPEN_BRACE realNodeSpecificationList CLOSE_BRACE {
                               transitions[i][j] = Relation::False(arity[i],arity[j]);
                         /* fixup unused start node positions */
-                        Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &nodes = reachable_info->start_nodes;
+                        DynamicArray1<Relation> &nodes = reachable_info->start_nodes;
                         for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++) 
                             nodes[i] = Relation::False(arity[i]);
diff --git a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.yy b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.yy
index 896f926..c2821cc 100755
--- a/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.yy
+++ b/omegalib/omegacalc/src/parser.yy
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 //#define YYDEBUG 1
-#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/DynamicArray.h>
 #include <basic/Iterator.h>
 #include <omega_calc/AST.h>
 #include <omega/hull.h>
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void flushScanBuffer();
   omega::Relation *RELATION;
   tupleDescriptor *TUPLE_DESCRIPTOR;
   std::pair<std::vector<omega::Relation>, std::vector<omega::Relation> > *REL_TUPLE_PAIR;
-  omega::Dynamic_Array1<omega::Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_1D;
+  omega::DynamicArray1<omega::Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_1D;
   std::string *STRING_VALUE;
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ inputItem : ';' /*empty*/
           | reachable ';' {
-            Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &final = *$1;
+            DynamicArray1<Relation> &final = *$1;
             bool any_sat = false;
             int i,n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
             for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
@@ -1661,13 +1661,13 @@ exp : COEF {$$ = new Exp($1);}
 reachable : REACHABLE_FROM nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
-            Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+            DynamicArray1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
             $$ = final;
 reachable_of : REACHABLE_OF VAR IN nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
-               Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+               DynamicArray1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
                int index = reachable_info->node_names.index(std::string($2));
                if (index == 0) {
                  yyerror(std::string("no such node ") + to_string($2));
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ nodeSpecificationList : OPEN_BRACE realNodeSpecificationList CLOSE_BRACE {
                         int i,j;
                         int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
                         Tuple<int> &arity = reachable_info->node_arity;
-                        Dynamic_Array2<Relation> &transitions = reachable_info->transitions;
+                        DynamicArray2<Relation> &transitions = reachable_info->transitions;
                         /* fixup unspecified transitions to be false */
                         /* find arity */
@@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ nodeSpecificationList : OPEN_BRACE realNodeSpecificationList CLOSE_BRACE {
                               transitions[i][j] = Relation::False(arity[i],arity[j]);
                         /* fixup unused start node positions */
-                        Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &nodes = reachable_info->start_nodes;
+                        DynamicArray1<Relation> &nodes = reachable_info->start_nodes;
                         for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++) 
                             nodes[i] = Relation::False(arity[i]);
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2