# CHiLL ***The Composable High Level Loop Source-to-Source Translator*** ## How to use ### Build 1. build boost, rose 2. checkout repo, cd 3. `cmake -DROSEHOME= -DBOOSTHOME= -H. -Bbuild` 4. `cmake --build build -- -j10` 5. If no errors during build, executables are in `build` ### Install 1. Optionally set `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` 2. Optionally `cmake --build build -- install` ## Additional Doc * doc/CHiLL.pdf * Doxygen: `cmake --build build -- doc` ## Folder structure * `src` - CHiLL's "core" source files * `include` - CHiLL's include files * `lib` - Included modules, each as its own `src` and `include` * `omega` - omega, LICENSE.omega * `codegen` - codegen+, without rose dependence, LICENSE.omega * `rosecg` - codegen with rose, LICENSE.omega * `parserel` - parse Relation vectors, for adding knowns * `example` - CHiLL example scripts * `doc` - manual & doxygen ## Debug * pass `-DDEBUGCHILL` will enable debug output