CHiLL 0.2 open source release
See LICENSE file for copyright information.

CHiLL is a composable high-level loop transformation framework. It
supports a wide variety of loop transformations on a whole loop nest
or individual sub loop nests inside. Different transformations can be
applied in sequence. A scripting interface is also provided and
optimizing parameters used by the script can be modified on the fly.

What is new?

version 0.2:
  * More robust transformation composition.

version 0.1:
  * Initial release.


chill/         source files
  examples/    examples for using CHiLL scripts
    dep_test/  more examples for calculating data dependence
  bin/         links to executables: chill
  lib/         links to libraries: libchill_xform.a
  include/     links to header files


Currently the best overview can be found here (not up-to-date):
  "CHiLL: A Framework for Composing High-Level Loop Transformations",
  by Chun Chen, Jacqueline Chame and Mary Hall,
  USC CS TR 08-897
Software website:

For questions, bug reports or suggestions, please contact: