1) Please install Boost library version <= 1.45.0 using these instruccions

1. Download BOOST.
Download BOOST at

2. Untar BOOST.
Type tar -zxf BOOST-[VersionNumber].tar.gz to untar the BOOST distribution.

3. Create a separate install tree.
Type mkdir installTree to create a location for the install.

4. Run the script.
Type ./ --prefix=[installTree] 

5. Run bjam.
Type ./bjam install --prefix=[installTree] 

6) set your BOOSTHOME environment variable to where you've installed BOOST.

7) Download the latest version of rose from the website.

8) set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in your ${HOME}/.bashrc
   eg. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk

9)  add this to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable


10) make a new empty directory separate from the downloaded source directory($ROSE_SRC) for rose. 
   eg. mkdir ${HOME}/compileTree    

11) set your ROSEHOME environment variable in ${HOME}/.bashrc to ${HOME}/compileTree 

12) run the following command from this ${ROSEHOME}
    ${ROSE_SRC}/configure --prefix=${ROSEHOME} --with-boost=${BOOSTHOME} --with-boost-libdir=${BOOSTHOME}/lib -with-haskell=no

13) run the following command to compile:
    make install-core 

14) Install lua version <= 5.1 (usually not necessary to set the LUAHOME environment variable unless 
    you installed it in a local directory, in which case set LUAHOME to that directory). Lua is only required for
    cuda-chill and not plain chill.

15) If you are installing for CUDA-CHILL set the CUDACHILL environment variable to true
    else false

16) Install omega by doing the following commands
   i)  make clean
   ii) make veryclean
   iii)make depend
   iv) make

17) Set your OMEGAHOME environment variable to the appropriate directory in ${HOME}/.bashrc

18)  Install cuda-chill by doing the following commands
   i)  make clean
   ii) make veryclean
   iii)make depend-cuda-chill
   iv) make cuda-chill

   else if you are installing just plain chill
   export CUDACHILL=false; (remember to rebuild plain omega as well)
   i)  make clean
   ii) make veryclean
   iii)make depend
   iv) make

19) Go to examples/cuda-chill and run ../../cuda-chill mm.lua

20) If running plain Chill go to examples/chill and run ../../chill gemm.script