#ifndef _CHILLAST_NODE_H_ #define _CHILLAST_NODE_H_ #include "chillAST_def.hh" //! generic node of the actual chillAST, a multiway tree node. class chillAST_Node { public: // TODO decide how to hide some data //! this Node's parent chillAST_Node *parent; //! this node's children the only entity that holds childs/subexpressions chillAST_NodeList children; //! The parameters that this nodes accept, which every elements is in the scope, but they are not defined in children chillAST_SymbolTable *parameters; //! Symbol Scoping chillAST_SymbolTable *symbolTable; //! typedef Scoping chillAST_TypedefTable *typedefTable; //! whether it is from a source file, when false it is from included files bool isFromSourceFile; //! the name of file this node from char *filename; //! for compiler internals, formerly a comment char *metacomment; std::vector<chillAST_Preprocessing *> preprocessinginfo; //! for manufactured scalars static int chill_scalar_counter; //! for manufactured arrays static int chill_array_counter; //! for manufactured pointer static int chill_pointer_counter; //! Base constructor for all inherited class chillAST_Node() { parent = NULL; metacomment = NULL; isFromSourceFile = true; filename = NULL; symbolTable = NULL; typedefTable = NULL; parameters = NULL; } //! the type of this current node virtual CHILLAST_NODE_TYPE getType() {return CHILLAST_NODE_UNKNOWN;}; //! Get the human readable type name const char *getTypeString() { return ChillAST_Node_Names[getType()]; }; //! the precedence of the current node, 0 being the highest virtual int getPrec() {return INT8_MAX;} bool isSourceFile() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_SOURCEFILE); }; bool isTypeDefDecl() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_TYPEDEFDECL); }; bool isVarDecl() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_VARDECL); }; bool isFunctionDecl() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_FUNCTIONDECL); }; bool isRecordDecl() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_RECORDDECL); }; bool isMacroDefinition() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_MACRODEFINITION); }; bool isCompoundStmt() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_COMPOUNDSTMT); }; bool isLoop() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_LOOP); }; // AKA ForStmt bool isForStmt() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_LOOP); }; // AKA Loop bool isIfStmt() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_IFSTMT); }; bool isTernaryOperator() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_TERNARYOPERATOR); }; bool isBinaryOperator() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_BINARYOPERATOR); }; bool isUnaryOperator() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_UNARYOPERATOR); }; bool isArraySubscriptExpr() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_ARRAYSUBSCRIPTEXPR); }; bool isMemberExpr() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_MEMBEREXPR); }; bool isDeclRefExpr() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_DECLREFEXPR); }; bool isIntegerLiteral() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_INTEGERLITERAL); }; bool isFloatingLiteral() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_FLOATINGLITERAL); }; bool isImplicitCastExpr() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_IMPLICITCASTEXPR); }; bool isReturnStmt() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_RETURNSTMT); }; bool isCallExpr() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CALLEXPR); }; bool isParenExpr() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_PARENEXPR); }; bool isSizeof() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_SIZEOF); }; bool isMalloc() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_MALLOC); }; bool isFree() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_FREE); }; bool isPreprocessing() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_PREPROCESSING); }; bool isNoOp() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_NOOP); }; bool isNull() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_NULL); }; bool isCStyleCastExpr() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CSTYLECASTEXPR); }; bool isCStyleAddressOf() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CSTYLEADDRESSOF); }; bool isCudaMalloc() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CUDAMALLOC); }; bool isCudaFree() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CUDAFREE); }; bool isCudaMemcpy() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CUDAMEMCPY); }; bool isCudaKERNELCALL() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CUDAKERNELCALL); }; bool isCudaSYNCTHREADS() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_CUDASYNCTHREADS); }; bool isConstant() { return (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_INTEGERLITERAL) || (getType() == CHILLAST_NODE_FLOATINGLITERAL); } virtual bool isAssignmentOp() { return false; }; virtual bool isComparisonOp() { return false; }; virtual bool isNotLeaf() { return false; }; virtual bool isLeaf() { return true; }; virtual bool isParmVarDecl() { return false; }; virtual bool isPlusOp() { return false; }; virtual bool isMinusOp() { return false; }; virtual bool isPlusMinusOp() { return false; }; virtual bool isMultDivOp() { return false; }; virtual bool isAStruct() { return false; }; virtual bool isAUnion() { return false; }; virtual chillAST_SymbolTable* getSymbolTable() { return symbolTable; } virtual chillAST_TypedefTable* getTypedefTable() {return typedefTable; } virtual void addVariableToScope(chillAST_VarDecl *vd); virtual void addTypedefToScope(chillAST_TypedefDecl *tdd); chillAST_TypedefDecl* findTypeDecleration(const char *t); chillAST_VarDecl* findVariableDecleration(const char *t); chillAST_VarDecl* getVariableDeclaration(const char *vn); chillAST_TypedefDecl* getTypeDeclaration(const char *tn); virtual chillAST_VarDecl *findVariableNamed(const char *name); // recursive chillAST_RecordDecl *findRecordDeclNamed(const char *name); // recursive // void addDecl( chillAST_VarDecl *vd); // recursive, adds to first symbol table it can find int getNumChildren() { return children.size(); }; chillAST_NodeList* getChildren() { return &children; }; // not usually useful void setChildren(chillAST_NodeList &c) { children = c; }; // does not set parent. probably should chillAST_Node *getChild(int which) { return children[which]; }; void setChild(int which, chillAST_Node *n) { children[which] = n; children[which]->parent = this; }; void setMetaComment(const char *c) { metacomment = strdup(c); }; virtual void chillMergeChildInfo(chillAST_Node){ // TODO if (par) par->add to definition for vardecl/typedecl // TODO if (par) par->getSourceFile()->addFunc(this); for FuncDecl // TODO if (par) par->getSourceFile()->addMacro(this); For MacroDecl // TODO if (parent) parent->addVariableToSymbolTable(this); // should percolate up until something has a symbol table } virtual void addChild(chillAST_Node *c) { c->parent = this; // check to see if it's already there for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (c == children[i]) { CHILL_ERROR("addchild ALREADY THERE\n"); return; // already there } } children.push_back(c); }; // not usually useful virtual void addChildren(const chillAST_NodeList &c){ for (int i =0;i<c.size();++i){ addChild(c[i]); } } virtual void insertChild(int i, chillAST_Node *node) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s inserting child of type %s at location %d\n", getTypeString(), node->getTypeString(), i); node->parent = this; children.insert(children.begin() + i, node); }; virtual void removeChild(int i) { children.erase(children.begin() + i); }; int findChild(chillAST_Node *c) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (children[i] == c) return i; } return -1; } virtual void replaceChild(chillAST_Node *old, chillAST_Node *newchild) { CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("(%s) forgot to implement replaceChild() ... using generic\n", getTypeString()); CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%d children\n", children.size()); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (children[i] == old) { children[i] = newchild; newchild->setParent(this); return; } } CHILL_ERROR("%s %p generic replaceChild called with oldchild that was not a child\n", getTypeString(), this); CHILL_DEBUG_BEGIN fprintf(stderr, "printing\n"); print(); fprintf(stderr, "\nchild: "); if (!old) fprintf(stderr, "oldchild NULL!\n"); old->print(); fprintf(stderr, "\nnew: "); newchild->print(); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); CHILL_DEBUG_END exit(-1); }; //! Spread the loop across a bunch of cores that will each calculate its own loop variable. /*! * If a loop has this loop variable, replace the loop with the loop body, calculate their own loop variable. * * things that can not have loops as substatements can have a null version of this method * things that have more complicated sets of "children" will have specialized versions * * this is the generic version of the method. It just recurses among its children. * ForStmt is the only one that can actually remove itself. When it does, it will * potentially change the children vector, which is not the simple array it might appear. * so you have to make a copy of the vector to traverse * * @param var */ virtual void loseLoopWithLoopVar(char *var) { std::vector<chillAST_Node *> dupe = children; // simple enough? for (int i = 0; i < dupe.size(); i++) { // recurse on all children dupe[i]->loseLoopWithLoopVar(var); } } virtual int evalAsInt() { CHILL_ERROR("(%s) can't be evaluated as an integer??\n", getTypeString()); print(); exit(-1); } virtual const char *getUnderlyingType() { CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement getUnderlyingType()\n", getTypeString()); dump(); print(); exit(-1); }; virtual chillAST_VarDecl *getUnderlyingVarDecl() { CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement getUnderlyingVarDecl()\n", getTypeString()); dump(); print(); exit(-1); }; //! find the SINGLE constant or data reference at this node or below virtual chillAST_Node *findref() { CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement findref()\n", getTypeString()); dump(); print(); exit(-1); }; virtual void gatherArrayRefs(std::vector<chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr *> &refs, bool writtento) { CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayRefs()\n", getTypeString()); dump(); print(); exit(-1); }; // TODO we MIGHT want the VarDecl // NOTHING IMPLEMENTS THIS? ??? virtual void gatherScalarRefs(std::vector<chillAST_DeclRefExpr *> &refs, bool writtento) { CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement gatherScalarRefs()\n", getTypeString()); dump(); print(); exit(-1); }; //! recursive walk parent links, looking for loops, and grabbing the declRefExpr in the loop init and cond. virtual void gatherLoopIndeces( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &indeces) { // you can quit when you get to certain nodes CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s::gatherLoopIndeces()\n", getTypeString()); if (isSourceFile() || isFunctionDecl()) return; // end of the line if (!parent) return; // should not happen, but be careful // for most nodes, this just recurses upwards parent->gatherLoopIndeces(indeces); } //! recursive walk parent links, looking for loops chillAST_ForStmt *findContainingLoop() { CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("%s::findContainingLoop() ", getTypeString()); if (!parent) return NULL; if (parent->isForStmt()) return (chillAST_ForStmt *) parent; return parent->findContainingLoop(); // recurse upwards } //! recursive walk parent links, avoiding loops chillAST_Node *findContainingNonLoop() { fprintf(stderr, "%s::findContainingNonLoop() ", getTypeString()); if (!parent) return NULL; if (parent->isCompoundStmt() && parent->getParent()->isForStmt()) return parent->getParent()->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing if (parent->isForStmt()) return parent->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing return (chillAST_Node *) parent; // return non-loop } // TODO gather loop init and cond (and if cond) like gatherloopindeces virtual void gatherDeclRefExprs(std::vector<chillAST_DeclRefExpr *> &refs) { // both scalar and arrays fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherDeclRefExpr()\n", getTypeString()); }; virtual void gatherVarUsage(std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &decls) { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarUsage()\n", getTypeString()); }; virtual void gatherVarLHSUsage(std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &decls) { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarLHSUsage()\n", getTypeString()); }; //! ACTUAL Declaration virtual void gatherVarDecls(std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &decls) { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarDecls()\n", getTypeString()); }; virtual void gatherVarDeclsMore(std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &decls) { // even if the decl itself is not in the ast. fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarDeclsMore()\n", getTypeString()); }; virtual void gatherScalarVarDecls(std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &decls) { // ACTUAL Declaration fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherScalarVarDecls()\n", getTypeString()); }; virtual void gatherArrayVarDecls(std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> &decls) { // ACTUAL Declaration fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayVarDecls()\n", getTypeString()); }; virtual chillAST_VarDecl *findArrayDecl(const char *name) { // scoping TODO if (!getSymbolTable()) return parent->findArrayDecl(name); // most things else fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayVarDecls()\n", getTypeString()); } virtual void replaceVarDecls(chillAST_VarDecl *olddecl, chillAST_VarDecl *newdecl) { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement replaceVarDecls()\n", getTypeString()); }; //! this just looks for ForStmts with preferred index metacomment attached virtual bool findLoopIndexesToReplace(chillAST_SymbolTable *symtab, bool forcesync = false) { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement findLoopIndexesToReplace()\n", getTypeString()); return false; } virtual chillAST_Node *constantFold() { // hacky. TODO. make nice CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement constantFold()\n", getTypeString()); exit(-1);; }; virtual chillAST_Node *clone() { // makes a deep COPY (?) CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement clone()\n", getTypeString()); exit(-1);; }; // TODO We might want to print the code a bit differently, This can be only a generic dump //! Print CODE virtual void print(int indent = 0, FILE *fp = stderr) { fflush(fp); fprintf(fp, "\n"); chillindent(indent, fp); fprintf(fp, "(%s) forgot to implement print()\n", getTypeString()); }; virtual void printName(int indent = 0, FILE *fp = stderr) { fflush(fp); fprintf(fp, "\n"); chillindent(indent, fp); fprintf(fp, "(%s) forgot to implement printName()\n", getTypeString()); };// print CODE //! The AST's print version virtual char *stringRep(int indent = 0) { fflush(stdout); // TODO chillindent(indent, fp); CHILL_ERROR("(%s) forgot to implement stringRep()\n", getTypeString()); exit(-1); } virtual void printonly(int indent = 0, FILE *fp = stderr) { print(indent, fp); }; virtual void getTopLevelLoops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { int n = children.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (children[i]->isForStmt()) { loops.push_back(((chillAST_ForStmt *) (children[i]))); } } } virtual void repairParentChild() { // for nodes where all subnodes are children int n = children.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (children[i]->parent != this) { fprintf(stderr, "fixing child %s that didn't know its parent\n", children[i]->getTypeString()); children[i]->parent = this; } } } virtual void get_deep_loops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // this is probably broken - returns ALL loops under it int n = children.size(); //fprintf(stderr, "get_deep_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString()); children[i]->get_deep_loops(loops); } //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size()); } // generic for chillAST_Node with children virtual void find_deepest_loops(std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // returns DEEPEST nesting of loops std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> deepest; // deepest below here int n = children.size(); //fprintf(stderr, "find_deepest_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> subloops; // loops below here among a child of mine //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString()); children[i]->find_deepest_loops(subloops); if (subloops.size() > deepest.size()) { deepest = subloops; } } // append deepest we see at this level to loops for (int i = 0; i < deepest.size(); i++) { loops.push_back(deepest[i]); } //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size()); } void setParent(chillAST_Node *p) { parent = p; }; chillAST_Node *getParent() { return parent; }; //! This will be ideally replaced by call at to the top level chillAST_SourceFile *getSourceFile() { if (isSourceFile()) return ((chillAST_SourceFile *) this); if (parent != NULL) return parent->getSourceFile(); CHILL_ERROR("UHOH, getSourceFile() called on node %p %s that does not have a parent and is not a source file\n", this, this->getTypeString()); this->print(); exit(-1); } // TODO DOC virtual chillAST_Node *getEnclosingStatement(int level = 0); // TODO DOC virtual chillAST_VarDecl *multibase() { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement multibase()\n", getTypeString()); exit(-1); } // TODO DOC virtual chillAST_Node *multibase2() { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement multibase2()\n", getTypeString()); exit(-1); } //! Get a vector of statements virtual void gatherStatements(std::vector<chillAST_Node *> &statements) { fprintf(stderr, "(%s) forgot to implement gatherStatements()\n", getTypeString()); dump(); fflush(stdout); print(); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); } void printPreprocBEFORE(int indent, FILE *fp); void printPreprocAFTER(int indent, FILE *fp); virtual chillAST_SymbolTable* getParameters() {return parameters;} virtual chillAST_VarDecl* getParameter(const char * name); virtual void addParameter(chillAST_VarDecl* name); void dump(int indent=0,FILE *fp = stderr); }; #endif