#include <omega/pres_tree.h> #include <omega/pres_conj.h> #include <omega/Relation.h> #include <omega/omega_i.h> ///////////////////////// // // // Beautify functions // // // ///////////////////////// namespace omega { // // f & true = f // f | false = f // f1 & f2 & ... & fn = Conjunct(f1,f2,...,fn) // void Rel_Body::beautify() { assert(children().length()==1); set_parent(NULL,this); skip_finalization_check++; formula()->beautify(); Formula *child = formula(); if(child->node_type()==Op_And && child->children().empty()) { remove_child(child); delete child; add_conjunct(); } skip_finalization_check--; if(pres_debug) { fprintf(DebugFile, "\n=== Beautified TREE ===\n"); prefix_print(DebugFile); } assert(children().length()==1); } void Formula::beautify() { // copy list of children, as they may be removed as we work List<Formula*> kiddies = myChildren; for(List_Iterator<Formula*> c(kiddies); c; c++) (*c)->beautify(); } void F_Exists::beautify() { Formula::beautify(); assert(children().length()==1); if(myLocals.empty()) { // exists( : ***) parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_child(children().remove_front()); delete this; } else if (children()[1]->node_type() == Op_And && children()[1]->children().empty()) { // exists(*** : TRUE) --chun 6/4/2008 parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_child(children().remove_front()); delete this; } else { Formula *child = children().front(); if(child->node_type() == Op_Conjunct || child->node_type() == Op_Exists) { child->push_exists(myLocals); parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_child(child); children().remove_front(); delete this; } } } void F_Forall::beautify() { Formula::beautify(); assert(children().length()==1); if(myLocals.empty()) { parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_child(children().remove_front()); delete this; } } // // The Pix-free versions of beautify for And and Or are a bit // less efficient than the previous code, as we keep moving // things from one list to another, but they do not depend on // knowing that a Pix is valid after the list is updated, and // they can always be optimized later if necessary. // void F_Or::beautify() { Formula::beautify(); List<Formula*> uglies, beauties; uglies.join(children()); assert(children().empty()); #if ! defined NDEBUG foreach(c,Formula*,uglies,c->set_parent(0)); #endif while(!uglies.empty()) { Formula *f = uglies.remove_front(); if(f->node_type()==Op_And && f->children().empty() ) { // smth | true = true foreach(c,Formula*,uglies,delete c); foreach(c,Formula*,beauties,delete c); parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_and(); delete f; delete this; return; } else if(f->node_type()==Op_Or) { // OR(f[1-m], OR(c[1-n])) = OR(f[1-m], c[1-n]) #if ! defined NDEBUG foreach(c,Formula*,f->children(),c->set_parent(0)); #endif uglies.join(f->children()); delete f; } else beauties.prepend(f); } if(beauties.length()==1) { beauties.front()->set_parent(&parent()); parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_child(beauties.remove_front()); delete this; } else { foreach(c,Formula*,beauties,(c->set_parent(this), c->set_relation(relation()))); assert(children().empty()); children().join(beauties); } } void F_And::beautify() { Formula::beautify(); Conjunct *conj = NULL; List<Formula*> uglies, beauties; uglies.join(children()); assert(children().empty()); #if ! defined NDEBUG foreach(c,Formula*,uglies,c->set_parent(0)); #endif while(!uglies.empty()) { Formula *f = uglies.remove_front(); if (f->node_type() == Op_Conjunct) { if(conj==NULL) conj = f->really_conjunct(); else { Conjunct *conj1 = merge_conjs(conj, f->really_conjunct(), MERGE_REGULAR); delete f; delete conj; conj = conj1; } } else if(f->node_type()==Op_Or && f->children().empty()) { // smth & false = false foreach(c,Formula*,uglies,delete c); foreach(c,Formula*,beauties,delete c); parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_or(); delete f; delete conj; delete this; return; } else if(f->node_type()==Op_And) { // AND(f[1-m], AND(c[1-n])) = AND(f[1-m], c[1-n]) #if ! defined NDEBUG foreach(c,Formula*,f->children(),c->set_parent(0)); #endif uglies.join(f->children()); delete f; } else beauties.prepend(f); } if(conj!=NULL) beauties.prepend(conj); if(beauties.length()==1) { beauties.front()->set_parent(&parent()); parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_child(beauties.remove_front()); delete this; } else { foreach(c,Formula*,beauties,(c->set_parent(this), c->set_relation(relation()))); assert(children().empty()); children().join(beauties); } } void F_Not::beautify() { Formula::beautify(); assert(children().length()==1); Formula *child = children().front(); if(child->node_type()==Op_And && child->children().empty()) { // Not TRUE = FALSE parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_or(); delete this; } else if (child->node_type()==Op_Or && child->children().empty()) { // Not FALSE = TRUE parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_and(); delete this; } } void Conjunct::beautify() { if(is_true()) { parent().remove_child(this); parent().add_and(); delete this; } } } // namespace