/* * loop_unroll.cc * * Created on: Nov 12, 2012 * Author: anand */ #include <codegen.h> #include <code_gen/CG_utils.h> #include "loop.hh" #include "omegatools.hh" #include "ir_code.hh" #include "chill_error.hh" #include <math.h> using namespace omega; std::set<int> Loop::unroll(int stmt_num, int level, int unroll_amount, std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > idxNames, int cleanup_split_level) { // check for sanity of parameters // check for sanity of parameters if (unroll_amount < 0) throw std::invalid_argument( "invalid unroll amount " + to_string(unroll_amount)); if (stmt_num < 0 || stmt_num >= stmt.size()) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid statement " + to_string(stmt_num)); if (level <= 0 || level > stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size()) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid loop level " + to_string(level)); if (cleanup_split_level == 0) cleanup_split_level = level; if (cleanup_split_level > level) throw std::invalid_argument( "cleanup code must be split at or outside the unrolled loop level " + to_string(level)); if (cleanup_split_level <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument( "invalid split loop level " + to_string(cleanup_split_level)); // invalidate saved codegen computation delete last_compute_cgr_; last_compute_cgr_ = NULL; delete last_compute_cg_; last_compute_cg_ = NULL; int dim = 2 * level - 1; std::vector<int> lex = getLexicalOrder(stmt_num); std::set<int> same_loop = getStatements(lex, dim - 1); // nothing to do if (unroll_amount == 1) return std::set<int>(); for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) { std::vector<std::pair<int, DependenceVector> > D; int n = stmt[*i].xform.n_out(); for (DependenceGraph::EdgeList::iterator j = dep.vertex[*i].second.begin(); j != dep.vertex[*i].second.end(); j++) { if (same_loop.find(j->first) != same_loop.end()) for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) { DependenceVector dv = j->second[k]; int dim2 = level - 1; if (dv.type != DEP_CONTROL) { while (stmt[*i].loop_level[dim2].type == LoopLevelTile) { dim2 = stmt[*i].loop_level[dim2].payload - 1; } dim2 = stmt[*i].loop_level[dim2].payload; /*if (dv.isCarried(dim2) && (dv.hasNegative(dim2) && !dv.quasi)) throw loop_error( "loop error: Unrolling is illegal, dependence violation!"); if (dv.isCarried(dim2) && (dv.hasPositive(dim2) && dv.quasi)) throw loop_error( "loop error: Unrolling is illegal, dependence violation!"); */ bool safe = false; if (dv.isCarried(dim2) && dv.hasPositive(dim2)) { if (dv.quasi) throw loop_error( "loop error: a quasi dependence with a positive carried distance"); if (!dv.quasi) { if (dv.lbounds[dim2] != posInfinity) { //if (dv.lbounds[dim2] != negInfinity) if (dv.lbounds[dim2] > unroll_amount) safe = true; } else safe = true; }/* else { if (dv.ubounds[dim2] != negInfinity) { if (dv.ubounds[dim2] != posInfinity) if ((-(dv.ubounds[dim2])) > unroll_amount) safe = true; } else safe = true; }*/ if (!safe) { for (int l = level + 1; l <= (n - 1) / 2; l++) { int dim3 = l - 1; if (stmt[*i].loop_level[dim3].type != LoopLevelTile) dim3 = stmt[*i].loop_level[dim3].payload; else { while (stmt[*i].loop_level[dim3].type == LoopLevelTile) { dim3 = stmt[*i].loop_level[dim3].payload - 1; } dim3 = stmt[*i].loop_level[dim3].payload; } if (dim3 > dim2) { if (dv.hasPositive(dim3)) break; else if (dv.hasNegative(dim3)) throw loop_error( "loop error: Unrolling is illegal, dependence violation!"); } } } } } } } } // extract the intersection of the iteration space to be considered Relation hull = Relation::True(level); apply_xform(same_loop); for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) { if (stmt[*i].IS.is_upper_bound_satisfiable()) { Relation mapping(stmt[*i].IS.n_set(), level); F_And *f_root = mapping.add_and(); for (int j = 1; j <= level; j++) { EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ(); h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(j), 1); h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(j), -1); } hull = Intersection(hull, Range(Restrict_Domain(mapping, copy(stmt[*i].IS)))); hull.simplify(2, 4); } } for (int i = 1; i <= level; i++) { std::string name = tmp_loop_var_name_prefix + to_string(i); hull.name_set_var(i, name); } hull.setup_names(); // extract the exact loop bound of the dimension to be unrolled if (is_single_loop_iteration(hull, level, this->known)) return std::set<int>(); Relation bound = get_loop_bound(hull, level, this->known); if (!bound.has_single_conjunct() || !bound.is_satisfiable() || bound.is_tautology()) throw loop_error("unable to extract loop bound for unrolling"); // extract the loop stride coef_t stride; std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> result = find_simplest_stride(bound, bound.set_var(level)); if (result.second == NULL) stride = 1; else stride = abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)) / gcd(abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)), abs(result.first.get_coef(bound.set_var(level)))); // separate lower and upper bounds std::vector<GEQ_Handle> lb_list, ub_list; { Conjunct *c = bound.query_DNF()->single_conjunct(); for (GEQ_Iterator gi(c->GEQs()); gi; gi++) { int coef = (*gi).get_coef(bound.set_var(level)); if (coef < 0) ub_list.push_back(*gi); else if (coef > 0) lb_list.push_back(*gi); } } // simplify overflow expression for each pair of upper and lower bounds std::vector<std::vector<std::map<Variable_ID, int> > > overflow_table( lb_list.size(), std::vector<std::map<Variable_ID, int> >(ub_list.size(), std::map<Variable_ID, int>())); bool is_overflow_simplifiable = true; for (int i = 0; i < lb_list.size(); i++) { if (!is_overflow_simplifiable) break; for (int j = 0; j < ub_list.size(); j++) { // lower bound or upper bound has non-unit coefficient, can't simplify if (ub_list[j].get_coef(bound.set_var(level)) != -1 || lb_list[i].get_coef(bound.set_var(level)) != 1) { is_overflow_simplifiable = false; break; } for (Constr_Vars_Iter ci(ub_list[j]); ci; ci++) { switch ((*ci).var->kind()) { case Input_Var: { if ((*ci).var != bound.set_var(level)) overflow_table[i][j][(*ci).var] += (*ci).coef; break; } case Global_Var: { Global_Var_ID g = (*ci).var->get_global_var(); Variable_ID v; if (g->arity() == 0) v = bound.get_local(g); else v = bound.get_local(g, (*ci).var->function_of()); overflow_table[i][j][(*ci).var] += (*ci).coef; break; } default: throw loop_error("failed to calculate overflow amount"); } } overflow_table[i][j][NULL] += ub_list[j].get_const(); for (Constr_Vars_Iter ci(lb_list[i]); ci; ci++) { switch ((*ci).var->kind()) { case Input_Var: { if ((*ci).var != bound.set_var(level)) { overflow_table[i][j][(*ci).var] += (*ci).coef; if (overflow_table[i][j][(*ci).var] == 0) overflow_table[i][j].erase( overflow_table[i][j].find((*ci).var)); } break; } case Global_Var: { Global_Var_ID g = (*ci).var->get_global_var(); Variable_ID v; if (g->arity() == 0) v = bound.get_local(g); else v = bound.get_local(g, (*ci).var->function_of()); overflow_table[i][j][(*ci).var] += (*ci).coef; if (overflow_table[i][j][(*ci).var] == 0) overflow_table[i][j].erase( overflow_table[i][j].find((*ci).var)); break; } default: throw loop_error("failed to calculate overflow amount"); } } overflow_table[i][j][NULL] += lb_list[i].get_const(); overflow_table[i][j][NULL] += stride; if (unroll_amount == 0 || (overflow_table[i][j].size() == 1 && overflow_table[i][j][NULL] / stride < unroll_amount)) unroll_amount = overflow_table[i][j][NULL] / stride; } } // loop iteration count can't be determined, bail out gracefully if (unroll_amount == 0) return std::set<int>(); // further simply overflow calculation using coefficients' modular if (is_overflow_simplifiable) { for (int i = 0; i < lb_list.size(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < ub_list.size(); j++) if (stride == 1) { for (std::map<Variable_ID, int>::iterator k = overflow_table[i][j].begin(); k != overflow_table[i][j].end();) if ((*k).first != NULL) { int t = int_mod_hat((*k).second, unroll_amount); if (t == 0) { overflow_table[i][j].erase(k++); } else { int t2 = hull.query_variable_mod((*k).first, unroll_amount); if (t2 != INT_MAX) { overflow_table[i][j][NULL] += t * t2; overflow_table[i][j].erase(k++); } else { (*k).second = t; k++; } } } else k++; overflow_table[i][j][NULL] = int_mod_hat( overflow_table[i][j][NULL], unroll_amount); // Since we don't have MODULO instruction in SUIF yet (only MOD), make all coef positive in the final formula for (std::map<Variable_ID, int>::iterator k = overflow_table[i][j].begin(); k != overflow_table[i][j].end(); k++) if ((*k).second < 0) (*k).second += unroll_amount; } } // build overflow statement CG_outputBuilder *ocg = ir->builder(); CG_outputRepr *overflow_code = NULL; Relation cond_upper(level), cond_lower(level); Relation overflow_constraint(0); F_And *overflow_constraint_root = overflow_constraint.add_and(); std::vector<Free_Var_Decl *> over_var_list; if (is_overflow_simplifiable && lb_list.size() == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ub_list.size(); i++) { if (overflow_table[0][i].size() == 1) { // upper splitting condition GEQ_Handle h = cond_upper.and_with_GEQ(ub_list[i]); h.update_const( ((overflow_table[0][i][NULL] / stride) % unroll_amount) * -stride); } else { // upper splitting condition std::string over_name = overflow_var_name_prefix + to_string(overflow_var_name_counter++); Free_Var_Decl *over_free_var = new Free_Var_Decl(over_name); over_var_list.push_back(over_free_var); GEQ_Handle h = cond_upper.and_with_GEQ(ub_list[i]); h.update_coef(cond_upper.get_local(over_free_var), -stride); // insert constraint 0 <= overflow < unroll_amount Variable_ID v = overflow_constraint.get_local(over_free_var); GEQ_Handle h1 = overflow_constraint_root->add_GEQ(); h1.update_coef(v, 1); GEQ_Handle h2 = overflow_constraint_root->add_GEQ(); h2.update_coef(v, -1); h2.update_const(unroll_amount - 1); // create overflow assignment bound.setup_names(); // hack to fix omega relation variable names issue CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL; bool is_split_illegal = false; for (std::map<Variable_ID, int>::iterator j = overflow_table[0][i].begin(); j != overflow_table[0][i].end(); j++) if ((*j).first != NULL) { if ((*j).first->kind() == Input_Var && (*j).first->get_position() >= cleanup_split_level) is_split_illegal = true; CG_outputRepr *t = ocg->CreateIdent((*j).first->name()); if ((*j).second != 1) t = ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt((*j).second), t); rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, t); } else if ((*j).second != 0) rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt((*j).second)); if (is_split_illegal) { rhs->clear(); delete rhs; throw loop_error( "cannot split cleanup code at loop level " + to_string(cleanup_split_level) + " due to overflow variable data dependence"); } if (stride != 1) rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerCeil(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(stride)); rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerMod(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(unroll_amount)); CG_outputRepr *lhs = ocg->CreateIdent(over_name); init_code = ocg->StmtListAppend(init_code, ocg->CreateAssignment(0, lhs, ocg->CreateInt(0))); lhs = ocg->CreateIdent(over_name); overflow_code = ocg->StmtListAppend(overflow_code, ocg->CreateAssignment(0, lhs, rhs)); } } // lower splitting condition GEQ_Handle h = cond_lower.and_with_GEQ(lb_list[0]); } else if (is_overflow_simplifiable && ub_list.size() == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < lb_list.size(); i++) { if (overflow_table[i][0].size() == 1) { // lower splitting condition GEQ_Handle h = cond_lower.and_with_GEQ(lb_list[i]); h.update_const(overflow_table[i][0][NULL] * -stride); } else { // lower splitting condition std::string over_name = overflow_var_name_prefix + to_string(overflow_var_name_counter++); Free_Var_Decl *over_free_var = new Free_Var_Decl(over_name); over_var_list.push_back(over_free_var); GEQ_Handle h = cond_lower.and_with_GEQ(lb_list[i]); h.update_coef(cond_lower.get_local(over_free_var), -stride); // insert constraint 0 <= overflow < unroll_amount Variable_ID v = overflow_constraint.get_local(over_free_var); GEQ_Handle h1 = overflow_constraint_root->add_GEQ(); h1.update_coef(v, 1); GEQ_Handle h2 = overflow_constraint_root->add_GEQ(); h2.update_coef(v, -1); h2.update_const(unroll_amount - 1); // create overflow assignment bound.setup_names(); // hack to fix omega relation variable names issue CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL; for (std::map<Variable_ID, int>::iterator j = overflow_table[0][i].begin(); j != overflow_table[0][i].end(); j++) if ((*j).first != NULL) { CG_outputRepr *t = ocg->CreateIdent((*j).first->name()); if ((*j).second != 1) t = ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt((*j).second), t); rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, t); } else if ((*j).second != 0) rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt((*j).second)); if (stride != 1) rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerCeil(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(stride)); rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerMod(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(unroll_amount)); CG_outputRepr *lhs = ocg->CreateIdent(over_name); init_code = ocg->StmtListAppend(init_code, ocg->CreateAssignment(0, lhs, ocg->CreateInt(0))); lhs = ocg->CreateIdent(over_name); overflow_code = ocg->StmtListAppend(overflow_code, ocg->CreateAssignment(0, lhs, rhs)); } } // upper splitting condition GEQ_Handle h = cond_upper.and_with_GEQ(ub_list[0]); } else { std::string over_name = overflow_var_name_prefix + to_string(overflow_var_name_counter++); Free_Var_Decl *over_free_var = new Free_Var_Decl(over_name); over_var_list.push_back(over_free_var); std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> lb_repr_list, ub_repr_list; for (int i = 0; i < lb_list.size(); i++) { lb_repr_list.push_back( output_lower_bound_repr(ocg, lb_list[i], bound.set_var(dim + 1), result.first, result.second, bound, Relation::True(bound.n_set()), std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> >( bound.n_set(), std::make_pair( static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), 0)))); GEQ_Handle h = cond_lower.and_with_GEQ(lb_list[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < ub_list.size(); i++) { ub_repr_list.push_back( output_upper_bound_repr(ocg, ub_list[i], bound.set_var(dim + 1), bound, std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> >( bound.n_set(), std::make_pair( static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), 0)))); GEQ_Handle h = cond_upper.and_with_GEQ(ub_list[i]); h.update_coef(cond_upper.get_local(over_free_var), -stride); } CG_outputRepr *lbRepr, *ubRepr; if (lb_repr_list.size() > 1) lbRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("max", lb_repr_list); else if (lb_repr_list.size() == 1) lbRepr = lb_repr_list[0]; if (ub_repr_list.size() > 1) ubRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("min", ub_repr_list); else if (ub_repr_list.size() == 1) ubRepr = ub_repr_list[0]; // create overflow assignment CG_outputRepr *rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(ocg->CreateMinus(ubRepr, lbRepr), ocg->CreateInt(1)); if (stride != 1) rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(stride)); rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerMod(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(unroll_amount)); CG_outputRepr *lhs = ocg->CreateIdent(over_name); init_code = ocg->StmtListAppend(init_code, ocg->CreateAssignment(0, lhs, ocg->CreateInt(0))); lhs = ocg->CreateIdent(over_name); overflow_code = ocg->CreateAssignment(0, lhs, rhs); // insert constraint 0 <= overflow < unroll_amount Variable_ID v = overflow_constraint.get_local(over_free_var); GEQ_Handle h1 = overflow_constraint_root->add_GEQ(); h1.update_coef(v, 1); GEQ_Handle h2 = overflow_constraint_root->add_GEQ(); h2.update_coef(v, -1); h2.update_const(unroll_amount - 1); } // insert overflow statement int overflow_stmt_num = -1; if (overflow_code != NULL) { // build iteration space for overflow statement Relation mapping(level, cleanup_split_level - 1); F_And *f_root = mapping.add_and(); for (int i = 1; i < cleanup_split_level; i++) { EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ(); h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(i), 1); h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(i), -1); } Relation overflow_IS = Range(Restrict_Domain(mapping, copy(hull))); for (int i = 1; i < cleanup_split_level; i++) overflow_IS.name_set_var(i, hull.set_var(i)->name()); overflow_IS.setup_names(); // build dumb transformation relation for overflow statement Relation overflow_xform(cleanup_split_level - 1, 2 * (cleanup_split_level - 1) + 1); f_root = overflow_xform.add_and(); for (int i = 1; i <= cleanup_split_level - 1; i++) { EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ(); h.update_coef(overflow_xform.output_var(2 * i), 1); h.update_coef(overflow_xform.input_var(i), -1); h = f_root->add_EQ(); h.update_coef(overflow_xform.output_var(2 * i - 1), 1); h.update_const(-lex[2 * i - 2]); } EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ(); h.update_coef( overflow_xform.output_var(2 * (cleanup_split_level - 1) + 1), 1); h.update_const(-lex[2 * (cleanup_split_level - 1)]); shiftLexicalOrder(lex, 2 * cleanup_split_level - 2, 1); Statement overflow_stmt; overflow_stmt.code = overflow_code; overflow_stmt.IS = overflow_IS; overflow_stmt.xform = overflow_xform; overflow_stmt.loop_level = std::vector<LoopLevel>(level - 1); overflow_stmt.ir_stmt_node = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < level - 1; i++) { overflow_stmt.loop_level[i].type = stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[i].type; if (stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[i].type == LoopLevelTile && stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[i].payload >= level) overflow_stmt.loop_level[i].payload = -1; else overflow_stmt.loop_level[i].payload = stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[i].payload; overflow_stmt.loop_level[i].parallel_level = stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[i].parallel_level; } stmt.push_back(overflow_stmt); dep.insert(); overflow_stmt_num = stmt.size() - 1; overflow[overflow_stmt_num] = over_var_list; // update the global known information on overflow variable this->known = Intersection(this->known, Extend_Set(copy(overflow_constraint), this->known.n_set() - overflow_constraint.n_set())); // update dependence graph DependenceVector dv; dv.type = DEP_CONTROL; for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) dep.connect(overflow_stmt_num, *i, dv); dv.type = DEP_W2W; { IR_ScalarSymbol *overflow_sym = NULL; std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> scalars = ir->FindScalarRef( overflow_code); for (int i = scalars.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (scalars[i]->is_write()) { overflow_sym = scalars[i]->symbol(); break; } for (int i = scalars.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) delete scalars[i]; dv.sym = overflow_sym; } dv.lbounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0); dv.ubounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0); int dep_dim = get_last_dep_dim_before(stmt_num, level); for (int i = dep_dim + 1; i < dep.num_dim(); i++) { dv.lbounds[i] = -posInfinity; dv.ubounds[i] = posInfinity; } for (int i = 0; i <= dep_dim; i++) { if (i != 0) { dv.lbounds[i - 1] = 0; dv.ubounds[i - 1] = 0; } dv.lbounds[i] = 1; dv.ubounds[i] = posInfinity; dep.connect(overflow_stmt_num, overflow_stmt_num, dv); } } // split the loop so it can be fully unrolled std::set<int> new_stmts = split(stmt_num, cleanup_split_level, cond_upper); std::set<int> new_stmts2 = split(stmt_num, cleanup_split_level, cond_lower); new_stmts.insert(new_stmts2.begin(), new_stmts2.end()); // check if unrolled statements can be trivially lumped together as one statement bool can_be_lumped = true; if (can_be_lumped) { for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) if (*i != stmt_num) { if (stmt[*i].loop_level.size() != stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size()) { can_be_lumped = false; break; } for (int j = 0; j < stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size(); j++) if (!(stmt[*i].loop_level[j].type == stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[j].type && stmt[*i].loop_level[j].payload == stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[j].payload)) { can_be_lumped = false; break; } if (!can_be_lumped) break; std::vector<int> lex2 = getLexicalOrder(*i); for (int j = 2 * level; j < lex.size() - 1; j += 2) if (lex[j] != lex2[j]) { can_be_lumped = false; break; } if (!can_be_lumped) break; } } if (can_be_lumped) { for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) if (is_inner_loop_depend_on_level(stmt[*i].IS, level, this->known)) { can_be_lumped = false; break; } } if (can_be_lumped) { for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) if (*i != stmt_num) { if (!(Must_Be_Subset(copy(stmt[*i].IS), copy(stmt[stmt_num].IS)) && Must_Be_Subset(copy(stmt[stmt_num].IS), copy(stmt[*i].IS)))) { can_be_lumped = false; break; } } } if (can_be_lumped) { for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) { for (DependenceGraph::EdgeList::iterator j = dep.vertex[*i].second.begin(); j != dep.vertex[*i].second.end(); j++) if (same_loop.find(j->first) != same_loop.end()) { for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) if (j->second[k].type == DEP_CONTROL || j->second[k].type == DEP_UNKNOWN) { can_be_lumped = false; break; } if (!can_be_lumped) break; } if (!can_be_lumped) break; } } // insert unrolled statements int old_num_stmt = stmt.size(); if (!can_be_lumped) { std::map<int, std::vector<int> > what_stmt_num; for (int j = 1; j < unroll_amount; j++) { for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) { Statement new_stmt; std::vector<std::string> loop_vars; std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> subs; loop_vars.push_back(stmt[*i].IS.set_var(level)->name()); subs.push_back( ocg->CreatePlus( ocg->CreateIdent( stmt[*i].IS.set_var(level)->name()), ocg->CreateInt(j * stride))); new_stmt.code = ocg->CreateSubstitutedStmt(0, stmt[*i].code->clone(), loop_vars, subs); new_stmt.IS = adjust_loop_bound(stmt[*i].IS, level, j * stride); add_loop_stride(new_stmt.IS, bound, level - 1, unroll_amount * stride); new_stmt.xform = copy(stmt[*i].xform); new_stmt.loop_level = stmt[*i].loop_level; new_stmt.ir_stmt_node = NULL; stmt.push_back(new_stmt); dep.insert(); what_stmt_num[*i].push_back(stmt.size() - 1); } } for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) add_loop_stride(stmt[*i].IS, bound, level - 1, unroll_amount * stride); // update dependence graph if (stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[level - 1].type == LoopLevelOriginal) { int dep_dim = stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[level - 1].payload; int new_stride = unroll_amount * stride; for (int i = 0; i < old_num_stmt; i++) { std::vector<std::pair<int, DependenceVector> > D; for (DependenceGraph::EdgeList::iterator j = dep.vertex[i].second.begin(); j != dep.vertex[i].second.end();) { if (same_loop.find(i) != same_loop.end()) { if (same_loop.find(j->first) != same_loop.end()) { for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) { DependenceVector dv = j->second[k]; if (dv.type == DEP_CONTROL || dv.type == DEP_UNKNOWN) { D.push_back(std::make_pair(j->first, dv)); for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount - 1; kk++) if (what_stmt_num[i][kk] != -1 && what_stmt_num[j->first][kk] != -1) dep.connect(what_stmt_num[i][kk], what_stmt_num[j->first][kk], dv); } else { coef_t lb = dv.lbounds[dep_dim]; coef_t ub = dv.ubounds[dep_dim]; if (ub == lb && int_mod(lb, static_cast<coef_t>(new_stride)) == 0) { D.push_back( std::make_pair(j->first, dv)); for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount - 1; kk++) if (what_stmt_num[i][kk] != -1 && what_stmt_num[j->first][kk] != -1) dep.connect( what_stmt_num[i][kk], what_stmt_num[j->first][kk], dv); } else if (lb == -posInfinity && ub == posInfinity) { D.push_back( std::make_pair(j->first, dv)); for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount; kk++) if (kk == 0) D.push_back( std::make_pair(j->first, dv)); else if (what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1] != -1) D.push_back( std::make_pair( what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1], dv)); for (int t = 0; t < unroll_amount - 1; t++) if (what_stmt_num[i][t] != -1) for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount; kk++) if (kk == 0) dep.connect( what_stmt_num[i][t], j->first, dv); else if (what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1] != -1) dep.connect( what_stmt_num[i][t], what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1], dv); } else { for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount; kk++) { if (lb != -posInfinity) { if (kk * stride < int_mod(lb, static_cast<coef_t>(new_stride))) dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(lb) / new_stride) * new_stride + new_stride; else dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(lb) / new_stride) * new_stride; } if (ub != posInfinity) { if (kk * stride > int_mod(ub, static_cast<coef_t>(new_stride))) dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(ub) / new_stride) * new_stride - new_stride; else dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(ub) / new_stride) * new_stride; } if (dv.ubounds[dep_dim] >= dv.lbounds[dep_dim]) { if (kk == 0) D.push_back( std::make_pair( j->first, dv)); else if (what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1] != -1) D.push_back( std::make_pair( what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1], dv)); } } for (int t = 0; t < unroll_amount - 1; t++) if (what_stmt_num[i][t] != -1) for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount; kk++) { if (lb != -posInfinity) { if (kk * stride < int_mod( lb + t + 1, static_cast<coef_t>(new_stride))) dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(lb + (t + 1) * stride) / new_stride) * new_stride + new_stride; else dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(lb + (t + 1) * stride) / new_stride) * new_stride; } if (ub != posInfinity) { if (kk * stride > int_mod( ub + t + 1, static_cast<coef_t>(new_stride))) dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(ub + (t + 1) * stride) / new_stride) * new_stride - new_stride; else dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(ub + (t + 1) * stride) / new_stride) * new_stride; } if (dv.ubounds[dep_dim] >= dv.lbounds[dep_dim]) { if (kk == 0) dep.connect( what_stmt_num[i][t], j->first, dv); else if (what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1] != -1) dep.connect( what_stmt_num[i][t], what_stmt_num[j->first][kk - 1], dv); } } } } } dep.vertex[i].second.erase(j++); } else { for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount - 1; kk++) if (what_stmt_num[i][kk] != -1) dep.connect(what_stmt_num[i][kk], j->first, j->second); j++; } } else { if (same_loop.find(j->first) != same_loop.end()) for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) for (int kk = 0; kk < unroll_amount - 1; kk++) if (what_stmt_num[j->first][kk] != -1) D.push_back( std::make_pair( what_stmt_num[j->first][kk], j->second[k])); j++; } } for (int j = 0; j < D.size(); j++) dep.connect(i, D[j].first, D[j].second); } } // reset lexical order for the unrolled loop body std::set<int> new_same_loop; int count = 0; for (std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator i = what_stmt_num.begin(); i != what_stmt_num.end(); i++) { new_same_loop.insert(i->first); for (int k = dim + 1; k < stmt[i->first].xform.n_out(); k += 2) assign_const(stmt[i->first].xform, k, get_const(stmt[(what_stmt_num.begin())->first].xform, k, Output_Var) + count); count++; for (int j = 0; j < i->second.size(); j++) { new_same_loop.insert(i->second[j]); for (int k = dim + 1; k < stmt[i->second[j]].xform.n_out(); k += 2) assign_const(stmt[i->second[j]].xform, k, get_const( stmt[(what_stmt_num.begin())->first].xform, k, Output_Var) + count); count++; } } setLexicalOrder(dim + 1, new_same_loop, 0, idxNames); } else { for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) add_loop_stride(stmt[*i].IS, bound, level - 1, unroll_amount * stride); int max_level = stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size(); std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > stmt_order; for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) stmt_order.push_back( std::make_pair( get_const(stmt[*i].xform, 2 * max_level, Output_Var), *i)); sort(stmt_order.begin(), stmt_order.end()); Statement new_stmt; new_stmt.code = NULL; for (int j = 1; j < unroll_amount; j++) for (int i = 0; i < stmt_order.size(); i++) { std::vector<std::string> loop_vars; std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> subs; loop_vars.push_back( stmt[stmt_order[i].second].IS.set_var(level)->name()); subs.push_back( ocg->CreatePlus( ocg->CreateIdent( stmt[stmt_order[i].second].IS.set_var( level)->name()), ocg->CreateInt(j * stride))); CG_outputRepr *code = ocg->CreateSubstitutedStmt(0, stmt[stmt_order[i].second].code->clone(), loop_vars, subs); new_stmt.code = ocg->StmtListAppend(new_stmt.code, code); } new_stmt.IS = copy(stmt[stmt_num].IS); new_stmt.xform = copy(stmt[stmt_num].xform); assign_const(new_stmt.xform, 2 * max_level, stmt_order[stmt_order.size() - 1].first + 1); new_stmt.loop_level = stmt[stmt_num].loop_level; new_stmt.ir_stmt_node = NULL; stmt.push_back(new_stmt); dep.insert(); // update dependence graph if (stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[level - 1].type == LoopLevelOriginal) { int dep_dim = stmt[stmt_num].loop_level[level - 1].payload; int new_stride = unroll_amount * stride; for (int i = 0; i < old_num_stmt; i++) { std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<DependenceVector> > > D; for (DependenceGraph::EdgeList::iterator j = dep.vertex[i].second.begin(); j != dep.vertex[i].second.end();) { if (same_loop.find(i) != same_loop.end()) { if (same_loop.find(j->first) != same_loop.end()) { std::vector<DependenceVector> dvs11, dvs12, dvs22, dvs21; for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) { DependenceVector dv = j->second[k]; if (dv.type == DEP_CONTROL || dv.type == DEP_UNKNOWN) { if (i == j->first) { dvs11.push_back(dv); dvs22.push_back(dv); } else throw loop_error( "unrolled statements lumped together illegally"); } else { coef_t lb = dv.lbounds[dep_dim]; coef_t ub = dv.ubounds[dep_dim]; if (ub == lb && int_mod(lb, static_cast<coef_t>(new_stride)) == 0) { dvs11.push_back(dv); dvs22.push_back(dv); } else { if (lb != -posInfinity) dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = ceil( static_cast<double>(lb) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (ub != posInfinity) dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(ub) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (dv.ubounds[dep_dim] >= dv.lbounds[dep_dim]) dvs11.push_back(dv); if (lb != -posInfinity) dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = ceil( static_cast<double>(lb) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (ub != posInfinity) dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = ceil( static_cast<double>(ub) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (dv.ubounds[dep_dim] >= dv.lbounds[dep_dim]) dvs21.push_back(dv); if (lb != -posInfinity) dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(lb) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (ub != posInfinity) dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(ub - stride) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (dv.ubounds[dep_dim] >= dv.lbounds[dep_dim]) dvs12.push_back(dv); if (lb != -posInfinity) dv.lbounds[dep_dim] = floor( static_cast<double>(lb) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (ub != posInfinity) dv.ubounds[dep_dim] = ceil( static_cast<double>(ub - stride) / new_stride) * new_stride; if (dv.ubounds[dep_dim] >= dv.lbounds[dep_dim]) dvs22.push_back(dv); } } } if (dvs11.size() > 0) D.push_back(std::make_pair(i, dvs11)); if (dvs22.size() > 0) dep.connect(old_num_stmt, old_num_stmt, dvs22); if (dvs12.size() > 0) D.push_back( std::make_pair(old_num_stmt, dvs12)); if (dvs21.size() > 0) dep.connect(old_num_stmt, i, dvs21); dep.vertex[i].second.erase(j++); } else { dep.connect(old_num_stmt, j->first, j->second); j++; } } else { if (same_loop.find(j->first) != same_loop.end()) D.push_back( std::make_pair(old_num_stmt, j->second)); j++; } } for (int j = 0; j < D.size(); j++) dep.connect(i, D[j].first, D[j].second); } } } return new_stmts; }