%{ #include "chill_run_util.hh" #include "parse_expr.ll.hh" extern int yydebug; void yyerror(const char*); int yyparse(simap_vec_t** rel); static simap_vec_t* return_rel; // used as the return value for yyparse %} %union { int val; char* str_val; simap_t* cond_item; simap_vec_t* cond; } %token <val> NUMBER %token <val> LEVEL %token <str_val> VARIABLE %left LE GE EQ '<' '>' %left '-' '+' '*' '/' /*the final output from this language should be an Omega Relation object*/ %type <cond> cond prog %type <cond_item> expr add_expr mul_expr neg_expr %% prog : cond { return_rel = make_prog($1); } ; cond : expr '>' expr { $$ = make_cond_gt($1, $3); } | expr '<' expr { $$ = make_cond_lt($1, $3); } | expr GE expr { $$ = make_cond_ge($1, $3); } | expr LE expr { $$ = make_cond_le($1, $3); } | expr EQ expr { $$ = make_cond_eq($1, $3); } ; expr : add_expr { $$ = $1; } ; add_expr : add_expr '+' mul_expr { $$ = make_cond_item_add($1,$3); } | add_expr '-' mul_expr { $$ = make_cond_item_sub($1,$3); } | mul_expr { $$ = $1; } ; mul_expr : mul_expr '*' neg_expr { $$ = make_cond_item_mul($1,$3); } | neg_expr { $$ = $1; } ; neg_expr : '-' neg_expr { $$ = make_cond_item_neg($2); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | NUMBER { $$ = make_cond_item_number($1); } | LEVEL { $$ = make_cond_item_level($1); } | VARIABLE { $$ = make_cond_item_variable($1); } ; %% void yyerror(const char* msg) { fprintf(stderr, "Parse error: %s", msg); } simap_vec_t* parse_relation_vector(const char* expr) { yydebug=0; YY_BUFFER_STATE state; //if(yylex_init()) { // TODO: error out or something //} state = yy_scan_string(expr); if(yyparse()) { // TODO: error out or something } yy_delete_buffer(state); yylex_destroy(); return return_rel; }