 Copyright (C) 2008 University of Southern California
 Copyright (C) 2009-2010 University of Utah
 All Rights Reserved.

   Various data copy schemes.


   02/20/09 Created by Chun Chen by splitting original datacopy from loop.cc

#include <code_gen/codegen.h>
#include <code_gen/CG_utils.h>
#include "loop.hh"
#include "omegatools.hh"
#include "ir_code.hh"
#include "chill_error.hh"

using namespace omega;

// data copy function by referring arrays by numbers.
// e.g. A[i] = A[i-1] + B[i]
//      parameter array_ref_num=[0,2] means to copy data touched by A[i-1] and A[i]
bool Loop::datacopy(const std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<int> > > &array_ref_nums, int level,
                    bool allow_extra_read, int fastest_changing_dimension, int padding_stride, int padding_alignment,
                    int memory_type) {
  //fprintf(stderr, "Loop::datacopy()\n"); 

  // check for sanity of parameters
  std::set<int> same_loop;
  for (int i = 0; i < array_ref_nums.size(); i++) {
    int stmt_num = array_ref_nums[i].first;
    if (stmt_num < 0 || stmt_num >= stmt.size())
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid statement number " + to_string(stmt_num));
    if (level <= 0 || level > stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size())
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid loop level " + to_string(level));
    if (i == 0) {
      std::vector<int> lex = getLexicalOrder(stmt_num);
      same_loop = getStatements(lex, 2 * level - 2);
    } else if (same_loop.find(stmt_num) == same_loop.end())
      throw std::invalid_argument("array references for data copy must be located in the same subloop");

  // convert array reference numbering scheme to actual array references
  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> > > selected_refs;
  for (int i = 0; i < array_ref_nums.size(); i++) {
    if (array_ref_nums[i].second.size() == 0)

    int stmt_num = array_ref_nums[i].first;
    selected_refs.push_back(std::make_pair(stmt_num, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *>()));
    std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> refs = ir->FindArrayRef(stmt[stmt_num].code);
    std::vector<bool> selected(refs.size(), false);
    for (int j = 0; j < array_ref_nums[i].second.size(); j++) {
      int ref_num = array_ref_nums[i].second[j];
      if (ref_num < 0 || ref_num >= refs.size()) {
        for (int k = 0; k < refs.size(); k++)
          delete refs[k];
        throw std::invalid_argument(
            "invalid array reference number " + to_string(ref_num) + " in statement " + to_string(stmt_num));
      selected_refs[selected_refs.size() - 1].second.push_back(refs[ref_num]);
      selected[ref_num] = true;
    for (int j = 0; j < refs.size(); j++)
      if (!selected[j])
        delete refs[j];
  if (selected_refs.size() == 0)
    throw std::invalid_argument("found no array references to copy");

  // do the copy
  bool whatever = datacopy_privatized(selected_refs, level, std::vector<int>(), allow_extra_read,
                                      fastest_changing_dimension, padding_stride, padding_alignment, memory_type);
  return whatever;

// data copy function by referring arrays by name.
// e.g. A[i] = A[i-1] + B[i]
//      parameter array_name=A means to copy data touched by A[i-1] and A[i]
bool Loop::datacopy(int stmt_num, int level, const std::string &array_name,
                    bool allow_extra_read, int fastest_changing_dimension, int padding_stride, int padding_alignment,
                    int memory_type) {

  //fprintf(stderr, "Loop::datacopy2()\n"); 
  //fprintf(stderr, "array name %s   stmt num %d\n", array_name.c_str(), stmt_num);

  // check for sanity of parameters
  if (stmt_num < 0 || stmt_num >= stmt.size())
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid statement number " + to_string(stmt_num));
  if (level <= 0 || level > stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size())
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid loop level " + to_string(level));

  // collect array references by name
  std::vector<int> lex = getLexicalOrder(stmt_num);
  int dim = 2 * level - 1;
  std::set<int> same_loop = getStatements(lex, dim - 1);

  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> > > selected_refs;
  for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) {
    std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> t;
    std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> refs = ir->FindArrayRef(stmt[*i].code);
    for (int j = 0; j < refs.size(); j++)
      if (refs[j]->name() == array_name)
        delete refs[j];
    if (t.size() != 0)
      selected_refs.push_back(std::make_pair(*i, t));

  //fprintf(stderr, "selected refs:\n"); 
  //for (int i=0; i<selected_refs.size(); i++) { 
  //  //fprintf(stderr, "%d  0x%x  ", selected_refs[i].first, selected_refs[i].second[0]); 
  //  selected_refs[i].second[0]->Dump(); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); 

  if (selected_refs.size() == 0)
    throw std::invalid_argument("found no array references with name " + to_string(array_name) + " to copy");

  IR_ArrayRef *AR = selected_refs[0].second[0];
  //IR_roseArrayRef *RAR = (IR_roseArrayRef *)AR; 
  //fprintf(stderr, "before datacopy_privatized,   ");

  // do the copy
  //fprintf(stderr, "\nLoop::datacopy2 calling privatized\n"); 

  bool whatever = datacopy_privatized(selected_refs, level, std::vector<int>(), allow_extra_read,
                                      fastest_changing_dimension, padding_stride, padding_alignment, memory_type);

  //AR = selected_refs[0].second[0];
  //fprintf(stderr, "after datacopy_privatized,   ");

  return whatever;

bool Loop::datacopy_privatized(int stmt_num, int level, const std::string &array_name,
                               const std::vector<int> &privatized_levels,
                               bool allow_extra_read, int fastest_changing_dimension, int padding_stride,
                               int padding_alignment, int memory_type) {
  //fprintf(stderr, "Loop::datacopy_privatized()\n"); 

  // check for sanity of parameters
  if (stmt_num < 0 || stmt_num >= stmt.size())
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid statement number " + to_string(stmt_num));
  if (level <= 0 || level > stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size())
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid loop level " + to_string(level));

  // collect array references by name
  std::vector<int> lex = getLexicalOrder(stmt_num);
  int dim = 2 * level - 1;
  std::set<int> same_loop = getStatements(lex, dim - 1);

  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> > > selected_refs;
  for (std::set<int>::iterator i = same_loop.begin(); i != same_loop.end(); i++) {
    selected_refs.push_back(std::make_pair(*i, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *>()));

    std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> refs = ir->FindArrayRef(stmt[*i].code);
    for (int j = 0; j < refs.size(); j++)
      if (refs[j]->name() == array_name)
        selected_refs[selected_refs.size() - 1].second.push_back(refs[j]);
        delete refs[j];
  if (selected_refs.size() == 0)
    throw std::invalid_argument("found no array references with name " + to_string(array_name) + " to copy");

  // do the copy
  bool whatever = datacopy_privatized(selected_refs, level, privatized_levels, allow_extra_read,
                                      fastest_changing_dimension, padding_stride, padding_alignment, memory_type);
  return whatever;

bool Loop::datacopy_privatized(const std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<int> > > &array_ref_nums, int level,
                               const std::vector<int> &privatized_levels, bool allow_extra_read,
                               int fastest_changing_dimension, int padding_stride, int padding_alignment,
                               int memory_type) {
  //fprintf(stderr, "Loop::datacopy_privatized2()\n"); 

  // check for sanity of parameters
  std::set<int> same_loop;
  for (int i = 0; i < array_ref_nums.size(); i++) {
    int stmt_num = array_ref_nums[i].first;
    if (stmt_num < 0 || stmt_num >= stmt.size())
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid statement number " + to_string(stmt_num));
    if (level <= 0 || level > stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size())
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid loop level " + to_string(level));
    if (i == 0) {
      std::vector<int> lex = getLexicalOrder(stmt_num);
      same_loop = getStatements(lex, 2 * level - 2);
    } else if (same_loop.find(stmt_num) == same_loop.end())
      throw std::invalid_argument("array references for data copy must be located in the same subloop");

  // convert array reference numbering scheme to actual array references
  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> > > selected_refs;
  for (int i = 0; i < array_ref_nums.size(); i++) {
    if (array_ref_nums[i].second.size() == 0)

    int stmt_num = array_ref_nums[i].first;
    selected_refs.push_back(std::make_pair(stmt_num, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *>()));
    std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> refs = ir->FindArrayRef(stmt[stmt_num].code);
    std::vector<bool> selected(refs.size(), false);
    for (int j = 0; j < array_ref_nums[i].second.size(); j++) {
      int ref_num = array_ref_nums[i].second[j];
      if (ref_num < 0 || ref_num >= refs.size()) {
        for (int k = 0; k < refs.size(); k++)
          delete refs[k];
        throw std::invalid_argument(
            "invalid array reference number " + to_string(ref_num) + " in statement " + to_string(stmt_num));
      selected_refs[selected_refs.size() - 1].second.push_back(refs[ref_num]);
      selected[ref_num] = true;
    for (int j = 0; j < refs.size(); j++)
      if (!selected[j])
        delete refs[j];
  if (selected_refs.size() == 0)
    throw std::invalid_argument("found no array references to copy");

  // do the copy
  bool whatever = datacopy_privatized(selected_refs, level, privatized_levels, allow_extra_read,
                                      fastest_changing_dimension, padding_stride, padding_alignment, memory_type);
  return whatever;

// Implement low level datacopy function with lots of options.

bool Loop::datacopy_privatized(const std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> > > &stmt_refs,
                               int level,
                               const std::vector<int> &privatized_levels,
                               bool allow_extra_read,
                               int fastest_changing_dimension,
                               int padding_stride,
                               int padding_alignment,
                               int memory_type) {

  //fprintf(stderr, "\nLoop::datacopy_privatized3()                                        *****\n"); 
  //fprintf(stderr, "privatized_levels.size() %d\n", privatized_levels.size()); 
  //fprintf(stderr, "level %d\n", level); 

  if (stmt_refs.size() == 0)
    return true;

  // check for sanity of parameters
  IR_ArraySymbol *sym = NULL;
  std::vector<int> lex;
  std::set<int> active;
  if (level <= 0)
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid loop level " + to_string(level));
  for (int i = 0; i < privatized_levels.size(); i++) {
    if (i == 0) {
      if (privatized_levels[i] < level)
        throw std::invalid_argument("privatized loop levels must be no less than level " + to_string(level));
    } else if (privatized_levels[i] <= privatized_levels[i - 1])
      throw std::invalid_argument("privatized loop levels must be in ascending order");
  for (int i = 0; i < stmt_refs.size(); i++) {
    int stmt_num = stmt_refs[i].first;
    if (stmt_num < 0 || stmt_num >= stmt.size())
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid statement number " + to_string(stmt_num));
    if (privatized_levels.size() != 0) {
      if (privatized_levels[privatized_levels.size() - 1] > stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size())
        throw std::invalid_argument(
            "invalid loop level " + to_string(privatized_levels[privatized_levels.size() - 1]) + " for statement " +
    } else {
      if (level > stmt[stmt_num].loop_level.size())
        throw std::invalid_argument("invalid loop level " + to_string(level) + " for statement " + to_string(stmt_num));
    for (int j = 0; j < stmt_refs[i].second.size(); j++) {
      if (sym == NULL) {
        sym = stmt_refs[i].second[j]->symbol();
        lex = getLexicalOrder(stmt_num);
      } else {
        IR_ArraySymbol *t = stmt_refs[i].second[j]->symbol();
        if (t->name() != sym->name()) {
          delete t;
          delete sym;
          throw std::invalid_argument("try to copy data from different arrays");
        delete t;

  //fprintf(stderr, "sym %p\n", sym);
  if (!sym) {
    fprintf(stderr, "sym NULL, gonna die\n");
    int *i = 0;
    int j = i[0];

  if (!(fastest_changing_dimension >= -1 && fastest_changing_dimension < sym->n_dim()))
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid fastest changing dimension for the array to be copied");
  if (padding_stride < 0)
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid temporary array stride requirement");
  if (padding_alignment == -1 || padding_alignment == 0)
    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid temporary array alignment requirement");

  int dim = 2 * level - 1;
  int n_dim = sym->n_dim();

  if (fastest_changing_dimension == -1)
    switch (sym->layout_type()) {
        fastest_changing_dimension = n_dim - 1;
        fastest_changing_dimension = 0;
        throw chill::error::loop("unsupported array layout");
  // OK, parameter sanity checked

  // invalidate saved codegen computation
  delete last_compute_cgr_;
  last_compute_cgr_ = NULL;
  delete last_compute_cg_;
  last_compute_cg_ = NULL;

  // build iteration spaces for all reads and for all writes separately
  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: before apply_xform() ARRAY REFS\n"); 
  //for (int i = 0; i < stmt_refs.size(); i++) {
  //  for (int j = 0; j < stmt_refs[i].second.size(); j++) {
  //    IR_ArrayRef *AR = stmt_refs[i].second[j];
  //    fprintf(stderr, "array ref ij %d %d   ", i, j); AR->Dump(); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); 
  //  }
  //for (int i=0; i<stmt.size(); i++) {
  //  fprintf(stderr, "stmt %d = ", i);
  //  stmt[i].code->dump(); 
  //  fprintf(stderr, "\n"); 

  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: back from apply_xform() ARRAY REFS\n"); 

  //for (int i = 0; i < stmt_refs.size(); i++) {
  //  for (int j = 0; j < stmt_refs[i].second.size(); j++) {
  //    IR_ArrayRef *AR = stmt_refs[i].second[j];
  //    fprintf(stderr, "array ref ij %d %d   ", i, j);
  //    AR->Dump();
  //    fprintf(stderr, "\n"); 
  //  }

  //for (int i=0; i<stmt.size(); i++) {
  //  fprintf(stderr, "stmt %d = ", i);
  //  stmt[i].code->dump(); 
  //  fprintf(stderr, "\n"); 

  bool has_write_refs = false;
  bool has_read_refs = false;
  Relation wo_copy_is = Relation::False(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + n_dim);
  Relation ro_copy_is = Relation::False(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + n_dim);
  //fprintf(stderr, "\n\ni range: 0-%d\n", -1 + stmt_refs.size()); 
  int stmt_num = stmt_refs[0].first;
  for (int i = 0; i < stmt_refs.size(); i++) {
    int stmt_num = stmt_refs[i].first;

    //fprintf(stderr, "j range: 0-%d\n", -1 + stmt_refs[i].second.size()); 

    for (int j = 0; j < stmt_refs[i].second.size(); j++) {
      //fprintf(stderr, "ij %d %d\n", i, j);

      Relation mapping(stmt[stmt_num].IS.n_set(), level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + n_dim);
      for (int k = 1; k <= mapping.n_inp(); k++)
        mapping.name_input_var(k, stmt[stmt_num].IS.set_var(k)->name());
      fflush(stdout);  //   "{[I] -> [_t1] : I = _t1 }

      F_And *f_root = mapping.add_and();
      for (int k = 1; k <= level - 1; k++) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(k), 1);
        h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(k), -1);
      for (int k = 0; k < privatized_levels.size(); k++) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(privatized_levels[k]), 1);
        h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(level + k), -1);
      for (int k = 0; k < n_dim; k++) {
        IR_ArrayRef *AR = stmt_refs[i].second[j];
        //fprintf(stderr, "array ref ");

        CG_outputRepr *repr = stmt_refs[i].second[j]->index(k);
        //fprintf(stderr, "k %d  j %d   repr  ", k, j); repr->dump(); fflush(stdout); 

                    mapping.output_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + k + 1),
        delete repr;
      Relation r = omega::Range(Restrict_Domain(mapping, Intersection(copy(stmt[stmt_num].IS),
                                                                                 stmt[stmt_num].IS.n_set() -
      if (stmt_refs[i].second[j]->is_write()) {
        has_write_refs = true;
        wo_copy_is = Union(wo_copy_is, r);
        wo_copy_is.simplify(2, 4);

      } else {
        has_read_refs = true;
        ro_copy_is = Union(ro_copy_is, r);
        ro_copy_is.simplify(2, 4);


  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: simplify\n"); 
  // simplify read and write footprint iteration space
    if (allow_extra_read)
      ro_copy_is = SimpleHull(ro_copy_is, true, true);
      ro_copy_is = ConvexRepresentation(ro_copy_is);

    wo_copy_is = ConvexRepresentation(wo_copy_is);
    if (wo_copy_is.number_of_conjuncts() > 1) {
      Relation t = SimpleHull(wo_copy_is, true, true);
      if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(t), copy(ro_copy_is)))
        wo_copy_is = t;
      else if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(wo_copy_is), copy(ro_copy_is)))
        wo_copy_is = ro_copy_is;

  // make copy statement variable names match the ones in the original statements which
  // already have the same names due to apply_xform
    int ref_stmt = *active.begin();
    for (std::set<int>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++)
      if (stmt[*i].IS.n_set() > stmt[ref_stmt].IS.n_set())
        ref_stmt = *i;
    for (int i = 1; i < level; i++) {
      std::string s = stmt[ref_stmt].IS.input_var(i)->name();
      wo_copy_is.name_set_var(i, s);
      ro_copy_is.name_set_var(i, s);
    for (int i = 0; i < privatized_levels.size(); i++) {
      std::string s = stmt[ref_stmt].IS.input_var(privatized_levels[i])->name();
      wo_copy_is.name_set_var(level + i, s);
      ro_copy_is.name_set_var(level + i, s);
    for (int i = level + privatized_levels.size(); i < level + privatized_levels.size() + n_dim; i++) {
      std::string s =
          tmp_loop_var_name_prefix + to_string(tmp_loop_var_name_counter + i - level - privatized_levels.size());
      wo_copy_is.name_set_var(i, s);
      ro_copy_is.name_set_var(i, s);
    tmp_loop_var_name_counter += n_dim;

  //fprintf(stderr, "\ndp3: build merged\n"); 
  // build merged footprint iteration space for calculating temporary array size
  Relation copy_is = SimpleHull(Union(copy(ro_copy_is), copy(wo_copy_is)), true, true);

  // extract temporary array information
  CG_outputBuilder *ocg = ir->builder();
  std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> index_lb(n_dim); // initialized to NULL
  std::vector<coef_t> index_stride(n_dim);
  std::vector<bool> is_index_eq(n_dim, false);
  std::vector<std::pair<int, CG_outputRepr *> > index_sz(0);
  Relation reduced_copy_is = copy(copy_is);

  for (int i = 0; i < n_dim; i++) {
    //fprintf(stderr, "i %d/%d\n", i, n_dim); 
    if (i != 0)
      reduced_copy_is = Project(reduced_copy_is, level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i, Set_Var);
    Relation bound = get_loop_bound(reduced_copy_is, level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i);

    //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: extract stride\n"); 
    // extract stride
    std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> result = find_simplest_stride(bound, bound.set_var(
        level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1));
    if (result.second != NULL)
      index_stride[i] = abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)) / gcd(abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)),
                                                                            level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i +
      index_stride[i] = 1;
    //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: index_stride[%d] = %d\n", i,  index_stride[i]); 

    // check if this array index requires loop
    Conjunct *c = bound.query_DNF()->single_conjunct();
    for (EQ_Iterator ei(c->EQs()); ei; ei++) {
      //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: for\n"); 
      if ((*ei).has_wildcards())

      //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: no wildcards\n"); 
      int coef = (*ei).get_coef(bound.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1));
      if (coef != 0) {
        //fprintf(stderr, "coef != 0\n"); 
        int sign = 1;
        if (coef < 0) {
          //fprintf(stderr, "coef < 0\n"); 
          coef = -coef;
          sign = -1;

        CG_outputRepr *op = NULL;
        for (Constr_Vars_Iter ci(*ei); ci; ci++) {
          //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: ci\n"); 
          switch ((*ci).var->kind()) {
            case Input_Var: {
              //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: Input_Var\n");
              if ((*ci).var != bound.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1)) {
                //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: IF sign %d\n",(*ci).coef*sign);

                if ((*ci).coef * sign == 1)
                  op = ocg->CreateMinus(op, ocg->CreateIdent((*ci).var->name()));
                else if ((*ci).coef * sign == -1)
                  op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateIdent((*ci).var->name()));
                else if ((*ci).coef * sign > 1)
                  op = ocg->CreateMinus(op, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(abs((*ci).coef)),
                else // (*ci).coef*sign < -1
                  op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(abs((*ci).coef)),
            case Global_Var: {
              //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: Global_Var\n");
              Global_Var_ID g = (*ci).var->get_global_var();
              if ((*ci).coef * sign == 1)
                op = ocg->CreateMinus(op, ocg->CreateIdent(g->base_name()));
              else if ((*ci).coef * sign == -1)
                op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateIdent(g->base_name()));
              else if ((*ci).coef * sign > 1)
                op = ocg->CreateMinus(op, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(abs((*ci).coef)),
              else // (*ci).coef*sign < -1
                op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(abs((*ci).coef)),
              throw chill::error::loop("unsupported array index expression");
        if ((*ei).get_const() != 0)
          op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateInt(-sign * ((*ei).get_const())));
        if (coef != 1)
          op = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(op, ocg->CreateInt(coef));

        index_lb[i] = op;
        is_index_eq[i] = true;
    if (is_index_eq[i])

    //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: separate lower and upper bounds\n"); 
    // separate lower and upper bounds
    std::vector<GEQ_Handle> lb_list, ub_list;
    std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars;
    excluded_floor_vars.insert(bound.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1));
    for (GEQ_Iterator gi(c->GEQs()); gi; gi++) {
      int coef = (*gi).get_coef(bound.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1));
      if (coef != 0 && (*gi).has_wildcards()) {
        bool clean_bound = true;
        GEQ_Handle h;
        for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*gi, true); gi; gi++)
          if (!find_floor_definition(bound, (*cvi).var, excluded_floor_vars).first) {
            clean_bound = false;
        if (!clean_bound)

      if (coef > 0)
      else if (coef < 0)
    if (lb_list.size() == 0 || ub_list.size() == 0)
      throw chill::error::loop("failed to calcuate array footprint size");

    //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: build lower bound representation\n"); 
    // build lower bound representation
    std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> lb_repr_list;
    for (int j = 0; j < lb_list.size(); j++) {
      if (this->known.n_set() == 0) {
                                                       bound.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1),
                                                       std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> >(bound.n_set(),
                                                                                                         static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL),
      } else {
                                                       bound.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1),
                                                       std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> >(bound.n_set(),
                                                                                                         static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL),
    if (lb_repr_list.size() > 1) {
      //fprintf(stderr, "loop_datacopy.cc dp3 createInvoke( max )\n"); 
      index_lb[i] = ocg->CreateInvoke("max", lb_repr_list);
    } else if (lb_repr_list.size() == 1)
      index_lb[i] = lb_repr_list[0];

    //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: build temporary array size representation\n"); 
    // build temporary array size representation
      Relation cal(copy_is.n_set(), 1);
      F_And *f_root = cal.add_and();
      for (int j = 0; j < ub_list.size(); j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < lb_list.size(); k++) {
          GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();

          for (Constr_Vars_Iter ci(ub_list[j]); ci; ci++) {
            switch ((*ci).var->kind()) {
              case Input_Var: {
                int pos = (*ci).var->get_position();
                h.update_coef(cal.input_var(pos), (*ci).coef);
              case Global_Var: {
                Global_Var_ID g = (*ci).var->get_global_var();
                Variable_ID v;
                if (g->arity() == 0)
                  v = cal.get_local(g);
                  v = cal.get_local(g, (*ci).var->function_of());
                h.update_coef(v, (*ci).coef);
                throw chill::error::loop("cannot calculate temporay array size statically");

          for (Constr_Vars_Iter ci(lb_list[k]); ci; ci++) {
            switch ((*ci).var->kind()) {
              case Input_Var: {
                int pos = (*ci).var->get_position();
                h.update_coef(cal.input_var(pos), (*ci).coef);
              case Global_Var: {
                Global_Var_ID g = (*ci).var->get_global_var();
                Variable_ID v;
                if (g->arity() == 0)
                  v = cal.get_local(g);
                  v = cal.get_local(g, (*ci).var->function_of());
                h.update_coef(v, (*ci).coef);
                throw chill::error::loop("cannot calculate temporay array size statically");

          h.update_coef(cal.output_var(1), -1);

      cal = Restrict_Domain(cal, copy(copy_is));
      for (int j = 1; j <= cal.n_inp(); j++)
        cal = Project(cal, j, Input_Var);

      //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: pad temporary array size\n"); 
      // pad temporary array size
      // TODO: for variable array size, create padding formula
      Conjunct *c = cal.query_DNF()->single_conjunct();
      bool is_index_bound_const = false;
      for (GEQ_Iterator gi(c->GEQs()); gi && !is_index_bound_const; gi++)
        if ((*gi).is_const(cal.output_var(1))) {
          coef_t size = (*gi).get_const() / (-(*gi).get_coef(cal.output_var(1)));
          if (padding_stride != 0) {
            size = (size + index_stride[i] - 1) / index_stride[i];
            if (i == fastest_changing_dimension)
              size = size * padding_stride;
          if (i == fastest_changing_dimension) {
            if (padding_alignment > 1) { // align to boundary for data packing
              int residue = size % padding_alignment;
              if (residue)
                size = size + padding_alignment - residue;
            } else if (padding_alignment < -1) {  // un-alignment for memory bank conflicts
              while (gcd(size, static_cast<coef_t>(-padding_alignment)) != 1)
          index_sz.push_back(std::make_pair(i, ocg->CreateInt(size)));
          is_index_bound_const = true;

      if (!is_index_bound_const) {
        for (GEQ_Iterator gi(c->GEQs()); gi && !is_index_bound_const; gi++) {
          int coef = (*gi).get_coef(cal.output_var(1));
          if (coef < 0) {
            CG_outputRepr *op = NULL;
            for (Constr_Vars_Iter ci(*gi); ci; ci++) {
              if ((*ci).var != cal.output_var(1)) {
                switch ((*ci).var->kind()) {
                  case Global_Var: {
                    Global_Var_ID g = (*ci).var->get_global_var();
                    if ((*ci).coef == 1)
                      op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateIdent(g->base_name()));
                    else if ((*ci).coef == -1)
                      op = ocg->CreateMinus(op, ocg->CreateIdent(g->base_name()));
                    else if ((*ci).coef > 1)
                      op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt((*ci).coef),
                    else // (*ci).coef < -1
                      op = ocg->CreateMinus(op, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-(*ci).coef),
                    throw chill::error::loop("failed to generate array index bound code");
            int c = (*gi).get_const();
            if (c > 0)
              op = ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateInt(c));
            else if (c < 0)
              op = ocg->CreateMinus(op, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
            if (padding_stride != 0) {
              if (i == fastest_changing_dimension) {
                coef_t g = gcd(index_stride[i], static_cast<coef_t>(padding_stride));
                coef_t t1 = index_stride[i] / g;
                if (t1 != 1)
                  op = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateInt(t1 - 1)), ocg->CreateInt(t1));
                coef_t t2 = padding_stride / g;
                if (t2 != 1)
                  op = ocg->CreateTimes(op, ocg->CreateInt(t2));
              } else if (index_stride[i] != 1) {
                op = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(ocg->CreatePlus(op, ocg->CreateInt(index_stride[i] - 1)),

            index_sz.push_back(std::make_pair(i, op));

  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: change the temporary array index order\n"); 
  // change the temporary array index order
  for (int i = 0; i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
    if (index_sz[i].first == fastest_changing_dimension)
      switch (sym->layout_type()) {
          std::swap(index_sz[index_sz.size() - 1], index_sz[i]);
          std::swap(index_sz[0], index_sz[i]);
          throw chill::error::loop("unsupported array layout");

  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: declare temporary array or scalar\n"); 
  // declare temporary array or scalar
  IR_Symbol *tmp_sym;
  if (index_sz.size() == 0) {
    //fprintf(stderr, "tmp_sym is a scalar\n"); 
    tmp_sym = ir->CreateScalarSymbol(sym, memory_type);
  } else {
    //fprintf(stderr, "tmp_sym is an array\n"); 
    std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> tmp_array_size(index_sz.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
      tmp_array_size[i] = index_sz[i].second->clone();
      index_sz[i].second->dump();  // THIS PRINTF
    tmp_sym = ir->CreateArraySymbol(sym, tmp_array_size, memory_type);

  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: create temporary array read initialization code\n"); 
  // create temporary array read initialization code
  CG_outputRepr *copy_code_read;
  if (has_read_refs) {
    //fprintf(stderr, "has read refs\n");
    if (index_sz.size() == 0) {
      //fprintf(stderr, "if\n");

      //fprintf(stderr, "tmp sym %s\n", tmp_sym->name().c_str()); 
      IR_ScalarRef *tmp_scalar_ref = ir->CreateScalarRef(
          static_cast<IR_ScalarSymbol *>(tmp_sym)); // create ref from symbol
      // tmp_scalar_ref is incomplete 

      std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> rhs_index(n_dim);
      for (int i = 0; i < index_lb.size(); i++) {
        //fprintf(stderr, "i %d\n", i); 
        if (is_index_eq[i])
          rhs_index[i] = index_lb[i]->clone();
          rhs_index[i] = ir->builder()->CreateIdent(
              copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1)->name());
      IR_ArrayRef *copied_array_ref = ir->CreateArrayRef(sym, rhs_index);

      // IR_ScalarRef tmp_scalar_ref has no actual reference yet. It only has the variable definition. 
      copy_code_read = ir->builder()->CreateAssignment(0, tmp_scalar_ref->convert(), copied_array_ref->convert());
      //fprintf(stderr, "if ends\n"); 
    } else {
      //fprintf(stderr, "else\n"); 
      std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> lhs_index(index_sz.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
        int cur_index_num = index_sz[i].first;
        CG_outputRepr *cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateMinus(
            ocg->CreateIdent(copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + cur_index_num + 1)->name()),
        if (padding_stride != 0) {
          if (i == n_dim - 1) {
            coef_t g = gcd(index_stride[cur_index_num], static_cast<coef_t>(padding_stride));
            coef_t t1 = index_stride[cur_index_num] / g;
            if (t1 != 1)
              cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(t1));
            coef_t t2 = padding_stride / g;
            if (t2 != 1)
              cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateTimes(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(t2));
          } else if (index_stride[cur_index_num] != 1) {
            cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(index_stride[cur_index_num]));

        if (ir->ArrayIndexStartAt() != 0)
          cur_index_repr = ocg->CreatePlus(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(ir->ArrayIndexStartAt()));
        lhs_index[i] = cur_index_repr;

      //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: making tmp_array_ref\n"); 
      IR_ArrayRef *tmp_array_ref = ir->CreateArrayRef(static_cast<IR_ArraySymbol *>(tmp_sym), lhs_index);
      //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: DONE making tmp_array_ref\n"); 

      std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> rhs_index(n_dim);
      for (int i = 0; i < index_lb.size(); i++)
        if (is_index_eq[i])
          rhs_index[i] = index_lb[i]->clone();
          rhs_index[i] = ir->builder()->CreateIdent(
              copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1)->name());
      IR_ArrayRef *copied_array_ref = ir->CreateArrayRef(sym, rhs_index);

      //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: loop_datacopy.cc  copy_code_read = CreateAssignment\n"); 
      //copy_code_read = ir->builder()->CreateAssignment(0, tmp_array_ref->convert(), copied_array_ref->convert());
      CG_outputRepr *lhs = tmp_array_ref->convert();
      CG_outputRepr *rhs = copied_array_ref->convert();
      copy_code_read = ir->builder()->CreateAssignment(0, lhs,
                                                       rhs); //tmp_array_ref->convert(), copied_array_ref->convert());
      //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: loop_datacopy.cc  copy_code_read = CreateAssignment DONE\n\n"); 
  } // has read refs 

  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: create temporary array write back code\n");   
  // create temporary array write back code
  CG_outputRepr *copy_code_write;
  if (has_write_refs) {
    //fprintf(stderr, "has_write_refs\n"); 
    if (index_sz.size() == 0) {
      //fprintf(stderr, "index_sz.size() == 0\n"); 
      IR_ScalarRef *tmp_scalar_ref = ir->CreateScalarRef(static_cast<IR_ScalarSymbol *>(tmp_sym));

      std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> rhs_index(n_dim);
      for (int i = 0; i < index_lb.size(); i++)
        if (is_index_eq[i])
          rhs_index[i] = index_lb[i]->clone();
          rhs_index[i] = ir->builder()->CreateIdent(
              copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1)->name());
      IR_ArrayRef *copied_array_ref = ir->CreateArrayRef(sym, rhs_index);

      copy_code_write = ir->builder()->CreateAssignment(0, copied_array_ref->convert(), tmp_scalar_ref->convert());
    } else {
      //fprintf(stderr, "index_sz.size() NOT = 0\n"); 

      std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> lhs_index(n_dim);
      for (int i = 0; i < index_lb.size(); i++)
        if (is_index_eq[i])
          lhs_index[i] = index_lb[i]->clone();
          lhs_index[i] = ir->builder()->CreateIdent(
              copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1)->name());
      IR_ArrayRef *copied_array_ref = ir->CreateArrayRef(sym, lhs_index);

      std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> rhs_index(index_sz.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
        int cur_index_num = index_sz[i].first;
        CG_outputRepr *cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateMinus(
            ocg->CreateIdent(copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + cur_index_num + 1)->name()),
        if (padding_stride != 0) {
          if (i == n_dim - 1) {
            coef_t g = gcd(index_stride[cur_index_num], static_cast<coef_t>(padding_stride));
            coef_t t1 = index_stride[cur_index_num] / g;
            if (t1 != 1)
              cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(t1));
            coef_t t2 = padding_stride / g;
            if (t2 != 1)
              cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateTimes(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(t2));
          } else if (index_stride[cur_index_num] != 1) {
            cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(index_stride[cur_index_num]));

        if (ir->ArrayIndexStartAt() != 0)
          cur_index_repr = ocg->CreatePlus(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(ir->ArrayIndexStartAt()));
        rhs_index[i] = cur_index_repr;
      IR_ArrayRef *tmp_array_ref = ir->CreateArrayRef(static_cast<IR_ArraySymbol *>(tmp_sym), rhs_index);

      copy_code_write = ir->builder()->CreateAssignment(0, copied_array_ref->convert(), tmp_array_ref->convert());
  }   // has write refs 

  // now we can remove those loops for array indexes that are
  // dependent on others
  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: now we can remove those loops\n"); 
  if (!(index_sz.size() == n_dim && (sym->layout_type() == IR_ARRAY_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR || n_dim <= 1))) {
    Relation mapping(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + n_dim,
                     level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + index_sz.size());
    F_And *f_root = mapping.add_and();
    for (int i = 1; i <= level - 1 + privatized_levels.size(); i++) {
      EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
      h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(i), 1);
      h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(i), -1);

    int cur_index = 0;
    std::vector<int> mapped_index(index_sz.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
      if (!is_index_eq[i]) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1), 1);
        switch (sym->layout_type()) {
            h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + index_sz.size() - cur_index), -1);
            mapped_index[index_sz.size() - cur_index - 1] = i;
          case IR_ARRAY_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR: {
            h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + cur_index + 1), -1);
            mapped_index[cur_index] = i;
            throw chill::error::loop("unsupported array layout");

    wo_copy_is = omega::Range(Restrict_Domain(copy(mapping), wo_copy_is));
    ro_copy_is = omega::Range(Restrict_Domain(copy(mapping), ro_copy_is));
    for (int i = 1; i <= level - 1 + privatized_levels.size(); i++) {
      wo_copy_is.name_set_var(i, copy_is.set_var(i)->name());
      ro_copy_is.name_set_var(i, copy_is.set_var(i)->name());
    for (int i = 0; i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
      wo_copy_is.name_set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1,
                              copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + mapped_index[i] + 1)->name());
      ro_copy_is.name_set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i + 1,
                              copy_is.set_var(level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + mapped_index[i] + 1)->name());

  // insert read copy statement
  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: insert read copy statement\n"); 

  int old_num_stmt = stmt.size();
  int ro_copy_stmt_num = -1;
  if (has_read_refs) {
    Relation copy_xform(ro_copy_is.n_set(), 2 * ro_copy_is.n_set() + 1);
      F_And *f_root = copy_xform.add_and();
      for (int i = 1; i <= ro_copy_is.n_set(); i++) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.input_var(i), 1);
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.output_var(2 * i), -1);
      for (int i = 1; i <= dim; i += 2) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.output_var(i), -1);
        h.update_const(lex[i - 1]);
      for (int i = dim + 2; i <= copy_xform.n_out(); i += 2) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.output_var(i), 1);

    Statement copy_stmt_read;
    copy_stmt_read.IS = ro_copy_is;
    copy_stmt_read.xform = copy_xform;
    copy_stmt_read.code = copy_code_read;
    //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: copy_stmt_read.code = \n"); 
    copy_stmt_read.loop_level = std::vector<LoopLevel>(ro_copy_is.n_set());
    copy_stmt_read.ir_stmt_node = NULL;
    copy_stmt_read.has_inspector = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < level - 1; i++) {
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[i].type = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].type;
      if (stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].type == LoopLevelTile &&
          stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].payload >= level) {
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < privatized_levels.size(); j++)
          if (privatized_levels[j] == stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].payload)
        if (j == privatized_levels.size())
          copy_stmt_read.loop_level[i].payload = -1;
          copy_stmt_read.loop_level[i].payload = level + j;
      } else
        copy_stmt_read.loop_level[i].payload = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].payload;
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[i].parallel_level = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].parallel_level;
    for (int i = 0; i < privatized_levels.size(); i++) {
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 + i].type = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[privatized_levels[i]].type;
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 +
                                i].payload = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[privatized_levels[i]].payload;
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 +
                                i].parallel_level = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[privatized_levels[i]].parallel_level;
    int left_num_dim = num_dep_dim - (get_last_dep_dim_before(*(active.begin()), level) + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < std::min(left_num_dim, static_cast<int>(index_sz.size())); i++) {
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].type = LoopLevelOriginal;
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].payload = num_dep_dim - left_num_dim + i;
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].parallel_level = 0;
    for (int i = std::min(left_num_dim, static_cast<int>(index_sz.size())); i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].type = LoopLevelUnknown;
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].payload = -1;
      copy_stmt_read.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].parallel_level = 0;

    shiftLexicalOrder(lex, dim - 1, 1);

    fprintf(stderr, "loop_datacopy.cc L1071 adding stmt %d\n", stmt.size());

    ro_copy_stmt_num = stmt.size() - 1;

  //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: insert write copy statement\n"); 
  // insert write copy statement
  int wo_copy_stmt_num = -1;
  if (has_write_refs) {
    Relation copy_xform(wo_copy_is.n_set(), 2 * wo_copy_is.n_set() + 1);
      F_And *f_root = copy_xform.add_and();
      for (int i = 1; i <= wo_copy_is.n_set(); i++) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.input_var(i), 1);
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.output_var(2 * i), -1);
      for (int i = 1; i <= dim; i += 2) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.output_var(i), -1);
        h.update_const(lex[i - 1]);
      for (int i = dim + 2; i <= copy_xform.n_out(); i += 2) {
        EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
        h.update_coef(copy_xform.output_var(i), 1);

    Statement copy_stmt_write;
    copy_stmt_write.IS = wo_copy_is;
    copy_stmt_write.xform = copy_xform;
    copy_stmt_write.code = copy_code_write;
    copy_stmt_write.loop_level = std::vector<LoopLevel>(wo_copy_is.n_set());
    copy_stmt_write.ir_stmt_node = NULL;
    copy_stmt_write.has_inspector = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < level - 1; i++) {
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[i].type = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].type;
      if (stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].type == LoopLevelTile &&
          stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].payload >= level) {
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < privatized_levels.size(); j++)
          if (privatized_levels[j] == stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].payload)
        if (j == privatized_levels.size())
          copy_stmt_write.loop_level[i].payload = -1;
          copy_stmt_write.loop_level[i].payload = level + j;
      } else
        copy_stmt_write.loop_level[i].payload = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].payload;
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[i].parallel_level = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[i].parallel_level;
    for (int i = 0; i < privatized_levels.size(); i++) {
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 + i].type = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[privatized_levels[i]].type;
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 +
                                 i].payload = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[privatized_levels[i]].payload;
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 +
                                 i].parallel_level = stmt[*(active.begin())].loop_level[privatized_levels[i]].parallel_level;
    int left_num_dim = num_dep_dim - (get_last_dep_dim_before(*(active.begin()), level) + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < std::min(left_num_dim, static_cast<int>(index_sz.size())); i++) {
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].type = LoopLevelOriginal;
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].payload = num_dep_dim - left_num_dim + i;
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].parallel_level = 0;
    for (int i = std::min(left_num_dim, static_cast<int>(index_sz.size())); i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].type = LoopLevelUnknown;
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].payload = -1;
      copy_stmt_write.loop_level[level - 1 + privatized_levels.size() + i].parallel_level = 0;
    lex[dim - 1]++;
    shiftLexicalOrder(lex, dim - 1, -2);

    fprintf(stderr, "loop_datacopy.cc L1147 adding stmt %d\n", stmt.size());

    wo_copy_stmt_num = stmt.size() - 1;

  //fprintf(stderr, "replace original array accesses with temporary array accesses\n"); 
  // replace original array accesses with temporary array accesses
  for (int i = 0; i < stmt_refs.size(); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < stmt_refs[i].second.size(); j++) {
      if (index_sz.size() == 0) {
        IR_ScalarRef *tmp_scalar_ref = ir->CreateScalarRef(static_cast<IR_ScalarSymbol *>(tmp_sym));
        //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: loop_datacopy.cc calling ReplaceExpression  i%d j%d\n", i, j); 
        ir->ReplaceExpression(stmt_refs[i].second[j], tmp_scalar_ref->convert());
      } else {
        std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> index_repr(index_sz.size());
        for (int k = 0; k < index_sz.size(); k++) {
          int cur_index_num = index_sz[k].first;

          CG_outputRepr *cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateMinus(stmt_refs[i].second[j]->index(cur_index_num),
          if (padding_stride != 0) {
            if (k == n_dim - 1) {
              coef_t g = gcd(index_stride[cur_index_num], static_cast<coef_t>(padding_stride));
              coef_t t1 = index_stride[cur_index_num] / g;
              if (t1 != 1)
                cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(t1));
              coef_t t2 = padding_stride / g;
              if (t2 != 1)
                cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateTimes(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(t2));
            } else if (index_stride[cur_index_num] != 1) {
              cur_index_repr = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(index_stride[cur_index_num]));

          if (ir->ArrayIndexStartAt() != 0)
            cur_index_repr = ocg->CreatePlus(cur_index_repr, ocg->CreateInt(ir->ArrayIndexStartAt()));
          index_repr[k] = cur_index_repr;

        IR_ArrayRef *tmp_array_ref = ir->CreateArrayRef(static_cast<IR_ArraySymbol *>(tmp_sym), index_repr);
        //fprintf(stderr, "loop_datacopy.cc  ir->ReplaceExpression( ... )\n");
        ir->ReplaceExpression(stmt_refs[i].second[j], tmp_array_ref->convert());

  // update dependence graph
  //fprintf(stderr, "update dependence graph\n"); 

  int dep_dim = get_last_dep_dim_before(*(active.begin()), level) + 1;
  if (ro_copy_stmt_num != -1) {
    for (int i = 0; i < old_num_stmt; i++) {
      std::vector<std::vector<DependenceVector> > D;

      for (DependenceGraph::EdgeList::iterator j = dep.vertex[i].second.begin(); j != dep.vertex[i].second.end();) {
        if (active.find(i) != active.end() && active.find(j->first) == active.end()) {
          std::vector<DependenceVector> dvs1, dvs2;
          for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) {
            DependenceVector dv = j->second[k];
            if (dv.sym != NULL && dv.sym->name() == sym->name() && (dv.type == DEP_R2R || dv.type == DEP_R2W))
          j->second = dvs2;
          if (dvs1.size() > 0)
            dep.connect(ro_copy_stmt_num, j->first, dvs1);
        } else if (active.find(i) == active.end() && active.find(j->first) != active.end()) {
          std::vector<DependenceVector> dvs1, dvs2;
          for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) {
            DependenceVector dv = j->second[k];
            if (dv.sym != NULL && dv.sym->name() == sym->name() && (dv.type == DEP_R2R || dv.type == DEP_W2R))
          j->second = dvs2;
          if (dvs1.size() > 0)

        if (j->second.size() == 0)

      for (int j = 0; j < D.size(); j++)
        dep.connect(i, ro_copy_stmt_num, D[j]);

    // insert dependences from copy statement loop to copied statements
    //fprintf(stderr, "insert dependences from copy statement loop to copied statements\n"); 

    DependenceVector dv;
    dv.type = DEP_W2R;
    dv.sym = tmp_sym->clone();
    dv.lbounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0);
    dv.ubounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0);
    for (int i = dep_dim; i < dep.num_dim(); i++) {
      dv.lbounds[i] = -posInfinity;
      dv.ubounds[i] = posInfinity;
    for (std::set<int>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++)
      dep.connect(ro_copy_stmt_num, *i, dv);

  if (wo_copy_stmt_num != -1) {
    for (int i = 0; i < old_num_stmt; i++) {
      std::vector<std::vector<DependenceVector> > D;

      for (DependenceGraph::EdgeList::iterator j = dep.vertex[i].second.begin(); j != dep.vertex[i].second.end();) {
        if (active.find(i) != active.end() && active.find(j->first) == active.end()) {
          std::vector<DependenceVector> dvs1, dvs2;
          for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) {
            DependenceVector dv = j->second[k];
            if (dv.sym != NULL && dv.sym->name() == sym->name() && (dv.type == DEP_W2R || dv.type == DEP_W2W))
          j->second = dvs2;
          if (dvs1.size() > 0)
            dep.connect(wo_copy_stmt_num, j->first, dvs1);
        } else if (active.find(i) == active.end() && active.find(j->first) != active.end()) {
          std::vector<DependenceVector> dvs1, dvs2;
          for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) {
            DependenceVector dv = j->second[k];
            if (dv.sym != NULL && dv.sym->name() == sym->name() && (dv.type == DEP_R2W || dv.type == DEP_W2W))
          j->second = dvs2;
          if (dvs1.size() > 0)

        if (j->second.size() == 0)

      for (int j = 0; j < D.size(); j++)
        dep.connect(i, wo_copy_stmt_num, D[j]);

    // insert dependences from copied statements to write statements
    //fprintf(stderr, "dp3: insert dependences from copied statements to write statements\n"); 

    DependenceVector dv;
    dv.type = DEP_W2R;
    dv.sym = tmp_sym->clone();
    dv.lbounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0);
    dv.ubounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0);
    for (int i = dep_dim; i < dep.num_dim(); i++) {
      dv.lbounds[i] = -posInfinity;
      dv.ubounds[i] = posInfinity;
    for (std::set<int>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++)
      dep.connect(*i, wo_copy_stmt_num, dv);


  // update variable name for dependences among copied statements
  for (int i = 0; i < old_num_stmt; i++) {
    if (active.find(i) != active.end())
      for (DependenceGraph::EdgeList::iterator j = dep.vertex[i].second.begin(); j != dep.vertex[i].second.end(); j++)
        if (active.find(j->first) != active.end())
          for (int k = 0; k < j->second.size(); k++) {
            IR_Symbol *s = tmp_sym->clone();
            j->second[k].sym = s;

  // insert anti-dependence from write statement to read statement
  if (ro_copy_stmt_num != -1 && wo_copy_stmt_num != -1)
    if (dep_dim >= 0) {
      DependenceVector dv;
      dv.type = DEP_R2W;
      dv.sym = tmp_sym->clone();
      dv.lbounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0);
      dv.ubounds = std::vector<coef_t>(dep.num_dim(), 0);
      for (int k = dep_dim; k < dep.num_dim(); k++) {
        dv.lbounds[k] = -posInfinity;
        dv.ubounds[k] = posInfinity;
      for (int k = 0; k < dep_dim; k++) {
        if (k != 0) {
          dv.lbounds[k - 1] = 0;
          dv.ubounds[k - 1] = 0;
        dv.lbounds[k] = 1;
        dv.ubounds[k] = posInfinity;
        dep.connect(wo_copy_stmt_num, ro_copy_stmt_num, dv);

  //fprintf(stderr, "Loop::datacopy_privatized3() cleanup\n"); 
  // cleanup
  delete sym;
  delete tmp_sym;
  for (int i = 0; i < index_lb.size(); i++) {
    delete index_lb[i];
  for (int i = 0; i < index_sz.size(); i++) {
    delete index_sz[i].second;

  return true;