Feature Extraction ================== VIPeR specific publicly available Feat-ext source: https://github.com/rlayne/ELF-v2.0-Descriptor Requirement: matlab(tested with R2014b & R2015a under linux) bash/zsh(as default shell or change shebang to #!/bin/bash) How to use: ./genRid.sh cam change cam to the directory name of dataset Structure: ./genRid.sh ./runMatlab.sh -> call matlab script or functions ./parGetVecs.m -> calculate vectors of images in 'cam_a' & 'cam_b' to a.txt & b.txt ./getVecsM.m -> get maximum % minimum ./getVecs.m -> get histo using previously calculated maximum & minimum combine a.txt b.txt to cam.rid !!Feature size is hardcoded, change in ./genRid.sh & ./parGetVecs.m!! Clean-up: redundancy in ./getFeatureExt.m & ./genFeatureVec.m