function gabor_example() % an example to demonstrate the use of gabor filter. % requires lena.jpg in the same path. % the results mimic: % % .html % using default settings (except for in radians instead of degrees) % % note that gabor_fn only take scalar inputs, and multiple filters need to % be generated using (nested) loops % % also, apparently the scaling of the numbers is different from the example % software at % % but are consistent with the formulae shown there lambda = 8; theta = 0; psi = [0 pi/2]; gamma = 0.5; bw = 1; N = 8; img_in = im2double(imread('lena.jpg')); img_in(:,:,2:3) = []; % discard redundant channels, it's gray anyway img_out = zeros(size(img_in,1), size(img_in,2), N); for n=1:N gb = gabor_fn(bw,gamma,psi(1),lambda,theta)... + 1i * gabor_fn(bw,gamma,psi(2),lambda,theta); % gb is the n-th gabor filter img_out(:,:,n) = imfilter(img_in, gb, 'symmetric'); % filter output to the n-th channel theta = theta + 2*pi/N; % next orientation end figure(1); imshow(img_in); title('input image'); figure(2); img_out_disp = sum(abs(img_out).^2, 3).^0.5; % default superposition method, L2-norm img_out_disp = img_out_disp./max(img_out_disp(:)); % normalize imshow(img_out_disp); title('gabor output, L-2 super-imposed, normalized');