#ifndef DATAPROV_H
#define DATAPROV_H

#include "../tools/easylogging++.h"

// TODO decide how to construct training data
// One possible way for training data:
//  Matrix composed of an array of feature vectors
//  Labels are composed of linked list, such as
//      6,3,4,0,5,0,0
//      =>  0->6 | 1->3 | 2->4->5
//  How to compensate for non exhaustive labeling?
//      Use -1 to indicate not yet labeled data
//      -1s will be excluded from training

typedef Eigen::MatrixXd DataSet;

typedef Eigen::VectorXd Labels;

class DataProvider  //Virtual base class for data input
    int size;
    int attrSize;
    bool eof;
    int getSize(){
        return size;
    int getAttrSize(){
        return attrSize;

    bool EOFile(){return eof;};

    virtual int getDataSet(DataSet &out) = 0;
    virtual int getLabel(Labels &out) = 0;
    virtual int open()=0;
    virtual int close()=0;
