diff options
authorNate Sesti <>2023-06-02 23:21:42 -0400
committerNate Sesti <>2023-06-02 23:21:42 -0400
commit11752ba26d790cbc9a3b0b343e7ab33287cc733f (patch)
parentad1247a4af567c6ffde37adff526d5a0edb0ec39 (diff)
recipes folder
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/ContinueRecipeRecipe/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/WritePytestsRecipe/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/core/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
-rw-r--r--continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/ (renamed from continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
27 files changed, 135 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
index 6e920ab4..85f65dc3 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from ..server.ide_protocol import AbstractIdeProtocolServer
from ..libs.util.queue import AsyncSubscriptionQueue
from ..models.main import ContinueBaseModel
from .main import Policy, History, FullState, Step, HistoryNode
-from ..libs.steps.core.core import ReversibleStep, ManualEditStep, UserInputStep
+from ..steps.core.core import ReversibleStep, ManualEditStep, UserInputStep
from ..libs.util.telemetry import capture_event
from .sdk import ContinueSDK
import asyncio
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
index 6e264bab..f7fcf21a 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
from typing import List, Tuple, Type
-from ..libs.steps.steps_on_startup import StepsOnStartupStep
-from ..libs.steps.draft.dlt import CreatePipelineStep
+from ..steps.steps_on_startup import StepsOnStartupStep
+from import CreatePipelineRecipe
from .main import Step, Validator, History, Policy
from .observation import Observation, TracebackObservation, UserInputObservation
-from ..libs.steps.main import EditHighlightedCodeStep, SolveTracebackStep, RunCodeStep, FasterEditHighlightedCodeStep, StarCoderEditHighlightedCodeStep, MessageStep, EmptyStep
-from ..libs.steps.nate import WritePytestsStep, CreateTableStep
+from ..steps.main import EditHighlightedCodeStep, SolveTracebackStep, RunCodeStep, FasterEditHighlightedCodeStep, StarCoderEditHighlightedCodeStep, MessageStep, EmptyStep
+from import WritePytestsRecipe
# from ..libs.steps.chroma import AnswerQuestionChroma, EditFileChroma
-from ..libs.steps.continue_step import ContinueStepStep
+from import ContinueStepStep
class DemoPolicy(Policy):
@@ -22,11 +22,9 @@ class DemoPolicy(Policy):
if observation is not None and isinstance(observation, UserInputObservation):
# This could be defined with ObservationTypePolicy. Ergonomics not right though.
if " test" in observation.user_input.lower():
- return WritePytestsStep(instructions=observation.user_input)
+ return WritePytestsRecipe(instructions=observation.user_input)
elif "/dlt" in observation.user_input.lower() or " dlt" in observation.user_input.lower():
- return CreatePipelineStep()
- elif "/table" in observation.user_input:
- return CreateTableStep(sql_str=" ".join(observation.user_input.split(" ")[1:]))
+ return CreatePipelineRecipe()
# elif "/ask" in observation.user_input:
# return AnswerQuestionChroma(question=" ".join(observation.user_input.split(" ")[1:]))
# elif "/edit" in observation.user_input:
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
index af7754cc..5d0f03fe 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/core/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from ..libs.llm.openai import OpenAI
from .observation import Observation
from ..server.ide_protocol import AbstractIdeProtocolServer
from .main import History, Step
-from ..libs.steps.core.core import *
+from ..steps.core.core import *
from .env import get_env_var, make_sure_env_exists
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f84e9d7..00000000
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-from textwrap import dedent
-import time
-from typing import Coroutine, Union
-from ...models.filesystem import RangeInFile
-from ...models.filesystem_edit import AddDirectory, AddFile
-from ...core.observation import Observation, TextObservation
-from ...core.main import Step, ContinueSDK
-from .main import RunCommandStep
-from .core.core import WaitForUserConfirmationStep, EditCodeStep, EditFileStep
-import os
-class WritePytestsStep(Step):
- for_filepath: Union[str, None] = None
- instructions: str = "Write unit tests for this file."
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK) -> Coroutine[Observation, None, None]:
- if self.for_filepath is None:
- self.for_filepath = (await sdk.ide.getOpenFiles())[0]
- filename = os.path.basename(self.for_filepath)
- dirname = os.path.dirname(self.for_filepath)
- path_dir = os.path.join(dirname, "tests")
- if not os.path.exists(path_dir):
- await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(AddDirectory(path=path_dir))
- path = os.path.join(path_dir, f"test_{filename}")
- if os.path.exists(path):
- return None
- for_file_contents = await sdk.ide.readFile(self.for_filepath)
- prompt = dedent(f"""This is the file you will write unit tests for:
-Here are additional instructions:
-Here is a complete set of pytest unit tests:
- """)
- # tests = (await sdk.models.gpt35()).complete(prompt)
- tests = '''
-import pytest
-from ..calculator import Calculator
-def calculator():
- return Calculator()
-def test_add(calculator):
- assert calculator.add(2, 3) == 5
- assert calculator.add(10, -2) == 8
- assert calculator.add(0, 0) == 0
-def test_sub(calculator):
- assert calculator.sub(2, 3) == -1
- assert calculator.sub(10, -2) == 12
- assert calculator.sub(0, 0) == 0
-def test_mul(calculator):
- assert calculator.mul(2, 3) == 6
- assert calculator.mul(10, -2) == -20
- assert calculator.mul(0, 0) == 0
-def test_div(calculator):
- assert calculator.div(2, 3) == 0.6666666666666666
- assert calculator.div(10, -2) == -5
- assert calculator.div(0, 1) == 0
-def test_exp(calculator):
- assert calculator.exp(2, 3) == 8
- assert calculator.exp(10, -2) == 0.01
- assert calculator.exp(0, 0) == 1
- time.sleep(3.5)
- await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(AddFile(filepath=path, content=tests))
- return None
-class CreatePyplot(Step):
- # Wish there was a way to add import, specify dependency
- name: str = "Create a pyplot"
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK) -> Coroutine[Observation, None, None]:
- code = dedent("""import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy as np
- """)
-class ImplementAbstractMethodStep(Step):
- name: str = "Implement abstract method for all subclasses"
- method_name: str = "def walk(self, path: str) -> List[str]"
- class_name: str = "FileSystem"
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
- await sdk.run_step(WaitForUserConfirmationStep(prompt="Detected new abstract method. Implement in all subclasses?"))
- implementations = []
- for filepath in ["/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/filesystem/", "/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/filesystem/"]:
- contents = await sdk.ide.readFile(filepath)
- implementations.append(
- RangeInFile.from_entire_file(filepath, contents))
- for implementation in implementations:
- await sdk.run_step(EditCodeStep(
- range_in_files=[implementation],
- prompt=f"{{code}}\nRewrite the class, implementing the method `{self.method_name}`.\n",
- ))
-class CreateTableStep(Step):
- sql_str: str
- name: str = "Create a table"
- hide = True
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK) -> Coroutine[Observation, None, None]:
- # Write the TypeORM entity
- entity_name = "Order"
- orm_entity = '''import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column } from 'typeorm';
-export class Order {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- order_id: number;
- @Column()
- customer_id: number;
- @Column()
- order_date: Date;
- @Column()
- order_total: number;
- @Column()
- shipping_address: string;
- @Column()
- billing_address: string;
- @Column()
- payment_method: string;
- @Column()
- order_status: string;
- @Column()
- tracking_number: string;
- time.sleep(2)
- # orm_entity = (await sdk.models.gpt35()).complete(
- # f"{self.sql_str}\n\nWrite a TypeORM entity called {entity_name} for this table, importing as necessary:")
- # (await sdk.models.gpt35()).complete("What is the name of the entity?")
- await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(AddFile(filepath=f"/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/MyProject/src/entity/{entity_name}.ts", content=orm_entity))
- await sdk.ide.setFileOpen(f"/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/MyProject/src/entity/{entity_name}.ts", True)
- # Add entity to data-source.ts
- await sdk.run_step(EditFileStep(
- filepath=f"/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/MyProject/src/data-source.ts",
- prompt=f"{{code}}\nAdd the {entity_name} entity:\n",
- ))
- # Generate blank migration for the entity
- obs: TextObservation = await sdk.run_step(RunCommandStep(
- cmd=f"npx typeorm migration:create ./src/migration/Create{entity_name}Table"
- ))
- migration_filepath = obs.text.split(" ")[1]
- # Wait for user input
- await sdk.run_step(WaitForUserConfirmationStep(prompt="Fill in the migration?"))
- # Fill in the migration
- await sdk.run_step(EditFileStep(
- filepath=migration_filepath,
- prompt=f"{{code}}\nThis is the table that was created:\n{self.sql_str}\n\nFill in the migration for the table:\n",
- ))
- # Run the migration
- command_step = RunCommandStep(
- cmd=f"""sqlite3 database.sqlite 'CREATE TABLE orders (
- customer_id INTEGER,
- order_date DATE,
- order_total NUMERIC,
- shipping_address TEXT,
- billing_address TEXT,
- payment_method TEXT,
- order_status TEXT,
- tracking_number TEXT
- )
- command_step._description = "npx typeorm-ts-node-commonjs migration:run -d ./src/data-source.ts"
- await sdk.run_step(command_step)
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dde7c86..00000000
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess
-from ...models.main import Position, Range
-from ...models.filesystem import RangeInFile
-from ...models.filesystem_edit import AddDirectory, AddFile, FileEdit
-from ...core.observation import DictObservation
-from ...core.main import History, Step, Policy
-from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
-from .main import RunCommandStep
-from ..steps.core.core import EditCodeStep, WaitForUserConfirmationStep, WaitForUserInputStep
-source_name = "weather_api"
-class SetupPipelineStep(Step):
- name = "Setup Pipeline"
- api_description: str # e.g. "I want to load data from the API"
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
- # source_name = (await sdk.models.gpt35()).complete(
- # f"Write a snake_case name for the data source described by {self.api_description}: ").strip()
- filename = f'/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/{source_name}.py'
- # running commands to get started when creating a new dlt pipeline
- process = subprocess.Popen(
- '/bin/bash', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = process.communicate(f'''
- cd /Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python && python3 -m venv env && source env/bin/activate && pip install dlt && dlt init {source_name} duckdb
-pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install dlt[duckdb]'''.encode())
- process = subprocess.Popen(
- '/bin/bash', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = process.communicate(
- f'''cd /Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python && source env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt'''.encode())
- # await sdk.run_step(
- # RunCommandStep(cmd="cd /Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python") >>
- # RunCommandStep(cmd=f'python3 -m venv env') >>
- # RunCommandStep(cmd=f'source env/bin/activate') >>
- # RunCommandStep(cmd=f'pip install dlt') >>
- # RunCommandStep(cmd=f'dlt init {source_name} duckdb') >>
- # RunCommandStep(cmd=f'pip install -r requirements')
- # )
- # editing the resource function to call the requested API
- await sdk.ide.setFileOpen(filename)
- contents = await sdk.ide.readFile(filename)
- await sdk.run_step(EditCodeStep(
- range_in_files=[RangeInFile.from_entire_file(filename, contents)],
- prompt=f'{{code}}\n\nRewrite the entire file, editing the resource function to call the API described by this: {self.api_description}'
- ))
- # wait for user to put API key in secrets.toml
- await sdk.ide.setFileOpen("/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/.dlt/secrets.toml")
- await sdk.run_step(WaitForUserConfirmationStep(prompt=f"Please add the API key to the `secrets.toml` file and then press `Continue`"))
- return DictObservation(values={"source_name": source_name})
-class ValidatePipelineStep(Step):
- name = "Validate Pipeline"
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
- # source_name = sdk.history.last_observation()["source_name"]
- filename = f'/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/{source_name}.py'
- # test that the API call works
- await sdk.run_step(RunCommandStep(cmd=f'env/bin/python3'))
- # TODO: validate that the response code is 200 (i.e. successful) else loop
- # remove exit() from the main main function
- await sdk.ide.setFileOpen(filename)
- contents = await sdk.ide.readFile(filename)
- new_contents = contents.replace('exit()', '')
- await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(FileEdit(filepath=filename, range=Range.from_entire_file(contents), replacement=new_contents))
- await sdk.ide.saveFile(filename)
- # await sdk.run_step(EditCodeStep(
- # range_in_files=[RangeInFile.from_entire_file(filename)],
- # prompt=f'Remove exit() from the main function'
- # ))
- # test that dlt loads the data into the DuckDB instance
- await sdk.run_step(RunCommandStep(cmd=f'env/bin/python3'))
- # TODO: validate that `dlt` outputted success via print(load_info) else loop
- # write Python code in `` that queries the DuckDB instance to validate it worked
- query_filename = '/Users/natesesti/Desktop/continue/extension/examples/python/'
- names_query_code = '''
- import duckdb
- # Connect to the DuckDB instance
- con = duckdb.connect('weather.duckdb')
- # Query the schema_name.table_name
- result = conn.execute("SELECT table_schema || '.' || table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')").fetchall()
- # Print the schema_name.table_name(s) to stdout
- for r in result:
- print(r[0])
- '''
- # await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(FileEdit.from_insertion(
- # filepath=query_filename,
- # position=Position(line=0, character=0),
- # content=names_query_code
- # ))
- # await sdk.run_step(RunCommandStep(cmd=f'env/bin/python3'))
- # TODO: replace with code that grabs all non-dlt `schema_name.table_name`s outputted by previous query
- table_name = "weather_api.weather_api_resource"
- tables_query_code = f'''
-import duckdb
-# connect to DuckDB instance
-conn = duckdb.connect(database="weather.duckdb")
-# get table names
-rows = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM {table_name};").fetchall()
-# print table names
-for row in rows:
- print(row)
- '''
- await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(AddFile(filepath=query_filename, content=tables_query_code))
- await sdk.ide.setFileOpen(query_filename)
- # await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(FileEdit(filepath=query_filename, replacement=tables_query_code,
- # range=Range.from_entire_file(content=names_query_code)))
- await sdk.run_step(RunCommandStep(cmd=f'env/bin/python3'))
-class CreatePipelinePolicy(Policy):
- _current_state: str = "init"
- def next(self, history: History = History.from_empty()) -> "Step":
- if self._current_state == "init":
- self._current_state = "setup"
- return WaitForUserInputStep(prompt="What API do you want to load data from?")
- elif self._current_state == "setup":
- self._current_state = "validate"
- return SetupPipelineStep()
- elif self._current_state == "validate":
- self._current_state = "done"
- return ValidatePipelineStep()
- else:
- return None
-class CreatePipelineStep(Step):
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
- await sdk.run_step(
- WaitForUserInputStep(prompt="What API do you want to load data from?") >>
- SetupPipelineStep(api_description="Load data from the API") >>
- ValidatePipelineStep()
- )
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/ContinueRecipeRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/ContinueRecipeRecipe/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df66104f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/ContinueRecipeRecipe/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# ContinueRecipeRecipe
+A recipe for building recipes!
+## How to use this recipe
+This recipe takes a single input, a description of the recipe to be built.
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/ContinueRecipeRecipe/
index 253bb490..953fb0c2 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/ContinueRecipeRecipe/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from textwrap import dedent
from ...models.filesystem import RangeInFile
-from .main import EditHighlightedCodeStep
+from ...steps.main import EditHighlightedCodeStep
from ...core.main import Step
from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/
index e69de29b..e69de29b 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0699cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from textwrap import dedent
+from ...core.main import Step
+from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
+from ...steps.core.core import WaitForUserInputStep
+from ...steps.main import MessageStep
+from .steps import SetupPipelineStep, ValidatePipelineStep
+class CreatePipelineRecipe(Step):
+ hide: bool = True
+ async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
+ await sdk.run_step(
+ MessageStep(message=dedent("""\
+ This recipe will walk you through the process of creating a dlt pipeline for your chosen data source. With the help of Continue, you will:
+ - Create a Python virtual environment with dlt installed
+ - Run `dlt init` to generate a pipeline template
+ - Write the code to call the API
+ - Add any required API keys to the `secrets.toml` file
+ - Test that the API call works
+ - Load the data into a local DuckDB instance
+ - Write a query to view the data""")) >>
+ WaitForUserInputStep(prompt="What API do you want to load data from?") >>
+ SetupPipelineStep(api_description=" API") >>
+ MessageStep(message=dedent("""\
+ This step will validate that your dlt pipeline is working as expected:
+ - Test that the API call works
+ - Load the data into a local DuckDB instance
+ - Write a query to view the data
+ """)) >>
+ ValidatePipelineStep()
+ )
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/
index 9cec5014..b480223a 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/CreatePipelineRecipe/
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
from textwrap import dedent
-from ....core.sdk import Models
-from ....core.observation import DictObservation
-from ....models.filesystem_edit import AddFile
-from ....core.main import Step
-from ....core.sdk import ContinueSDK
-from ..core.core import WaitForUserInputStep
-from ..main import MessageStep
+from ...core.sdk import Models
+from ...core.observation import DictObservation
+from ...models.filesystem_edit import AddFile
+from ...core.main import Step
+from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
class SetupPipelineStep(Step):
@@ -86,29 +83,3 @@ class ValidatePipelineStep(Step):
query_filename = (await sdk.ide.getWorkspaceDirectory()) + "/"
await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(AddFile(filepath=query_filename, content=tables_query_code))
-class CreatePipelineStep(Step):
- hide: bool = True
- async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
- await sdk.run_step(
- MessageStep(message=dedent("""\
- This recipe will walk you through the process of creating a dlt pipeline for your chosen data source. With the help of Continue, you will:
- - Create a Python virtual environment with dlt installed
- - Run `dlt init` to generate a pipeline template
- - Write the code to call the API
- - Add any required API keys to the `secrets.toml` file
- - Test that the API call works
- - Load the data into a local DuckDB instance
- - Write a query to view the data""")) >>
- WaitForUserInputStep(prompt="What API do you want to load data from?") >>
- SetupPipelineStep(api_description=" API") >>
- MessageStep(message=dedent("""\
- This step will validate that your dlt pipeline is working as expected:
- - Test that the API call works
- - Load the data into a local DuckDB instance
- - Write a query to view the data
- """)) >>
- ValidatePipelineStep()
- )
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e01cc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This is a collaborative collection of Continue recipes
+Recipes here will automatically be made available in the [Continue VS Code extension](
+The `recipes` folder contains all recipes, each with the same structure. **If you wish to create your own recipe, please do the following:**
+1. Create a new subfolder in `recipes`, with the name of your recipe (for example `MyNewRecipe`).
+2. Make 2 files in this folder: 1) a `` describing your recipe and how to use it and 2) a `` including a single class with the name of your recipe (e.g. `MyNewRecipe`).
+3. Write any utility code other than the main recipe class in a separate file, which you can import in ``. Particularly if you decide to break the recipe into multiple sub-steps, try to keep these separate.
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/TemplateRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/TemplateRecipe/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91d1123b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/TemplateRecipe/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# TemplateRecipe
+This folder is a template that you can copy to create your own recipe.
+## How to use this recipe
+Explain here what users should know when using your recipe. What inputs does it have and what actions will it perform?
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/TemplateRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/TemplateRecipe/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94675725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/TemplateRecipe/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from typing import Coroutine
+from continuedev.core import Step, ContinueSDK, Observation, Models
+class TemplateRecipe(Step):
+ """
+ A simple recipe that appends a print statement to the currently open file.
+ Use this as a template to create your own!
+ """
+ # Paremeters for the recipe
+ name: str
+ # A title for the recipe, to be displayed in the GUI
+ title = "Template Recipe"
+ # A description of what the recipe accomplished, to be displayed in the GUI
+ async def describe(self, models: Models) -> Coroutine[str, None, None]:
+ return f"Appended a statement to print `Hello, {}!` at the end of the file."
+ # The code executed when the recipe is run
+ async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK) -> Coroutine[Observation, None, None]:
+ open_files = await sdk.ide.getOpenFiles()
+ await sdk.edit_file(
+ filename=open_files[0],
+ prompt=f"Append a statement to print `Hello, {}!` at the end of the file."
+ )
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/WritePytestsRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/WritePytestsRecipe/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ce33ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/WritePytestsRecipe/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# CreatePytestsRecipe
+A recipe for writing unit tests in Pytest.
+# How to use this recipe
+Call this recipe with a python file open that you would like to test. It will create tests in a `tests/` folder adjacent to the file with the test file given the same name prepended by `test_`.
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/WritePytestsRecipe/
index 2e83ae2d..a35055f3 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/WritePytestsRecipe/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from ...core.main import Step, ContinueSDK
import os
-class WritePytestsStep(Step):
+class WritePytestsRecipe(Step):
for_filepath: str
async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/server/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/server/
index 5598e140..0dbfaf38 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/server/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/server/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from ..models.filesystem_edit import FileEditWithFullContents
from ..core.policy import DemoPolicy
from ..core.main import FullState
from ..core.autopilot import Autopilot
-from ..libs.steps.nate import ImplementAbstractMethodStep
from .ide_protocol import AbstractIdeProtocolServer
import asyncio
import nest_asyncio
@@ -34,11 +33,6 @@ class DemoAutopilot(Autopilot):
# Note that you're storing a lot of unecessary data here. Can compress into EditDiffs on the spot, and merge.
# self._manual_edits_buffer = merge_file_edit(self._manual_edits_buffer, edit)
- if edit.fileEdit.filepath.endswith("") and "List" in self.cumulative_edit_string and ":" in edit.fileEdit.replacement:
- self.cumulative_edit_string = ""
- asyncio.create_task(self.run_from_step(
- ImplementAbstractMethodStep()))
class SessionManager:
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
index 8b137891..8b137891 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
index 39424c5c..59a8b6e0 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Coroutine, Union
-from ...core.observation import Observation, TextObservation
-from ...core.main import Step, ContinueSDK
+from ..core.observation import Observation, TextObservation
+from ..core.main import Step, ContinueSDK
from .core.core import EditFileStep
-from ..chroma.query import query_codebase_index
+from ..libs.chroma.query import query_codebase_index
from .core.core import EditFileStep
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/core/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
index 9a5d54f0..e54a9a21 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/core/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
import subprocess
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Coroutine, List, Union
-from ...llm.prompt_utils import MarkdownStyleEncoderDecoder
+from ...libs.llm.prompt_utils import MarkdownStyleEncoderDecoder
-from ....models.filesystem_edit import EditDiff, FileEditWithFullContents, FileSystemEdit
-from ....models.filesystem import FileSystem, RangeInFile, RangeInFileWithContents
-from ....core.observation import Observation, TextObservation, TracebackObservation, UserInputObservation
-from ....core.main import Step, SequentialStep
+from ...models.filesystem_edit import EditDiff, FileEditWithFullContents, FileSystemEdit
+from ...models.filesystem import FileSystem, RangeInFile, RangeInFileWithContents
+from ...core.observation import Observation, TextObservation, TracebackObservation, UserInputObservation
+from ...core.main import Step, SequentialStep
class ContinueSDK:
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
index f3131c4b..f3131c4b 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
index 7b70422d..ea538bb7 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# When an edit is made to an existing class or a new sqlalchemy class is created,
# this should be kicked off.
-from ...models.filesystem import RangeInFile
-from .main import EditCodeStep, RunCommandStep
+from ..main import EditCodeStep, RunCommandStep
from ...core.main import Step
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
index efaa9ba4..17506316 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from ....core.main import Step
-from ....core.sdk import ContinueSDK
+from ...core.main import Step
+from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
from ..core.core import EditFileStep
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
index d06a6fb4..153c855f 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/draft/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/draft/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from textwrap import dedent
-from ....core.main import Step
-from ....core.sdk import ContinueSDK
+from ...core.main import Step
+from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
class CreateTableStep(Step):
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
index 73ad3352..8588ec92 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ from typing import Coroutine, List, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
-from ..util.traceback_parsers import parse_python_traceback
-from ..llm import LLM
-from ...models.main import Traceback, Range
-from ...models.filesystem_edit import EditDiff, FileEdit
-from ...models.filesystem import RangeInFile, RangeInFileWithContents
-from ...core.observation import Observation, TextObservation, TracebackObservation
-from ..llm.prompt_utils import MarkdownStyleEncoderDecoder
+from ..libs.util.traceback_parsers import parse_python_traceback
+from ..libs.llm import LLM
+from ..models.main import Traceback, Range
+from ..models.filesystem_edit import EditDiff, FileEdit
+from ..models.filesystem import RangeInFile, RangeInFileWithContents
+from ..core.observation import Observation, TextObservation, TracebackObservation
+from ..libs.llm.prompt_utils import MarkdownStyleEncoderDecoder
from textwrap import dedent
-from ...core.main import Step
-from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK, Models
-from ...core.observation import Observation
+from ..core.main import Step
+from ..core.sdk import ContinueSDK, Models
+from ..core.observation import Observation
import subprocess
from .core.core import EditCodeStep
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
index fd1eb8f0..cd40ff56 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/libs/steps/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-from ...core.main import ContinueSDK, Models, Step
+from ..core.main import ContinueSDK, Models, Step
from .main import UserInputStep
-from .draft.dlt import CreatePipelineStep
+from import CreatePipelineRecipe
step_name_to_step_class = {
"UserInputStep": UserInputStep,
- "CreatePipelineStep": CreatePipelineStep
+ "CreatePipelineRecipe": CreatePipelineRecipe
diff --git a/docs/docs/concepts/ b/docs/docs/concepts/
index 1758fdd8..1e1a0a65 100644
--- a/docs/docs/concepts/
+++ b/docs/docs/concepts/
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ Create and run an alembic migration
- `edited_file`:
-### WritePytestsStep
+### WritePytestsRecipe
Write unit tests for this file.
#### Parameters
-- for_filepath (required): the path of the file that unit tests should be created for \ No newline at end of file
+- for_filepath (required): the path of the file that unit tests should be created for
diff --git a/docs/docs/walkthroughs/ b/docs/docs/walkthroughs/
index 0cf1892e..12dd3167 100644
--- a/docs/docs/walkthroughs/
+++ b/docs/docs/walkthroughs/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class CreatePytestsStep(Step):
code = await sdk.ide.readFile(self.input_file_path)
- sdk.run_step(WritePytestsStep(code, output_file_prefix, output_dir_path))
+ sdk.run_step(WritePytestsRecipe(code, output_file_prefix, output_dir_path))
### Adjust for different OS