diff options
authorNate Sesti <>2023-06-26 13:27:56 -0700
committerNate Sesti <>2023-06-26 13:27:56 -0700
commit45601fdd7cdcb4c7a229c11f7d9b381b86927856 (patch)
parent6ea71af27eb044e24da0ddadd3a0ee0356beff7d (diff)
check for requirements installed separately of env
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/extension/src/activation/environmentSetup.ts b/extension/src/activation/environmentSetup.ts
index 66e1c722..364b6af2 100644
--- a/extension/src/activation/environmentSetup.ts
+++ b/extension/src/activation/environmentSetup.ts
@@ -77,54 +77,67 @@ function checkEnvExists() {
+function checkRequirementsInstalled() {
+ return fs.existsSync(
+ path.join(getExtensionUri().fsPath, "scripts", ".continue_env_installed")
+ );
async function setupPythonEnv() {
console.log("Setting up python env for Continue extension...");
- if (checkEnvExists()) return;
- // Assemble the command to create the env
const [pythonCmd, pipCmd] = await getPythonPipCommands();
const [activateCmd, pipUpgradeCmd] = getActivateUpgradeCommands(
- const createEnvCommand = [
- `cd ${path.join(getExtensionUri().fsPath, "scripts")}`,
- `${pythonCmd} -m venv env`,
- ].join("; ");
+ if (checkEnvExists()) {
+ console.log("Python env already exists, skipping...");
+ } else {
+ // Assemble the command to create the env
+ const createEnvCommand = [
+ `cd ${path.join(getExtensionUri().fsPath, "scripts")}`,
+ `${pythonCmd} -m venv env`,
+ ].join("; ");
- // Repeat until it is successfully created (sometimes it fails to generate the bin, need to try again)
- while (true) {
- const [, stderr] = await runCommand(createEnvCommand);
- if (stderr) {
- throw new Error(stderr);
- }
- if (checkEnvExists()) {
- break;
- } else {
- // Remove the env and try again
- const removeCommand = `rm -rf ${path.join(
- getExtensionUri().fsPath,
- "scripts",
- "env"
- )}`;
- await runCommand(removeCommand);
+ // Repeat until it is successfully created (sometimes it fails to generate the bin, need to try again)
+ while (true) {
+ const [, stderr] = await runCommand(createEnvCommand);
+ if (stderr) {
+ throw new Error(stderr);
+ }
+ if (checkEnvExists()) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // Remove the env and try again
+ const removeCommand = `rm -rf ${path.join(
+ getExtensionUri().fsPath,
+ "scripts",
+ "env"
+ )}`;
+ await runCommand(removeCommand);
+ }
+ console.log(
+ "Successfully set up python env at ",
+ getExtensionUri().fsPath + "/scripts/env"
+ );
- console.log(
- "Successfully set up python env at ",
- getExtensionUri().fsPath + "/scripts/env"
- );
- const installRequirementsCommand = [
- `cd ${path.join(getExtensionUri().fsPath, "scripts")}`,
- activateCmd,
- pipUpgradeCmd,
- `${pipCmd} install -r requirements.txt`,
- ].join(" ; ");
- const [, stderr] = await runCommand(installRequirementsCommand);
- if (stderr) {
- throw new Error(stderr);
+ if (checkRequirementsInstalled()) {
+ console.log("Python requirements already installed, skipping...");
+ } else {
+ const installRequirementsCommand = [
+ `cd ${path.join(getExtensionUri().fsPath, "scripts")}`,
+ activateCmd,
+ pipUpgradeCmd,
+ `${pipCmd} install -r requirements.txt`,
+ "touch .continue_env_installed",
+ ].join(" ; ");
+ const [, stderr] = await runCommand(installRequirementsCommand);
+ if (stderr) {
+ throw new Error(stderr);
+ }