diff options
authorNate Sesti <>2023-06-21 22:20:01 -0700
committerNate Sesti <>2023-06-21 22:20:01 -0700
commit8262dd66cefc39f28d75e35e4de389d124aca2c0 (patch)
parent94341653cae5b9af6e33f480847dfb562aa7578c (diff)
3 files changed, 109 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
index eb6a00c6..1238dfea 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
@@ -271,14 +271,21 @@ class DefaultModelEditCodeStep(Step):
current_block = []
offset_from_blocks = 0
+ last_matched_line = 0
+ matched_line = 0
+ current_block_start_of_insertion = -1
+ lines_covered_in_this_block = 0
+ liness_deleted_in_this_block = 0
+ lines_same_in_this_block = 0
async def insert_line(line: str, line_no: int):
nonlocal current_block
# Insert line, highlight green, highlight corresponding line red
+ red_line = line_no + len(current_block) + 1
range = Range.from_shorthand(
line_no, 0, line_no, 0)
red_range = Range.from_shorthand(
- line_no + len(current_block), 0, line_no + len(current_block), 0)
+ red_line, 0, red_line, 0)
await sdk.ide.applyFileSystemEdit(FileEdit(
@@ -289,32 +296,73 @@ class DefaultModelEditCodeStep(Step):
await sdk.ide.highlightCode(RangeInFile(filepath=rif.filepath, range=red_range), "#FF000022")
async def show_block_as_suggestion():
- nonlocal i, offset_from_blocks, current_block
+ nonlocal i, offset_from_blocks, current_block, current_block_start_of_insertion, matched_line, last_matched_line, lines_covered_in_this_block, liness_deleted_in_this_block
+ end_line = offset_from_blocks + rif.range.start.line + matched_line
+ # Delete the green inserted lines, because they will be shown as part of the suggestion
+ await sdk.ide.applyFileSystemEdit(FileEdit(
+ filepath=rif.filepath,
+ range=Range.from_shorthand(
+ current_block_start_of_insertion, 0, current_block_start_of_insertion + len(current_block), 0),
+ replacement=""
+ ))
+ lines_deleted_in_this_block = lines_covered_in_this_block - lines_same_in_this_block
await sdk.ide.showSuggestion(FileEdit(
- i + offset_from_blocks - len(current_block) + rif.range.start.line, 0, i + offset_from_blocks + rif.range.start.line, 0),
+ end_line - lines_deleted_in_this_block, 0, end_line, 0),
replacement="\n".join(current_block) + "\n"
offset_from_blocks += len(current_block)
- async def add_to_block(line: str):
+ async def add_green_to_block(line: str):
+ # Keep track of where the first inserted line in this block came from
+ nonlocal current_block_start_of_insertion
+ if current_block_start_of_insertion < 0:
+ current_block_start_of_insertion = i + offset_from_blocks + rif.range.start.line
+ # Insert the line, highlight green
+ await insert_line(line, i + offset_from_blocks + rif.range.start.line)
- # TODO: This start line might have changed above
- # await insert_line(line, i + offset_from_blocks +
- # rif.range.start.line)
- async def handle_generated_line(line: str):
- nonlocal i, lines, current_block, offset_from_blocks, original_lines
+ def line_matches_something_in_original(line: str) -> int:
+ nonlocal offset_from_blocks, last_matched_line, matched_line, lines_covered_in_this_block
# diff = list(difflib.ndiff(rif.contents.splitlines(
# keepends=True), completion.splitlines(keepends=True)))
- if i < len(original_lines) and line == original_lines[i]:
- # Line is the same as the original. Start a new block
- await show_block_as_suggestion()
+ # TODO: and line.strip() != ""?
+ for j in range(last_matched_line, len(original_lines)):
+ if line == original_lines[j]:
+ last_matched_line = matched_line
+ lines_covered_in_this_block = j - matched_line
+ matched_line = j
+ return j
+ return -1
+ async def handle_generated_line(line: str):
+ nonlocal i, lines, current_block, offset_from_blocks, original_lines, current_block_start_of_insertion, matched_line, lines_covered_in_this_block, lines_same_in_this_block
+ # Highlight the line to show progress
+ await sdk.ide.highlightCode(RangeInFile(filepath=rif.filepath, range=Range.from_shorthand(
+ i + rif.range.start.line, 0, i + rif.range.start.line, 0)), "#FFFFFF22")
+ # Check if this line appears to correspond to something in the original
+ if line_matches_something_in_original(line) >= 0:
+ if len(current_block) > 0:
+ # Matches something, add all lines up to this as red in the old block, then show the block
+ await show_block_as_suggestion()
+ i -= 1
+ # i -= (len(current_block) -
+ # (matched_line - last_matched_line))
+ lines_covered_in_this_block = 0
+ lines_same_in_this_block = 0
+ current_block_start_of_insertion = -1
+ lines_same_in_this_block += 1
- # Add to the current block
- await add_to_block(line)
+ # No match, insert the line into the replacement but don't change the red highlighting
+ await add_green_to_block(line)
lines_of_prefix_copied = 0
repeating_file_suffix = False
@@ -372,6 +420,7 @@ class DefaultModelEditCodeStep(Step):
# If the current block isn't empty, add that suggestion
if len(current_block) > 0:
+ matched_line = rif.range.end.line - rif.range.start.line
await show_block_as_suggestion()
# Record the completion
diff --git a/extension/package.json b/extension/package.json
index 94a58ebd..a9b8660b 100644
--- a/extension/package.json
+++ b/extension/package.json
@@ -65,12 +65,48 @@
- "commands": [],
+ "commands": [
+ {
+ "command": "continue.suggestionDown",
+ "category": "Continue",
+ "title": "Suggestion Down"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "continue.suggestionUp",
+ "category": "Continue",
+ "title": "Suggestion Up"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "continue.acceptSuggestion",
+ "category": "Continue",
+ "title": "Accept Suggestion"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "continue.rejectSuggestion",
+ "category": "Continue",
+ "title": "Reject Suggestion"
+ }
+ ],
"keybindings": [
"command": "continue.focusContinueInput",
"mac": "cmd+k",
"key": "ctrl+k"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "continue.suggestionDown",
+ "mac": "shift+ctrl+down",
+ "key": "shift+ctrl+down"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "continue.suggestionUp",
+ "mac": "shift+ctrl+up",
+ "key": "shift+ctrl+up"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "continue.acceptSuggestion",
+ "mac": "shift+ctrl+enter",
+ "key": "shift+ctrl+enter"
"menus": {
diff --git a/extension/src/continueIdeClient.ts b/extension/src/continueIdeClient.ts
index fbd00c6e..b1fcd6fb 100644
--- a/extension/src/continueIdeClient.ts
+++ b/extension/src/continueIdeClient.ts
@@ -163,6 +163,15 @@ class IdeProtocolClient {
isWholeLine: true,
editor.setDecorations(decorationType, [range]);
+ const cursorDisposable = vscode.window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(
+ (event) => {
+ if (event.textEditor.document.uri.fsPath === rangeInFile.filepath) {
+ cursorDisposable.dispose();
+ editor.setDecorations(decorationType, []);
+ }
+ }
+ );