diff options
authorNate Sesti <>2023-07-11 11:31:41 -0700
committerNate Sesti <>2023-07-11 11:31:41 -0700
commitb1a39567addc511ac0b477aaedaae4e10d7f5d31 (patch)
parent32faad17ed525209d51756615cddea74f905076c (diff)
explain insert at cursor, better diff streaming
3 files changed, 72 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
index b0d9d719..d4d067ba 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/steps/core/
@@ -265,6 +265,23 @@ class DefaultModelEditCodeStep(Step):
return file_prefix, rif.contents, file_suffix, model_to_use, max_tokens
def compile_prompt(self, file_prefix: str, contents: str, file_suffix: str, sdk: ContinueSDK) -> str:
+ if contents.strip() == "":
+ # Seperate prompt for insertion at the cursor, the other tends to cause it to repeat whole file
+ prompt = dedent(f"""\
+Please output the code to be inserted at the cursor in order to fulfill the user_request. Do NOT preface your answer or write anything other than code. You should not write any tags, just the code. Make sure to correctly indent the code:""")
+ return prompt
prompt = self._prompt
if file_prefix.strip() != "":
prompt += dedent(f"""
@@ -306,15 +323,32 @@ class DefaultModelEditCodeStep(Step):
prompt = self.compile_prompt(file_prefix, contents, file_suffix, sdk)
full_file_contents_lines = full_file_contents.split("\n")
- async def sendDiffUpdate(lines: List[str], sdk: ContinueSDK):
- nonlocal full_file_contents_lines, rif
+ lines_to_display = []
+ async def sendDiffUpdate(lines: List[str], sdk: ContinueSDK, final: bool = False):
+ nonlocal full_file_contents_lines, rif, lines_to_display
completion = "\n".join(lines)
full_prefix_lines = full_file_contents_lines[:rif.range.start.line]
full_suffix_lines = full_file_contents_lines[rif.range.end.line:]
+ # Don't do this at the very end, just show the inserted code
+ if final:
+ lines_to_display = []
+ # Only recalculate at every new-line, because this is sort of expensive
+ elif completion.endswith("\n"):
+ contents_lines = rif.contents.split("\n")
+ rewritten_lines = 0
+ for line in lines:
+ for i in range(rewritten_lines, len(contents_lines)):
+ if difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, line, contents_lines[i]).ratio() > 0.7 and contents_lines[i].strip() != "":
+ rewritten_lines = i + 1
+ break
+ lines_to_display = contents_lines[rewritten_lines:]
new_file_contents = "\n".join(
- full_prefix_lines) + "\n" + completion + "\n" + "\n".join(full_suffix_lines)
+ full_prefix_lines) + "\n" + completion + "\n" + "\n".join(lines_to_display) + "\n" + "\n".join(full_suffix_lines)
step_index = sdk.history.current_index
@@ -495,7 +529,7 @@ class DefaultModelEditCodeStep(Step):
completion_lines_covered += 1
current_line_in_file += 1
- await sendDiffUpdate(lines + [common_whitespace + unfinished_line], sdk)
+ await sendDiffUpdate(lines + [common_whitespace if unfinished_line.startswith("<") else (common_whitespace + unfinished_line)], sdk)
# Add the unfinished line
if unfinished_line != "" and not self.line_to_be_ignored(unfinished_line, completion_lines_covered == 0) and not self.is_end_line(unfinished_line):
@@ -505,7 +539,7 @@ class DefaultModelEditCodeStep(Step):
completion_lines_covered += 1
current_line_in_file += 1
- await sendDiffUpdate(lines, sdk)
+ await sendDiffUpdate(lines, sdk, final=True)
if False:
# If the current block isn't empty, add that suggestion
diff --git a/extension/react-app/src/components/ComboBox.tsx b/extension/react-app/src/components/ComboBox.tsx
index 801c3a03..585a0584 100644
--- a/extension/react-app/src/components/ComboBox.tsx
+++ b/extension/react-app/src/components/ComboBox.tsx
@@ -180,6 +180,26 @@ const ComboBox = React.forwardRef((props: ComboBoxProps, ref) => {
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => downshiftProps, [downshiftProps]);
+ const [metaKeyPressed, setMetaKeyPressed] = useState(false);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const handleKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
+ if (e.key === "Meta") {
+ setMetaKeyPressed(true);
+ }
+ };
+ const handleKeyUp = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
+ if (e.key === "Meta") {
+ setMetaKeyPressed(false);
+ }
+ };
+ window.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
+ window.addEventListener("keyup", handleKeyUp);
+ return () => {
+ window.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
+ window.removeEventListener("keyup", handleKeyUp);
+ };
+ });
useEffect(() => {
if (!inputRef.current) {
@@ -272,7 +292,7 @@ const ComboBox = React.forwardRef((props: ComboBoxProps, ref) => {
<div className="flex px-2" ref={divRef} hidden={!downshiftProps.isOpen}>
- placeholder="Ask a question, give instructions, or type '/' to see slash commands"
+ placeholder="Ask a question, give instructions, or type '/' to see slash commands. ⌘⏎ to edit."
onChange: (e) => {
const target = as HTMLTextAreaElement;
@@ -357,10 +377,12 @@ const ComboBox = React.forwardRef((props: ComboBoxProps, ref) => {
- {/* <span className="text-trueGray-400 ml-auto m-auto text-xs text-right">
- Highlight code to include as context. Currently open file included by
- default. {highlightedCodeSections.length === 0 && ""}
- </span> */}
+ {highlightedCodeSections.length === 0 &&
+ (downshiftProps.inputValue?.startsWith("/edit") || metaKeyPressed) && (
+ <div className="text-trueGray-400 pr-4 text-xs text-right">
+ Inserting at cursor
+ </div>
+ )}
onMouseEnter={() => {
diff --git a/extension/src/diffs.ts b/extension/src/diffs.ts
index 1dc292e1..3ea6b4f8 100644
--- a/extension/src/diffs.ts
+++ b/extension/src/diffs.ts
@@ -164,7 +164,12 @@ class DiffManager {
// Stop the step at step_index in case it is still streaming
- this.cleanUpDiff(diffInfo);
+ vscode.workspace.textDocuments
+ .find((doc) => doc.uri.fsPath === newFilepath)
+ ?.save()
+ .then(() => {
+ this.cleanUpDiff(diffInfo);
+ });