path: root/continuedev/src
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authorTy Dunn <>2023-06-05 17:59:35 +0200
committerTy Dunn <>2023-06-05 17:59:35 +0200
commitc4f96a350974ac71c33f6d534c8ec1a812b84539 (patch)
tree18110496db4ab95fe27fd629ca632c9a7ec6c67b /continuedev/src
parenta6ca91d32148600e60bfd8b9c13ac45bc13454f8 (diff)
more add transform progress
Diffstat (limited to 'continuedev/src')
3 files changed, 165 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
index e69de29b..9ad49a5f 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# AddTransformRecipe
+Uses the API example to show how to add map and filter Python transforms to a dlt pipeline. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
index 974336cf..0fd96930 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from ...core.main import Step
from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
from ...steps.core.core import WaitForUserInputStep
from ...steps.main import MessageStep
-from .steps import SetupPipelineStep, ValidatePipelineStep
+from .steps import SetUpChessPipelineStep, AddTransformStep
class AddTransformRecipe(Step):
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ class AddTransformRecipe(Step):
async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
await sdk.run_step(
- This recipe will walk you through the process of adding a transform to a dlt pipeline for your chosen data source. With the help of Continue, you will:
+ This recipe will walk you through the process of adding a transform to a dlt pipeline that uses the API source. With the help of Continue, you will:
- X
- Y
- Z""")) >>
- WaitForUserInputStep(prompt="What API do you want to load data from?") >>
- SetupPipelineStep(api_description=" API") >>
- ValidatePipelineStep()
+ SetUpChessPipelineStep() >>
+ WaitForUserInputStep(prompt="How do you want to transform the API data before loading it? For example, you could use the `python-chess` library to decode the moves or filter out certain games") >>
+ AddTransformStep()
diff --git a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
index c6059627..8ab3eda1 100644
--- a/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
+++ b/continuedev/src/continuedev/recipes/AddTransformRecipe/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
-Using chess pipeline we show how to add map and filter Python transforms.
- dlt init chess duckdb
- python
@@ -20,57 +20,44 @@ Example:
- run python and streamlit app
-class SetupPipelineStep(Step):
+class SetUpChessPipelineStep(Step):
hide: bool = True
- name: str = "Setup dlt Pipeline"
+ name: str = "Setup API dlt Pipeline"
api_description: str # e.g. "I want to load data from the API"
async def describe(self, models: Models):
return dedent(f"""\
- This step will create a new dlt pipeline that loads data from an API, as per your request:
- {self.api_description}
+ This step will create a new dlt pipeline that loads data from the API.
async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
- source_name = (await sdk.models.gpt35()).complete(
- f"Write a snake_case name for the data source described by {self.api_description}: ").strip()
- filename = f'{source_name}.py'
+ filename = ''
# running commands to get started when creating a new dlt pipeline
'python3 -m venv env',
'source env/bin/activate',
'pip install dlt',
- f'dlt init {source_name} duckdb',
+ 'dlt init chess duckdb',
'pip install -r requirements.txt'
- # editing the resource function to call the requested API
- await sdk.edit_file(
- filename=filename,
- prompt=f'Edit the resource function to call the API described by this: {self.api_description}'
- )
- # wait for user to put API key in secrets.toml
- await sdk.ide.setFileOpen(await sdk.ide.getWorkspaceDirectory() + "/.dlt/secrets.toml")
- await sdk.wait_for_user_confirmation("If this service requires an API key, please add it to the `secrets.toml` file and then press `Continue`")
- return DictObservation(values={"source_name": source_name})
-class ValidatePipelineStep(Step):
+class AddTransformStep(Step):
hide: bool = True
async def run(self, sdk: ContinueSDK):
- source_name = sdk.history.last_observation().values["source_name"]
+ source_name = 'chess'
filename = f'{source_name}.py'
await sdk.run_step(MessageStep(message=dedent("""\
- This step will validate that your dlt pipeline is working as expected:
- - Test that the API call works
+ This step will customize your resource function with a transform of your choice:
+ - Add a filter or map transformation depending on your request
- Load the data into a local DuckDB instance
- - Write a query to view the data
+ - Open up a Streamlit app for you to view the data
# test that the API call works
@@ -86,19 +73,150 @@ class ValidatePipelineStep(Step):
await'python3 {filename}')
table_name = f"{source_name}.{source_name}_resource"
- tables_query_code = dedent(f'''\
- import duckdb
- # connect to DuckDB instance
- conn = duckdb.connect(database="{source_name}.duckdb")
- # get table names
- rows = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM {table_name};").fetchall()
- # print table names
- for row in rows:
- print(row)
- ''')
+ examples = dedent(f"""\
+ Task: Use either the `add_map` or `add_filter` function to transform the data.
+ Below you will find some docs page that will help you understand this task.
+ # Customize resources
+ ## Filter, transform and pivot data
+ You can attach any number of transformations that are evaluated on item per item basis to your resource. The available transformation types:
+ - map - transform the data item (resource.add_map)
+ - filter - filter the data item (resource.add_filter)
+ - yield map - a map that returns iterator (so single row may generate many rows - resource.add_yield_map)
+ Example: We have a resource that loads a list of users from an api endpoint. We want to customize it so:
+ we remove users with user_id == "me"
+ we anonymize user data
+ Here's our resource:
+ ```python
+ import dlt
+ @dlt.resource(write_disposition="replace")
+ def users():
+ ...
+ users = requests.get(...)
+ ...
+ yield users
+ ```
+ Here's our script that defines transformations and loads the data.
+ ```python
+ from pipedrive import users
+ def anonymize_user(user_data):
+ user_data["user_id"] = hash_str(user_data["user_id"])
+ user_data["user_email"] = hash_str(user_data["user_email"])
+ return user_data
+ # add the filter and anonymize function to users resource and enumerate
+ for user in users().add_filter(lambda user: user["user_id"] != "me").add_map(anonymize_user):
+ print(user)
+ ```
+ Here is a more complex example of a filter transformation:
+ # Renaming columns
+ ## Renaming columns by replacing the special characters
+ In the example below, we create a dummy source with special characters in the name. We then write a function that we intend to apply to the resource to modify its output (i.e. replacing the German umlaut): replace_umlauts_in_dict_keys.
+ ```python
+ import dlt
+ # create a dummy source with umlauts (special characters) in key names (um)
+ @dlt.source
+ def dummy_source(prefix: str = None):
+ @dlt.resource
+ def dummy_data():
+ for _ in range(100):
+ yield {f'Objekt_{_}':{'Größe':_, 'Äquivalenzprüfung':True}}
+ return dummy_data(),
+ def replace_umlauts_in_dict_keys(d):
+ # Replaces umlauts in dictionary keys with standard characters.
+ umlaut_map = {'ä': 'ae', 'ö': 'oe', 'ü': 'ue', 'ß': 'ss', 'Ä': 'Ae', 'Ö': 'Oe', 'Ü': 'Ue'}
+ result = {}
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ new_key = ''.join(umlaut_map.get(c, c) for c in k)
+ if isinstance(v, dict):
+ result[new_key] = replace_umlauts_in_dict_keys(v)
+ else:
+ result[new_key] = v
+ return result
+ # We can add the map function to the resource
+ # 1. Create an instance of the source so you can edit it.
+ data_source = dummy_source()
+ # 2. Modify this source instance's resource
+ data_source = data_source.dummy_data().add_map(replace_umlauts_in_dict_keys)
+ # 3. Inspect your result
+ for row in data_source:
+ print(row)
+ # {'Objekt_0': {'Groesse': 0, 'Aequivalenzpruefung': True}}
+ # ...
+ ```
+ Here is a more complex example of a map transformation:
+ # Pseudonymizing columns
+ ## Pseudonymizing (or anonymizing) columns by replacing the special characters
+ Pseudonymization is a deterministic way to hide personally identifiable info (PII), enabling us to consistently achieve the same mapping. If instead you wish to anonymize, you can delete the data, or replace it with a constant. In the example below, we create a dummy source with a PII column called "name", which we replace with deterministic hashes (i.e. replacing the German umlaut).
+ ```python
+ import dlt
+ import hashlib
+ @dlt.source
+ def dummy_source(prefix: str = None):
+ @dlt.resource
+ def dummy_data():
+ for _ in range(3):
+ yield {'id':_, 'name': f'Jane Washington {_}'}
+ return dummy_data(),
+ def pseudonymize_name(doc):
+ Pseudonmyisation is a deterministic type of PII-obscuring
+ Its role is to allow identifying users by their hash, without revealing the underlying info.
+ # add a constant salt to generate
+ salt = 'WI@N57%zZrmk#88c'
+ salted_string = doc['name'] + salt
+ sh = hashlib.sha256()
+ sh.update(salted_string.encode())
+ hashed_string = sh.digest().hex()
+ doc['name'] = hashed_string
+ return doc
+ # run it as is
+ for row in dummy_source().dummy_data().add_map(pseudonymize_name):
+ print(row)
+ #{'id': 0, 'name': '96259edb2b28b48bebce8278c550e99fbdc4a3fac8189e6b90f183ecff01c442'}
+ #{'id': 1, 'name': '92d3972b625cbd21f28782fb5c89552ce1aa09281892a2ab32aee8feeb3544a1'}
+ #{'id': 2, 'name': '443679926a7cff506a3b5d5d094dc7734861352b9e0791af5d39db5a7356d11a'}
+ # Or create an instance of the data source, modify the resource and run the source.
+ # 1. Create an instance of the source so you can edit it.
+ data_source = dummy_source()
+ # 2. Modify this source instance's resource
+ data_source = data_source.dummy_data().add_map(replace_umlauts_in_dict_keys)
+ # 3. Inspect your result
+ for row in data_source:
+ print(row)
+ pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name='example', destination='bigquery', dataset_name='normalized_data')
+ load_info =
+ ```
+ """)
query_filename = (await sdk.ide.getWorkspaceDirectory()) + "/"
await sdk.apply_filesystem_edit(AddFile(filepath=query_filename, content=tables_query_code))