path: root/extension/src/commands.ts
diff options
authorNate Sesti <>2023-05-23 23:45:12 -0400
committerNate Sesti <>2023-05-23 23:45:12 -0400
commitf53768612b1e2268697b5444e502032ef9f3fb3c (patch)
tree4ed49b73e6bd3c2f8fceffa9643973033f87af95 /extension/src/commands.ts
copying from old repo
Diffstat (limited to 'extension/src/commands.ts')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extension/src/commands.ts b/extension/src/commands.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18f08e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extension/src/commands.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+import {
+ decorationManager,
+ showAnswerInTextEditor,
+ showGutterSpinner,
+ writeAndShowUnitTest,
+} from "./decorations";
+import {
+ acceptSuggestionCommand,
+ rejectSuggestionCommand,
+ suggestionDownCommand,
+ suggestionUpCommand,
+} from "./suggestions";
+import * as bridge from "./bridge";
+import { debugPanelWebview, setupDebugPanel } from "./debugPanel";
+// import { openCapturedTerminal } from "./terminal/terminalEmulator";
+import { getRightViewColumn } from "./util/vscode";
+import {
+ findSuspiciousCode,
+ runPythonScript,
+ writeUnitTestForFunction,
+} from "./bridge";
+import { sendTelemetryEvent, TelemetryEvent } from "./telemetry";
+import { getLanguageLibrary } from "./languages";
+import { SerializedDebugContext } from "./client";
+import { addFileSystemToDebugContext } from "./util/util";
+import { ideProtocolClient } from "./activation/activate";
+// Copy everything over from extension.ts
+const commandsMap: { [command: string]: (...args: any) => any } = {
+ "continue.askQuestion": (data: any, webviewView: vscode.WebviewView) => {
+ if (!vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders) {
+ return;
+ }
+ answerQuestion(
+ data.question,
+ vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath,
+ webviewView.webview
+ );
+ },
+ "continue.askQuestionFromInput": () => {
+ vscode.window
+ .showInputBox({ placeHolder: "Ask away!" })
+ .then((question) => {
+ if (!question || !vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sendTelemetryEvent(TelemetryEvent.UniversalPromptQuery, {
+ query: question,
+ });
+ answerQuestion(
+ question,
+ vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ "continue.suggestionDown": suggestionDownCommand,
+ "continue.suggestionUp": suggestionUpCommand,
+ "continue.acceptSuggestion": acceptSuggestionCommand,
+ "continue.rejectSuggestion": rejectSuggestionCommand,
+ "continue.openDebugPanel": () => {
+ ideProtocolClient?.openNotebook();
+ },
+ "continue.focusContinueInput": async () => {
+ if (!debugPanelWebview) {
+ await ideProtocolClient?.openNotebook();
+ }
+ debugPanelWebview?.postMessage({
+ type: "focusContinueInput",
+ });
+ },
+ "continue.openCapturedTerminal": () => {
+ // Happens in webview resolution function
+ // openCapturedTerminal();
+ },
+ "continue.findSuspiciousCode": async (
+ debugContext: SerializedDebugContext
+ ) => {
+ vscode.window.withProgress(
+ {
+ location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification,
+ title: "Finding suspicious code",
+ cancellable: false,
+ },
+ async (progress, token) => {
+ let suspiciousCode = await findSuspiciousCode(debugContext);
+ debugContext.rangesInFiles = suspiciousCode;
+ let { filesystem } = addFileSystemToDebugContext(debugContext);
+ debugPanelWebview?.postMessage({
+ type: "findSuspiciousCode",
+ codeLocations: suspiciousCode,
+ filesystem,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ "continue.debugTest": async (fileAndFunctionSpecifier: string) => {
+ sendTelemetryEvent(TelemetryEvent.AutoDebugThisTest);
+ let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
+ if (editor);
+ let { stdout } = await runPythonScript("", [
+ fileAndFunctionSpecifier,
+ ]);
+ let traceback = getLanguageLibrary(
+ fileAndFunctionSpecifier.split("::")[0]
+ ).parseFirstStacktrace(stdout);
+ if (!traceback) {
+ vscode.window.showInformationMessage("The test passes!");
+ return;
+ }
+ vscode.commands.executeCommand("continue.openDebugPanel").then(() => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ debugPanelWebview?.postMessage({
+ type: "traceback",
+ value: traceback,
+ });
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ },
+const textEditorCommandsMap: { [command: string]: (...args: any) => {} } = {
+ "continue.writeUnitTest": async (editor: vscode.TextEditor) => {
+ let position =;
+ let gutterSpinnerKey = showGutterSpinner(editor, position.line);
+ try {
+ let test = await writeUnitTestForFunction(
+ editor.document.fileName,
+ position
+ );
+ writeAndShowUnitTest(editor.document.fileName, test);
+ } catch {
+ } finally {
+ decorationManager.deleteDecoration(gutterSpinnerKey);
+ }
+ },
+ "continue.writeDocstring": async (editor: vscode.TextEditor, _) => {
+ sendTelemetryEvent(TelemetryEvent.GenerateDocstring);
+ let gutterSpinnerKey = showGutterSpinner(
+ editor,
+ );
+ const { lineno, docstring } = await bridge.writeDocstringForFunction(
+ editor.document.fileName,
+ );
+ // Can't use the edit given above after an async call
+ editor.edit((edit) => {
+ edit.insert(new vscode.Position(lineno, 0), docstring);
+ decorationManager.deleteDecoration(gutterSpinnerKey);
+ });
+ },
+export function registerAllCommands(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
+ for (const [command, callback] of Object.entries(commandsMap)) {
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.commands.registerCommand(command, callback)
+ );
+ }
+ for (const [command, callback] of Object.entries(textEditorCommandsMap)) {
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.commands.registerTextEditorCommand(command, callback)
+ );
+ }
+async function answerQuestion(
+ question: string,
+ workspacePath: string,
+ webview: vscode.Webview | undefined = undefined
+) {
+ vscode.window.withProgress(
+ {
+ location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification,
+ title: "Anwering question...",
+ cancellable: false,
+ },
+ async (progress, token) => {
+ try {
+ let resp = await bridge.askQuestion(question, workspacePath);
+ // Send the answer back to the webview
+ if (webview) {
+ webview.postMessage({
+ type: "answerQuestion",
+ answer: resp.answer,
+ });
+ }
+ showAnswerInTextEditor(resp.filename, resp.range, resp.answer);
+ } catch (error: any) {
+ if (webview) {
+ webview.postMessage({
+ type: "answerQuestion",
+ answer: error,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+// async function suggestFixForAllWorkspaceProblems() {
+// Something like this, just figure out the loops for diagnostics vs problems
+// let problems = vscode.languages.getDiagnostics();
+// let codeSuggestions = await Promise.all( => {
+// return bridge.suggestFixForProblem(problem[0].fsPath, problem[1]);
+// }));
+// for (const [uri, diagnostics] of problems) {
+// for (let i = 0; i < diagnostics.length; i++) {
+// let diagnostic = diagnostics[i];
+// let suggestedCode = codeSuggestions[i];
+// // If you're going to do this for a bunch of files at once, it will show the unsaved icon in the tab
+// // BUT it would be better to have a single window to review all edits
+// showSuggestion(uri.fsPath, diagnostic.range, suggestedCode)
+// }
+// }
+// }