path: root/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers')
13 files changed, 1121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0123bb7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from .diff import DiffContextProvider # noqa: F401
+from .filetree import FileTreeContextProvider # noqa: F401
+from .github import GitHubIssuesContextProvider # noqa: F401
+from .google import GoogleContextProvider # noqa: F401
+from .search import SearchContextProvider # noqa: F401
+from .terminal import TerminalContextProvider # noqa: F401
+from .url import URLContextProvider # noqa: F401
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05da3547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import subprocess
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import Field
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import (
+ ContextItem,
+ ContextItemDescription,
+ ContextItemId,
+ ContinueCustomException,
+class DiffContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """
+ Type '@diff' to reference all of the changes you've made to your current branch. This is useful if you want to summarize what you've done or ask for a general review of your work before committing.
+ """
+ title = "diff"
+ display_title = "Diff"
+ description = "Output of 'git diff' in current repo"
+ dynamic = True
+ workspace_dir: str = Field(
+ None, description="The workspace directory in which to run `git diff`"
+ )
+ @property
+ def BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM(self):
+ return ContextItem(
+ content="",
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name="Diff",
+ description="Reference the output of 'git diff' for the current workspace",
+ id=ContextItemId(
+ provider_title=self.title, item_id=self._DIFF_CONTEXT_ITEM_ID
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ return [self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM]
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ result =
+ ["git", "diff"], cwd=self.workspace_dir, capture_output=True, text=True
+ )
+ diff = result.stdout
+ error = result.stderr
+ if error.strip() != "":
+ if error.startswith("warning: Not a git repository"):
+ raise ContinueCustomException(
+ title="Not a git repository",
+ message="The @diff context provider only works in git repositories.",
+ )
+ raise ContinueCustomException(
+ title="Error running git diff",
+ message=f"Error running git diff:\n\n{error}",
+ )
+ if diff.strip() == "":
+ diff = "No changes"
+ ctx_item = self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM.copy()
+ ctx_item.content = diff
+ return ctx_item
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50567621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import List
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+from ...libs.util.create_async_task import create_async_task
+from .util import remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars
+class DynamicProvider(ContextProvider, ABC):
+ """
+ A title representing the provider
+ """
+ title: str
+ """A name representing the provider. Probably use capitalized version of title"""
+ name: str
+ workspace_dir: str = None
+ dynamic: bool = True
+ @property
+ def BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM(self):
+ return ContextItem(
+ content="",
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ description=self.description,
+ id=ContextItemId(provider_title=self.title, item_id=self.title),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ create_async_task(self.setup())
+ return [self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM]
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ query = query.lstrip(self.title + " ")
+ results = await self.get_content(query)
+ ctx_item = self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM.copy()
+ ctx_item.content = results
+ = f"{}: '{query}'"
+ = remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars(query)
+ return ctx_item
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def get_content(self, query: str) -> str:
+ """Retrieve the content given the query
+ (e.g. search the codebase, return search results)"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def setup(self):
+ """Run any setup needed (e.g. indexing the codebase)"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class ExampleDynamicProvider(DynamicProvider):
+ title = "example"
+ name = "Example"
+ description = "Example description"
+ async def get_content(self, query: str) -> str:
+ return f"Example content for '{query}'"
+ async def setup(self):
+ print("Example setup")
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86cba311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import os
+import uuid
+from typing import List, Optional
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+from ...libs.chroma.query import ChromaIndexManager
+class EmbeddingResult(BaseModel):
+ filename: str
+ content: str
+class EmbeddingsProvider(ContextProvider):
+ title = "embed"
+ display_title = "Embeddings Search"
+ description = "Search the codebase using embeddings"
+ dynamic = True
+ requires_query = True
+ workspace_directory: str
+ index_manager: Optional[ChromaIndexManager] = None
+ class Config:
+ arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+ @property
+ def index(self):
+ if self.index_manager is None:
+ self.index_manager = ChromaIndexManager(self.workspace_directory)
+ return self.index_manager
+ @property
+ def BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM(self):
+ return ContextItem(
+ content="",
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name="Embedding Search",
+ description="Enter a query to embedding search codebase",
+ id=ContextItemId(
+ provider_title=self.title, item_id=self.EMBEDDINGS_CONTEXT_ITEM_ID
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def _get_query_results(self, query: str) -> str:
+ results = self.index.query_codebase_index(query)
+ ret = []
+ for node in results.source_nodes:
+ resource_name = list(node.node.relationships.values())[0]
+ filepath = resource_name[: resource_name.index("::")]
+ ret.append(EmbeddingResult(filename=filepath, content=node.node.text))
+ return ret
+ async def provide_context_items(self) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ self.index.create_codebase_index() # TODO Synchronous here is not ideal
+ return [self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM]
+ async def add_context_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str):
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ results = await self._get_query_results(query)
+ for i in range(len(results)):
+ result = results[i]
+ ctx_item = self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM.copy()
+ = os.path.basename(result.filename)
+ ctx_item.content = f"{result.filename}\n```\n{result.content}\n```"
+ = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ self.selected_items.append(ctx_item)
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cfbcfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import asyncio
+import os
+from typing import List, Optional
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+from ...core.sdk import ContinueSDK
+from ...libs.util.filter_files import DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS
+from ...libs.util.logging import logger
+from .util import remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars
+async def get_file_contents(filepath: str, sdk: ContinueSDK) -> str:
+ try:
+ return (await sdk.ide.readFile(filepath))[:MAX_SIZE_IN_CHARS]
+ except Exception as _:
+ return None
+class FileContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """
+ The FileContextProvider is a ContextProvider that allows you to search files in the open workspace.
+ """
+ title = "file"
+ ignore_patterns: List[str] = DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS
+ display_title = "Files"
+ description = "Reference files in the current workspace"
+ dynamic = False
+ async def start(self, *args):
+ await super().start(*args)
+ async def on_file_saved(filepath: str, contents: str):
+ item = await self.get_context_item_for_filepath(filepath)
+ if item is None:
+ return
+ await self.update_documents([item], self.sdk.ide.workspace_directory)
+ async def on_files_created(filepaths: List[str]):
+ items = await asyncio.gather(
+ *[
+ self.get_context_item_for_filepath(filepath)
+ for filepath in filepaths
+ ]
+ )
+ items = [item for item in items if item is not None]
+ await self.update_documents(items, self.sdk.ide.workspace_directory)
+ async def on_files_deleted(filepaths: List[str]):
+ ids = [self.get_id_for_filepath(filepath) for filepath in filepaths]
+ await self.delete_documents(ids)
+ async def on_files_renamed(old_filepaths: List[str], new_filepaths: List[str]):
+ if self.sdk.ide.workspace_directory is None:
+ return
+ old_ids = [self.get_id_for_filepath(filepath) for filepath in old_filepaths]
+ new_docs = await asyncio.gather(
+ *[
+ self.get_context_item_for_filepath(filepath)
+ for filepath in new_filepaths
+ ]
+ )
+ new_docs = [doc for doc in new_docs if doc is not None]
+ await self.delete_documents(old_ids)
+ await self.update_documents(new_docs, self.sdk.ide.workspace_directory)
+ self.sdk.ide.subscribeToFileSaved(on_file_saved)
+ self.sdk.ide.subscribeToFilesCreated(on_files_created)
+ self.sdk.ide.subscribeToFilesDeleted(on_files_deleted)
+ self.sdk.ide.subscribeToFilesRenamed(on_files_renamed)
+ def get_id_for_filepath(self, absolute_filepath: str) -> str:
+ return remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars(absolute_filepath)
+ async def get_context_item_for_filepath(
+ self, absolute_filepath: str
+ ) -> Optional[ContextItem]:
+ content = await get_file_contents(absolute_filepath, self.sdk)
+ if content is None:
+ return None
+ workspace_dir = self.sdk.ide.workspace_directory
+ if (
+ os.path.splitdrive(workspace_dir)[0]
+ != os.path.splitdrive(absolute_filepath)[0]
+ ):
+ workspace_dir = (
+ os.path.splitdrive(absolute_filepath)[0]
+ + os.path.splitdrive(workspace_dir)[1]
+ )
+ try:
+ relative_to_workspace = os.path.relpath(absolute_filepath, workspace_dir)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning(f"Error getting relative path: {e}")
+ return None
+ return ContextItem(
+ content=content[: min(2000, len(content))],
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name=os.path.basename(absolute_filepath),
+ # We should add the full path to the ContextItem
+ # It warrants a data modeling discussion and has no immediate use case
+ description=relative_to_workspace,
+ id=ContextItemId(
+ provider_title=self.title,
+ item_id=self.get_id_for_filepath(absolute_filepath),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ contents = await self.sdk.ide.listDirectoryContents(workspace_dir, True)
+ if contents is None:
+ return []
+ absolute_filepaths: List[str] = []
+ for filepath in contents[:1000]:
+ absolute_filepaths.append(filepath)
+ items = await asyncio.gather(
+ *[
+ self.get_context_item_for_filepath(filepath)
+ for filepath in absolute_filepaths
+ ]
+ )
+ items = list(filter(lambda item: item is not None, items))
+ return items
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b3d3a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+class Directory(BaseModel):
+ name: str
+ files: List[str]
+ directories: List["Directory"]
+def format_file_tree(tree: Directory, indentation: str = "") -> str:
+ result = ""
+ for file in tree.files:
+ result += f"{indentation}{file}\n"
+ for directory in tree.directories:
+ result += f"{indentation}{}/\n"
+ result += format_file_tree(directory, indentation + " ")
+ return result
+def split_path(path: str, with_root=None) -> List[str]:
+ parts = path.split("/") if "/" in path else path.split("\\")
+ if with_root is not None:
+ root_parts = split_path(with_root)
+ parts = parts[len(root_parts) - 1 :]
+ return parts
+class FileTreeContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """Type '@tree' to reference the contents of your current workspace. The LLM will be able to see the nested directory structure of your project."""
+ title = "tree"
+ display_title = "File Tree"
+ description = "Add a formatted file tree of this directory to the context"
+ dynamic = True
+ workspace_dir: str = Field(None, description="The workspace directory to display")
+ async def _get_file_tree(self, directory: str) -> str:
+ contents = await self.sdk.ide.listDirectoryContents(directory, recursive=True)
+ tree = Directory(
+ name=split_path(self.workspace_dir)[-1], files=[], directories=[]
+ )
+ for file in contents:
+ parts = split_path(file, with_root=self.workspace_dir)
+ current_tree = tree
+ for part in parts[:-1]:
+ if part not in [ for d in current_tree.directories]:
+ current_tree.directories.append(
+ Directory(name=part, files=[], directories=[])
+ )
+ current_tree = [d for d in current_tree.directories if == part][
+ 0
+ ]
+ current_tree.files.append(parts[-1])
+ return format_file_tree(tree)
+ async def _filetree_context_item(self):
+ return ContextItem(
+ content=await self._get_file_tree(self.workspace_dir),
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name="File Tree",
+ description="Add a formatted file tree of this directory to the context",
+ id=ContextItemId(provider_title=self.title, item_id=self.title),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ return [await self._filetree_context_item()]
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ return await self._filetree_context_item()
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c031f310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from typing import List
+from github import Auth, Github
+from pydantic import Field
+from ...core.context import (
+ ContextItem,
+ ContextItemDescription,
+ ContextItemId,
+ ContextProvider,
+class GitHubIssuesContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """
+ The GitHubIssuesContextProvider is a ContextProvider that allows you to search GitHub issues in a repo. Type '@issue' to reference the title and contents of an issue.
+ """
+ title = "issues"
+ repo_name: str = Field(
+ ..., description="The name of the GitHub repo from which to pull issues"
+ )
+ auth_token: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description="The GitHub auth token to use to authenticate with the GitHub API",
+ )
+ display_title = "GitHub Issues"
+ description = "Reference GitHub issues"
+ dynamic = False
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ auth = Auth.Token(self.auth_token)
+ gh = Github(auth=auth)
+ repo = gh.get_repo(self.repo_name)
+ issues = repo.get_issues().get_page(0)
+ return [
+ ContextItem(
+ content=issue.body,
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name=f"Issue #{issue.number}",
+ description=issue.title,
+ id=ContextItemId(provider_title=self.title,,
+ ),
+ )
+ for issue in issues
+ ]
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..852f4e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import json
+from typing import List
+import aiohttp
+from pydantic import Field
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+from .util import remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars
+class GoogleContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """Type '@google' to reference the results of a Google search. For example, type "@google python tutorial" if you want to search and discuss ways of learning Python."""
+ title = "google"
+ display_title = "Google"
+ description = "Search Google"
+ dynamic = True
+ requires_query = True
+ serper_api_key: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description="Your SerpAPI key, used to programmatically make Google searches. You can get a key at",
+ )
+ _GOOGLE_CONTEXT_ITEM_ID = "google_search"
+ @property
+ def BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM(self):
+ return ContextItem(
+ content="",
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name="Google Search",
+ description="Enter a query to search google",
+ id=ContextItemId(
+ provider_title=self.title, item_id=self._GOOGLE_CONTEXT_ITEM_ID
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def _google_search(self, query: str) -> str:
+ url = ""
+ payload = json.dumps({"q": query})
+ headers = {"X-API-KEY": self.serper_api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with, headers=headers, data=payload) as response:
+ return await response.text()
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ return [self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM]
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ results = await self._google_search(query)
+ json_results = json.loads(results)
+ content = f"Google Search: {query}\n\n"
+ if answerBox := json_results.get("answerBox"):
+ content += f"Answer Box ({answerBox['title']}): {answerBox['answer']}\n\n"
+ for result in json_results["organic"]:
+ content += f"{result['title']}\n{result['link']}\n{result['snippet']}\n\n"
+ ctx_item = self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM.copy()
+ ctx_item.content = content
+ = remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars(query)
+ return ctx_item
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3304a71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+import os
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from ...core.context import (
+ ContextItem,
+ ContextItemDescription,
+ ContextItemId,
+ ContextProvider,
+from ...core.main import ChatMessage
+from ...models.filesystem import RangeInFileWithContents
+from ...models.main import Range
+class HighlightedRangeContextItem(BaseModel):
+ rif: RangeInFileWithContents
+ item: ContextItem
+class HighlightedCodeContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """
+ The ContextProvider class is a plugin that lets you provide new information to the LLM by typing '@'.
+ When you type '@', the context provider will be asked to populate a list of options.
+ These options will be updated on each keystroke.
+ When you hit enter on an option, the context provider will add that item to the autopilot's list of context (which is all stored in the ContextManager object).
+ """
+ title = "code"
+ display_title = "Highlighted Code"
+ description = "Highlight code"
+ dynamic = True
+ ide: Any # IdeProtocolServer
+ highlighted_ranges: List[HighlightedRangeContextItem] = []
+ adding_highlighted_code: bool = True
+ # Controls whether you can have more than one highlighted range. Now always True.
+ should_get_fallback_context_item: bool = True
+ last_added_fallback: bool = False
+ async def _get_fallback_context_item(self) -> HighlightedRangeContextItem:
+ # Used to automatically include the currently open file. Disabled for now.
+ return None
+ if not self.should_get_fallback_context_item:
+ return None
+ visible_files = await self.ide.getVisibleFiles()
+ if len(visible_files) > 0:
+ content = await self.ide.readFile(visible_files[0])
+ rif = RangeInFileWithContents.from_entire_file(visible_files[0], content)
+ item = self._rif_to_context_item(rif, 0, True)
+ = self._rif_to_name(rif, show_line_nums=False)
+ self.last_added_fallback = True
+ return HighlightedRangeContextItem(rif=rif, item=item)
+ return None
+ async def get_selected_items(self) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ items = [hr.item for hr in self.highlighted_ranges]
+ if len(items) == 0 and (
+ fallback_item := await self._get_fallback_context_item()
+ ):
+ items = [fallback_item.item]
+ return items
+ async def get_chat_messages(self) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ ranges = self.highlighted_ranges
+ if len(ranges) == 0 and (
+ fallback_item := await self._get_fallback_context_item()
+ ):
+ ranges = [fallback_item]
+ return [
+ ChatMessage(
+ role="user",
+ content=f"Code in this file is highlighted ({r.rif.filepath}):\n```\n{r.rif.contents}\n```",
+ summary=f"Code in this file is highlighted: {r.rif.filepath}",
+ )
+ for r in ranges
+ ]
+ def _make_sure_is_editing_range(self):
+ """If none of the highlighted ranges are currently being edited, the first should be selected"""
+ if len(self.highlighted_ranges) == 0:
+ return
+ if not any(map(lambda x: x.item.editing, self.highlighted_ranges)):
+ self.highlighted_ranges[0].item.editing = True
+ def _disambiguate_highlighted_ranges(self):
+ """If any files have the same name, also display their folder name"""
+ name_status: Dict[
+ str, set
+ ] = {} # basename -> set of full paths with that basename
+ for hr in self.highlighted_ranges:
+ basename = os.path.basename(hr.rif.filepath)
+ if basename in name_status:
+ name_status[basename].add(hr.rif.filepath)
+ else:
+ name_status[basename] = {hr.rif.filepath}
+ for hr in self.highlighted_ranges:
+ basename = os.path.basename(hr.rif.filepath)
+ if len(name_status[basename]) > 1:
+ = self._rif_to_name(
+ hr.rif,
+ display_filename=os.path.join(
+ os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(hr.rif.filepath)), basename
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ = self._rif_to_name(
+ hr.rif, display_filename=basename
+ )
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ return []
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ async def clear_context(self):
+ self.highlighted_ranges = []
+ self.adding_highlighted_code = False
+ self.should_get_fallback_context_item = True
+ self.last_added_fallback = False
+ async def delete_context_with_ids(
+ self, ids: List[ContextItemId]
+ ) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ ids_to_delete = [id.item_id for id in ids]
+ kept_ranges = []
+ for hr in self.highlighted_ranges:
+ if not in ids_to_delete:
+ kept_ranges.append(hr)
+ self.highlighted_ranges = kept_ranges
+ self._make_sure_is_editing_range()
+ if len(self.highlighted_ranges) == 0 and self.last_added_fallback:
+ self.should_get_fallback_context_item = False
+ return [hr.item for hr in self.highlighted_ranges]
+ def _rif_to_name(
+ self,
+ rif: RangeInFileWithContents,
+ display_filename: str = None,
+ show_line_nums: bool = True,
+ ) -> str:
+ line_nums = (
+ f" ({rif.range.start.line + 1}-{rif.range.end.line + 1})"
+ if show_line_nums
+ else ""
+ )
+ return f"{display_filename or os.path.basename(rif.filepath)}{line_nums}"
+ def _rif_to_context_item(
+ self, rif: RangeInFileWithContents, idx: int, editing: bool
+ ) -> ContextItem:
+ return ContextItem(
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name=self._rif_to_name(rif),
+ description=rif.filepath,
+ id=ContextItemId(provider_title=self.title, item_id=str(idx)),
+ ),
+ content=rif.contents,
+ editing=editing if editing is not None else False,
+ editable=True,
+ )
+ async def handle_highlighted_code(
+ self,
+ range_in_files: List[RangeInFileWithContents],
+ edit: Optional[bool] = False,
+ ):
+ self.should_get_fallback_context_item = True
+ self.last_added_fallback = False
+ # Filter out rifs from ~/.continue/diffs folder
+ range_in_files = [
+ rif
+ for rif in range_in_files
+ if not os.path.dirname(rif.filepath)
+ == os.path.expanduser("~/.continue/diffs")
+ ]
+ # If not adding highlighted code
+ if not self.adding_highlighted_code:
+ if (
+ len(self.highlighted_ranges) == 1
+ and len(range_in_files) <= 1
+ and (
+ len(range_in_files) == 0
+ or range_in_files[0].range.start == range_in_files[0].range.end
+ )
+ ):
+ # If un-highlighting the range to edit, then remove the range
+ self.highlighted_ranges = []
+ elif len(range_in_files) > 0:
+ # Otherwise, replace the current range with the new one
+ # This is the first range to be highlighted
+ self.highlighted_ranges = [
+ HighlightedRangeContextItem(
+ rif=range_in_files[0],
+ item=self._rif_to_context_item(range_in_files[0], 0, edit),
+ )
+ ]
+ return
+ # If editing, make sure none of the other ranges are editing
+ if edit:
+ for hr in self.highlighted_ranges:
+ hr.item.editing = False
+ # If new range overlaps with any existing, keep the existing but merged
+ new_ranges = []
+ for i, new_hr in enumerate(range_in_files):
+ found_overlap_with = None
+ for existing_rif in self.highlighted_ranges:
+ if (
+ new_hr.filepath == existing_rif.rif.filepath
+ and new_hr.range.overlaps_with(existing_rif.rif.range)
+ ):
+ existing_rif.rif.range = existing_rif.rif.range.merge_with(
+ new_hr.range
+ )
+ found_overlap_with = existing_rif
+ break
+ if found_overlap_with is None:
+ new_ranges.append(
+ HighlightedRangeContextItem(
+ rif=new_hr,
+ item=self._rif_to_context_item(
+ new_hr, len(self.highlighted_ranges) + i, edit
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ elif edit:
+ # Want to update the range so it's only the newly selected portion
+ found_overlap_with.rif.range = new_hr.range
+ found_overlap_with.item.editing = True
+ self.highlighted_ranges = self.highlighted_ranges + new_ranges
+ self._make_sure_is_editing_range()
+ self._disambiguate_highlighted_ranges()
+ async def set_editing_at_ids(self, ids: List[str]):
+ # Don't do anything if there are no valid ids here
+ count = 0
+ for hr in self.highlighted_ranges:
+ if in ids:
+ count += 1
+ if count == 0:
+ return
+ for hr in self.highlighted_ranges:
+ hr.item.editing = in ids
+ async def add_context_item(
+ self, id: ContextItemId, query: str, prev: List[ContextItem] = None
+ ) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ async def manually_add_context_item(self, context_item: ContextItem):
+ full_file_content = await self.ide.readFile(
+ context_item.description.description
+ )
+ self.highlighted_ranges.append(
+ HighlightedRangeContextItem(
+ rif=RangeInFileWithContents(
+ filepath=context_item.description.description,
+ range=Range.from_lines_snippet_in_file(
+ content=full_file_content,
+ snippet=context_item.content,
+ ),
+ contents=context_item.content,
+ ),
+ item=context_item,
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a36b2a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import Field
+from ripgrepy import Ripgrepy
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+from ...libs.util.logging import logger
+from ...libs.util.ripgrep import get_rg_path
+from .util import remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars
+class SearchContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """Type '@search' to reference the results of codebase search, just like the results you would get from VS Code search."""
+ title = "search"
+ display_title = "Search"
+ description = "Search the workspace for all matches of an exact string (e.g. '@search console.log')"
+ dynamic = True
+ requires_query = True
+ workspace_dir: str = Field(None, description="The workspace directory to search")
+ @property
+ def BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM(self):
+ return ContextItem(
+ content="",
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name="Search",
+ description="Search the workspace for all matches of an exact string (e.g. '@search console.log')",
+ id=ContextItemId(
+ provider_title=self.title, item_id=self._SEARCH_CONTEXT_ITEM_ID
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def _search(self, query: str) -> str:
+ rg = Ripgrepy(query, self.workspace_dir, rg_path=get_rg_path())
+ results = rg.I().context(2).run()
+ return f"Search results in workspace for '{query}':\n\n{results}"
+ # Custom display below - TODO
+ # Gather results per file
+ file_to_matches = {}
+ for result in results:
+ if result["type"] == "match":
+ data = result["data"]
+ filepath = data["path"]["text"]
+ if filepath not in file_to_matches:
+ file_to_matches[filepath] = []
+ line_num_and_line = f"{data['line_number']}: {data['lines']['text']}"
+ file_to_matches[filepath].append(line_num_and_line)
+ # Format results
+ content = f"Search results in workspace for '{query}':\n\n"
+ for filepath, matches in file_to_matches.items():
+ content += f"{filepath}\n"
+ for match in matches:
+ content += f"{match}\n"
+ content += "\n"
+ return content
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ try:
+ Ripgrepy("", workspace_dir, rg_path=get_rg_path())
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning(f"Failed to initialize ripgrepy: {e}")
+ return []
+ return [self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM]
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ query = query.lstrip("search ")
+ results = await self._search(query)
+ ctx_item = self.BASE_CONTEXT_ITEM.copy()
+ ctx_item.content = results
+ = f"Search: '{query}'"
+ = remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars(query)
+ return ctx_item
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c63239e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from typing import Any, Coroutine, List
+from pydantic import Field
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ChatMessage, ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+class TerminalContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """Type '@terminal' to reference the contents of your IDE's terminal."""
+ title = "terminal"
+ display_title = "Terminal"
+ description = "Reference the contents of the terminal"
+ dynamic = True
+ get_last_n_commands: int = Field(
+ 3, description="The number of previous commands to reference"
+ )
+ def _terminal_context_item(self, content: str = ""):
+ return ContextItem(
+ content=content,
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name="Terminal",
+ description="Reference the contents of the VS Code terminal",
+ id=ContextItemId(provider_title=self.title, item_id=self.title),
+ ),
+ )
+ async def get_chat_messages(self) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, List[ChatMessage]]:
+ msgs = await super().get_chat_messages()
+ for msg in msgs:
+ msg.summary = msg.content[-1000:]
+ return msgs
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ return [self._terminal_context_item()]
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ terminal_contents = await self.sdk.ide.getTerminalContents(
+ self.get_last_n_commands
+ )
+ terminal_contents = terminal_contents[-5000:]
+ return self._terminal_context_item(terminal_contents)
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ed7c18e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+from typing import List
+import requests
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from pydantic import Field
+from ...core.context import ContextProvider
+from ...core.main import ContextItem, ContextItemDescription, ContextItemId
+from .util import remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars
+class URLContextProvider(ContextProvider):
+ """Type '@url' to reference the contents of a URL. You can either reference preset URLs, or reference one dynamically by typing '@url'. The text contents of the page will be fetched and used as context."""
+ title = "url"
+ display_title = "URL"
+ description = "Reference the contents of a webpage"
+ dynamic = True
+ requires_query = True
+ # Allows users to provide a list of preset urls
+ preset_urls: List[str] = Field(
+ [],
+ description="A list of preset URLs that you will be able to quickly reference by typing '@url'",
+ )
+ # Static items loaded from preset_urls
+ static_url_context_items: List[ContextItem] = []
+ # There is only a single dynamic url context item, so it has a static id
+ # This is a template dynamic item that will generate context item on demand
+ # when get item is called
+ @property
+ return ContextItem(
+ content="",
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name="Dynamic URL",
+ description="Reference the contents of a webpage (e.g. '@url')",
+ id=ContextItemId(
+ provider_title=self.title, item_id=self._DYNAMIC_URL_CONTEXT_ITEM_ID
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ def static_url_context_item_from_url(self, url: str) -> ContextItem:
+ content, title = self._get_url_text_contents_and_title(url)
+ return ContextItem(
+ content=content,
+ description=ContextItemDescription(
+ name=title,
+ description=f"Contents of {url}",
+ id=ContextItemId(
+ provider_title=self.title,
+ item_id=remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars(url),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ def _get_url_text_contents_and_title(self, url: str) -> (str, str):
+ response = requests.get(url)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
+ title = url.replace("https://", "").replace("http://", "").replace("www.", "")
+ if soup.title is not None:
+ title = soup.title.string
+ return soup.get_text(), title
+ async def provide_context_items(self, workspace_dir: str) -> List[ContextItem]:
+ self.static_url_context_items = [
+ self.static_url_context_item_from_url(url) for url in self.preset_urls
+ ]
+ return [self.DYNAMIC_CONTEXT_ITEM] + self.static_url_context_items
+ async def get_item(self, id: ContextItemId, query: str) -> ContextItem:
+ # Check if the item is a static item
+ matching_static_item = next(
+ (
+ item
+ for item in self.static_url_context_items
+ if == id.item_id
+ ),
+ None,
+ )
+ if matching_static_item:
+ return matching_static_item
+ # Check if the item is the dynamic item
+ if not id.provider_title == self.title:
+ raise Exception("Invalid provider title for item")
+ # Generate the dynamic item
+ url = query.lstrip("url ").strip()
+ if url is None or url == "":
+ return None
+ content, title = self._get_url_text_contents_and_title(url)
+ ctx_item = self.DYNAMIC_CONTEXT_ITEM.copy()
+ ctx_item.content = content
+ = title
+ = remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars(url)
+ return ctx_item
diff --git a/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61bea8aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/continuedev/plugins/context_providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import re
+def remove_meilisearch_disallowed_chars(id: str) -> str:
+ return re.sub(r"[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]", "", id)