AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-05feat: :lipstick: gallery banner colorNate Sesti
2023-10-05feat: :lipstick: update icon and descriptionNate Sesti
2023-10-04feat: :loud_sound: telemetry for vscode vs. jetbrainsNate Sesti
2023-10-04ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-10-04fix: :bug: fix for windows drive difference bugNate Sesti
2023-10-04docs: :memo: title for codeblocks in docsNate Sesti
2023-10-04feat: :lipstick: better loading experienceNate Sesti
2023-10-02ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-10-02fix: :bug: automigrate between short/long importsNate Sesti
2023-10-02fix: :bug: temporarily disable lsp before fixing w/ vscodeNate Sesti
2023-10-02fix: :bug: let context providers work without meilisearchNate Sesti
2023-10-02fix: :bug: start meilisearch in parallel to serverNate Sesti
2023-10-02Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-10-02fix: :bug: change for/backwardslash decoding schemeNate Sesti
2023-10-02fixing typo in api docs refTy Dunn
2023-10-02palm api docsTy Dunn
2023-09-30docs: :memo: update embeddings docsNate Sesti
2023-09-30ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-30adding support for the google palm api (#524)Ty Dunn
2023-09-30docs: :memo: update embeddings docs pageNate Sesti
2023-09-29Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-09-30ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-29Model config UI (#522)Nate Sesti
2023-09-29feat: :loud_sound: add context to dev data loggignNate Sesti
2023-09-29Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-09-29docs: :memo: update reference with max_tokensNate Sesti
2023-09-29feat: :sparkles: add max_tokens option to LLM classNate Sesti
2023-09-29ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-29fix: :bug: try/except around starting meilisearchNate Sesti
2023-09-29fix: :bug: fix for edit=None in highlightedCode updateNate Sesti
2023-09-28ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-28fix: :bug: don't override context length param in OpenAINate Sesti
2023-09-28fix: :bug: fix height bug after cmd+shift+RNate Sesti
2023-09-28fix: :bug: fix azure openai bug for 07 versionNate Sesti
2023-09-28ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-28Past input (#513)Nate Sesti
2023-09-27pull -> runTy Dunn
2023-09-26ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-26Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-09-26fix: :ambulance: class_name hotfixNate Sesti
2023-09-26ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-26Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-09-26fix: :bug: now progress bar when api_key enteredNate Sesti
2023-09-26ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-09-26docs: :memo: update references to Ollama to mention Linux supportNate Sesti
2023-09-26Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-09-26fix: :bug: ftc fixNate Sesti
2023-09-26feat: convert issue templates to issue form templates (#507)LangLangBart
2023-09-25fix: :bug: small fixes, update troubleshooting docsNate Sesti
2023-09-25ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action