AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-10Remove clientgen, fix windows startup errorssestinj
2023-08-10ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-09fix: :bookmark: update extension versionNate Sesti
2023-08-09ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-09Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-09fix: :bug: windowsHide on process spawnNate Sesti
2023-08-09ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-09Merge pull request #358 from bra1nDump/environment-setup-documentation-updateNate Sesti
2023-08-09ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-09Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-09fix: :bug: temporarily remove replicate altogetherNate Sesti
2023-08-09ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-09fix: :heavy_plus_sign: include replicate in requirements.rtxtNate Sesti
2023-08-09revert: :bug: revert unecessary changes from yesterdayNate Sesti
2023-08-09ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-09Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-09feat: :sparkles: add urlcontextprovider back to default configNate Sesti
2023-08-08feat: :sparkles: testing improved prompting for stablecodeNate Sesti
2023-08-09ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08fix: :heavy_plus_sign: hidden import for replicateNate Sesti
2023-08-08docs: :memo: documentation for replicate LLMNate Sesti
2023-08-08feat: :sparkles: support stablecoder with replicate LLMNate Sesti
2023-08-09ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08feat: :sparkles: /share slash commandNate Sesti
2023-08-08Updated documentation to reflect the new fastest getting started path in VSCodeKirill Dubovitskiy
2023-08-08docs: :memo: update vscode readme with discord badge, centerNate Sesti
2023-08-08feat: :sparkles: set static urls for contextproviderNate Sesti
2023-08-08ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08build: :arrow_down: lock to urllib3 1.25.11 for ssl fixNate Sesti
2023-08-08ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08fix: :lipstick: fix UI problems in vscode light themesNate Sesti
2023-08-08ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08feat: :children_crossing: display troubleshooting link when loadingNate Sesti
2023-08-08feat: :loud_sound: light telemetry or context providersNate Sesti
2023-08-08feat: :sparkles: huggingface inference api llm updateNate Sesti
2023-08-08ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08fix: :bug: fix reducers for user input queueNate Sesti
2023-08-08ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08fix: :bug: add data file for ca_bundleNate Sesti
2023-08-08ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action
2023-08-08Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-08-08fix: :bug: use certifi to set ca_bundle_path for openaiNate Sesti
2023-08-08ci: 💚 Update package.json version [skip ci]GitHub Action