path: root/extension/package.json
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-25patchNate Sesti
2023-07-25patchNate Sesti
2023-07-24patchNate Sesti
2023-07-24activation events * to load fasterNate Sesti
2023-07-24move proxy server unique id to headerNate Sesti
2023-07-23documentationNate Sesti
2023-07-22how to use private model docs and buttonNate Sesti
2023-07-21notify to reload window after changing settingsNate Sesti
2023-07-21fix for top-of-file pruning in default edit stepNate Sesti
2023-07-20patchNate Sesti
2023-07-20patchNate Sesti
2023-07-19transparent bg fixNate Sesti
2023-07-19patchNate Sesti
2023-07-18error handle on invalid config file, don't immediately show loading messageNate Sesti
2023-07-17show exact prompt/completion logsNate Sesti
2023-07-17float -> int hot fixNate Sesti
2023-07-17match vscode color themeNate Sesti
2023-07-16patchNate Sesti
2023-07-16patchNate Sesti
2023-07-16feat: :sparkles: Continue Quick FixNate Sesti
2023-07-15fixed reading of terminal and other vscode windowsNate Sesti
2023-07-15one window wait for other to create venvNate Sesti
2023-07-155s timeout on websocket connectionsNate Sesti
2023-07-15patchNate Sesti
2023-07-15patchNate Sesti
2023-07-15patchNate Sesti
2023-07-15patchNate Sesti
2023-07-14patchNate Sesti
2023-07-14command m reliable toggleNate Sesti
2023-07-14warn of large highlighted ranges, cmd+k->mNate Sesti
2023-07-14fixed unique_id being propertyNate Sesti
2023-07-14patchNate Sesti
2023-07-13patchNate Sesti
2023-07-13patchNate Sesti
2023-07-13patchNate Sesti
2023-07-12patchNate Sesti
2023-07-12patch, send state initiallyNate Sesti
2023-07-12patchNate Sesti
2023-07-12smaller fixesNate Sesti
2023-07-12patchNate Sesti
2023-07-12better onboardingNate Sesti
2023-07-12patch, don't delete non-active steps with cmd+backNate Sesti
2023-07-11patchNate Sesti
2023-07-11fix bug uninstalling continuedevNate Sesti
2023-07-11patchNate Sesti
2023-07-11air on the side of killing serverNate Sesti
2023-07-10Merge branch 'main' into faster-loadNate Sesti
2023-07-10patchNate Sesti
2023-07-10gifs in outside media folderNate Sesti
2023-07-10update for v2Ty Dunn