path: root/extension/package.json
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-31feat: :sparkles: llama-2 supportNate Sesti
2023-07-31fix: :lipstick: logo alignment, better config failure description, patchNate Sesti
2023-07-29fix: serve to localhostNate Sesti
2023-07-29chore: :bookmark: patchNate Sesti
2023-07-29feat: :loud_sound: display any server errors to the GUINate Sesti
2023-07-28fix: :children_crossing: clear the dropdown after text input clearedNate Sesti
2023-07-28fix: :children_crossing: add slash commands to default configNate Sesti
2023-07-28fix: :zap: register vscode commands prior to server loadingNate Sesti
2023-07-28fix: :bug: fix incorrect imports in default config fileNate Sesti
2023-07-28feat: :sparkles: allow custom OpenAI base_urlNate Sesti
2023-07-28refactor: :loud_sound: replace all print with logger.debugNate Sesti
2023-07-28fix: :goal_net: catch errors when loading to meilisearch indexNate Sesti
2023-07-28refactor: :loud_sound: potential telemetry fixesNate Sesti
2023-07-28fix: :ambulance: logging to file causing problems with starting serverNate Sesti
2023-07-28refactor: :loud_sound: improve logs on startup of serverNate Sesti
2023-07-28refactor: :goal_net: log errors from websocket, better logging from uvicornNate Sesti
2023-07-27fix: :bug: catch error when workspace uri isn't definedNate Sesti
2023-07-27chore: :bookmark: patchNate Sesti
2023-07-27chore: :bookmark: patchNate Sesti
2023-07-27feat: :loud_sound: give users access to Continue server logsNate Sesti
can see logs in ~/.continue/continue.log
2023-07-27chore: :bookmark: patchNate Sesti
2023-07-27revert: :fire: disable fallback_context_itemNate Sesti
2023-07-26chore: :fire: remove sentry and segmentNate Sesti
2023-07-26fix: :ambulance: catch error from meilisearch client.healthNate Sesti
2023-07-26fix: :bug: async with Client (meilisearch)Nate Sesti
2023-07-26chore: :bookmark: patchNate Sesti
2023-07-26fix: :bug: fix dialog linksNate Sesti
2023-07-26chore: :bookmark: patchNate Sesti
2023-07-26fix: :bug: access highlighted_code through context_managerNate Sesti
2023-07-26patchNate Sesti
2023-07-26patchNate Sesti
2023-07-25patchNate Sesti
2023-07-25meilisearch async clientNate Sesti
2023-07-25patchNate Sesti
2023-07-25hot fixesNate Sesti
2023-07-24tweaksNate Sesti
2023-07-24fixes from merge, imagesNate Sesti
2023-07-24patchNate Sesti
2023-07-24activation events * to load fasterNate Sesti
2023-07-24move proxy server unique id to headerNate Sesti
2023-07-23documentationNate Sesti
2023-07-22how to use private model docs and buttonNate Sesti
2023-07-21notify to reload window after changing settingsNate Sesti
2023-07-21fix for top-of-file pruning in default edit stepNate Sesti
2023-07-20patchNate Sesti
2023-07-20patchNate Sesti
2023-07-19transparent bg fixNate Sesti
2023-07-19patchNate Sesti
2023-07-18error handle on invalid config file, don't immediately show loading messageNate Sesti
2023-07-17show exact prompt/completion logsNate Sesti