path: root/extension/src/activation
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-25hot fixesNate Sesti
2023-07-24cleaningNate Sesti
2023-07-24Merge branch 'main' into show-react-immediatelyNate Sesti
2023-07-21remove Segment telemetry from ReactNate Sesti
2023-07-21python3 --> pythonTy Dunn
2023-07-18CONTRIBUTING.mdNate Sesti
2023-07-18error handle on invalid config file, don't immediately show loading messageNate Sesti
2023-07-16record accept/rejectNate Sesti
2023-07-16feat: :sparkles: Continue Quick FixNate Sesti
2023-07-15fixed reading of terminal and other vscode windowsNate Sesti
2023-07-15one window wait for other to create venvNate Sesti
2023-07-155s timeout on websocket connectionsNate Sesti
2023-07-15patchNate Sesti
2023-07-15patchNate Sesti
2023-07-15Change to remote signed in order to setup python venvsestinj
2023-07-15patchNate Sesti
2023-07-15Reliably show error messages when environmentSetup failssestinj
2023-07-13show react immediatelyNate Sesti
2023-07-12persist state and reconnect automaticallyNate Sesti
2023-07-12catch error at top level when activating extensionNate Sesti
2023-07-12remove eventemitter from codelens classesNate Sesti
2023-07-12better onboardingNate Sesti
2023-07-11check for old version of Continue, notifyNate Sesti
2023-07-11fix bug uninstalling continuedevNate Sesti
2023-07-11patchNate Sesti
2023-07-11don't override error messages with a second oneNate Sesti
2023-07-11air on the side of killing serverNate Sesti
2023-07-09cache server env in .continue folderNate Sesti
2023-07-09expand max_tokens for large highlighted rangesNate Sesti
2023-07-07fix: :bug: install python-virtualenv on linux, fix git hash files errorNate Sesti
2023-07-07max_retries = 3Nate Sesti
2023-07-06fixing retriesTy Dunn
2023-07-05running scripts is disabled error messageTy Dunn
2023-07-03fix python version on windows, other bugs, jestNate Sesti
2023-07-02telemetry to capture errors when setup failsNate Sesti
2023-07-02ssl certificate fixNate Sesti
2023-06-30check for secondary installed python versionsNate Sesti
2023-06-30kill servers started by old extension versionsNate Sesti
2023-06-30the fix. and others.Nate Sesti
2023-06-30fixed websockets issueNate Sesti
2023-06-30require python >=3.7, off-by-one err in streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-29messaging of welcome stepNate Sesti
2023-06-28fixed error when two windows open simultaneouslyNate Sesti
2023-06-28show UI before server loads with welcome msgNate Sesti
2023-06-28fixesNate Sesti
2023-06-28try harder when checking for continuedev packageNate Sesti
2023-06-27use a more esoteric port than 8000 (65432)Nate Sesti
2023-06-27require python3 already downloadedNate Sesti
2023-06-27post-merge fixesNate Sesti
2023-06-26back to ampersands except for in spawnNate Sesti