path: root/extension/src/continueIdeClient.ts
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-01explicit context pill buttonsNate Sesti
2023-06-30the fix. and others.Nate Sesti
2023-06-30fixed websockets issueNate Sesti
2023-06-29lock suggestions until done streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-29small patches to streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-29messaging of welcome stepNate Sesti
2023-06-27Merge branch 'main' into newer-simpler-stream-algoNate Sesti
2023-06-27checkpoint on new streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-26quotes around pathsNate Sesti
2023-06-21suggestions...closer?Nate Sesti
2023-06-21run existing terminal if possibleTy Dunn
2023-06-21removing captured terminalTy Dunn
2023-06-21first slightly working version of suggestionsNate Sesti
2023-06-19check for codespaces, stream editsNate Sesti
2023-06-18a number of thingsNate Sesti
2023-06-16polishingNate Sesti
2023-06-16dlt demo workNate Sesti
2023-06-15handle and explain tracebacksNate Sesti
2023-06-15proxy server running locallyNate Sesti
2023-06-15left panelNate Sesti
2023-06-14feedback with unique id, patchNate Sesti
2023-06-13Small fixesNate Sesti
2023-06-13fixed diff application and highlightingNate Sesti
2023-06-12Merge branch 'main' into superset-of-chatNate Sesti
2023-06-12fixing feedback on dlt recipesNate Sesti
2023-06-12cleaner highlighting (from server side)Nate Sesti
2023-06-12calculate diff and highlight changesNate Sesti
2023-06-07dlt stuffNate Sesti
2023-06-06trying to reliably capture terminal output in vscNate Sesti
2023-06-06many design improvementsNate Sesti
2023-06-03API tokens set through global Vsc settingsNate Sesti
2023-06-02minorNate Sesti
2023-06-02notebook -> guiNate Sesti
2023-05-31checkpoint! protocol reform and it works nowNate Sesti
2023-05-28First load fail error fixedNate Sesti
2023-05-23copying from old repoNate Sesti