path: root/extension
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-02track when suggestion is accepted or rejectedNate Sesti
2023-07-02ssl certificate fixNate Sesti
2023-07-01older @types/vscode version to match older engineNate Sesti
2023-07-01allow older vscode versionsNate Sesti
2023-06-30check for secondary installed python versionsNate Sesti
2023-06-30kill servers started by old extension versionsNate Sesti
2023-06-30the fix. and others.Nate Sesti
2023-06-30fixed websockets issueNate Sesti
2023-06-30Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-06-30require python >=3.7, off-by-one err in streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-29initial walkthroughTy Dunn
2023-06-29Merge branch 'main' of Dunn
2023-06-29how to use draftTy Dunn
2023-06-29lock suggestions until done streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-29walkthrough startNate Sesti
2023-06-29small patches to streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-29add .continue to .gitignore, update icons in docsNate Sesti
2023-06-29missing things from data collectionTy Dunn
2023-06-29Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-06-29small fixesNate Sesti
2023-06-29Merge branch 'main' of Dunn
2023-06-29close on data collectionTy Dunn
2023-06-29new continue logoNate Sesti
2023-06-29Merge branch 'main' of Sesti
2023-06-29messaging of welcome stepNate Sesti
2023-06-29docs update in rootTy Dunn
2023-06-28fixed error when two windows open simultaneouslyNate Sesti
2023-06-28show UI before server loads with welcome msgNate Sesti
2023-06-28remove codelens when clickedNate Sesti
2023-06-28fix steps not running after a prev cancelled stepNate Sesti
2023-06-28fixesNate Sesti
2023-06-28try harder when checking for continuedev packageNate Sesti
2023-06-28patchNate Sesti
2023-06-28patch, detailsNate Sesti
2023-06-28patchNate Sesti
2023-06-27v73 was too large, removing examples, .vscignoreNate Sesti
2023-06-27use a more esoteric port than 8000 (65432)Nate Sesti
2023-06-27require python3 already downloadedNate Sesti
2023-06-27more streaming edge casesNate Sesti
2023-06-27post-merge fixesNate Sesti
2023-06-27Merge branch 'main' into newer-simpler-stream-algoNate Sesti
2023-06-27stop completion early, accept all improvementsNate Sesti
2023-06-27accept/reject allNate Sesti
2023-06-27checkpoint on new streamingNate Sesti
2023-06-26back to ampersands except for in spawnNate Sesti
2023-06-26ampersands instead of semi-colonsNate Sesti
2023-06-26quotes around pathsNate Sesti
2023-06-26fixing on windowsTy Dunn
2023-06-26syntax highlighting lang auto detectionNate Sesti
2023-06-26fixed padding on syntax highlihgtingNate Sesti