{ "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ // Compile and bundle the extension { "label": "vscode-extension:build", "dependsOn": [ // To detect compile errors "vscode-extension:tsc", // To build the react-app that is used in the extension "vscode-extension:continue-ui:build", // To bundle the code the same way we do for publishing "vscode-extension:esbuild" ], "group": { "kind": "build", "isDefault": true } }, { "label": "vscode-extension:esbuild", "type": "npm", "script": "esbuild", "path": "extension", "problemMatcher": [ { "pattern": [ { "regexp": "> (.*?):([0-9]+):([0-9]+): (warning|error): (.+)$", "file": 1, "line": 2, "column": 3, "severity": 4, "message": 5 } ], } ], }, // Tsc currently errors out due to testing setup issues, will be resolved in a different PR // This will be useful for preventing debugging if there are compile errors { "label": "vscode-extension:tsc", "type": "npm", "script": "tsc", "path": "extension", "problemMatcher": [ "$tsc" ], "presentation": { "revealProblems": "onProblem", "clear": true, }, }, // Build the react-app. It gets bundled into the extension as a file resource and has a seprate build step { "label": "vscode-extension:continue-ui:build", "type": "npm", "script": "build", "path": "extension/react-app", "problemMatcher": [ "$tsc" ], "presentation": { "revealProblems": "onProblem", "clear": true, }, }, // // Compile and bundle tests { "label": "vscode-extension:tests:build", "dependsOn": [ // Build the extension "vscode-extension:build", // To detect compile errors - this type checks both the extension and the tests "vscode-extension:tsc", "vscode-extension:tests:esbuild" ], }, { "label": "vscode-extension:tests:esbuild", "type": "npm", "script": "build-test", "path": "extension", "problemMatcher": [ { "pattern": [ { "regexp": "> (.*?):([0-9]+):([0-9]+): (warning|error): (.+)$", "file": 1, "line": 2, "column": 3, "severity": 4, "message": 5 } ] } ] }, // // Install or update all dependencies for all projects in the monrepo { "label": "install-all-dependencies", "type": "shell", "command": "./install-dependencies.sh", "problemMatcher": [], // Empty so users are not promted to select progress reporting }, ] }