<h1 align="center"> Continue </h1> <div align="center"> **[Continue](https://continue.dev/docs) is the open-source library for accelerating software development with language models** </div> <div align="center"> [](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0)    </div> ## Getting Started ### Install for VS Code Learn how to install locally in VS Code [here](https://continue.dev/docs/getting-started) ### GitHub Codespaces Explore Continue in GitHub Codespaces [here](https://continue.dev/docs/getting-started) if you'd like to try without downloading for VS Code. ## How to contribute Open a [new GitHub Issue](https://github.com/continuedev/continue/issues/new) or comment on [an existing one](https://github.com/continuedev/continue/issues). Let us know what you would like to contribute, and we will help you make it happen! ## Install from source #### 1. Clone this repo Recommended: Run this command to use SSH ```bash git clone git@github.com:continuedev/continue.git ``` Alternative: Run this command to use HTTPS ```bash git clone https://github.com/continuedev/continue ``` #### 2. Install Continue Run this command to use the install script ```bash cd continue/extension/scripts && python3 install_from_source.py ``` # Understanding the codebase - [Continue Server README](./continuedev/README.md): learn about the core of Continue, which can be downloaded as a [PyPI package](https://pypi.org/project/continuedev/) - [VS Code Extension README](./extension/README.md): learn about the capabilities of our extension—the first implementation of Continue's IDE Protocol—which makes it possible to use use Continue in VS Code and GitHub Codespaces - [Continue GUI README](./extension/react-app/): learn about the React app that lets users interact with the server and is placed adjacent to the text editor in any suppported IDE - [Schema README](./schema): learn about the JSON Schema types generated from Pydantic models, which we use across the `continuedev/` and `extension/` directories - [Continue Docs README](./docs): learn how our [docs](https://continue.dev/docs) are written and built - [How to debug the VS Code Extension README](./extension/src/README.md): learn how to set up the VS Code extension, so you can debug it # License [Apache 2.0 © 2023 Continue Dev, Inc.](./LICENSE)