from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine from anthropic import AI_PROMPT, HUMAN_PROMPT, AsyncAnthropic from ..llm import LLM, CompletionOptions from import anthropic_template_messages class AnthropicLLM(LLM): """ Import the `AnthropicLLM` class and set it as the default model: ```python from continuedev.src.continuedev.libs.llm.anthropic import AnthropicLLM config = ContinueConfig( ... models=Models( default=AnthropicLLM(api_key="", model="claude-2") ) ) ``` Claude 2 is not yet publicly released. You can request early access [here]( """ api_key: str "Anthropic API key" model: str = "claude-2" _async_client: AsyncAnthropic = None template_messages: Callable = anthropic_template_messages class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True async def start(self, **kwargs): await super().start(**kwargs) self._async_client = AsyncAnthropic(api_key=self.api_key) if self.model == "claude-2": self.context_length = 100_000 def collect_args(self, options: CompletionOptions): options.stop = None args = super().collect_args(options) if "max_tokens" in args: args["max_tokens_to_sample"] = args["max_tokens"] del args["max_tokens"] if "frequency_penalty" in args: del args["frequency_penalty"] if "presence_penalty" in args: del args["presence_penalty"] return args async def _stream_complete(self, prompt: str, options): args = self.collect_args(options) prompt = f"{HUMAN_PROMPT} {prompt} {AI_PROMPT}" async for chunk in await self._async_client.completions.create( prompt=prompt, stream=True, **args ): yield chunk.completion async def _complete(self, prompt: str, options) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, str]: args = self.collect_args(options) prompt = f"{HUMAN_PROMPT} {prompt} {AI_PROMPT}" return ( await self._async_client.completions.create(prompt=prompt, **args) ).completion