# This is a separate server from server/main.py from functools import cached_property import json import os from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type, TypeVar, Union import uuid from fastapi import WebSocket, Body, APIRouter from uvicorn.main import Server from ..libs.util.telemetry import capture_event from ..libs.util.queue import AsyncSubscriptionQueue from ..models.filesystem import FileSystem, RangeInFile, EditDiff, RealFileSystem from ..models.filesystem_edit import AddDirectory, AddFile, DeleteDirectory, DeleteFile, FileSystemEdit, FileEdit, FileEditWithFullContents, RenameDirectory, RenameFile, SequentialFileSystemEdit from pydantic import BaseModel from .gui import SessionManager, session_manager from .ide_protocol import AbstractIdeProtocolServer import asyncio import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply() router = APIRouter(prefix="/ide", tags=["ide"]) # Graceful shutdown by closing websockets original_handler = Server.handle_exit class AppStatus: should_exit = False @staticmethod def handle_exit(*args, **kwargs): AppStatus.should_exit = True print("Shutting down") original_handler(*args, **kwargs) Server.handle_exit = AppStatus.handle_exit # TYPES # class FileEditsUpdate(BaseModel): fileEdits: List[FileEditWithFullContents] class OpenFilesResponse(BaseModel): openFiles: List[str] class HighlightedCodeResponse(BaseModel): highlightedCode: List[RangeInFile] class ShowSuggestionRequest(BaseModel): suggestion: FileEdit class ShowSuggestionResponse(BaseModel): suggestion: FileEdit accepted: bool class ReadFileResponse(BaseModel): contents: str class EditFileResponse(BaseModel): fileEdit: FileEditWithFullContents class WorkspaceDirectoryResponse(BaseModel): workspaceDirectory: str class GetUserSecretResponse(BaseModel): value: str class RunCommandResponse(BaseModel): output: str = "" class UniqueIdResponse(BaseModel): uniqueId: str T = TypeVar("T", bound=BaseModel) class cached_property_no_none: def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self value = self.func(instance) if value is not None: setattr(instance, self.func.__name__, value) return value def __repr__(self): return f"" class IdeProtocolServer(AbstractIdeProtocolServer): websocket: WebSocket session_manager: SessionManager sub_queue: AsyncSubscriptionQueue = AsyncSubscriptionQueue() def __init__(self, session_manager: SessionManager, websocket: WebSocket): self.websocket = websocket self.session_manager = session_manager async def _send_json(self, message_type: str, data: Any): await self.websocket.send_json({ "messageType": message_type, "data": data }) async def _receive_json(self, message_type: str) -> Any: return await self.sub_queue.get(message_type) async def _send_and_receive_json(self, data: Any, resp_model: Type[T], message_type: str) -> T: await self._send_json(message_type, data) resp = await self._receive_json(message_type) return resp_model.parse_obj(resp) async def handle_json(self, message_type: str, data: Any): if message_type == "openGUI": await self.openGUI() elif message_type == "setFileOpen": await self.setFileOpen(data["filepath"], data["open"]) elif message_type == "setSuggestionsLocked": await self.setSuggestionsLocked(data["filepath"], data["locked"]) elif message_type == "fileEdits": fileEdits = list( map(lambda d: FileEditWithFullContents.parse_obj(d), data["fileEdits"])) self.onFileEdits(fileEdits) elif message_type == "commandOutput": output = data["output"] self.onCommandOutput(output) elif message_type == "acceptRejectSuggestion": self.onAcceptRejectSuggestion(data["accepted"]) elif message_type in ["highlightedCode", "openFiles", "readFile", "editFile", "workspaceDirectory", "getUserSecret", "runCommand", "uniqueId"]: self.sub_queue.post(message_type, data) else: raise ValueError("Unknown message type", message_type) # ------------------------------- # # Request actions in IDE, doesn't matter which Session async def showSuggestion(self, file_edit: FileEdit): await self._send_json("showSuggestion", { "edit": file_edit.dict() }) async def setFileOpen(self, filepath: str, open: bool = True): # Autopilot needs access to this. await self._send_json("setFileOpen", { "filepath": filepath, "open": open }) async def setSuggestionsLocked(self, filepath: str, locked: bool = True): # Lock suggestions in the file so they don't ruin the offset before others are inserted await self._send_json("setSuggestionsLocked", { "filepath": filepath, "locked": locked }) async def openGUI(self): session_id = self.session_manager.new_session(self) await self._send_json("openGUI", { "sessionId": session_id }) async def highlightCode(self, range_in_file: RangeInFile, color: str = "#00ff0022"): await self._send_json("highlightCode", { "rangeInFile": range_in_file.dict(), "color": color }) async def runCommand(self, command: str) -> str: return (await self._send_and_receive_json({"command": command}, RunCommandResponse, "runCommand")).output async def showSuggestionsAndWait(self, suggestions: List[FileEdit]) -> bool: ids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in suggestions] for i in range(len(suggestions)): self._send_json("showSuggestion", { "suggestion": suggestions[i], "suggestionId": ids[i] }) responses = await asyncio.gather(*[ self._receive_json(ShowSuggestionResponse) for i in range(len(suggestions)) ]) # WORKING ON THIS FLOW HERE. Fine now to just await for response, instead of doing something fancy with a "waiting" state on the autopilot. # Just need connect the suggestionId to the IDE (and the gui) return any([r.accepted for r in responses]) # ------------------------------- # # Here needs to pass message onto the Autopilot OR Autopilot just subscribes. # This is where you might have triggers: plugins can subscribe to certian events # like file changes, tracebacks, etc... def onAcceptRejectSuggestion(self, accepted: bool): capture_event(self.unique_id, "accept_reject_suggestion", { "accepted": accepted }) def onFileSystemUpdate(self, update: FileSystemEdit): # Access to Autopilot (so SessionManager) pass def onCloseGUI(self, session_id: str): # Accesss to SessionManager pass def onOpenGUIRequest(self): pass def onFileEdits(self, edits: List[FileEditWithFullContents]): # Send the file edits to ALL autopilots. # Maybe not ideal behavior for _, session in self.session_manager.sessions.items(): session.autopilot.handle_manual_edits(edits) def onCommandOutput(self, output: str): # Send the output to ALL autopilots. # Maybe not ideal behavior for _, session in self.session_manager.sessions.items(): asyncio.create_task( session.autopilot.handle_command_output(output)) # Request information. Session doesn't matter. async def getOpenFiles(self) -> List[str]: resp = await self._send_and_receive_json({}, OpenFilesResponse, "openFiles") return resp.openFiles async def getWorkspaceDirectory(self) -> str: resp = await self._send_and_receive_json({}, WorkspaceDirectoryResponse, "workspaceDirectory") return resp.workspaceDirectory async def get_unique_id(self) -> str: resp = await self._send_and_receive_json({}, UniqueIdResponse, "uniqueId") return resp.uniqueId @property def workspace_directory(self) -> str: return asyncio.run(self.getWorkspaceDirectory()) @cached_property_no_none def unique_id(self) -> str: return asyncio.run(self.get_unique_id()) async def getHighlightedCode(self) -> List[RangeInFile]: resp = await self._send_and_receive_json({}, HighlightedCodeResponse, "highlightedCode") return resp.highlightedCode async def readFile(self, filepath: str) -> str: """Read a file""" resp = await self._send_and_receive_json({ "filepath": filepath }, ReadFileResponse, "readFile") return resp.contents async def getUserSecret(self, key: str) -> str: """Get a user secret""" try: resp = await self._send_and_receive_json({ "key": key }, GetUserSecretResponse, "getUserSecret") return resp.value except Exception as e: print("Error getting user secret", e) return "" async def saveFile(self, filepath: str): """Save a file""" await self._send_json("saveFile", { "filepath": filepath }) async def readRangeInFile(self, range_in_file: RangeInFile) -> str: """Read a range in a file""" full_contents = await self.readFile(range_in_file.filepath) return FileSystem.read_range_in_str(full_contents, range_in_file.range) async def editFile(self, edit: FileEdit) -> FileEditWithFullContents: """Edit a file""" resp = await self._send_and_receive_json({ "edit": edit.dict() }, EditFileResponse, "editFile") return resp.fileEdit async def applyFileSystemEdit(self, edit: FileSystemEdit) -> EditDiff: """Apply a file edit""" backward = None fs = RealFileSystem() if isinstance(edit, FileEdit): file_edit = await self.editFile(edit) _, diff = FileSystem.apply_edit_to_str( file_edit.fileContents, file_edit.fileEdit) backward = diff.backward elif isinstance(edit, AddFile): fs.write(edit.filepath, edit.content) backward = DeleteFile(filepath=edit.filepath) elif isinstance(edit, DeleteFile): contents = await self.readFile(edit.filepath) backward = AddFile(filepath=edit.filepath, content=contents) fs.delete_file(edit.filepath) elif isinstance(edit, RenameFile): fs.rename_file(edit.filepath, edit.new_filepath) backward = RenameFile(filepath=edit.new_filepath, new_filepath=edit.filepath) elif isinstance(edit, AddDirectory): fs.add_directory(edit.path) backward = DeleteDirectory(path=edit.path) elif isinstance(edit, DeleteDirectory): # This isn't atomic! backward_edits = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(edit.path, topdown=False): for f in files: path = os.path.join(root, f) edit_diff = await self.applyFileSystemEdit(DeleteFile(filepath=path)) backward_edits.append(edit_diff) for d in dirs: path = os.path.join(root, d) edit_diff = await self.applyFileSystemEdit(DeleteDirectory(path=path)) backward_edits.append(edit_diff) edit_diff = await self.applyFileSystemEdit(DeleteDirectory(path=edit.path)) backward_edits.append(edit_diff) backward_edits.reverse() backward = SequentialFileSystemEdit(edits=backward_edits) elif isinstance(edit, RenameDirectory): fs.rename_directory(edit.path, edit.new_path) backward = RenameDirectory(path=edit.new_path, new_path=edit.path) elif isinstance(edit, FileSystemEdit): diffs = [] for edit in edit.next_edit(): edit_diff = await self.applyFileSystemEdit(edit) diffs.append(edit_diff) backward = EditDiff.from_sequence(diffs=diffs).backward else: raise TypeError("Unknown FileSystemEdit type: " + str(type(edit))) return EditDiff( forward=edit, backward=backward ) @router.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): try: await websocket.accept() print("Accepted websocket connection from, ", websocket.client) await websocket.send_json({"messageType": "connected", "data": {}}) ideProtocolServer = IdeProtocolServer(session_manager, websocket) while AppStatus.should_exit is False: message = await websocket.receive_text() message = json.loads(message) if "messageType" not in message or "data" not in message: continue message_type = message["messageType"] data = message["data"] await ideProtocolServer.handle_json(message_type, data) print("Closing ide websocket") await websocket.close() except Exception as e: print("Error in ide websocket: ", e) await websocket.close() raise e