# Continue **[Continue](https://continue.dev/docs) is the open-source autopilot for software development—a [VS Code extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Continue.continue) that brings the power of ChatGPT to your IDE** ![Editing with Continue](https://github.com/continuedev/continue/blob/main/readme.gif?raw=true) ## Task, not tab, auto-complete ### Get possible explainations Ask Continue about a part of your code to get another perspective - “how can I set up a Prisma schema that cascades deletes?” - “where in the page should I be making this request to the backend?” - “how can I communicate between these iframes?” ### Edit in natural language Highlight a section of code and instruct Continue to refactor it - “/edit migrate this digital ocean terraform file into one that works for GCP” - “/edit change this plot into a bar chart in this dashboard component” - “/edit rewrite this function to be async” ### Generate files from scratch Open a blank file and let Continue start new Python scripts, React components, etc. - “/edit here is a connector for postgres, now write one for kafka” - “/edit make an IAM policy that creates a user with read-only access to S3” - “/edit use this schema to write me a SQL query that gets recently churned users” ## Getting Started ### [Download for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Continue.continue) Continue requires that you have Python 3.8 or greater. If you do not, please [install](https://python.org) it If your Continue server is not setting up, please check the console logs: 1. `cmd+shift+p` (MacOS) / `ctrl+shift+p` (Windows) 2. Search for and then select "Developer: Toggle Developer Tools" 3. Select `Console` 4. Read the console logs # Troubleshooting The Continue VS Code extension is currently in beta. It will attempt to start the Continue Python server locally for you, but sometimes this will fail, causing the "Starting Continue server..." not to disappear, or other hangups. There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot: ### Reload VS Code Open the command palette with cmd+shift+p, then type "Reload Window" and select it. This will give Continue another chance to start the server. ### Kill the existing server If the above doesn't work, you can try to kill the server manually before reloading. 1. Open any terminal 2. Enter `lsof -i :65432 | grep "(LISTEN)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9` to kill the server running on port 65432. 3. Restart VS Code, and Continue will attempt to start a fresh server. ### Run the server manually If none of these work, you can start the server yourself as is explained here: [Running the Continue server manually](https://continue.dev/docs/how-continue-works) ### Still having trouble? Create a GitHub issue [here](https://github.com/continuedev/continue/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&projects=&template=bug-report-%F0%9F%90%9B.md&title=), leaving the details of your problem, and we'll be able to more quickly help you out. ## License [Apache 2.0 © 2023 Continue Dev, Inc.](./LICENSE)