import React, { useCallback } from "react"; import { useCombobox } from "downshift"; import styled from "styled-components"; import { buttonColor, defaultBorderRadius, secondaryDark, vscBackground, } from "."; const mainInputFontSize = 16; const MainTextInput = styled.textarea` resize: none; padding: 8px; font-size: ${mainInputFontSize}px; border-radius: ${defaultBorderRadius}; border: 1px solid white; margin: 8px auto; width: 100%; background-color: ${vscBackground}; color: white; &:focus { border: 1px solid transparent; outline: 1px solid orange; } `; const UlMaxHeight = 200; const Ul = styled.ul<{ hidden: boolean; showAbove: boolean; ulHeightPixels: number; }>` ${(props) => props.showAbove ? `transform: translateY(-${props.ulHeightPixels + 8}px);` : `transform: translateY(${2 * mainInputFontSize}px);`} position: absolute; background: ${vscBackground}; background-color: ${secondaryDark}; color: white; font-family: "Fira Code", monospace; max-height: ${UlMaxHeight}px; overflow: scroll; padding: 0; ${({ hidden }) => hidden && "display: none;"} border-radius: ${defaultBorderRadius}; overflow: hidden; border: 0.5px solid gray; `; const Li =<{ highlighted: boolean; selected: boolean; isLastItem: boolean; }>` ${({ highlighted }) => highlighted && "background: #aa0000;"} ${({ selected }) => selected && "font-weight: bold;"} padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem; display: flex; flex-direction: column; ${({ isLastItem }) => isLastItem && "border-bottom: 1px solid gray;"} border-top: 1px solid gray; cursor: pointer; `; interface ComboBoxProps { items: { name: string; description: string }[]; onInputValueChange: (inputValue: string) => void; disabled?: boolean; onEnter?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void; } const ComboBox = React.forwardRef((props: ComboBoxProps, ref) => { const [history, setHistory] = React.useState<string[]>([]); // The position of the current command you are typing now, so the one that will be appended to history once you press enter const [positionInHistory, setPositionInHistory] = React.useState<number>(0); const [items, setItems] = React.useState(props.items); const { isOpen, getToggleButtonProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getInputProps, highlightedIndex, getItemProps, selectedItem, setInputValue, } = useCombobox({ onInputValueChange({ inputValue }) { if (!inputValue) return; props.onInputValueChange(inputValue); setItems( props.items.filter((item) => ) ); }, items, itemToString(item) { return item ? : ""; }, }); const divRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const ulRef = React.useRef<HTMLUListElement>(null); const showAbove = () => { return (divRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect().top || 0) > UlMaxHeight; }; return ( <div className="flex px-2" ref={divRef} hidden={!isOpen}> <MainTextInput disabled={props.disabled} placeholder="Type '/' to see available slash commands." {...getInputProps({ onChange: (e) => { const target = as HTMLTextAreaElement; // Update the height of the textarea to match the content, up to a max of 200px. = "auto"; = `${Math.min( target.scrollHeight, 300 ).toString()}px`; }, onKeyDown: (event) => { if (event.key === "Enter" && event.shiftKey) { // Prevent Downshift's default 'Enter' behavior. (event.nativeEvent as any).preventDownshiftDefault = true; } else if ( event.key === "Enter" && (!isOpen || items.length === 0) ) { // Prevent Downshift's default 'Enter' behavior. (event.nativeEvent as any).preventDownshiftDefault = true; if (props.onEnter) props.onEnter(event); setInputValue(""); const value = event.currentTarget.value; if (value !== "") { setPositionInHistory(history.length + 1); setHistory([...history, value]); } } else if (event.key === "Tab" && items.length > 0) { setInputValue(items[0].name); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( event.key === "ArrowUp" || (event.key === "ArrowDown" && event.currentTarget.value.split("\n").length > 1) ) { (event.nativeEvent as any).preventDownshiftDefault = true; } else if ( event.key === "ArrowUp" && event.currentTarget.value.split("\n").length > 1 ) { if (positionInHistory == 0) return; setInputValue(history[positionInHistory - 1]); setPositionInHistory((prev) => prev - 1); } else if ( event.key === "ArrowDown" && event.currentTarget.value.split("\n").length > 1 ) { if (positionInHistory < history.length - 1) { setInputValue(history[positionInHistory + 1]); } setPositionInHistory((prev) => Math.min(prev + 1, history.length) ); } }, ref: ref as any, })} /> <Ul {...getMenuProps({ ref: ulRef, })} showAbove={showAbove()} ulHeightPixels={ulRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect().height || 0} > {isOpen &&, index) => ( <Li key={`${}${index}`} {...getItemProps({ item, index })} highlighted={highlightedIndex === index} selected={selectedItem === item} > <span> {}: {item.description} </span> </Li> ))} </Ul> </div> ); }); export default ComboBox;