import styled from "styled-components"; import { defaultBorderRadius, lightGray, secondaryDark, vscForeground, } from "."; import { getFontSize } from "../util"; const Div = styled.div<{ fontSize?: number }>` resize: none; padding: 8px; font-size: ${(props) => props.fontSize || getFontSize()}px; font-family: inherit; border-radius: ${defaultBorderRadius}; margin: 8px auto; height: auto; width: 100%; background-color: ${secondaryDark}; color: ${vscForeground}; z-index: 1; border: 1px solid transparent; &:focus { outline: 1px solid ${lightGray}; border: 1px solid transparent; } &::placeholder { color: ${lightGray}80; } `; const Span = styled.span<{ color?: string }>` background-color: ${(props) => props.color || "#2cf8"}; border-radius: ${defaultBorderRadius}; padding: 2px 4px; `; interface EditableDivProps { onChange: (e: any) => void; value?: string; } function EditableDiv(props: EditableDivProps) { return ( <Div fontSize={getFontSize()} suppressContentEditableWarning={true} contentEditable={true} onChange={(e) => { const target = as HTMLTextAreaElement; // Update the height of the textarea to match the content, up to a max of 200px. = "auto"; = `${Math.min( target.scrollHeight, 300 ).toString()}px`; // setShowContextDropdown(target.value.endsWith("@")); props.onChange(e); }} onKeyDown={(e) => { // if (e.key === "Delete") { // // Delete spans if they are last child // const selection = window.getSelection(); // const range = selection?.getRangeAt(0); // const node = range?.startContainer; // console.log("Del"); // if (node?.nodeName === "SPAN") { // console.log("span"); // const parent = node.parentNode; // if (parent?.childNodes.length === 1) { // parent.removeChild(node); // } // } // } }} > {props.value ? props.value : <Span contentEditable={false}>testing</Span>} </Div> ); } export default EditableDiv;