import styled from "styled-components"; import { TextInput, defaultBorderRadius, lightGray } from "../components"; import { FullState } from "../../../schema/FullState"; import { useEffect, useRef, useState, useContext, useLayoutEffect, useCallback, } from "react"; import { HistoryNode } from "../../../schema/HistoryNode"; import StepContainer from "../components/StepContainer"; import { GUIClientContext } from "../App"; import ComboBox from "../components/ComboBox"; import { usePostHog } from "posthog-js/react"; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { RootStore } from "../redux/store"; import { postVscMessage } from "../vscode"; import { isMetaEquivalentKeyPressed } from "../util"; import { setBottomMessage, setDialogEntryOn, setDialogMessage, setDisplayBottomMessageOnBottom, setShowDialog, } from "../redux/slices/uiStateSlice"; import RingLoader from "../components/RingLoader"; import { setServerState, temporarilyClearSession, temporarilyCreateNewUserInput, temporarilyPushToUserInputQueue, } from "../redux/slices/serverStateReducer"; import TimelineItem from "../components/TimelineItem"; import ErrorStepContainer from "../components/ErrorStepContainer"; import { ChatBubbleOvalLeftIcon, CodeBracketSquareIcon, ExclamationTriangleIcon, FolderIcon, PlusIcon, } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; import FTCDialog from "../components/dialogs/FTCDialog"; import HeaderButtonWithText from "../components/HeaderButtonWithText"; import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; import SuggestionsArea from "../components/Suggestions"; const TopGuiDiv = styled.div` overflow-y: scroll; scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */ /* Hide scrollbar for Chrome, Safari and Opera */ &::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } `; const TitleTextInput = styled(TextInput)` border: none; outline: none; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; margin-right: 8px; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; &:focus { outline: none; } `; const StepsDiv = styled.div` position: relative; background-color: transparent; & > * { position: relative; } &::before { content: ""; position: absolute; height: calc(100% - 12px); border-left: 2px solid ${lightGray}; left: 28px; z-index: 0; bottom: 12px; } `; const UserInputQueueItem = styled.div` border-radius: ${defaultBorderRadius}; color: gray; padding: 8px; margin: 8px; text-align: center; `; const GUIHeaderDiv = styled.div` display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; padding: 4px; padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; border-bottom: 0.5px solid ${lightGray}; `; interface GUIProps { firstObservation?: any; } function GUI(props: GUIProps) { // #region Hooks const client = useContext(GUIClientContext); const posthog = usePostHog(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const navigate = useNavigate(); // #endregion // #region Selectors const history = useSelector((state: RootStore) => state.serverState.history); const defaultModel = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => (state.serverState.config as any).models?.default ); const user_input_queue = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => state.serverState.user_input_queue ); const sessionTitle = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => state.serverState.session_info?.title ); // #endregion // #region State const [waitingForSteps, setWaitingForSteps] = useState(false); const [stepsOpen, setStepsOpen] = useState<(boolean | undefined)[]>([]); const [waitingForClient, setWaitingForClient] = useState(true); const [showLoading, setShowLoading] = useState(false); // #endregion // #region Refs const mainTextInputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); const topGuiDivRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); // #endregion // #region Effects // Set displayBottomMessageOnBottom const aboveComboBoxDivRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const bottomMessage = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => state.uiState.bottomMessage ); useEffect(() => { if (!aboveComboBoxDivRef.current) return; dispatch( setDisplayBottomMessageOnBottom( aboveComboBoxDivRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top < window.innerHeight / 2 ) ); }, [bottomMessage, aboveComboBoxDivRef.current]); const [userScrolledAwayFromBottom, setUserScrolledAwayFromBottom] = useState<boolean>(false); useEffect(() => { const handleScroll = () => { // Scroll only if user is within 200 pixels of the bottom of the window. const edgeOffset = -25; const scrollPosition = topGuiDivRef.current?.scrollTop || 0; const scrollHeight = topGuiDivRef.current?.scrollHeight || 0; const clientHeight = window.innerHeight || 0; if (scrollPosition + clientHeight + edgeOffset >= scrollHeight) { setUserScrolledAwayFromBottom(false); } else { setUserScrolledAwayFromBottom(true); } }; topGuiDivRef.current?.addEventListener("wheel", handleScroll); return () => { window.removeEventListener("wheel", handleScroll); }; }, [topGuiDivRef.current]); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (userScrolledAwayFromBottom) return; topGuiDivRef.current?.scrollTo({ top: topGuiDivRef.current?.scrollHeight, behavior: "instant" as any, }); }, [topGuiDivRef.current?.scrollHeight, history.timeline]); useEffect(() => { // Cmd + Backspace to delete current step const listener = (e: any) => { if ( e.key === "Backspace" && isMetaEquivalentKeyPressed(e) && !e.shiftKey && typeof history?.current_index !== "undefined" && history.timeline[history.current_index]?.active ) { client?.deleteAtIndex(history.current_index); } else if (e.key === "Escape") { dispatch(setBottomMessage(undefined)); } }; window.addEventListener("keydown", listener); return () => { window.removeEventListener("keydown", listener); }; }, [client, history]); useEffect(() => { client?.onStateUpdate((state: FullState) => { const waitingForSteps = && state.history.current_index < state.history.timeline.length && state.history.timeline[state.history.current_index] && state.history.timeline[ state.history.current_index ].step.description?.trim() === ""; dispatch(setServerState(state)); setWaitingForSteps(waitingForSteps); setStepsOpen((prev) => { const nextStepsOpen = [...prev]; for ( let i = nextStepsOpen.length; i < state.history.timeline.length; i++ ) { nextStepsOpen.push(undefined); } return nextStepsOpen; }); }); }, [client]); // #endregion useEffect(() => { if (client && waitingForClient) { setWaitingForClient(false); for (const input of user_input_queue) { client.sendMainInput(input); } } }, [client, user_input_queue, waitingForClient]); const onMainTextInput = (event?: any) => { if (mainTextInputRef.current) { let input = (mainTextInputRef.current as any).inputValue; if (input.trim() === "") return; if (input.startsWith("#") && (input.length === 7 || input.length === 4)) { localStorage.setItem("continueButtonColor", input); (mainTextInputRef.current as any).setInputValue(""); return; } // cmd+enter to /edit if (event && isMetaEquivalentKeyPressed(event)) { input = `/edit ${input}`; } (mainTextInputRef.current as any).setInputValue(""); if (!client) { dispatch(temporarilyPushToUserInputQueue(input)); return; } if ( defaultModel?.class_name === "OpenAIFreeTrial" && defaultModel?.api_key === "" && (!input.startsWith("/") || input.startsWith("/edit")) ) { const ftc = localStorage.getItem("ftc"); if (ftc) { const u = parseInt(ftc); localStorage.setItem("ftc", (u + 1).toString()); if (u >= 250) { dispatch(setShowDialog(true)); dispatch(setDialogMessage(<FTCDialog />)); return; } } else { localStorage.setItem("ftc", "1"); } } setWaitingForSteps(true); if ( history && history.current_index >= 0 && history.current_index < history.timeline.length ) { if ( history.timeline[history.current_index]? === "Waiting for user input" ) { if (input.trim() === "") return; onStepUserInput(input, history!.current_index); return; } else if ( history.timeline[history.current_index]? === "Waiting for user confirmation" ) { onStepUserInput("ok", history!.current_index); return; } } client.sendMainInput(input); dispatch(temporarilyCreateNewUserInput(input)); // Increment localstorage counter for popup const counter = localStorage.getItem("mainTextEntryCounter"); if (counter) { let currentCount = parseInt(counter); localStorage.setItem( "mainTextEntryCounter", (currentCount + 1).toString() ); if (currentCount === 300) { dispatch( setDialogMessage( <div className="text-center p-4"> 👋 Thanks for using Continue. We are a beta product and love working closely with our first users. If you're interested in speaking, enter your name and email. We won't use this information for anything other than reaching out. <br /> <br /> <form onSubmit={(e: any) => { e.preventDefault(); posthog?.capture("user_interest_form", { name:[0].value, email:[1].value, }); dispatch( setDialogMessage( <div className="text-center p-4"> Thanks! We'll be in touch soon. </div> ) ); }} style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: "10px", }} > <input style={{ padding: "10px", borderRadius: "5px" }} type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" required /> <input style={{ padding: "10px", borderRadius: "5px" }} type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" required /> <button style={{ padding: "10px", borderRadius: "5px", cursor: "pointer", }} type="submit" > Submit </button> </form> </div> ) ); dispatch(setDialogEntryOn(false)); dispatch(setShowDialog(true)); } } else { localStorage.setItem("mainTextEntryCounter", "1"); } } }; const onStepUserInput = (input: string, index: number) => { if (!client) return; client.sendStepUserInput(input, index); }; const getStepsInUserInputGroup = useCallback( (index: number): number[] => { // index is the index in the entire timeline, hidden steps included const stepsInUserInputGroup: number[] = []; // First find the closest above UserInputStep let userInputIndex = -1; for (let i = index; i >= 0; i--) { if ( history?.timeline.length > i && history.timeline[i] === "User Input" && history.timeline[i].step.hide === false ) { stepsInUserInputGroup.push(i); userInputIndex = i; break; } } if (stepsInUserInputGroup.length === 0) return []; for (let i = userInputIndex + 1; i < history?.timeline.length; i++) { if ( history?.timeline.length > i && history.timeline[i] === "User Input" && history.timeline[i].step.hide === false ) { break; } stepsInUserInputGroup.push(i); } return stepsInUserInputGroup; }, [history.timeline] ); const onToggleAtIndex = useCallback( (index: number) => { // Check if all steps after the User Input are closed const groupIndices = getStepsInUserInputGroup(index); const userInputIndex = groupIndices[0]; setStepsOpen((prev) => { const nextStepsOpen = [...prev]; nextStepsOpen[index] = !nextStepsOpen[index]; const allStepsAfterUserInputAreClosed = !groupIndices.some( (i, j) => j > 0 && nextStepsOpen[i] ); if (allStepsAfterUserInputAreClosed) { nextStepsOpen[userInputIndex] = false; } else { const allStepsAfterUserInputAreOpen = !groupIndices.some( (i, j) => j > 0 && !nextStepsOpen[i] ); if (allStepsAfterUserInputAreOpen) { nextStepsOpen[userInputIndex] = true; } } return nextStepsOpen; }); }, [getStepsInUserInputGroup] ); useEffect(() => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { setShowLoading(true); }, 3000); return () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { if (sessionTitle) { setSessionTitleInput(sessionTitle); } }, [sessionTitle]); const [sessionTitleInput, setSessionTitleInput] = useState<string>( sessionTitle || "New Session" ); return ( <TopGuiDiv ref={topGuiDivRef} onKeyDown={(e) => { if (e.key === "Enter" && e.ctrlKey) { onMainTextInput(); } }} > <GUIHeaderDiv> <TitleTextInput onClick={(e) => { // Select all text ( as any).setSelectionRange( 0, ( as any).value.length ); }} value={sessionTitleInput} onChange={(e) => setSessionTitleInput(} onBlur={(e) => { if ( === sessionTitle || (typeof sessionTitle === "undefined" && === "New Session") ) return; client?.setCurrentSessionTitle(; }} onKeyDown={(e) => { if (e.key === "Enter") { e.preventDefault(); ( as any).blur(); } else if (e.key === "Escape") { setSessionTitleInput(sessionTitle || "New Session"); ( as any).blur(); } }} /> <div className="flex gap-2"> {history.timeline.filter((n) => !n.step.hide).length > 0 && ( <HeaderButtonWithText onClick={() => { if (history.timeline.filter((n) => !n.step.hide).length > 0) { dispatch(temporarilyClearSession(false)); client?.loadSession(undefined); } }} text="New Session (⌥⌘N)" > <PlusIcon width="1.4em" height="1.4em" /> </HeaderButtonWithText> )} <HeaderButtonWithText onClick={() => { navigate("/history"); }} text="History" > <FolderIcon width="1.4em" height="1.4em" /> </HeaderButtonWithText> </div> </GUIHeaderDiv> {showLoading && typeof client === "undefined" && ( <> <RingLoader /> <p style={{ textAlign: "center", margin: "0px", fontSize: "14px", }} > Continue Server Starting </p> <div className="flex mx-8 my-2"> <p style={{ margin: "auto", textAlign: "center", marginTop: "4px", fontSize: "12px", cursor: "pointer", opacity: 0.7, }} > <u> <a style={{ color: "inherit" }} href="" target="_blank" > Troubleshooting help </a> </u> </p> <p style={{ margin: "auto", textAlign: "center", marginTop: "4px", fontSize: "12px", cursor: "pointer", opacity: 0.7, }} onClick={() => { postVscMessage("toggleDevTools", {}); }} > <u>View logs</u> </p> <p style={{ margin: "auto", textAlign: "center", marginTop: "4px", fontSize: "12px", cursor: "pointer", opacity: 0.7, }} > <u> <a style={{ color: "inherit" }} href="" target="_blank" > Manually start server </a> </u> </p> </div> </> )} <br /> <SuggestionsArea onClick={(textInput) => { client?.sendMainInput(textInput); }} /> <StepsDiv> {history? HistoryNode, index: number) => { if (node.step.hide) return null; return ( <> { === "User Input" ? ( node.step.hide || ( <ComboBox isMainInput={false} value={node.step.description as string} active={ getStepsInUserInputGroup(index).some((i) => { return history.timeline[i].active; }) || history.timeline[index].active } onEnter={(e, value) => { if (value) client?.editStepAtIndex(value, index); e?.stopPropagation(); e?.preventDefault(); }} groupIndices={getStepsInUserInputGroup(index)} onToggle={(isOpen: boolean) => { // Collapse all steps in the section setStepsOpen((prev) => { const nextStepsOpen = [...prev]; getStepsInUserInputGroup(index).forEach((i) => { nextStepsOpen[i] = isOpen; }); return nextStepsOpen; }); }} onToggleAll={(isOpen: boolean) => { // Collapse _all_ steps setStepsOpen((prev) => { return => isOpen); }); }} isToggleOpen={ typeof stepsOpen[index] === "undefined" ? true : stepsOpen[index]! } index={index} onDelete={() => { // Delete the input and all steps until the next user input getStepsInUserInputGroup(index).forEach((i) => { client?.deleteAtIndex(i); }); }} /> ) ) : ( <TimelineItem historyNode={node} iconElement={ node.step.class_name === "DefaultModelEditCodeStep" ? ( <CodeBracketSquareIcon width="16px" height="16px" /> ) : node.observation?.error ? ( <ExclamationTriangleIcon width="16px" height="16px" color="red" /> ) : ( <ChatBubbleOvalLeftIcon width="16px" height="16px" /> ) } open={ typeof stepsOpen[index] === "undefined" ? node.observation?.error ? false : true : stepsOpen[index]! } onToggle={() => onToggleAtIndex(index)} > {node.observation?.error ? ( <ErrorStepContainer onClose={() => onToggleAtIndex(index)} historyNode={node} onDelete={() => client?.deleteAtIndex(index)} /> ) : ( <StepContainer index={index} isLast={index === history.timeline.length - 1} isFirst={index === 0} open={ typeof stepsOpen[index] === "undefined" ? true : stepsOpen[index]! } key={index} onUserInput={(input: string) => { onStepUserInput(input, index); }} inFuture={index > history?.current_index} historyNode={node} onReverse={() => { client?.reverseToIndex(index); }} onRetry={() => { client?.retryAtIndex(index); setWaitingForSteps(true); }} onDelete={() => { client?.deleteAtIndex(index); }} noUserInputParent={ getStepsInUserInputGroup(index).length === 0 } /> )} </TimelineItem> )} {/* <div className="h-2"></div> */} </> ); })} </StepsDiv> <div> {user_input_queue?.map?.((input) => { return <UserInputQueueItem>{input}</UserInputQueueItem>; })} </div> <div ref={aboveComboBoxDivRef} /> <ComboBox isMainInput={true} ref={mainTextInputRef} onEnter={(e, _) => { onMainTextInput(e); e?.stopPropagation(); e?.preventDefault(); }} onInputValueChange={() => {}} onToggleAddContext={() => { client?.toggleAddingHighlightedCode(); }} /> </TopGuiDiv> ); } export default GUI;