import styled from "styled-components"; import { defaultBorderRadius, vscBackground, vscForeground, } from "../components"; import Loader from "../components/Loader"; import ContinueButton from "../components/ContinueButton"; import { ContextItem, FullState } from "../../../schema/FullState"; import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState, useContext } from "react"; import { History } from "../../../schema/History"; import { HistoryNode } from "../../../schema/HistoryNode"; import StepContainer from "../components/StepContainer"; import { GUIClientContext } from "../App"; import { BookOpenIcon, ChatBubbleOvalLeftEllipsisIcon, TrashIcon, } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; import ComboBox from "../components/ComboBox"; import TextDialog from "../components/TextDialog"; import HeaderButtonWithText from "../components/HeaderButtonWithText"; import ReactSwitch from "react-switch"; import { usePostHog } from "posthog-js/react"; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { RootStore } from "../redux/store"; import { postVscMessage } from "../vscode"; import UserInputContainer from "../components/UserInputContainer"; import Onboarding from "../components/Onboarding"; import { isMetaEquivalentKeyPressed } from "../util"; import { setBottomMessage, setBottomMessageCloseTimeout, } from "../redux/slices/uiStateSlice"; const TopGUIDiv = styled.div` overflow: hidden; `; const UserInputQueueItem = styled.div` border-radius: ${defaultBorderRadius}; color: gray; padding: 8px; margin: 8px; text-align: center; `; const Footer = styled.footer<{ dataSwitchChecked: boolean }>` display: flex; flex-direction: row; gap: 8px; justify-content: right; padding: 8px; align-items: center; margin-top: 8px; border-top: 0.1px solid gray; background-color: ${(props) => props.dataSwitchChecked ? "#12887a33" : "transparent"}; `; interface GUIProps { firstObservation?: any; } function GUI(props: GUIProps) { const client = useContext(GUIClientContext); const posthog = usePostHog(); const vscMachineId = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => state.config.vscMachineId ); const [dataSwitchChecked, setDataSwitchChecked] = useState(false); const dataSwitchOn = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => state.config.dataSwitchOn ); useEffect(() => { if (typeof dataSwitchOn !== "undefined") { setDataSwitchChecked(dataSwitchOn); } }, [dataSwitchOn]); const [waitingForSteps, setWaitingForSteps] = useState(false); const [userInputQueue, setUserInputQueue] = useState([]); const [addingHighlightedCode, setAddingHighlightedCode] = useState(false); const [selectedContextItems, setSelectedContextItems] = useState< ContextItem[] >([]); const [availableSlashCommands, setAvailableSlashCommands] = useState< { name: string; description: string }[] >([]); const [stepsOpen, setStepsOpen] = useState([ true, true, true, true, ]); const [history, setHistory] = useState({ timeline: [ { step: { name: "Welcome to Continue", hide: false, description: `- Highlight code and ask a question or give instructions - Use \`cmd+m\` (Mac) / \`ctrl+m\` (Windows) to open Continue - Use \`/help\` to ask questions about how to use Continue`, system_message: null, chat_context: [], manage_own_chat_context: false, message: "", }, depth: 0, deleted: false, active: false, }, ], current_index: 3, } as any); const vscMediaUrl = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => state.config.vscMediaUrl ); const [showFeedbackDialog, setShowFeedbackDialog] = useState(false); const [feedbackDialogMessage, setFeedbackDialogMessage] = useState< string | JSX.Element >(""); const [feedbackEntryOn, setFeedbackEntryOn] = useState(true); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const bottomMessage = useSelector( (state: RootStore) => state.uiState.bottomMessage ); const [displayBottomMessageOnBottom, setDisplayBottomMessageOnBottom] = useState(true); const mainTextInputRef = useRef(null); const aboveComboBoxDivRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { if (!aboveComboBoxDivRef.current) return; if ( aboveComboBoxDivRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top > window.innerHeight / 2 ) { setDisplayBottomMessageOnBottom(false); } else { setDisplayBottomMessageOnBottom(true); } }, [bottomMessage, aboveComboBoxDivRef.current]); const topGuiDivRef = useRef(null); const [scrollTimeout, setScrollTimeout] = useState( null ); const scrollToBottom = useCallback(() => { if (scrollTimeout) { clearTimeout(scrollTimeout); } // Debounced smooth scroll to bottom of screen if (topGuiDivRef.current) { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { window.scrollTo({ top: topGuiDivRef.current!.offsetHeight, behavior: "smooth", }); }, 200); setScrollTimeout(timeout); } }, [topGuiDivRef.current, scrollTimeout]); useEffect(() => { // Cmd + Backspace to delete current step const listener = (e: any) => { if ( e.key === "Backspace" && isMetaEquivalentKeyPressed(e) && typeof history?.current_index !== "undefined" && history.timeline[history.current_index]?.active ) { client?.deleteAtIndex(history.current_index); } else if (e.key === "Escape") { dispatch(setBottomMessage(undefined)); } }; window.addEventListener("keydown", listener); return () => { window.removeEventListener("keydown", listener); }; }, [client, history]); useEffect(() => { client?.onStateUpdate((state: FullState) => { // Scroll only if user is at very bottom of the window. const shouldScrollToBottom = topGuiDivRef.current && topGuiDivRef.current?.offsetHeight - window.scrollY < 100; const waitingForSteps = && state.history.current_index < state.history.timeline.length && state.history.timeline[state.history.current_index] && state.history.timeline[ state.history.current_index ].step.description?.trim() === ""; setWaitingForSteps(waitingForSteps); setHistory(state.history); setSelectedContextItems(state.selected_context_items || []); setUserInputQueue(state.user_input_queue); setAddingHighlightedCode(state.adding_highlighted_code); setAvailableSlashCommands( any) => { return { name: `/${}`, description: c.description, }; }) ); setStepsOpen((prev) => { const nextStepsOpen = [...prev]; for ( let i = nextStepsOpen.length; i < state.history.timeline.length; i++ ) { nextStepsOpen.push(true); } return nextStepsOpen; }); if (shouldScrollToBottom) { scrollToBottom(); } }); }, [client]); useEffect(() => { scrollToBottom(); }, [waitingForSteps]); const onMainTextInput = (event?: any) => { if (mainTextInputRef.current) { let input = (mainTextInputRef.current as any).inputValue; // cmd+enter to /edit if (isMetaEquivalentKeyPressed(event)) { input = `/edit ${input}`; } (mainTextInputRef.current as any).setInputValue(""); if (!client) return; setWaitingForSteps(true); if ( history && history.current_index >= 0 && history.current_index < history.timeline.length ) { if ( history.timeline[history.current_index]? === "Waiting for user input" ) { if (input.trim() === "") return; onStepUserInput(input, history!.current_index); return; } else if ( history.timeline[history.current_index]? === "Waiting for user confirmation" ) { onStepUserInput("ok", history!.current_index); return; } } if (input.trim() === "") return; client.sendMainInput(input); setUserInputQueue((queue) => { return [...queue, input]; }); // Increment localstorage counter const counter = localStorage.getItem("mainTextEntryCounter"); if (counter) { let currentCount = parseInt(counter); localStorage.setItem( "mainTextEntryCounter", (currentCount + 1).toString() ); if (currentCount === 25) { setFeedbackDialogMessage(
👋 Thanks for using Continue. We are a beta product and love working closely with our first users. If you're interested in speaking, enter your name and email. We won't use this information for anything other than reaching out.

{ e.preventDefault(); posthog?.capture("user_interest_form", { name:[0].value, email:[1].value, }); setFeedbackDialogMessage(
Thanks! We'll be in touch soon.
); }} style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: "10px", }} >
); setFeedbackEntryOn(false); setShowFeedbackDialog(true); } } else { localStorage.setItem("mainTextEntryCounter", "1"); } } }; const onStepUserInput = (input: string, index: number) => { if (!client) return; client.sendStepUserInput(input, index); }; // const iterations = useSelector(selectIterations); return ( <> { client?.sendMainInput(`/feedback ${text}`); setShowFeedbackDialog(false); }} onClose={() => { setShowFeedbackDialog(false); }} message={feedbackDialogMessage} entryOn={feedbackEntryOn} /> { if (e.key === "Enter" && e.ctrlKey) { onMainTextInput(); } }} > {typeof client === "undefined" && ( <>

Loading Continue server...


Make sure you have a folder opened in VS Code

*/} )} {history? HistoryNode, index: number) => { return === "User Input" ? ( node.step.hide || ( { client?.deleteAtIndex(index); }} historyNode={node} > {node.step.description as string} ) ) : ( { const nextStepsOpen = [...stepsOpen]; nextStepsOpen[index] = !nextStepsOpen[index]; setStepsOpen(nextStepsOpen); }} onToggleAll={() => { const shouldOpen = !stepsOpen[index]; setStepsOpen((prev) => => shouldOpen)); }} key={index} onUserInput={(input: string) => { onStepUserInput(input, index); }} inFuture={index > history?.current_index} historyNode={node} onReverse={() => { client?.reverseToIndex(index); }} onRetry={() => { client?.retryAtIndex(index); setWaitingForSteps(true); }} onDelete={() => { client?.deleteAtIndex(index); }} /> ); })} {waitingForSteps && }
{ => { return {input}; })}
{ onMainTextInput(e); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }} onInputValueChange={() => {}} items={availableSlashCommands} selectedContextItems={selectedContextItems} onToggleAddContext={() => { client?.toggleAddingHighlightedCode(); }} addingHighlightedCode={addingHighlightedCode} />
{ dispatch(setBottomMessageCloseTimeout(undefined)); }} onMouseLeave={(e) => { if (!e.buttons) { dispatch(setBottomMessage(undefined)); } }} style={{ position: "fixed", bottom: displayBottomMessageOnBottom ? "50px" : undefined, top: displayBottomMessageOnBottom ? undefined : "50px", left: "0", right: "0", margin: "8px", marginTop: "0px", backgroundColor: vscBackground, color: vscForeground, borderRadius: defaultBorderRadius, padding: "12px", zIndex: 100, boxShadow: `0px 0px 4px 0px ${vscForeground}`, maxHeight: "50vh", overflow: "scroll", }} hidden={!bottomMessage} > {bottomMessage}
); } export default GUI;