// import { ShowSuggestionRequest } from "../schema/ShowSuggestionRequest"; import { showSuggestion, SuggestionRanges } from "./suggestions"; import { openEditorAndRevealRange, getRightViewColumn } from "./util/vscode"; import { FileEdit } from "../schema/FileEdit"; import { RangeInFile } from "../schema/RangeInFile"; import * as vscode from "vscode"; import { acceptSuggestionCommand, rejectSuggestionCommand, } from "./suggestions"; import { debugPanelWebview, setupDebugPanel } from "./debugPanel"; import { FileEditWithFullContents } from "../schema/FileEditWithFullContents"; import fs = require("fs"); import { WebsocketMessenger } from "./util/messenger"; import { decorationManager } from "./decorations"; class IdeProtocolClient { private messenger: WebsocketMessenger | null = null; private readonly context: vscode.ExtensionContext; private _makingEdit = 0; constructor(serverUrl: string, context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { this.context = context; let messenger = new WebsocketMessenger(serverUrl); this.messenger = messenger; messenger.onClose(() => { this.messenger = null; }); messenger.onMessage((messageType, data) => { this.handleMessage(messageType, data); }); // Setup listeners for any file changes in open editors vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument((event) => { if (this._makingEdit === 0) { let fileEdits: FileEditWithFullContents[] = event.contentChanges.map( (change) => { return { fileEdit: { filepath: event.document.uri.fsPath, range: { start: { line: change.range.start.line, character: change.range.start.character, }, end: { line: change.range.end.line, character: change.range.end.character, }, }, replacement: change.text, }, fileContents: event.document.getText(), }; } ); this.messenger?.send("fileEdits", { fileEdits }); } else { this._makingEdit--; } }); } async handleMessage(messageType: string, data: any) { switch (messageType) { case "highlightedCode": this.messenger?.send("highlightedCode", { highlightedCode: this.getHighlightedCode(), }); break; case "workspaceDirectory": this.messenger?.send("workspaceDirectory", { workspaceDirectory: this.getWorkspaceDirectory(), }); break; case "uniqueId": this.messenger?.send("uniqueId", { uniqueId: this.getUniqueId(), }); break; case "getUserSecret": this.messenger?.send("getUserSecret", { value: await this.getUserSecret(data.key), }); break; case "openFiles": this.messenger?.send("openFiles", { openFiles: this.getOpenFiles(), }); break; case "readFile": this.messenger?.send("readFile", { contents: this.readFile(data.filepath), }); break; case "editFile": const fileEdit = await this.editFile(data.edit); this.messenger?.send("editFile", { fileEdit, }); break; case "highlightCode": this.highlightCode(data.rangeInFile, data.color); break; case "runCommand": this.messenger?.send("runCommand", { output: await this.runCommand(data.command), }); break; case "saveFile": this.saveFile(data.filepath); break; case "setFileOpen": this.openFile(data.filepath); // TODO: Close file break; case "openGUI": case "connected": break; default: throw Error("Unknown message type:" + messageType); } } getWorkspaceDirectory() { if (!vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders) { // Return the home directory return process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE || "/"; } return vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath; } getUniqueId() { return vscode.env.machineId; } // ------------------------------------ // // On message handlers async highlightCode(rangeInFile: RangeInFile, color: string) { const range = new vscode.Range( rangeInFile.range.start.line, rangeInFile.range.start.character, rangeInFile.range.end.line, rangeInFile.range.end.character ); const editor = await openEditorAndRevealRange( rangeInFile.filepath, range, vscode.ViewColumn.One ); if (editor) { const decorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ backgroundColor: color, isWholeLine: true, }); editor.setDecorations(decorationType, [range]); // Listen for changes to cursor position and then remove the decoration (but keep for at least 2 seconds) const allowRemoveHighlight = () => { const cursorDisposable = vscode.window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection( (event) => { if (event.textEditor.document.uri.fsPath === rangeInFile.filepath) { cursorDisposable.dispose(); editor.setDecorations(decorationType, []); } } ); }; setTimeout(allowRemoveHighlight, 2000); } } showSuggestion(edit: FileEdit) { // showSuggestion already exists showSuggestion( edit.filepath, new vscode.Range( edit.range.start.line, edit.range.start.character, edit.range.end.line, edit.range.end.character ), edit.replacement ); } openFile(filepath: string) { // vscode has a builtin open/get open files openEditorAndRevealRange(filepath, undefined, vscode.ViewColumn.One); } async getUserSecret(key: string) { // Check if secret already exists in VS Code settings (global) let secret = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("continue").get(key); if (typeof secret !== "undefined" && secret !== null) return secret; // If not, ask user for secret secret = await vscode.window.showInputBox({ prompt: `Enter secret for ${key}, OR press enter to try for free. You can edit this later in the Continue VS Code settings.`, password: true, }); // Add secret to VS Code settings vscode.workspace .getConfiguration("continue") .update(key, secret, vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global); return secret; } // ------------------------------------ // // Initiate Request async openGUI(asRightWebviewPanel: boolean = false) { // Open the webview panel } async getSessionId(): Promise<string> { if (this.messenger === null) { console.log("MESSENGER IS NULL"); } const resp = await this.messenger?.sendAndReceive("openGUI", {}); const sessionId = resp.sessionId; console.log("New Continue session with ID: ", sessionId); return sessionId; } acceptRejectSuggestion(accept: boolean, key: SuggestionRanges) { if (accept) { acceptSuggestionCommand(key); } else { rejectSuggestionCommand(key); } } // ------------------------------------ // // Respond to request getOpenFiles(): string[] { return vscode.window.visibleTextEditors .filter((editor) => { return !( editor.document.uri.fsPath.endsWith("/1") || (editor.document.languageId === "plaintext" && editor.document.getText() === "accessible-buffer-accessible-buffer-") ); }) .map((editor) => { return editor.document.uri.fsPath; }); } saveFile(filepath: string) { vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.forEach((editor) => { if (editor.document.uri.fsPath === filepath) { editor.document.save(); } }); } readFile(filepath: string): string { let contents: string | undefined; vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.forEach((editor) => { if (editor.document.uri.fsPath === filepath) { contents = editor.document.getText(); } }); if (!contents) { contents = fs.readFileSync(filepath, "utf-8"); } return contents; } editFile(edit: FileEdit): Promise<FileEditWithFullContents> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { openEditorAndRevealRange( edit.filepath, undefined, vscode.ViewColumn.One ).then((editor) => { const range = new vscode.Range( edit.range.start.line, edit.range.start.character, edit.range.end.line, edit.range.end.character ); editor.edit((editBuilder) => { this._makingEdit += 2; // editBuilder.replace takes 2 edits: delete and insert editBuilder.replace(range, edit.replacement); resolve({ fileEdit: edit, fileContents: editor.document.getText(), }); }); }); }); } getHighlightedCode(): RangeInFile[] { // TODO let rangeInFiles: RangeInFile[] = []; vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.forEach((editor) => { editor.selections.forEach((selection) => { if (!selection.isEmpty) { rangeInFiles.push({ filepath: editor.document.uri.fsPath, range: { start: { line: selection.start.line, character: selection.start.character, }, end: { line: selection.end.line, character: selection.end.character, }, }, }); } }); }); return rangeInFiles; } async runCommand(command: string) { if (vscode.window.terminals.length) { vscode.window.terminals[0].sendText(command); } else { const terminal = vscode.window.createTerminal(); terminal.show(); terminal.sendText(command); } } sendCommandOutput(output: string) { this.messenger?.send("commandOutput", { output }); } } export default IdeProtocolClient;