import * as vscode from "vscode"; import { openEditorAndRevealRange } from "./util/vscode"; import { translate } from "./util/vscode"; import { registerAllCodeLensProviders } from "./lang-server/codeLens"; import { extensionContext, ideProtocolClient } from "./activation/activate"; export interface SuggestionRanges { oldRange: vscode.Range; newRange: vscode.Range; newSelected: boolean; newContent: string; } /* Keyed by editor.document.uri.toString() */ export const editorToSuggestions: Map< string, // URI of file SuggestionRanges[] > = new Map(); export const editorSuggestionsLocked: Map<string, boolean> = new Map(); // Map from editor URI to whether the suggestions are locked export const currentSuggestion: Map<string, number> = new Map(); // Map from editor URI to index of current SuggestionRanges in editorToSuggestions // When tab is reopened, rerender the decorations: vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor((editor) => { if (!editor) return; rerenderDecorations(editor.document.uri.toString()); }); vscode.workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument((doc) => { rerenderDecorations(doc.uri.toString()); }); const newDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ backgroundColor: "rgb(0, 255, 0, 0.1)", isWholeLine: true, }); const oldDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.1)", isWholeLine: true, cursor: "pointer", }); const newSelDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ backgroundColor: "rgb(0, 255, 0, 0.25)", isWholeLine: true, // after: { // contentText: "Press ctrl+shift+enter to accept", // margin: "0 0 0 1em", // }, }); const oldSelDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.25)", isWholeLine: true, // after: { // contentText: "Press ctrl+shift+enter to reject", // margin: "0 0 0 1em", // }, }); export function rerenderDecorations(editorUri: string) { const suggestions = editorToSuggestions.get(editorUri); const idx = currentSuggestion.get(editorUri); const editor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find( (editor) => editor.document.uri.toString() === editorUri ); if (!suggestions || !editor) return; const rangesWithoutEmptyLastLine = (ranges: vscode.Range[]) => { const newRanges: vscode.Range[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { const range = ranges[i]; if ( range.start.line === range.end.line && range.start.character === 0 && range.end.character === 0 ) { // Empty range, don't show it continue; // is great } newRanges.push( new vscode.Range( range.start.line, range.start.character, // Don't include the last line if it is empty range.end.line - (range.end.character === 0 ? 1 : 0), range.end.character ) ); } return newRanges; }; let olds: vscode.Range[] = []; let news: vscode.Range[] = []; let oldSels: vscode.Range[] = []; let newSels: vscode.Range[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < suggestions.length; i++) { const suggestion = suggestions[i]; if (typeof idx != "undefined" && idx === i) { if (suggestion.newSelected) { olds.push(suggestion.oldRange); newSels.push(suggestion.newRange); } else { oldSels.push(suggestion.oldRange); news.push(suggestion.newRange); } } else { olds.push(suggestion.oldRange); news.push(suggestion.newRange); } } // Don't highlight the last line if it is empty olds = rangesWithoutEmptyLastLine(olds); news = rangesWithoutEmptyLastLine(news); oldSels = rangesWithoutEmptyLastLine(oldSels); newSels = rangesWithoutEmptyLastLine(newSels); editor.setDecorations(oldDecorationType, olds); editor.setDecorations(newDecorationType, news); editor.setDecorations(oldSelDecorationType, oldSels); editor.setDecorations(newSelDecorationType, newSels); // Reveal the range in the editor if (idx === undefined) return; editor.revealRange( suggestions[idx].newRange, vscode.TextEditorRevealType.Default ); if (extensionContext) { registerAllCodeLensProviders(extensionContext); } } export function suggestionDownCommand() { const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (!editor) return; const editorUri = editor.document.uri.toString(); const suggestions = editorToSuggestions.get(editorUri); const idx = currentSuggestion.get(editorUri); if (!suggestions || idx === undefined) return; const suggestion = suggestions[idx]; if (!suggestion.newSelected) { suggestion.newSelected = true; } else if (idx + 1 < suggestions.length) { currentSuggestion.set(editorUri, idx + 1); } else return; rerenderDecorations(editorUri); } export function suggestionUpCommand() { const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (!editor) return; const editorUri = editor.document.uri.toString(); const suggestions = editorToSuggestions.get(editorUri); const idx = currentSuggestion.get(editorUri); if (!suggestions || idx === undefined) return; const suggestion = suggestions[idx]; if (suggestion.newSelected) { suggestion.newSelected = false; } else if (idx > 0) { currentSuggestion.set(editorUri, idx - 1); } else return; rerenderDecorations(editorUri); } type SuggestionSelectionOption = "old" | "new" | "selected"; function selectSuggestion( accept: SuggestionSelectionOption, key: SuggestionRanges | null = null ) { const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (!editor) return; const editorUri = editor.document.uri.toString(); const suggestions = editorToSuggestions.get(editorUri); if (!suggestions) return; let idx: number | undefined; if (key) { // Use the key to find a specific suggestion for (let i = 0; i < suggestions.length; i++) { if ( suggestions[i].newRange === key.newRange && suggestions[i].oldRange === key.oldRange ) { // Don't include newSelected in the comparison, because it can change idx = i; break; } } } else { // Otherwise, use the current suggestion idx = currentSuggestion.get(editorUri); } if (idx === undefined) return; let [suggestion] = suggestions.splice(idx, 1); var rangeToDelete: vscode.Range; switch (accept) { case "old": rangeToDelete = suggestion.newRange; break; case "new": rangeToDelete = suggestion.oldRange; break; case "selected": rangeToDelete = suggestion.newSelected ? suggestion.oldRange : suggestion.newRange; } rangeToDelete = new vscode.Range( rangeToDelete.start, new vscode.Position(rangeToDelete.end.line, 0) ); editor.edit((edit) => { edit.delete(rangeToDelete); }); // Shift the below suggestions up let linesToShift = rangeToDelete.end.line - rangeToDelete.start.line; for (let below of suggestions) { // Assumes there should be no crossover between suggestions. Might want to enforce this. if ( below.oldRange.union(below.newRange).start.line > suggestion.oldRange.union(suggestion.newRange).start.line ) { below.oldRange = translate(below.oldRange, -linesToShift); below.newRange = translate(below.newRange, -linesToShift); } } if (suggestions.length === 0) { currentSuggestion.delete(editorUri); } else { currentSuggestion.set(editorUri, Math.min(idx, suggestions.length - 1)); } rerenderDecorations(editorUri); editorToSuggestions.set(editorUri, suggestions); } export function acceptSuggestionCommand(key: SuggestionRanges | null = null) { selectSuggestion("selected", key); } function handleAllSuggestions(accept: boolean) { const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (!editor) return; const editorUri = editor.document.uri.toString(); const suggestions = editorToSuggestions.get(editorUri); if (!suggestions) return; while (suggestions.length > 0) { selectSuggestion(accept ? "new" : "old", suggestions[0]); } } export function acceptAllSuggestionsCommand() { handleAllSuggestions(true); } export function rejectAllSuggestionsCommand() { handleAllSuggestions(false); } export async function rejectSuggestionCommand( key: SuggestionRanges | null = null ) { selectSuggestion("old", key); } export async function showSuggestion( editorFilename: string, range: vscode.Range, suggestion: string ): Promise<boolean> { // Check for empty suggestions: if ( suggestion === "" && range.start.line === range.end.line && range.start.character === range.end.character ) { return Promise.resolve(false); } const editor = await openEditorAndRevealRange(editorFilename, range); if (!editor) return Promise.resolve(false); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { editor! .edit( (edit) => { edit.insert( new vscode.Position(range.end.line, 0), suggestion + (suggestion === "" ? "" : "\n") ); }, { undoStopBefore: false, undoStopAfter: false } ) .then( (success) => { if (success) { const suggestionLinesLength = suggestion === "" ? 0 : suggestion.split("\n").length; let suggestionRange = new vscode.Range( new vscode.Position(range.end.line, 0), new vscode.Position(range.end.line + suggestionLinesLength, 0) ); let content = editor!.document.getText(suggestionRange); const filename = editor!.document.uri.toString(); if (editorToSuggestions.has(filename)) { let suggestions = editorToSuggestions.get(filename)!; suggestions.push({ oldRange: range, newRange: suggestionRange, newSelected: true, newContent: content, }); editorToSuggestions.set(filename, suggestions); currentSuggestion.set(filename, suggestions.length - 1); } else { editorToSuggestions.set(filename, [ { oldRange: range, newRange: suggestionRange, newSelected: true, newContent: content, }, ]); currentSuggestion.set(filename, 0); } rerenderDecorations(filename); } resolve(success); }, (reason) => reject(reason) ); }); }