export abstract class TerminalSnooper<T> { abstract onData(data: string): void; abstract onWrite(data: string): void; callback: (data: T) => void; constructor(callback: (data: T) => void) { this.callback = callback; } } function stripAnsi(data: string) { const pattern = [ "[\\u001B\\u009B][[\\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]+)*|[a-zA-Z\\d]+(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*)?\\u0007)", "(?:(?:\\d{1,4}(?:;\\d{0,4})*)?[\\dA-PR-TZcf-ntqry=><~]))", ].join("|"); let regex = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); return data.replace(regex, ""); } export class CommandCaptureSnooper extends TerminalSnooper<string> { stdinBuffer = ""; cursorPos = 0; stdoutHasInterrupted = false; static RETURN_KEY = "\r"; static DEL_KEY = "\x7F"; static UP_KEY = "\x1B[A"; static DOWN_KEY = "\x1B[B"; static RIGHT_KEY = "\x1B[C"; static LEFT_KEY = "\x1B[D"; static CONTROL_KEYS = new Set([ CommandCaptureSnooper.RETURN_KEY, CommandCaptureSnooper.DEL_KEY, CommandCaptureSnooper.UP_KEY, CommandCaptureSnooper.DOWN_KEY, CommandCaptureSnooper.RIGHT_KEY, CommandCaptureSnooper.LEFT_KEY, ]); private _cursorLeft() { this.cursorPos = Math.max(0, this.cursorPos - 1); } private _cursorRight() { this.cursorPos = Math.min(this.stdinBuffer.length, this.cursorPos + 1); } // Known issue: This does not handle autocomplete. // Would be preferable to find a way that didn't require this all, just parsing by command prompt // but that has it's own challenges private handleControlKey(data: string): void { switch (data) { case CommandCaptureSnooper.DEL_KEY: this.stdinBuffer = this.stdinBuffer.slice(0, this.cursorPos - 1) + this.stdinBuffer.slice(this.cursorPos); this._cursorLeft(); break; case CommandCaptureSnooper.RETURN_KEY: this.callback(this.stdinBuffer); this.stdinBuffer = ""; break; case CommandCaptureSnooper.UP_KEY: case CommandCaptureSnooper.DOWN_KEY: this.stdinBuffer = ""; break; case CommandCaptureSnooper.RIGHT_KEY: this._cursorRight(); break; case CommandCaptureSnooper.LEFT_KEY: this._cursorLeft(); break; } } onWrite(data: string): void { if (CommandCaptureSnooper.CONTROL_KEYS.has(data)) { this.handleControlKey(data); } else { this.stdinBuffer = this.stdinBuffer.substring(0, this.cursorPos) + data + this.stdinBuffer.substring(this.cursorPos); this._cursorRight(); } } onData(data: string): void {} } export class PythonTracebackSnooper extends TerminalSnooper<string> { static tracebackStart = "Traceback (most recent call last):"; tracebackBuffer = ""; static tracebackEnd = (buf: string): string | undefined => { let lines = buf.split("\n"); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if ( lines[i].startsWith(" File") && i + 2 < lines.length && lines[i + 2][0] != " " ) { return lines.slice(0, i + 3).join("\n"); } } return undefined; }; override onWrite(data: string): void {} override onData(data: string): void { let strippedData = stripAnsi(data); // Strip fully blank and squiggle lines strippedData = strippedData .split("\n") .filter((line) => line.trim().length > 0 && line.trim() !== "~~^~~") .join("\n"); // Snoop for traceback let idx = strippedData.indexOf(PythonTracebackSnooper.tracebackStart); if (idx >= 0) { this.tracebackBuffer = strippedData.substr(idx); } else if (this.tracebackBuffer.length > 0) { this.tracebackBuffer += "\n" + strippedData; } // End of traceback, send to webview if (this.tracebackBuffer.length > 0) { let wholeTraceback = PythonTracebackSnooper.tracebackEnd( this.tracebackBuffer ); if (wholeTraceback) { this.callback(wholeTraceback); this.tracebackBuffer = ""; } } } }