import { RangeInFile, SerializedDebugContext } from "../client"; import * as fs from "fs"; function charIsEscapedAtIndex(index: number, str: string): boolean { if (index === 0) return false; if (str[index - 1] !== "\\") return false; return !charIsEscapedAtIndex(index - 1, str); } export function convertSingleToDoubleQuoteJSON(json: string): string { const singleQuote = "'"; const doubleQuote = '"'; const isQuote = (char: string) => char === doubleQuote || char === singleQuote; let newJson = ""; let insideString = false; let enclosingQuoteType = doubleQuote; for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { if (insideString) { if (json[i] === enclosingQuoteType && !charIsEscapedAtIndex(i, json)) { // Close string with a double quote insideString = false; newJson += doubleQuote; } else if (json[i] === singleQuote) { if (charIsEscapedAtIndex(i, json)) { // Unescape single quote newJson = newJson.slice(0, -1); } newJson += singleQuote; } else if (json[i] === doubleQuote) { if (!charIsEscapedAtIndex(i, json)) { // Escape double quote newJson += "\\"; } newJson += doubleQuote; } else { newJson += json[i]; } } else { if (isQuote(json[i])) { insideString = true; enclosingQuoteType = json[i]; newJson += doubleQuote; } else { newJson += json[i]; } } } return newJson; } export async function readRangeInFile( rangeInFile: RangeInFile ): Promise<string> { const range = rangeInFile.range; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(rangeInFile.filepath, (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { let lines = data.toString().split("\n"); if (range.start.line === range.end.line) { resolve( lines[rangeInFile.range.start.line].slice( rangeInFile.range.start.character, rangeInFile.range.end.character ) ); } else { let firstLine = lines[range.start.line].slice(range.start.character); let lastLine = lines[range.end.line].slice(0, range.end.character); let middleLines = lines.slice(range.start.line + 1, range.end.line); resolve([firstLine, ...middleLines, lastLine].join("\n")); } } }); }); } export function codeSelectionsToVirtualFileSystem( codeSelections: RangeInFile[] ): { [filepath: string]: string; } { let virtualFileSystem: { [filepath: string]: string } = {}; for (let cs of codeSelections) { if (!cs.filepath) continue; if (cs.filepath in virtualFileSystem) continue; let content = fs.readFileSync(cs.filepath, "utf8"); virtualFileSystem[cs.filepath] = content; } return virtualFileSystem; } export function addFileSystemToDebugContext( ctx: SerializedDebugContext ): SerializedDebugContext { ctx.filesystem = codeSelectionsToVirtualFileSystem(ctx.rangesInFiles); return ctx; } export function debounced(delay: number, fn: Function) { let timerId: NodeJS.Timeout | null; return function (...args: any[]) { if (timerId) { clearTimeout(timerId); } timerId = setTimeout(() => { fn(...args); timerId = null; }, delay); }; }