path: root/src/CuTNetLib/.svn/text-base/
diff options
authorJoe Zhao <>2014-04-14 08:14:45 +0800
committerJoe Zhao <>2014-04-14 08:14:45 +0800
commitcccccbf6cca94a3eaf813b4468453160e91c332b (patch)
tree23418cb73a10ae3b0688681a7f0ba9b06424583e /src/CuTNetLib/.svn/text-base/
First commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/CuTNetLib/.svn/text-base/')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/CuTNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/CuTNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e245699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CuTNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+//#include <locale>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <list>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "cuNetwork.h"
+#include "cuDiscreteLinearity.h"
+#include "cuSharedLinearity.h"
+#include "cuSparseLinearity.h"
+#include "cuRbm.h"
+#include "cuRbmSparse.h"
+#include "cuRecurrent.h"
+#include "cuBlockArray.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ ReadNetwork(const char* pSrc)
+ {
+ std::ifstream in(pSrc);
+ if(!in.good()) {
+ Error(std::string("Error, cannot read model: ")+pSrc);
+ }
+ ReadNetwork(in);
+ in.close();
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ WriteNetwork(const char* pDst)
+ {
+ std::ofstream out(pDst);
+ if(!out.good()) {
+ Error(std::string("Error, cannot write model: ")+pDst);
+ }
+ WriteNetwork(out);
+ out.close();
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ ReadNetwork(std::istream& rIn)
+ {
+ //get the network elements from a factory
+ CuComponent *pComp;
+ while(NULL != (pComp = ComponentFactory(rIn))) {
+ mNetComponents.push_back(pComp);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ WriteNetwork(std::ostream& rOut)
+ {
+ //dump all the componetns
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNetComponents.begin(); it!=mNetComponents.end(); ++it) {
+ ComponentDumper(rOut, **it);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ SetLearnRate(BaseFloat learnRate, const char* pLearnRateFactors)
+ {
+ //parse the learn rate factors: "0.1:0.5:0.6:1.0" to std::list
+ std::list<BaseFloat> lr_factors;
+ if(NULL != pLearnRateFactors) {
+ //replace ':' by ' '
+ std::string str(pLearnRateFactors);
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ while((pos = str.find(':',pos)) != std::string::npos) str[pos] = ' ';
+ while((pos = str.find(',',pos)) != std::string::npos) str[pos] = ' ';
+ //parse to std::list
+ std::istringstream is(str);
+ is >> std::skipws;
+ BaseFloat f;
+ while(!is.eof()) {
+ if(!(is >> f).fail()) { lr_factors.push_back(f); }
+ else break;
+ }
+ }
+ //initialize rate factors iterator
+ BaseFloat scale = 1.0f;
+ //store global learning rate
+ mGlobLearnRate = learnRate;
+ mpLearnRateFactors = pLearnRateFactors;
+ //give scaled learning rate to components
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ bool stopper_given = false;
+ for(it=mNetComponents.begin(); it!=mNetComponents.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ //get next scale factor
+ if(NULL != pLearnRateFactors) {
+ if(!(lr_factors.size() > 0)) {
+ Error("Too few learninig rate scale factors");
+ }
+ scale = lr_factors.front();
+ lr_factors.pop_front();
+ }
+ //set scaled learning rate to the component
+ dynamic_cast<CuUpdatableComponent*>(*it)->LearnRate(learnRate*scale);
+ //set the stopper component for backpropagation
+ if(!stopper_given && (learnRate*scale > 0.0)) {
+ mpPropagErrorStopper = *it; stopper_given = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(lr_factors.size() > 0) {
+ Error("Too much learninig rate scale factors");
+ }
+ }
+ BaseFloat
+ CuNetwork::
+ GetLearnRate()
+ {
+ return mGlobLearnRate;
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ PrintLearnRate()
+ {
+ assert(mNetComponents.size() > 0);
+ std::cout << "Learning rate: global " << mGlobLearnRate;
+ std::cout << " components' ";
+ for(size_t i=0; i<mNetComponents.size(); i++) {
+ if(mNetComponents[i]->IsUpdatable()) {
+ std::cout << " " << dynamic_cast<CuUpdatableComponent*>(mNetComponents[i])->LearnRate();
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << "\n" << std::flush;
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ SetMomentum(BaseFloat momentum)
+ {
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNetComponents.begin(); it!=mNetComponents.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ dynamic_cast<CuUpdatableComponent*>(*it)->Momentum(momentum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ SetWeightcost(BaseFloat weightcost)
+ {
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNetComponents.begin(); it!=mNetComponents.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ dynamic_cast<CuUpdatableComponent*>(*it)->Weightcost(weightcost);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ SetL1(BaseFloat l1)
+ {
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNetComponents.begin(); it!=mNetComponents.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->GetType() == CuComponent::SPARSE_LINEARITY) {
+ dynamic_cast<CuSparseLinearity*>(*it)->L1(l1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ SetGradDivFrm(bool div)
+ {
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNetComponents.begin(); it!=mNetComponents.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ dynamic_cast<CuUpdatableComponent*>(*it)->GradDivFrm(div);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CuComponent*
+ CuNetwork::
+ ComponentFactory(std::istream& rIn)
+ {
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ if(rIn.eof()) return NULL;
+ CuComponent* pRet=NULL;
+ CuComponent* pPred=NULL;
+ std::string componentTag;
+ size_t nInputs, nOutputs;
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ rIn >> componentTag;
+ if(componentTag == "") return NULL; //nothing left in the file
+ //make it lowercase
+ std::transform(componentTag.begin(), componentTag.end(),
+ componentTag.begin(), tolower);
+ if(componentTag[0] != '<' || componentTag[componentTag.size()-1] != '>') {
+ Error(std::string("Invalid component tag:")+componentTag);
+ }
+ //the 'endblock' tag terminates the network
+ if(componentTag == "<endblock>") return NULL;
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ rIn >> nOutputs;
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ rIn >> nInputs;
+ assert(nInputs > 0 && nOutputs > 0);
+ //make coupling with predecessor
+ if(mNetComponents.size() != 0) {
+ pPred = mNetComponents.back();
+ }
+ //array with list of component tags
+ static const std::string TAGS[] = {
+ "<biasedlinearity>",
+ "<discretelinearity>",
+ "<sharedlinearity>",
+ "<sparselinearity>",
+ "<rbm>",
+ "<rbmsparse>",
+ "<recurrent>",
+ "<softmax>",
+ "<sigmoid>",
+ "<expand>",
+ "<copy>",
+ "<transpose>",
+ "<blocklinearity>",
+ "<bias>",
+ "<window>",
+ "<log>",
+ "<blockarray>",
+ };
+ static const int n_tags = sizeof(TAGS) / sizeof(TAGS[0]);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<n_tags; i++) {
+ if(componentTag == TAGS[i]) break;
+ }
+ //switch according to position in array TAGS
+ switch(i) {
+ case 0: pRet = new CuBiasedLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 1: pRet = new CuDiscreteLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 2: pRet = new CuSharedLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 3: pRet = new CuSparseLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 4: pRet = new CuRbm(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 5: pRet = new CuRbmSparse(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 6: pRet = new CuRecurrent(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 7: pRet = new CuSoftmax(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 8: pRet = new CuSigmoid(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 9: pRet = new CuExpand(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 10: pRet = new CuCopy(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 11: pRet = new CuTranspose(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 12: pRet = new CuBlockLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 13: pRet = new CuBias(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 14: pRet = new CuWindow(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 15: pRet = new CuLog(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 16: pRet = new CuBlockArray(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ default: Error(std::string("Unknown Component tag:")+componentTag);
+ }
+ //read components content
+ pRet->ReadFromStream(rIn);
+ //return
+ return pRet;
+ }
+ void
+ CuNetwork::
+ ComponentDumper(std::ostream& rOut, CuComponent& rComp)
+ {
+ //use tags of all the components; or the identification codes
+ //array with list of component tags
+ static const CuComponent::ComponentType TYPES[] = {
+ CuComponent::RBM,
+ CuComponent::RBM_SPARSE,
+ CuComponent::RECURRENT,
+ CuComponent::SIGMOID,
+ CuComponent::SOFTMAX,
+ CuComponent::EXPAND,
+ CuComponent::COPY,
+ CuComponent::TRANSPOSE,
+ CuComponent::BIAS,
+ CuComponent::WINDOW,
+ CuComponent::LOG,
+ CuComponent::BLOCK_ARRAY,
+ };
+ static const std::string TAGS[] = {
+ "<biasedlinearity>",
+ "<discretelinearity>",
+ "<sharedlinearity>",
+ "<sparselinearity>",
+ "<rbm>",
+ "<rbmsparse>",
+ "<recurrent>",
+ "<sigmoid>",
+ "<softmax>",
+ "<expand>",
+ "<copy>",
+ "<transpose>",
+ "<blocklinearity>",
+ "<bias>",
+ "<window>",
+ "<log>",
+ "<blockarray>",
+ };
+ static const int MAX = sizeof TYPES / sizeof TYPES[0];
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<MAX; ++i) {
+ if(TYPES[i] == rComp.GetType()) break;
+ }
+ if(i == MAX) Error("Unknown ComponentType");
+ //dump the component tag
+ rOut << TAGS[i] << " "
+ << rComp.GetNOutputs() << " "
+ << rComp.GetNInputs() << std::endl;
+ //write components content
+ rComp.WriteToStream(rOut);
+ }
+} //namespace