From cccccbf6cca94a3eaf813b4468453160e91c332b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joe Zhao <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 08:14:45 +0800
Subject: First commit

 src/CuBaseLib/.svn/text-base/ | 574 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 574 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/CuBaseLib/.svn/text-base/

(limited to 'src/CuBaseLib/.svn/text-base/')

diff --git a/src/CuBaseLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/CuBaseLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d718324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CuBaseLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+#include "cumath.h"
+#include "cukernels.h"
+namespace TNet {
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //// CuMath<> Template specializations (float)
+  ////
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::Sigmoid(CuMatrix<float>& Y, const CuMatrix<float>& X)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(X.Cols(),CUBLOCK), n_blocks(X.Rows(), CUBLOCK));
+    cudaF_sigmoid(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::DiffSigmoid(CuMatrix<float>& Eout, const CuMatrix<float>& Ein, const CuMatrix<float>& Y)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Eout.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(Eout.Rows(),CUBLOCK));
+    cudaF_diff_sigmoid(dimGrid, dimBlock, Eout.pCUData(), Ein.pCUData(), Y.pCUData(), Eout.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::Softmax(CuMatrix<float>& Y, const CuMatrix<float>& X)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+#if 0
+    //disable 'reduce' functions
+    size_t dimBlock = CUBLOCK;
+    size_t dimGrid  = n_blocks(X.Rows(),CUBLOCK);
+    cudaF_softmax(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    if(X.Cols() > 256) {
+      //use old implementation (can't use reduction due to 
+      //limited size of shared memory)
+      size_t dimBlock = CUBLOCK;
+      size_t dimGrid  = n_blocks(X.Rows(),CUBLOCK);
+      cudaF_softmax(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), X.Dim());
+      cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    } else {
+      //use implementation with reduction
+      dim3 dimBlock(X.Cols(),1);
+      dim3 dimGrid(1,X.Rows());
+      cudaF_softmax_reduce(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), X.Dim());
+      cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    }
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::BlockLinearity(CuMatrix<float>& Y, const CuMatrix<float>& X, const CuMatrix<float>& block_transf)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(Y.Rows() == X.Rows());
+    assert((X.Cols() % block_transf.Rows()) == 0);
+    assert((Y.Cols() % block_transf.Cols()) == 0);
+    assert((X.Cols() / block_transf.Rows()) == (Y.Cols() / block_transf.Cols()));
+    int blocks = X.Cols() / block_transf.Rows();
+    for(int i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
+      int m = block_transf.Cols();
+      int n = X.Rows();
+      int k = block_transf.Rows();
+      /*
+      std::cout << "N N " << m << " " << n << " " << k << " " 
+                << 1.0 << " " << block_transf << " " << block_transf.Stride() 
+                << " " << X+i*k << " " << X.Stride() << " " 
+                << 0.0 << " " << Y+i*n << " " << Y.Stride() 
+                << "\n" << std::flush;
+      */
+      cublasSgemm('N', 'N', m, n, k, 
+                  1.0, block_transf.pCUData(), block_transf.Stride(), 
+                  X.pCUData()+i*k, X.Stride(), 
+                  0.0, Y.pCUData()+i*m, Y.Stride());
+    }
+    cuSafeCall(cublasGetError());    
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::Expand(CuMatrix<float>& Y, const CuMatrix<float>& X, const CuVector<int>& frameOffsets)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(Y.Rows() == X.Rows());
+    assert(X.Cols() * frameOffsets.Dim() == Y.Cols());
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Y.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(Y.Rows(),CUBLOCK));
+    cudaF_expand(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), frameOffsets.pCUData(), Y.Dim(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::Rearrange(CuMatrix<float>& Y, const CuMatrix<float>& X, const CuVector<int>& copyFrom)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(copyFrom.Dim() == Y.Cols());
+    assert(Y.Rows() == X.Rows());
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Y.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(Y.Rows(),CUBLOCK));
+    cudaF_rearrange(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), copyFrom.pCUData(), Y.Dim(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::Randomize(CuMatrix<float>& Y, const CuMatrix<float>& X, const CuVector<int>& copyFrom)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(X.Cols() == Y.Cols());
+    assert(X.Rows() == Y.Rows());
+    assert(copyFrom.Dim() <= Y.Rows());
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Y.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(copyFrom.Dim(),CUBLOCK));
+    MatrixDim dimX = X.Dim(); dimX.rows=copyFrom.Dim();
+    MatrixDim dimY = Y.Dim(); dimY.rows=copyFrom.Dim();
+    cudaF_randomize(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), copyFrom.pCUData(), dimY, dimX);
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::CheckClass(const CuMatrix<float>& out, const CuMatrix<float> &des, CuVector<int>& match)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(out.Cols() == des.Cols());
+    assert(out.Rows() == des.Rows());
+    assert(out.Stride() == des.Stride());
+    assert(match.Dim() == out.Rows());
+    if(out.Cols() > 256) {
+      size_t dimBlock = CUBLOCK;
+      size_t dimGrid = n_blocks(out.Rows(),CUBLOCK);
+      cudaF_check_class(dimGrid, dimBlock, out.pCUData(), des.pCUData(), match.pCUData(), out.Dim());
+      cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    } else {
+      dim3 dimBlock(out.Cols(),1);
+      dim3 dimGrid(1,out.Rows());
+      cudaF_check_class_reduce(dimGrid, dimBlock, out.pCUData(), des.pCUData(), match.pCUData(), out.Dim());
+      cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    }
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::OffsetGemm(char transA, char transB, float alpha, const CuMatrix<float>& A, const CuMatrix<float>& B, float beta, CuMatrix<float>& C, int offA, int offB, int offC)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    // CUBLAS is col major, TNet is row major
+    // keep trans..., just swap A&B argumets: A->B B->A
+    //
+    // WARNING
+    //m,n,k is cublas m,n,k
+    size_t m = ((transB=='T' || transB=='t')? B.Rows() : B.Cols()); 
+    size_t n = ((transA=='T' || transA=='t')? A.Cols() : A.Rows());
+    size_t k = ((transB=='T' || transB=='t')? B.Cols() : B.Rows());
+    size_t k1 = ((transA=='T' || transA=='t')? A.Rows() : A.Cols());
+    k = ((k<k1)?k:k1);
+    m = ((m<C.Cols())?m:C.Cols());
+    n = ((n<C.Rows())?m:C.Rows());
+#if 0
+    std::cout << "A " << transA << " "<< A.Rows() << " " << A.Cols() << " " << A.Stride() << " " << offA
+         << "; B " << transB << " "<< B.Rows() << " " << B.Cols() << " " << B.Stride() << " " << offB
+         << "; C " << C.Rows() << " " << C.Cols() << " " << C.Stride() << " " << offC
+         << "; alpha" << alpha << " beta" << beta << " REALmnk:" << m <<" "<< n <<" "<< k << std::endl;
+    cublasSgemm(transB, transA, m, n, k, 
+                alpha, B.pCUData()+offB, B.Stride(), 
+                A.pCUData()+offA, A.Stride(), 
+                beta, C.pCUData()+offC, C.Stride());
+    cuSafeCall(cublasGetError());    
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::Gemv(char trans, float alpha, const CuMatrix<float>& A, const float* x, size_t dimX, float beta, float* y, size_t dimY)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    // CUBLAS is col major, TNet is row major
+    // y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y,
+    size_t m = A.Cols(); //m..rows of A in colmajor (== cols in rowmajor)
+    size_t n = A.Rows(); //n..cols of A in colmajor (== rows in rowmajor)
+    // switch the trans parameter!
+    char cu_trans;
+    if(trans == 't' || trans == 'T') {
+      cu_trans = 'n';
+    } else if (trans == 'n' || trans == 'N') {
+      cu_trans = 't';
+    } else {
+      Error(std::string("Unknown trans")+trans);
+    }
+    //check the dims
+    if(cu_trans == 'n') {
+      assert(dimX == n);
+      assert(dimY == m);
+    } else {
+      assert(dimX == m);
+      assert(dimY == n);
+    }
+    //run gemv
+    cublasSgemv(cu_trans,m,n,alpha,
+                A.pCUData(), A.Stride(), x, 1,
+                beta, y, 1);
+    cuSafeCall(cublasGetError());    
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  */
+  /**
+   * offsetY tells how many outputs of 'Ax' mutiplication is skipped at the beginning, 
+   */
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::OffsetGemv(char trans, float alpha, const CuMatrix<float>& A, const float* x, size_t dimX, float beta, float* y, size_t dimY, size_t offsetY)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    // CUBLAS is col major, TNet is row major
+    // y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y,
+    size_t m = A.Cols(); //m..rows of A in colmajor (== cols in rowmajor)
+    size_t n = A.Rows(); //n..cols of A in colmajor (== rows in rowmajor)
+    // switch the trans parameter!
+    char cu_trans;
+    if(trans == 't' || trans == 'T') {
+      cu_trans = 'n';
+    } else if (trans == 'n' || trans == 'N') {
+      cu_trans = 't';
+    } else {
+      Error(std::string("Unknown trans")+trans);
+    }
+    // select part of matrix for compute
+    size_t cu_offset = 0;
+    if(cu_trans == 'n') {
+      cu_offset += offsetY;
+      assert(m >= dimY+offsetY);
+      m = dimY;
+    } else {
+      cu_offset += offsetY*A.Stride();
+      assert(n >= dimY+offsetY);
+      n = dimY;
+    }
+    //check the dims
+    if(cu_trans == 'n') {
+      assert(dimX == n);
+      assert(dimY == m);
+    } else {
+      assert(dimX == m);
+      assert(dimY == n);
+    }
+    //run gemv
+    cublasSgemv(cu_trans,m,n,alpha,
+                A.pCUData()+cu_offset, A.Stride(), x, 1,
+                beta, y, 1);
+    cuSafeCall(cublasGetError());    
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::BlasGer(float alpha, const float* x, size_t dimX, const float* y, size_t dimY, CuMatrix<float>& A) {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    // CUBLAS is col major, TNet is row major
+    // -> switch x and y
+    // A = alpha * x * transpose(y) + A,
+    assert(dimX == A.Rows());
+    assert(dimY == A.Cols());
+    size_t m = A.Cols(); //m..rows of A in colmajor (== cols in rowmajor)
+    size_t n = A.Rows(); //n..cols of A in colmajor (== rows in rowmajor)
+    cublasSger(m,n,alpha,y,1,x,1,A.pCUData(),A.Stride()); 
+    cuSafeCall(cublasGetError());    
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::VecExpand(const CuVector<float>&in, CuVector<float>&out)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(out.Dim() % in.Dim() == 0);
+    int n_copies = out.Dim()/in.Dim();
+    CuVector<int> offsets(n_copies);
+    //offsets.SetConst(0); done implicitly!
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(out.Dim(), CUBLOCK));
+    MatrixDim dim_in = { 1, in.Dim(), in.Dim() };
+    MatrixDim dim_out = { 1, out.Dim(), out.Dim() };
+    cudaF_expand(dimGrid, dimBlock, out.pCUData(), in.pCUData(), offsets.pCUData(), dim_out, dim_in);
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<float>::VecAddColSum(float alpha, const CuVector<float>&in, float beta, CuVector<float>&out)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(in.Dim() % out.Dim() == 0);
+    size_t dimBlock = CUBLOCK;
+    size_t dimGrid = n_blocks(out.Dim(),CUBLOCK); 
+    MatrixDim dim = { in.Dim()/out.Dim(), out.Dim(), out.Dim() };
+    cudaF_add_col_sum(dimGrid,dimBlock,alpha,in.pCUData(),beta,out.pCUData(),dim);
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //// CuMath<> Template specializations (double)
+  ////
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::Sigmoid(CuMatrix<double>& Y, const CuMatrix<double>& X)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(X.Cols(),CUBLOCK), n_blocks(X.Rows(), CUBLOCK));
+    cudaD_sigmoid(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::DiffSigmoid(CuMatrix<double>& Eout, const CuMatrix<double>& Ein, const CuMatrix<double>& Y)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Eout.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(Eout.Rows(),CUBLOCK));
+    cudaD_diff_sigmoid(dimGrid, dimBlock, Eout.pCUData(), Ein.pCUData(), Y.pCUData(), Eout.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::Softmax(CuMatrix<double>& Y, const CuMatrix<double>& X)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    size_t dimBlock = CUBLOCK;
+    size_t dimGrid  = n_blocks(X.Rows(),CUBLOCK);
+    cudaD_softmax(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::BlockLinearity(CuMatrix<double>& Y, const CuMatrix<double>& X, const CuMatrix<double>& block_transf)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(Y.Rows() == X.Rows());
+    assert((X.Cols() % block_transf.Rows()) == 0);
+    assert((Y.Cols() % block_transf.Cols()) == 0);
+    assert((X.Cols() / block_transf.Rows()) == (Y.Cols() / block_transf.Cols()));
+    int blocks = X.Cols() / block_transf.Rows();
+    for(int i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
+      int m = block_transf.Cols();
+      int n = X.Rows();
+      int k = block_transf.Rows();
+      /*
+      std::cout << "N N " << m << " " << n << " " << k << " " 
+                << 1.0 << " " << block_transf << " " << block_transf.Stride() 
+                << " " << X+i*k << " " << X.Stride() << " " 
+                << 0.0 << " " << Y+i*n << " " << Y.Stride() 
+                << "\n" << std::flush;
+      */
+      cublasDgemm('N', 'N', m, n, k, 
+                  1.0, block_transf.pCUData(), block_transf.Stride(), 
+                  X.pCUData()+i*k, X.Stride(), 
+                  0.0, Y.pCUData()+i*m, Y.Stride());
+    }
+    cuSafeCall(cublasGetError());    
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::Expand(CuMatrix<double>& Y, const CuMatrix<double>& X, const CuVector<int>& frameOffsets)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(Y.Rows() == X.Rows());
+    assert(X.Cols() * frameOffsets.Dim() == Y.Cols());
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Y.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(Y.Rows(),CUBLOCK));
+    cudaD_expand(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), frameOffsets.pCUData(), Y.Dim(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::Rearrange(CuMatrix<double>& Y, const CuMatrix<double>& X, const CuVector<int>& copyFrom)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(copyFrom.Dim() == Y.Cols());
+    assert(Y.Rows() == X.Rows());
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Y.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(Y.Rows(),CUBLOCK));
+    cudaD_rearrange(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), copyFrom.pCUData(), Y.Dim(), X.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::Randomize(CuMatrix<double>& Y, const CuMatrix<double>& X, const CuVector<int>& copyFrom)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(X.Cols() == Y.Cols());
+    assert(X.Rows() == Y.Rows());
+    assert(copyFrom.Dim() <= Y.Rows());
+    dim3 dimBlock(CUBLOCK,CUBLOCK);
+    dim3 dimGrid(n_blocks(Y.Cols(), CUBLOCK), n_blocks(copyFrom.Dim(),CUBLOCK));
+    MatrixDim dimX = X.Dim(); dimX.rows=copyFrom.Dim();
+    MatrixDim dimY = Y.Dim(); dimY.rows=copyFrom.Dim();
+    cudaD_randomize(dimGrid, dimBlock, Y.pCUData(), X.pCUData(), copyFrom.pCUData(), dimY, dimX);
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
+  template<>
+  void CuMath<double>::CheckClass(const CuMatrix<double>& out, const CuMatrix<double> &des, CuVector<int>& match)
+  {
+    Timer tim; tim.Start();
+    assert(out.Cols() == des.Cols());
+    assert(out.Rows() == des.Rows());
+    assert(out.Stride() == des.Stride());
+    assert(match.Dim() == out.Rows());
+    size_t dimBlock = CUBLOCK;
+    size_t dimGrid = n_blocks(out.Rows(),CUBLOCK);
+    cudaD_check_class(dimGrid, dimBlock, out.pCUData(), des.pCUData(), match.pCUData(), out.Dim());
+    cuSafeCall(cudaGetLastError());
+    tim.End(); CuDevice::Instantiate().AccuProfile(__func__,tim.Val());
+  }
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2