#ifndef _CUMATRIX_H_ #define _CUMATRIX_H_ #include <sstream> #include "Matrix.h" #include "cukernels.h" namespace TNet { template<typename _ElemT> class CuVector; /** * \brief Matrix for CUDA computing */ template<typename _ElemT> class CuMatrix { typedef CuMatrix<_ElemT> ThisType; public: /// Default Constructor CuMatrix<_ElemT>() : mRows(0), mCols(0), mStride(0), mpCUData(NULL) { } /// Constructor with memory initialisation CuMatrix<_ElemT>(size_t rows, size_t cols) : mRows(0), mCols(0), mStride(0), mpCUData(NULL) { Init(rows, cols); } /// Destructor ~CuMatrix() { Destroy(); } /// Dimensions size_t Rows() const { return mRows; } size_t Cols() const { return mCols; } size_t Stride() const { return mStride; } ::MatrixDim Dim() const { ::MatrixDim d = { static_cast<int>(mRows), static_cast<int>(mCols), static_cast<int>(mStride) }; return d; } /// Get raw pointer const _ElemT* pCUData() const { return mpCUData; } _ElemT* pCUData() { return mpCUData; } /// Get raw row pointer const _ElemT* pCURowData(size_t r) const { assert(r < Rows()); return mpCUData+r*mStride; } _ElemT* pCURowData(size_t r) { assert(r < Rows()); return mpCUData+r*mStride; } /// Get size of matrix in bytes size_t MSize() const { return mRows*mStride*sizeof(_ElemT); } /// Get size of matrix row in bytes size_t MRowSize() const { return mStride*sizeof(_ElemT); } /// Allocate the memory ThisType& Init(size_t rows, size_t cols); /// Deallocate the memory void Destroy(); /// Copy functions (reallocates when needed) ThisType& CopyFrom(const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& rSrc); ThisType& CopyFrom(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rSrc); Matrix<_ElemT>& CopyTo(Matrix<_ElemT>& rDst) const; /// Copy rowCnt rows from rSrc, starting by row srcOri, /// copying to memory block starting by row dstOri void CopyRows(size_t rowCnt, size_t srcOri, const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& rSrc, size_t dstOri); /// Copy colCnt columns from rSrc, starting by col srcOri, /// copying to memory block starting by row dstOri void CopyCols(size_t colCnt, size_t srcOri, const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& rSrc, size_t dstOri); // Math operations, some calling kernels // void SetZero(); void SetConst(_ElemT value) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// Natural Logarithm of every elements void ApplyLog() { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// Setting values to zero if mask[i][j]==0 void ApplyMask(const CuMatrix<BaseFloat>& mask) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /** * \brief Apply Lasso function * * \param l1 \f$ L^1 \_ Norm \f$ function parameter * * Lasso: \f[ Y_{ij} = \left\{ * \begin{array}{lr} * X_{ij} + l1 & , X_{ij} < -l1 \\ * 0 & , |X_{ij}| \le l1 \\ * X_{ij} - l1 & , X_{ij} > -l1 * \end{array} * \right. \f] */ void ApplyL1(BaseFloat l1) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// scale i'th column by scale[i] void ScaleCols(const CuVector<_ElemT>& scale) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// scale i'th row by scale[i] void ScaleRows(const CuVector<_ElemT>& scale) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// B = aplha * A + beta * B void AddScaled(_ElemT alpha, const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& A, _ElemT beta) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// B = aplha * row + beta * B void AddScaledRow(_ElemT alpha, const CuVector<_ElemT>& row, _ElemT beta) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// C = alpha * A(^T)*B(^T) + beta * C void Gemm(char transa, char transb, _ElemT alpha, const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& A, const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& B, _ElemT beta) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// A = alpha * x*y^T + A void BlasGer(_ElemT alpha, const CuVector<_ElemT>& x, const CuVector<_ElemT>& y) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// Multiply two matrices elementhwise: C = A .* C void MulElem(const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& A) { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } /// A = log(A) void LogElem() { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); } void Print() const { Matrix<_ElemT> mat(Rows(),Cols()); CopyTo(mat); std::cout << mat; } void CheckData() { Matrix<_ElemT> mat; CopyTo(mat); for(size_t i=0; i<Rows(); i++) { for(size_t j=0; j<Cols(); j++) { if(std::isnan(mat(i,j)) || std::isinf(mat(i,j))) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Invalid value:" << mat(i,j) << "at row"<<i<<" col"<<j<<"\n"; Error(os.str()); } } } } private: size_t mRows; size_t mCols; size_t mStride; _ElemT* mpCUData; }; /// Prints the matrix dimensions and pointer to stream template<typename _ElemT> inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const CuMatrix<_ElemT>& mat) { out << "[CUMATRIX R" << mat.Rows() << " C" << mat.Cols() << " S" << mat.Stride() << " PTR" << mat.pCUData() << "]" << std::flush; return out; } } #include "cumatrix.tcc" #endif