#ifndef TNet_Matrix_h #define TNet_Matrix_h #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> #ifdef HAVE_ATLAS extern "C"{ #include <cblas.h> #include <clapack.h> } #endif #include "Common.h" #include "MathAux.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Error.h" //#define TRACE_MATRIX_OPERATIONS #define CHECKSIZE namespace TNet { // class matrix_error : public std::logic_error {}; // class matrix_sizes_error : public matrix_error {}; // declare the class so the header knows about it template<typename _ElemT> class Vector; template<typename _ElemT> class SubVector; template<typename _ElemT> class Matrix; template<typename _ElemT> class SubMatrix; // we need to declare the friend << operator here template<typename _ElemT> std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & rOut, const Matrix<_ElemT> & rM); // we need to declare the friend << operator here template<typename _ElemT> std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & rIn, Matrix<_ElemT> & rM); // we need to declare this friend function here template<typename _ElemT> _ElemT TraceOfProduct(const Matrix<_ElemT> &A, const Matrix<_ElemT> &B); // tr(A B) // we need to declare this friend function here template<typename _ElemT> _ElemT TraceOfProductT(const Matrix<_ElemT> &A, const Matrix<_ElemT> &B); // tr(A B^T)==tr(A^T B) /** ************************************************************************** ** ************************************************************************** * @brief Provides a matrix class * * This class provides a way to work with matrices in TNet. * It encapsulates basic operations and memory optimizations. * */ template<typename _ElemT> class Matrix { public: /// defines a transpose type struct HtkHeader { INT_32 mNSamples; INT_32 mSamplePeriod; INT_16 mSampleSize; UINT_16 mSampleKind; }; /** * @brief Extension of the HTK header */ struct HtkHeaderExt { INT_32 mHeaderSize; INT_32 mVersion; INT_32 mSampSize; }; /// defines a type of this typedef Matrix<_ElemT> ThisType; // Constructors /// Empty constructor Matrix<_ElemT> (): mpData(NULL), mMCols(0), mMRows(0), mStride(0) #ifdef STK_MEMALIGN_MANUAL , mpFreeData(NULL) #endif {} /// Copy constructor Matrix<_ElemT> (const Matrix<_ElemT> & rM, MatrixTrasposeType trans=NO_TRANS): mpData(NULL) { if(trans==NO_TRANS){ Init(rM.mMRows, rM.mMCols); Copy(rM); } else { Init(rM.mMCols,rM.mMRows); Copy(rM,TRANS); } } /// Copy constructor from another type. template<typename _ElemU> explicit Matrix<_ElemT> (const Matrix<_ElemU> & rM, MatrixTrasposeType trans=NO_TRANS): mpData(NULL) { if(trans==NO_TRANS){ Init(rM.Rows(), rM.Cols()); Copy(rM); } else { Init(rM.Cols(),rM.Rows()); Copy(rM,TRANS); } } /// Basic constructor Matrix(const size_t r, const size_t c, bool clear=true) { mpData=NULL; Init(r, c, clear); } Matrix<_ElemT> &operator = (const Matrix <_ElemT> &other) { Init(other.Rows(), other.Cols()); Copy(other); return *this; } // Needed for inclusion in std::vector /// Destructor ~Matrix() { Destroy(); } /// Initializes matrix (if not done by constructor) ThisType & Init(const size_t r, const size_t c, bool clear=true); /** * @brief Dealocates the matrix from memory and resets the dimensions to (0, 0) */ void Destroy(); ThisType & Zero(); ThisType & Unit(); // set to unit. /** * @brief Copies the contents of a matrix * @param rM Source data matrix * @return Returns reference to this */ template<typename _ElemU> ThisType & Copy(const Matrix<_ElemU> & rM, MatrixTrasposeType Trans=NO_TRANS); /** * @brief Copies the elements of a vector row-by-row into a matrix * @param rV Source vector * @param nRows Number of rows of returned matrix * @param nCols Number of columns of returned matrix * * Note that rV.Dim() must equal nRows*nCols */ ThisType & CopyVectorSplicedRows(const Vector<_ElemT> &rV, const size_t nRows, const size_t nCols); /** * @brief Returns @c true if matrix is initialized */ bool IsInitialized() const { return mpData != NULL; } /// Returns number of rows in the matrix inline size_t Rows() const { return mMRows; } /// Returns number of columns in the matrix inline size_t Cols() const { return mMCols; } /// Returns number of columns in the matrix memory inline size_t Stride() const { return mStride; } /** * @brief Gives access to a specified matrix row without range check * @return Pointer to the const array */ inline const _ElemT* __attribute__((aligned(16))) pData () const { return mpData; } /** * @brief Gives access to a specified matrix row without range check * @return Pointer to the non-const data array */ inline _ElemT* __attribute__((aligned(16))) pData () { return mpData; } /** * @brief pData_workaround is a workaround that allows SubMatrix to get a * @return pointer to non-const data even though the Matrix is const... */ protected: inline _ElemT* __attribute__((aligned(16))) pData_workaround () const { return mpData; } public: /// Returns size of matrix in memory size_t MSize() const { return mMRows * mStride * sizeof(_ElemT); } /// Checks the content of the matrix for nan and inf values void CheckData(const std::string file = "") const { for(size_t row=0; row<Rows(); row++) { for(size_t col=0; col<Cols(); col++) { if(isnan((*this)(row,col)) || isinf((*this)(row,col))) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Invalid value: " << (*this)(row,col) << " in matrix row: " << row << " col: " << col << " file: " << file; Error(os.str()); } } } } /** * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @defgroup RESHAPE Matrix reshaping rutines * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @{ */ /** * @brief Removes one row from the matrix. The memory is not reallocated. */ ThisType & RemoveRow(size_t i); /** @} */ /** * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @defgroup ACCESS Access functions and operators * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @{ */ /** * @brief Gives access to a specified matrix row without range check * @return Subvector object representing the row */ inline const SubVector<_ElemT> operator [] (size_t i) const { assert(i < mMRows); return SubVector<_ElemT>(mpData + (i * mStride), Cols()); } inline SubVector<_ElemT> operator [] (size_t i) { assert(i < mMRows); return SubVector<_ElemT>(mpData + (i * mStride), Cols()); } /** * @brief Gives access to a specified matrix row without range check * @return pointer to the first field of the row */ inline _ElemT* pRowData(size_t i) { assert(i < mMRows); return mpData + i * mStride; } /** * @brief Gives access to a specified matrix row without range check * @return pointer to the first field of the row (const version) */ inline const _ElemT* pRowData(size_t i) const { assert(i < mMRows); return mpData + i * mStride; } /** * @brief Gives access to matrix elements (row, col) * @return reference to the desired field */ inline _ElemT& operator () (size_t r, size_t c) { #ifdef PARANOID assert(r < mMRows && c < mMCols); #endif return *(mpData + r * mStride + c); } /** * @brief Gives access to matrix elements (row, col) * @return pointer to the desired field (const version) */ inline const _ElemT operator () (size_t r, size_t c) const { #ifdef PARANOID assert(r < mMRows && c < mMCols); #endif return *(mpData + r * mStride + c); } /** * @brief Returns a matrix sub-range * @param ro Row offset * @param r Rows in range * @param co Column offset * @param c Coluns in range * See @c SubMatrix class for details */ SubMatrix<_ElemT> Range(const size_t ro, const size_t r, const size_t co, const size_t c) { return SubMatrix<_ElemT>(*this, ro, r, co, c); } const SubMatrix<_ElemT> Range(const size_t ro, const size_t r, const size_t co, const size_t c) const { return SubMatrix<_ElemT>(*this, ro, r, co, c); } /** @} */ /** * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @defgroup MATH ROUTINES * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @{ **/ /** * @brief Returns sum of all elements */ _ElemT& Sum() const; ThisType & DotMul(const ThisType& a); ThisType & Scale(_ElemT alpha); ThisType & ScaleCols(const Vector<_ElemT> &scale); // Equivalent to (*this) = (*this) * diag(scale). ThisType & ScaleRows(const Vector<_ElemT> &scale); // Equivalent to (*this) = diag(scale) * (*this); /// Sum another matrix rMatrix with this matrix ThisType& Add(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rMatrix); /// Sum scaled matrix rMatrix with this matrix ThisType& AddScaled(_ElemT alpha, const Matrix<_ElemT>& rMatrix); /// Apply log to all items of the matrix ThisType& ApplyLog(); /** * @brief Computes the determinant of this matrix * @return Returns the determinant of a matrix * @ingroup MATH * */ _ElemT LogAbsDeterminant(_ElemT *DetSign=NULL); /** * @brief Performs matrix inplace inversion */ ThisType & Invert(_ElemT *LogDet=NULL, _ElemT *DetSign=NULL, bool inverse_needed=true); /** * @brief Performs matrix inplace inversion in double precision, even if this object is not double precision. */ ThisType & InvertDouble(_ElemT *LogDet=NULL, _ElemT *DetSign=NULL, bool inverse_needed=true){ double LogDet_tmp, DetSign_tmp; Matrix<double> dmat(*this); dmat.Invert(&LogDet_tmp, &DetSign_tmp, inverse_needed); if(inverse_needed) (*this).Copy(dmat); if(LogDet) *LogDet = LogDet_tmp; if(DetSign) *DetSign = DetSign_tmp; return *this; } /** * @brief Inplace matrix transposition. Applicable only to square matrices */ ThisType & Transpose() { assert(Rows()==Cols()); size_t M=Rows(); for(size_t i=0;i<M;i++) for(size_t j=0;j<i;j++){ _ElemT &a = (*this)(i,j), &b = (*this)(j,i); std::swap(a,b); } return *this; } bool IsSymmetric(_ElemT cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; bool IsDiagonal(_ElemT cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; bool IsUnit(_ElemT cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; bool IsZero(_ElemT cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; _ElemT FrobeniusNorm() const; // sqrt of sum of square elements. _ElemT LargestAbsElem() const; // largest absolute value. friend _ElemT TNet::TraceOfProduct<_ElemT>(const Matrix<_ElemT> &A, const Matrix<_ElemT> &B); // tr(A B) friend _ElemT TNet::TraceOfProductT<_ElemT>(const Matrix<_ElemT> &A, const Matrix<_ElemT> &B); // tr(A B^T)==tr(A^T B) friend class SubMatrix<_ElemT>; // so it can get around const restrictions on the pointer to mpData. /** ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @defgroup BLAS_ROUTINES BLAS ROUTINES * @ingroup MATH * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** **/ ThisType & BlasGer(const _ElemT alpha, const Vector<_ElemT>& rA, const Vector<_ElemT>& rB); ThisType & Axpy(const _ElemT alpha, const Matrix<_ElemT> &rM, MatrixTrasposeType transA=NO_TRANS); ThisType & BlasGemm(const _ElemT alpha, const ThisType& rA, MatrixTrasposeType transA, const ThisType& rB, MatrixTrasposeType transB, const _ElemT beta = 0.0); /** @} */ /** ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @defgroup IO Input/Output ROUTINES * ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * @{ **/ friend std::ostream & operator << <> (std::ostream & out, const ThisType & m); void PrintOut(char *file); void ReadIn(char *file); bool LoadHTK(const char* pFileName); /** @} */ protected: // inline void swap4b(void *a); // inline void swap2b(void *a); protected: /// data memory area _ElemT* mpData; /// these atributes store the real matrix size as it is stored in memory /// including memalignment size_t mMCols; ///< Number of columns size_t mMRows; ///< Number of rows size_t mStride; ///< true number of columns for the internal matrix. ///< This number may differ from M_cols as memory ///< alignment might be used #ifdef STK_MEMALIGN_MANUAL /// data to be freed (in case of manual memalignment use, see Common.h) _ElemT* mpFreeData; #endif }; // class Matrix template<> Matrix<float> & Matrix<float>::Invert(float *LogDet, float *DetSign, bool inverse_needed); // state that we will implement separately for float and double. template<> Matrix<double> & Matrix<double>::Invert(double *LogDet, double *DetSign, bool inverse_needed); /** ************************************************************************** ** ************************************************************************** * @brief Sub-matrix representation * * This class provides a way to work with matrix cutouts in STK. * * */ template<typename _ElemT> class SubMatrix : public Matrix<_ElemT> { typedef SubMatrix<_ElemT> ThisType; public: /// Constructor SubMatrix(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rT, // Input matrix cannot be const because SubMatrix can change its contents. const size_t ro, const size_t r, const size_t co, const size_t c); /// The destructor ~SubMatrix<_ElemT>() { #ifndef STK_MEMALIGN_MANUAL Matrix<_ElemT>::mpData = NULL; #else Matrix<_ElemT>::mpFreeData = NULL; #endif } /// Assign operator ThisType& operator=(const ThisType& rSrc) { //std::cout << "[PERFORMing operator= SubMatrix&^2]" << std::flush; this->mpData = rSrc.mpData; this->mMCols = rSrc.mMCols; this->mMRows = rSrc.mMRows; this->mStride = rSrc.mStride; this->mpFreeData = rSrc.mpFreeData; return *this; } /// Initializes matrix (if not done by constructor) ThisType & Init(const size_t r, const size_t c, bool clear=true) { Error("Submatrix cannot do Init"); return *this; } /** * @brief Dealocates the matrix from memory and resets the dimensions to (0, 0) */ void Destroy() { Error("Submatrix cannot do Destroy"); } }; //Create useful shortcuts typedef Matrix<BaseFloat> BfMatrix; typedef SubMatrix<BaseFloat> BfSubMatrix; /** * Function for summing matrices of different types */ template<typename _ElemT, typename _ElemU> void Add(Matrix<_ElemT>& rDst, const Matrix<_ElemU>& rSrc) { assert(rDst.Cols() == rSrc.Cols()); assert(rDst.Rows() == rSrc.Rows()); for(size_t i=0; i<rDst.Rows(); i++) { const _ElemU* p_src = rSrc.pRowData(i); _ElemT* p_dst = rDst.pRowData(i); for(size_t j=0; j<rDst.Cols(); j++) { *p_dst++ += (_ElemT)*p_src++; } } } /** * Function for summing matrices of different types */ template<typename _ElemT, typename _ElemU> void AddScaled(Matrix<_ElemT>& rDst, const Matrix<_ElemU>& rSrc, _ElemT scale) { assert(rDst.Cols() == rSrc.Cols()); assert(rDst.Rows() == rSrc.Rows()); Vector<_ElemT> tmp(rDst[0]); for(size_t i=0; i<rDst.Rows(); i++) { tmp.Copy(rSrc[i]); rDst[i].BlasAxpy(scale, tmp); /* const _ElemU* p_src = rSrc.pRowData(i); _ElemT* p_dst = rDst.pRowData(i); for(size_t j=0; j<rDst.Cols(); j++) { *p_dst++ += (_ElemT)(*p_src++) * scale; } */ } } } // namespace STK //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // we need to include the implementation #include "Matrix.tcc" //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** /****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** * The following section contains specialized template definitions * whose implementation is in Matrix.cc */ //#ifndef TNet_Matrix_h #endif